• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 1,420 Views, 37 Comments

Hope / An Unexpected Ally - brandsca123

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Chapter 9

Back in the dark corner of the multiverse, Xorn was busy watching a holoscreen. The events of the battle with Omega was playing on the screen, when suddenly it went blank. The words "Omega Deceased" played out on the screen. Xorn clenched a fist in anger.

"It seems we have underestimated these creatures abilities for combat." Dr.Lumin who was sitting in a chair next to Xorn said.

"I suggest that we send Flora, I believe her ability to control plant life would be useful on this world."

"Very well, Lumin we will see to it that she gets there." Xorn pushed a button on the screen and a female figure appeared.

"You called Xorn." Flora said, she had a regale tone to her voice.

"Flora I want you to go to this world and destroy the child." Xorn demanded. Flora let out a small laugh as she bowed.

"Very well my lord I shall see to it that these creatures don't survive the next day." She lifted her hood off to reveal, long blonde hair and a young face with pointed ears. She had flower like earings that gleamed with an unnatural light.

"Do not fail me, Flora." Xorn said as he turned off the holoscreen. Lumin let out a small cough as he walked up to Xorn.

"Sir I think you might want to look at this." Lumin said.

"What is it Lumin." Lumin turned the holoscreen on and put a small disk in a slot. An image of a planet with only one land mass appeared on the screen.

"I've done some research on the planet Equestria as you asked, and I would like to point out there seems to be a large energy spike somewhere in this area." He pointed to a small mountain that was next to a forest. " I suggest that we send some scouts to investigate this phenomena."

Xorn thought for a moment before saying.

"No, I don't think it's necessary for such measures." Lumin looked surprised at his masters answer.

"But sir surely we should at least send someone to investigate." Lumin was trying to reason with Xorn, who then said.

"Very well, I will send you and Matsu to investigate this energy spike." Xorn then turned the holoscreen off again, and dismissed Lumin.

"Thank you sir, I promise to not fail you." Lumin said as he walked out of the room, leaving Xorn alone with his thoughts.

"For your sake Lumin, you better not fail me."

In the dark hallway Lumin to meet with Flora and Matsu when he heard a voice talk in his head.
"why do you bother with him, you know he would destroy you in a heartbeat if he wants to." Lumin was scared and was looking around for the source of the voice, but couldn't find it.

"Who are you?" Lumin said nervously.

"Let us just say that we both share similar interests." The voice replied. Lumin was interested now and was listening closely.

"Go on..." He said. The voice let out a small chuckle and said.

"Now listen closely to what I have to say...."

Matsu was waiting beside Flora and was becoming increasingly frustrated.

"Where is he." Matsu demanded. He had spiky lightning-yellow hair that popped out at odd angles. His ears were covered by metal disks that had a spike in the middle. His hands sparked with electricity as he clenched his fists.

"Now now, Matsu we don't want you blowing up another wall." Flora teased. This seemed to anger Matsu more as he let loose a bolt in her direction, missing her head by a hairs length.

"Can it Flora, can't you see I want to go destroy these pesky creatures. I haven't killed anything in weeks now and I don't want to be kept waiting by some eggheaded baboon." Sparks were flying from his hands as he said this. Just then a hooded figure approached from the shadows.

"Calm down Matsu, we don't want another black out." The figure joked obviously referring to Matsu's ability with electricity.

"Ha ha very funny Lumin." Matsu said irritably. Lumin put down his hood to reveal a pale face person with long silver hair that touched his shoulders. He had glasses on his face and he was carrying what appeared to be an egg of some sort. The egg was see through and had moving shadows inside it. This caught Flora's attention and she pointed to the object.

"What is that thing?" Flora said. Lumin looked at the egg and said.

"Just in case we should fail." Flora let it go for now and shrugged.

"Then lets go already." Matsu said. A small pillar of light appeared and the three walked inside.


Jane was sitting on a couch at the library, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Hope and Pinkie Pie were around him.

"I guess I owe you some explanations girls." Jane said as Twilight nodded.

"Right first question." Jane said. He was then suddenly tackled by Pinkie who then proceeded to bombard him with questions.

"Who are you what are you where are you from is it nice there do you have any friends how about a party." Applejack pulled the pink pony off him and said.

"Give the man some space ta breathe sugarcube." Jane sighed in relief that the pink party pony was off him.

"I think I should ask the first Question, since I found him first." Rainbow Dash said as she flew over to Janes face. "Why are you here?"

Jane gently pushed Rainbow Dash aside asn started to talk.

"As I told you I have no place to go, my planet was destroyed and thats all there is. As for why I chose to mind merge with you, I was on the brink of death and I needed some energy to regenerate myself. The only way I could do that without overloading my body is to mind merge with someone."

"What do you mean by overloading?" Twilight was the one to ask this. Jane then replied.

"The energy on this planet is enormous, if I was to tap into it then my limiter would have been destroyed and the energy buildup would have exploded out of me with enough force to reduce more than half the planet into a burning wasteland." The groups jaw dropped in amazement. Applejack then spoke up.

"Catastrophe aside, what this here limiter dohicky ya keep talkin about and what does it do?" Jane pointed to the gem on his forehead.

"This here is a limiter, all celestials are born with it. It reduces the amount of natural energy we filter, if the flow of energy was to build up then...." Jane was silent, Applejack seemed to have gotten the message.

"If you don't mind me asking darling, but what is with that necklace of yours it is simply devine." Rarity asked pointing to the blue crystal around Janes neck.

"It's a life crystal, as long as it shines bright then it signafies that I'm still alive. If your wondering where I got it, It was given to me by someone I hold close to my heart." Jane clenched the crystal as a tear rolled down his face.

"What happened to this pony?" Pinkie pie said. Jane looked up and answered.

"This PERSON, is no longer with us. She was killed long ago and I miss her very much."

"Oh....sorry I didn't know." Pimkie said softly as she looked to the floor. Jane pat her on the head and said.

"Don't worry about it." Pinkie immediately jumped up and gave him a hug, Jane was struggling to get the pink pony off him.

"Choking not breathing." Jane said as he heard some bones snap. Again Applejack pulled her off.

"Ummmm.....do you know what that thing that attacked us was." Fluttershy asked. Jane went silent as his eyes shrank. Hope seemed to notice this and said.

"Your hiding something, I know it." Jane sighed and regained his composure.

"That was Omega, a hunter for a bad cult calling themselves The Fallin. My world was attacked by them and I was the only one who managed to escape their slaughter." Hope put her hands over her mouth and gasped.

"So their deamons." Hope said. Jane looked up.

"No, The Fallin are a group of angels that were left behind by time itself. Their exposure to dark energy has left them shells of their former selves, though i wouldn't be surprised if they were in touch with deamons. As to what they want I don't know. I was sent to investigate them by my people, but......"

"They found out and destroyed your planet." Twilight said. Jane looked surprised at the unicorns ability to figure this out fast.

"Yes" Jane said.

"Then you must know how to stop them, right?" Twilight asked.

"I'm afraid to say that, I didn't get enough info on them to know how, our best bet is to fight them off if and when they choose to come here." Jane was finished with his story and refused to answer anymore questions. He got up and left the library leaving six confused ponies and a young Arch-Angel to ponder what was said.