• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 1,420 Views, 37 Comments

Hope / An Unexpected Ally - brandsca123

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The Power of Kindness

Chapter 7
The Power of Kindness.

"I'm here for the child." Omega took a step forward, as Fluttershy backed up in fear. She couldn't speak let alone run away, she had to protect Hope from this thing.

"Mamashy run." Hope called out as she peeked out the window. Fluttershy gulped and stood tall, she wasn't about to lose Hope to this monster.

"Hope stay inside." Fluttershy said as she let loose her stare at Omega. It didn't seem to effect him at all as he kept walking forward.

"Stay where you are!" Fluttershy said. She bowed her head and raised her wings trying to look menacing. Omega only laughed as he raised his left arm, and brought it down hard. Fluttershy dodged the axe as it splinterd the ground around her. Fluttershy continued to stare down Omega, as he turned to face her. Inside the cottage Hope was looking at the scene in front of her. A small tear came down her face. She didn't want the one who cared for her to die. She picked up Angel and said.

"Angel we have to do something, otherwise that thing will hurt Mamashy." Angel pointed at some pots and pans in the kitchen. Hope smiled and said,

"Good idea, lets go.".

"Do you really think a pathetic meatbag such as yourself could stand against me." Omega said as he raised his axe again. "I am Omega of the northern flame, number eight in the cult of the fallen. I will kill you were you stand."

"You leave Mama alone." Hope shouted as she ran out of the house, holding a cooking pot in one hand. Angel did the same and had a smug look on his face.

"Hope get back in the house." Fluttershy said. Omega was staring at the three with a confused look on his face, but quickly came to his senses.

"How cute the little arch-angel thinks she can beat...." Omega was interupted by a pan hitting him square in the face. Angel was raising his little fist in the air in triumph. This seemed to piss off Omega as he growled loudly.

"How dare you strike me," Omega opened his mouth as a blue flame appeared in his mouth, "Lets see how you can handle my Ice-Fire." A long stream of blue flame shot out as Fluttershy quickly grabbed Hope and Angel and jumped out of the way. The flame disappeared and what was left was a thin sheet of ice.

"I will chill you to your bones." Omega said as he readied another flame. This time Hope ran in front of it and raised the pot she was holding up like a shield deflecting the flames away from Fluttershy.

"Hope?" Fluttershy said, surprised that her daughter came to her rescue. She looked at Hope and saw a tear run down her face.

"I won't run away anymore Mamashy. You cared for me and showed me kindness that I thought never existed. Since that night when Mooneater attacked, I thought that it might be the end, but you and your friends saved me and defeated him. I won't run away again, I won't rely on others to save me anymore." Hope was struggling to hold the makeshift shield up as the blue flames continued to spew from Omega's mouth. The force was too strong, for Hope was the hurled into a nearby tree. She looked up slowly as she started to shiver in fear. Omega stopped for a second and started walking towards Hope a smug grin on his face. This was too much for Fluttershy, as she stood there a tear went down her face.

"Leave her alone." Moved by Hopes words she took a step forward and launched herself headfirst into Omega's back, sending him sprawling across the ground.

"Mamashy." Hope said as another tear went down her face. Fluttershy then hugged Hope close and said.

"I won't run too." Omega struggled to his feet. He loomed over the two and took a swing at them, but was then kicked hard in the face by a blue blur. Omega was sent flying and crashed to the ground. Rainbow Dash was hoovering in front of them when Jane came running towards them.

"Sorry were late, I ope ou saved some for me." Jane smirked as he came to a stop by Rainbow Dash.


A few minutes earlier outside the library, Rainbow Dash spotted a beam of light land at the edge of the everfree right next to the general direction of Fluttershy's cottage. Jane came walking out of the library and closed the door.

"She's still zoned out in there." Jane said. Rainbow Dash tapped him on the shoulder and pointed.

"Looks like we got trouble." She said as Jane stared at where she was pointing.

"What about Sparky in there." Jane said as he pointed behind him.

"Forget about her for a mome, she's fine where she is." Jane shrugged as rainbow dash started shoving him forward.

"Come on lets go, I have a feeling Fluttershy is in danger." Rainbow Dash said as Jane pushed her aside. She glared at him for a moment as he smirked.

"Then what are we waiting for, lets go." Jane then ran as fast as he could towards the cottage with Rainbow Dash close behind him.


Back in the present Jane and Rainbow Dash were glaring at Omega, who was once again struggling to his feet.

"You know it's not nice to pick on my friends." Rainbow Dash said as Omega glared back. "Well Jane shall we teach this bully a lesson." Rainbow Dash smirked as Jane returned the gesture.

"Hell yes, besides I think it's a good time for you to learn what that mark on your leg can do." Rainbow Dash looked at the mark on her leg and thought. 'This thing has powers?!', She quickly looked back at the enraged Omega and said.

"Well then, lets get started."