• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 1,420 Views, 37 Comments

Hope / An Unexpected Ally - brandsca123

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Chapter 4

The next morning all of ponyville was in a state of panic. Apparently last night the alien that Rainbow Dash brought had escaped, and was now running free.

"What are we to do"

"Protect the children"

"It might attack at any moment."

Last night it found a nice comfortable spot on top of the mayor's office and was curled up sound asleep oblivious to the many wide eyes that were staring at it.

"What's it doing?"

"Hey you get of the mayors house."

The creature opened its eyes lazily and yawned. The town went into an uproar as the creature jumped down. Everypony took a step back once it landed. The creature then sat down and cocked its head to the side. The townsponies looked at each other nervously, unsure on what to do.


Hope who happened to be strolling through town with Fluttershy heard the commotion and went to investigate. They pushed passed the ponies and saw the creature sitting on the ground without a care in the world.

"Look Mamashy it's the creature Dash brought with her." Hope was jumping up and down with glee. Fluttershy stared slack jawed at the thing in front of her, and took a few steps back.

"Hope don't get too close to it." She said as she grabbed Hope in her jaw and started dragging her back.


Rainbow Dash was woken up by the sounds of ponies panicking. She groaned and got out of bed and went to the window to see what the all the fuss was about. She saw ponies gathered around the mayors house staring at something that was lying down on the roof. She looked a bit harder and gasped, it was the alien she found yesterday. Now was her chance to get some answers. She spotted the creature jumping down and taking a seat in front of the crowd. Rainbow Dash shook herself Straightening her main as she did so. She flew out the window and charged at the creature. The creature seemed to notice this and quickly dodged to the right. Rainbow crashed into the ground face first. She got up dazed slightly by the impact and glared at the creature. The creature looked at her and crouched bringing its face to hers. What happened next shocked everypony.

"Thanks" The creature said. It had a voice of a young stallion.

"If it wasn't for you I would have died." With that the creature stood up and started walking away. Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth and stood up.

"Hey wait, I have to ask you something." Rainbow Dash said as the creature stopped and turned its head.

"Who and what are you?" She asked. The creature just turned away and continued walking.

"You don't need to know, you will forget soon enough." The creature said. Rainbow Dash was confused at its statement. She scratched her head as the creature made its way back to the everfree. Rainbow Dash looked at the mark on her hoof and back at the creature who was begging to disappear into the forest.

"Hey wait" Rainbow Dash took off and gave chase. Fluttershy worried for her friend ran after her, Hope soon followed leaving a shocked ponyville to stare in awe.

"What the buck just happened?" A young earth pony with a brown mane said. Everypony just shook their heads and went back to their normal routine.


High above the rooftops of ponyville two shimmering figures appeared. The two robots were scanning around searching for something they looked around and saw four figures running towards the everfree. They soon gave chase.


Fluttershy, Hope and Rainbow Dash were busy following the alien. It soon led them to the crater. The alien jumped into the hole and Rainbow Dash soon followed. Fluttershy just stayed back and stared at the metallic sphere in the middle. She shivered, unsure of what to make of this moment. Hope just stared in wonder but didn't leave Fluttershy's side. The creature was busy looking through the inside of the sphere to notice an annoyed Rainbow Dash tap him on the shoulder.

"Hey I still want some answers." Rainbow Dash said. The creature just ignored her and continued rummigiing through the sphere. He finished and pulled out three interesting objects. One was a glowing blue crystal that seemed to be attached to string that looped around it. He put that around his neck. The other two were twin claw blades, they were gloves made of the strongest metal and had three knife like claws potruding out from the knuckles. He put those on and took a couple practice swings in the air. Satisfied with his work, he made the crystal around his neck glow as the gloves were surrounded by a blue light. They soon disappeared into thin air.

"Just in case." The creature said to a confused Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash still wanted answers, and flew in front of him and said.

"Look here mister, I want answers and I want them now. What is with this mark on my leg and who and what are you." Rainbow Dash was angry at this point. The creature just sighed and rolled his eyes and walked out of the crater. Fluttershy then spoke up silently.

"Ummm...mister alien sir.....I was just wondering if you could.......um.....answer my friend, if you want to that is." Fluttershy hid behind her mane as she said this. Hope just stared in awe.

"I can see there is no avoiding this." The alien said as he let out a sigh.

"Damn straight you can't." Rainbow Dash said boldly. The creature sat down and put his hands on his lap.

"Fine, I will tell you." The three then crowded around him and sat down.

"My name is Jane, now before you make fun of my name, Yes I know it's a strange name for a guy so don't ask." The creature then continued. "Secondly, I am what you call a Celestial. My home planet is Seleona but that wouldn't matter anyway as I am the last of my kind and my planet is destroyed, so I can't return home." Jane then grabbed Rainbow Dash's leg and pointed to the maek on it. "Thirdly, This mark is special. It signifys the bonding of two minds. I didn't mean to do this but once you tuched this limiter," He pointed to the green jewel on his head," our minds connected together. That means all you thoughts and all your memories are now mine. The same thing applies with my thoughts and memories being yours too." He finished his story as Rainbow Dash stared at him with her mouth open. She then thought to the dream that she had the night before. 'could those be the memories that he had before he came here' she thought.

"So what your saying is that, you and I are one in the same now." Rainbow Dash said as she let it all sink in. She didn't know what to say and she just started to babble incoharently at the thought of this thing having her memories.

Fluttershy didn't take the news well as she had fainted and was now lying down on her side. Hope was busy trying to wake her up.

"Pretty much." Jane said. 'My god this is so strange' Rainbow dash thought. Just then Jane said something to her that rocked her to her core.

"I can hear your thoughts you know." Rainbow Dash just stared wide eyed and shouted.

"STAY OUT OF MY HEAD" She gripped her haed in her hooves and started to shake it furiously. Jane only laughed, Hope then saw something in the corner of her eye.

"Ummm....guys, I think we have company." Hope said as Rainbow Dash and Jane stopped talking to eachother and looked behind her. Two robots were making their way towards them at top speed. Jane stood up and outstreached his arms to his sides as the two claw gloves appeared back on his hands.

"Rainbow Dash Take Hope and Fluttershy and run." Jane said.

"Wait I didn't even tell you my name let alone theirs." Rainbow Dash said with confusion. Jane just looked at her like she was dumb.

"Oh right, minds connected." Rainbow Dash said with a blush. She grabbed Hope and Fluttershy and dragged them into the crater.

"What about him." Hope said to Rainbow Dash.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle these creeps." Jane said as he took an attack stance. One of the robots charged as Jane sliced downwards, cutting the thing in half. Both half's fell to the ground and exploded.

"Next." Jane said.

"Hey save some for me." Rainbow Dash said as she jumped out of the crater.

"Anyway, what are these things." She asked as she narrowly avoided a laser beam that was shot at her.

'Scouts, I believe. They were probably sent here to find me." Jane said.

"Then who sent them, and why would they be looking for you." Rainbow Dash said as she charged at the second robot, sending it flying into a tree.

"I don't know," Jane answered, "Maybe whoever sent them hates me or they really don't like the thought of a world inhabited by talking ponies." Jane chuckled at his joke. He ducked, avoiding a punch from Rainbow Dash.

"Horse apples, there's something your not telling me." Rainbow Dash said. The second robot disappeared and reappeared behind Hope in the crater. She screamed as the robot took a jab at her.

"Rainbow Dash hlep me." She said as she rolled away from the blade coming at her. Jane and Rainbow Dash jumped at the robot who shot them with its laser knocking them back with a thud. Fluttershy then woke up.

"Huh...waaa....." She groaned as she stood up.

"Mamashy." Hope shouted as the robot began chasing her. Fluttershy looked at the destruction around her. She noticed Rainbow Dash and Jane lying unconscious on the ground, and then noticed the robot chasing Hope. She let out a squeak of surprise as she jerked to attention.

"Hope hold on." She said as she charged at the robot. "Leave her alone you big bully." She said as her head connected with the machine, knocking it back again. She stood in front of Hope, wings raised in defense.

"You shall not touch her." Flutershy said as she let loose her famous stare. It didn't effect the robot much as it just stood up and started walking towards them slowly.

"I said stay back." Fluttershy growled, but it didn't work as the robot raised its bladed arm and took a swing at her. The blade was only inches from her face when a clawed hand bashed its way through the chest of the robot. The robot sparked and jerked around for a few moments, before exploding into a pile of scrap. She looked at the one who saved her. Jane stood there holding an unconscious Rainbow Dash above his shoulder. Fluttershy stared in awe at the alien in front of her.

"uhhhhhh........thank you..." She said as she started to blush. Jane just stared as he started making his way back to ponyville.

"Follow me, it's to dangerous out here. More might be coming." He said. Fluttershy just nodded and grabbed Hope, and started to follow behind Jane.