• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 1,420 Views, 37 Comments

Hope / An Unexpected Ally - brandsca123

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It Begins

Chapter 11
It Begins

Down in the everfree three figures walked out into a clearing. Flora, Matsu, and Lumin started to set up camp. Lumin placed a silver cube down on the ground and stood back as it started to expand. what came out was a large metallic bunker. Inside was a working station complete with a holoscreen projecter and scouts, all lined up and ready to be activated in times of war.

"Lumin, Matsu you two can do your thing while I do mine." Flora said as she started to walk away from the camp. "Xorn gave me a mission and I expect it to be completed by days end."

Flora then disappeared into the forist leaving Lumin and Matsu alone. Matsu walked towards the edge of the clearing.

"Lumin, while you do your info gathering I will be ruffing up the town a bit." Matsu punched his fist into the other hand.

"Matsu do try to remember that we are supposed to be gathering energy samples for experiments." Lumin said, but Matsu had already disappeared. Lumin sighed and took the egg like object out of his pocket, and placed it on the table in front of him.

( Remember these words well. When you land in equstria I want you to open this pod, inside is an instrument that I believe might be able to help you. It is a demon flute that goes by the name Lullaby. When all else seems lost I want you to place it in the ground to summon him. ) Lumin remembered the words the voice told him back on the ship. He opened up the pod and pulled out a wooden flute. The bottom of the flute had four spikes that resembled legs sticking out from the edge. The top of the flute was a three eyed skull, The sockets glowed with an eerie light and sent chills down his spine. He placed it aside and then proceeded to turn on the computer screen to start collecting data.


Pinkie Pie and jane had finished their hug and were now walking to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie had invited Jane to stay with her, as he had no home yet. She was bouncing up and down happily as they walked.

"Your going to love it at my place Jane, though it really isn't my place it belongs to the Cakes, I only stay and work their." Pinkie was bouncing around Jane as she said this. He was starting to feel a bit nervous around the pink pony, but quickly put that out of his mind. They got to Sugarcube Corner and opened the front door.

"Mr and Miss's Cake I brought a friend." Pinkie said as a large mare with swirly hair walked in, she had a baby unicorn colt on one side of her and a baby peggasus on the other. Her jaw drooped when she saw Jane, who waved hello to her. Mr. Cake strolled out from the kitchen with a plate of Pinkie's special cupcakes, but dropped them when he saw Jane. The cupcakes exploded when they hit the floor, splattering frosting all over the place. Jane could sense the tension in the air and slowly backed out the door.

"No no silly in here." Pinkie said as she dragged jane back in. Mr. Cake spoke up.

"Uhhhh, Pinkie what's that." He pointed a hoof at Jane, who proceeded to glare at him in anoyance.

"It's starting to get tiresome having others point and stare at me." He whispered in Pinkies ear.

"This is Jane, though please don't point and stare he hates that." Pinkie said.

"Welll uhh.....okay Pinkie but if your planning on keeping him, he isn't aloud on the furniture." Mr. Cake said. This was the last straw for Jane as he stood upright and tried to look intimidating.

"I'm not some animal off the street you cur." Janes hands went ablaze to show how angry he was, the ground seemed to shake as he spoke. Pinkie seemed to notice this and quickly brought out a bucket of water from somewhere and put out the magic flames on his hands. It was short lived though as they went ablaze again.

"Ri...right your not a pet I'm sorry." Mr. Cake was cowaring in fear at the sight of Janes anger. Jane sensed this and quickly put out the flames and calmed down. The Cakes let out a sigh of relief and quickly went back to work, trying to avoid eye contact with Jane.

"Well the introduction went well." Pinkie said with a nervous smile, "Though try to control your anger next time okay."

Jane breathed a sigh of relief as Pinkie dragged him upstairs.

"Do you think we should call animal control." Miss. Cake whispered to her husband in the kitchen.


Matsu was at the edge of the everfree. He looked around at all the ponies and laughed.

"This should be fun." He raised his hand in the air and let loose a ball of electricity at a passing unicorn filly wearing something that looked like a crown on her head. The ball impacted and exploded sending Diamond Tiara flying. Everypony looked at Matsu with fear.

"Attention maggots, I am Matsu of the storm. I challenge you all to a fight to see who is the strongest. If any of you cowards can beat me in a fight then I will accept you as the strongest fighter, if not then I will slaughter you all." He removed his cloak to reveal a white muscle shirt with matching white pants. He had a red fabric belt that was tied in a knot at one side. His hands had large metal knuckles with spikes at the end. He crossed his arms and laughed into the air, as the ponies around him coward in fear.


Fluttershy and Hope were walking home with Rarity.

"I still can't believe the poor dear was hurt by a question." Rarity said.

"Don't beat yourself up auntie Rare." Hope said, Rarity couldn't help but smile at the young angel.

"Thank you dear, that means alot to me." She said. Suddenly Fluttershy stopped and pricked her ears up, as her eyes went wide.

"Did you hear that." Fluttershy said as she looked around for the sound. She didn't have to wait long as a vine with thorns smacked her hard sending her flying.

"Mamashy!" Hope ran to her mothers aid. Another vine whipped out and smacked Hope against the ground. Rarity let out a small scream as a third vine smacked her against a tree.

"Well, well, well, this looks easier than I thought." Flora said. Surrounding her were thorny vines, they snaked their way around her covering all but her head. The vines seemed to be coming from a large rose above her head. She let out a smile and said.

"You should be honored, to be witnessing buitey in it's natural form. To bad you'll be dying by my hands, for I am Flora of the forest and I will destroy you."