• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 1,419 Views, 37 Comments

Hope / An Unexpected Ally - brandsca123

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Chapter 6

The four companions left the forest and were now on the outskirts of ponyville.

"I believe this is where we part ways." Jane said to Fluttershy, he was still holding an unconscious Rainbow Dash over his shoulder.

"Is she going to be okay." Fluttershy asked Jane.

"I'm sure she will," Jane then paused for a moment before continuing, "Do you know where the library is?" Fluttershy looked at him with confusion.

"Why would you want to bring Rainbow Dash there, It would be better if you brought her to my place or the hospital." Fluttershy said. Jane was silent for the moment before he spoke.

"This girls memories are telling me to go to the library." Jane said.

"Oh, then you might want to go that way..... and don't you mean mare not girl." Fluttershy pointed in the direction of the library. Again Jane was silent. He shifted Rainbow Dash into a more comfortable position before running off in the direction Fluttershy pointed.

"Hey wait...." Fluttershy said, but it was to late for Jane had gone. She sighed and started making her way back to her cottage with Hope close behind her.

"What were those things?" She asked herself, " And what did he mean by her memories?" Fluttershy was more confused then ever. Hope then spoke up.

"Mamashy, do you think he could be trusted." Fluttershy looked at Hope and said,

"I don't know Hope, I just don't know."


Jane was busy running towards the library at top speed. He was nearing the front door, when he tripped dropping Rainbow Dash in the process. The initial shock of hitting the ground woke up Rainbow Dash. Both Rainbow Dash and Jane hit the ground, bouncing across the ground and crashing face first into the door, knocking it of its hinges. Twilight who was in the middle of sorting through her books let out a scream of surprise as the sound of a door breaking open echoed throughout the house. She ran towards the door to see a dazed Rainbow Dash and a creature lying on the ground. Rainbow Dash shook herself and regained her composure. She looked around and saw Jane lying on the floor.

"Hey you wake up." She said as she tried shaking him awake. Twilight was stunned that her friend knew this creature.

"Ummm...Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here and who and what is that thing?" Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash froze up and turned.

"Oh hey Twilight didn't see you there." She put a hoof behind her neck as she sweatdropped. Spike Twilight assistant was walking down the stairs looking a little tired.

"Can't a dragon get any sleep in ......." he stopped suddenly when he saw Jane. "Holy sweet celestia what the hey is that!" he said pointing at Jane.

"That's what I would like to know myself." Twilight added

"Looks like I have some explaining to do." Jane said as he sat upright.


At Fluttershy's cottage Hope was busy trying yo help out her adoptive mother feed the animals.

"Try not to force feed them Hope, they don't like that." Fluttershy said to Hope who was busy shoving a chicken in a pile of birdseed. Fluttershy had to separate the two before they ended up hurting eachother. Angel was busy laughing his head off at the sight, never in his life had he seen a chicken being shoved head first into a pile of birdseed.

"But Mamashy miss chicken won't eat." Hope whined as Fluttershy gently pulled her away from the chicken coop. Not wanting to start an argument she sent Hope to pick up some supplies in ponyville. With bits in hand Hope and Angel went on their merry way into town. Once there she stopped at Applejack's apple stand to pick up some macontosh apples.

"Well howdy there Hope, what can I do ya for." Said a smiling orange earth pony. Hope told her what she was sent here to pick up some groceries for Fluttershy while she was feeding the animals.

"Anyway how is yer stat in ponyville Hope." Applejack asked trying to start a conversation.

"Mamashy is great to be around, though she tends to worry to much." Hope said.

"Well that's Fluttershy for ya, always worryin fer somepony or another, anyway that will be ten bits." Applejack said as she handed hope a bag full of apples. Hope gave her the bits and continued walking around the market occasionally stopping to buy what Fluttershy needed. She passed an exited pink mare who gleefully waved and smiled at her. Hope returned the favor and went about her business.


"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight," Twilight was in her library talking to Jane and Rainbow Dash, "You mind merged with my friend here in order to save your own life, and now you have full access to both her memories and abilities and vice versa." She still couldn't understand what was going on.

"Well it's not all just a bad thing," Jane began, "though there is some side effects."

"What! Side effects, you didn't say anything about side effects." Rainbow Dash said with a hint of surprise.

"Let me finish, what I mean is that though we share eachothers mind, we still have to be careful about what we do. If per chance you were to injure yourself then I would feel the effects of the injury and vice versa" Jane said. Spike then spoke up.

"So what your saying is, if one of you ends up dying the other would die too." This time Rainbow Dash was panicking.

"What! You mean if you end up getting hurt then I would too." She was sweating bricks now.

"And vice versa." Jane added. "You act like it's a bad thing."

"It is a bad thing." Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash said outloud. Jane sweatdropped and laughed nervously.

"Surely there must be a way to reverse this." Twilight said as she started to look through book after book.

"Trust me when I say this," Jane began, "But there is no reversing a mind merge once it happened. The only way out is death." Twilight dropped her book with a shocked expression on her face.

"You mean to say that you and Dash are stuck together." Twilight then dropped to the floor and fainted.

"Does she always do that?" Jane asked Rainbow Dash.

"Only if something big happens." She said.


Meanwhile in a far of corner of the multiverse, a group of eight hooded figures were sitting around a large table, when a flash of light went off behind them. A human like figure with spiked hair and black pupiless eyes and pointed ears walked in.

"How is the status report from the scouts we sent going." The figure had a young males voice, and spoke with an eeriely soft tone. He walked up to a large white seat at the end of the table.

"Not good lord Xorn," A skinny yet tall figure said. he had a voice of a well learned man. "We seemed to have encountered a small problem when trying to locate the celestial."

"What kind of problem Dr. Lumin." Xorn said. Dr. Lumin coughed into his arm.

"Well we might think that they encountered an arch-angel sir, probably the last of its kind."

"What! I thought the deamons killed them all off in the angel deamon war." Xorn said while banging his fist on the arm of his chair. Just then a tall well built figure spoke up.

"If I may interupt sir," He had a very deep gruff voice. "May I suggest going in there myself and destroy the angel scum." Xorn thought about this for a moment and said.

"It is tru that this arch-angel may pose a threat to us and our plans, I see no point in dealing with it. If what Lumin says is true then it poses no threat."

"But sir if it's chaos gene has activated then it already poses a threat." The well built figure said.

"Now, now there Omega, if Xorn doesn't want us to worry about it then we shall not. I suggest that we observe the angel to see if she does." Luman said. But Omega was already worked up and he pointed a large finger at him.

"Lumin you know as well as I do that any angel is a threat to us." Xorn sat back and listened to the two argue before saying.

"Enough," The two froze and went silent, "Omega, you may go and take care of this angel."

"But sir...." Lumin stutterd, " Surely observing the angel will provide more..." But he was cut off by Xorn.

"My decision is final, we shall destroy the angel before it poses to much of a threat, then we go after the celestial." Lumin swallowed his words as Omega left the room.


Hope had finished shopping and was walking back to the cottage with Angel, when she spotted a beam of light over the everfree.

"Come on Angel we have to get to Mamashy." Hope said as she picked up her pace. Angel only sighed and soon was hopping along with Hope.

"Mamashy, Mamashy." Hope shouted. Fluttershy squeaked in surprise at the sudden noise.

"Oh... Hope please don't startle me like that." Fluttershy said as she went up to Hope. She then noticed the look on Hopes face and asked.

"Hope.....What's wrong." Hope hugged herself close to Fluttershy.

"Mamashy there's something happening in the everfree." Hope said as she pointed to the beam of light. Fluttershy went wide eyed and said.

"Hope get inside." Hope quickly did as she was told and went inside the cottage. Fluttershy was about to follow when she heard a gruff voice from behind.

"Well well well, it seems I found the threat." It said as Fluttershy froze in place. She slowly turned around and squeaked at what she saw. It was a large well built figure, wearing a black hooded cloak, its left arm, if you could call it that, had a large battle axe embedded in it. The figure lifted its hood off its head to reveal a wolf like head. Its left eye was scared, and its lower jaw was covered by metal armor that was attached to its jaw bone. It had a smug grin on its face as it loomed over Fluttershy. She backed away slowly never taking her eyes off the beast in front of her.

"Wha...what do you want" Fluttershy stammered. The thing let out a small growl and said.

"I'm here for the child."

A/N I Hope you like how the story is going so far. Please comment and like the fic. Your support is well needed and appreciated.