• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 12,420 Views, 600 Comments

The 7th Element - thunderhawk7865

A young high school musician is transported to Equestria by Celestia. RD x OC

  • ...

The Fight

Chapter 13: The Fight

With a furious roar, the fuming Pegasus shot into the air towards DJ PON-3. Seeing her coming, all Dan had time to say was, "Rainbow Da-ARGH!"

Dan flung himself out of the way as Dash crashed headlong through the DJ board and straight into the DJ pony.

"What the hay-OOOF!" Both ponies crashed backstage. The music stopped and the crowd gasped and stopped dancing because of what had just transpired.

"What in the hay was that?" Big Mac said to Sunset Canvas, staring at the busted DJ board and the fallen Ace, who had just recovered enough to sit up.

"Ah...ah think it was that Rainbow Dash mare..." Sunset muttered.

As Dan sat up, rubbing his head. "What? What happened?"

Shadow Breeze quickly climbed on stage and helped Dan up, "Oh no! Ace, are you hurt?"

Dan turned toward where PON-3 and Dash crashed backstage. "No, thanks, Shadow..."

"How could you, PON-3!? How could you take him away like that?!"

"What the buckin' hay are you yammering about, Rainbow?"

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" The sound of a kick was heard, followed by PON-3 grunting in pain and a slamming sound was heard soon after.

"Cud..." Dan swore as he charged backstage and found Rainbow Dash had just kicked PON-3 against a wall. Blood gushing from the unicorn's nose, she got up and wiped the blood away, scowling. "Ok, Dash! I don't know what the HAY you're talkin' about, but you asked for it!"

"We'll see, you whore!" Dash roared as she again tried to zoom forward for another hit on PON-3. PON-3 smirked and her horn started glowing. Dash was stopped halfway to her target. "Huh?" She tried to move. "I can't move!"

"Duh!" PON-3 said as she started flinging Dash around the backstage area, slamming her into curtains and tech equipment. "That's! The! Point!" Pausing each time she slammed Dash into something.

"VINYL!" Dan barked. "Put her down!"

PON-3 wasn't listening, and Dan noticed Dash had tears coming from her eyes and blood drizzling out of the many wounds she was receiving.

"VINYL!" Dan roared. "DAMMIT, PUT HER DOWN!"

The crowd who had gathered around to see what was going on gasped when Dan cursed at PON-3. The DJ stopped flinging Dash around, turned and looked at Dan with her mouth agate, and then released her hold on Rainbow Dash.

Dan galloped forward and threw himself down on the floor to cushion her fall and inevitable painful impact on the floor. Dan caught her and wrapped all four legs around her to cushion the impact. Dan grunted as a sharp wave of pain shot up his back from the impact. "UGH!" He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, but he quickly looked at Dash in his arms. "Dash! Dash, talk to me!"

The rainbow maned Pegasus was still breathing, but she had suffered serious wounds at the magical hooves of Vinyl Scratch.

Dan lightly slapped her face, "C'mon wake up, Dashie!"

Dan breathed a sigh of relief when her eyes fluttered open.

Dan smiled faintly, "Are...are you okay, Rainbow?" Dan stroked one of her rainbow colored dread locks.

She stared at him for a second or two before, with surprising strength despite the beating she just took, threw Dan off her and darted out of the backstage door before anyone could stop her.

Dan stood up, bones in his back cracking slightly from the impact. He grunted in pain as the bones popped back into place, then turned to the crowd. "Back to your salt-licks, everypony. We'll settle this..."

The crowd, muttering about what just happened, left the stage and went back into the club.

"Sorry for beating the hay outta her, Ace..." Vinyl said. "I was only defending myself."

"I think you coulda bin done when poor Rainbow was bleedin' all over!" Sunset Canvas barked.

"Eeeyup." Big Mac agreed as he and Sunset walked in.

Dan just looked around at everypony, trying to decide how to approach the problem. "Everypony...thank you, but...I think I need to go talk to her..."

Without saying anything else, Dan flapped his wings and took off out the door.

"Ace! Wait!" Shadow Breeze yelled, running after him until he reached the door. Shadow sighed and looked down at the floor. "Why did Rainbow Dash attack the DJ?"

"Beats the hay outta me..." Vinyl snorted before sighed as she looked at the damage. "Looks like the club's gonna be closed for the weekend..."

The moonlight shone down on Rainbow Dash as she broke down crying under the tree Ace and her had met two nights ago. Nopony could see her, and for this, she was grateful. She didn't want anypony to see her break down and cry like a wimp.

"A-Ace...how could you..." She kept coughing out through her tears every once and awhile. "How could you..."

She was crying so hard that she didn't hear the muffled hoof-steps behind her. They stopped a few feet away and she heard a familiar voice way, "How did I know I would find you here, Dash?"

"Go away Ace!" She sobbed, waving a hoof at the source of the voice. "I-I-I d-don't wanna t-talk to you r-right now..." She sniffed and shook her head, still buried in her arms.

Ace said nothing. He only stood there, as far as the headstrong Dash was concerned.

"What were you thinking Dash?" He finally retorted, heaving a sigh of disbelief. "Why did you just randomly attack PON-3?"

"Like you don't know!" Dash wailed at him through her arms.

"I don't know..." Dash heard him take a few steps forward. "What is it, Dash?"

"You...singing that-that love song to PON-3!"

"What?" Ace paused for a moment, then chuckled lightly. "That song? Dash, you don't understand-"

"Yes I do! I understand completely!" She stood up, wiping the tears from her eyes and trying her best to look tough and angry. "You like PON-3... I saw you serenading her up there!"

Ace looked hurt. "Dash? Is that what this is about? You've got it all wrong!" He tried to step towards her, but she took a step back. "Don't come any closer, Ace..."

"Dashie..." Ace said, a tear falling from his face. Him calling her 'Dashie' was new. She looked taken aback. "What!" She barked, trying to remain angry.

Ace looked away, blinking away another tear. "Dash, I took a request from a stallion for his marefriend..." He looked back at her with hurt in his golden eyes, which no longer shined through the tears that were welling. "It was their one year anniversary..."

Dash growled, "You liar! I saw the way you were lookin-"

"So that she could sing too! It's called acting, Dash! It fit the song mood!" It was Ace's turn to bark.

Dash took another step back at this remark. She shook her head, "Ace... I want to believe you, but...but what I saw was just..."

"Do you already forget our night together two days ago!?" Ace took a step forward. "Did you already forget the fun we had? You teaching me how to fly?" Another step. "The Sonic Rainboom? Which I found out you can't normally do yourself?" Another step. "The crash? The hug?" Finally he was face-to-face with her, tears falling at an alarming rate out of his eyes. "The...the..."

"The what?" Dash said, still trying to retain her pride.

"The kiss I gave you on your cheek when you fell asleep..."

Dash widened eyes. She slowly moved her hoof up to her cheek. The one Ace kissed. As she looked at Ace's broken-hearted face, she shook her head. "Ace...Ace I'm so sorry..."

"How could you assume..." Ace continued. "That I would 'serenade' another mare after something like that?"

"I...I didn't-"

"Know?" Ace blinked to again try and attempt to get rid of some tears. "No, you didn't. You assumed! Dammit, Dashie! You could've cost me my job!"

Ace sat down on his hind legs and bent his head over, "I just can't believe it...I can't BELIEVE IT!" He slammed his hoof down onto the ground. "Things were going so WELL here! GAAWWWL!" He let his head fall on the ground as he wiped away more tears.

Dash was at a loss for words at point. She didn't know how he did it, but Ace had turned the tide of the battle. Ace had gone from attacker to defender, and Dash vice versa.

"Ace..." Dash said, taking a step towards him.

Ace wouldn't look at her. He kept his head down, his shaggy hair covering up his face, save for his muzzle. "I'll just leave you alone Rainbow Dash..."

"Ace, wait!" Dash barked when Ace spread his wings and took off like lightning towards Twilight Sparkle's library.

Dash contemplated following him, but she stopped herself mid-launch into the air.

"The damage has been done..." Dash sighed and turned, slowly floating towards her cloud house. "There's...there's nothing I can do now... I lost him..." She started crying again as she flew away.

Twilight Sparkle was busy writing her weekly letter to Celestia, this time letting the Princess know Ace had fit in perfectly and had already made a name for himself as a talented musician.

The door burst open and Ace flew in, slamming the door shut with his tail behind him.

"Hey Ace!" Twilight smiled. "How was the-oh..."

Ace shot her the dirtiest look she had ever seen a pony give.

"Is...is something wrong?"

Ace's ears drooped and the dirty looked turned to one of sadness. "S-sorry Twilight... Yes, but...but I'd rather not talk about it..."

With that, he trotted over to the door that led to the basement and closed the door behind him.

"What do you think is wrong with Ace, Twilight?" The baby dragon who was sitting next to her asked.

"I...I don't know Spike." Twilight took on a look of seriousness. "But I'd bet my horn it has something to do with Rainbow Dash..."

Meanwhile, in a heavy security prison in Canterlot, two Royal Guard Pegasai stood guard in front of a cast-iron hi-tech security door. Behind the security door was another security door with another guard pony behind magic-proof glass in a guard station, monitoring cameras and motion detectors in the room behind the second door.

The room both doors led to was a octagonal steel-encased room with a cast-iron magic-proof cage.

Inside the cage, was a statue. A statue of a dragon-pony-flying-deer thing. A statue of Discord, the Equestrian deity of chaos and disharmony.

A small evil sounding chuckle was heard as a small crack appeared on the back side of Discord's head.

The guard pony in the security station looked up from his book, looked over into the chamber, and narrowed his eyes. "What in the-?"

He pushed the comm button. "Hey, Kale. Gritz. I thought I head something inside the chamber."

"What?" One of the Pegasai looked back, back chuckling. "You crazy, Durge? There ain't nobody in there right now."

"I swear I heard something, bronies..." The guard in the security station known as Durge started to sweat.

"Ugh... Baby filly. C'mon Kale. Let's go check for monsters hiding under Discord."

Durge rolled his eyes as he pushed the button to open the doors. The two Pegasai laughed as they crossed through.

"Anything suspicious?" Durge called out into the cell using the intercom.

"Nope. Nothing here." Kale said, poking the statue.

"Yeah Durge. Don't take him for 'granite'... Oh! Wait!"

Both Pegasasi burst out laughing. What they didn't notice is that where Kale had poked the statue, another thin crack appeared.

"Okay, bronies, haha, really funny. C'mon out..."

"Hahahah!" A laugh echoed around the cell, causing both Pegasai to stop laughing and gaze in horror at the statue as it started to crack even more. "I don't know about you, Durge, but I found that rather...punny! Aaaaahahaha!"

"Kale?" Gritz asked. "What-what did you do?"

"I think I broke him, man..." Kale muttered, shuddering.

"Hahaha! Oh contraire! You've just made my return more humorous!"

The statue exploded in a shower of granite sparks, knocking the the Pegasai back a good ten meters into the cell wall.

In the statue's place, stood the actual Discord himself. Effortlessly bending the bars to the cage his statue was in, he stepped out and picked up both the dazed Pegasai by the throats. He bashed their heads together, and threw them against the wall. A sickening crack was heard as the two feel to the ground, motionless.

"OH CUD!" Durge swore as he closed the security doors and pushed the alarm button. Instantly, red lights started flashing and an alarm started blaring.

"Aw...did you really need to do that now, Durge?" Discord's voice rang from behind him.

"What-UMPH!" In a shower of glass, Durge was flung through the magic-proof window and against the wall. Discord single-handed punched through the remaining security door and ripped it open. Laughing as he threw the door and Durge's corpse effortlessly aside, he bellowed:

"You failed Twilight Sparkle! The Elements of Harmony could not hold me! And now..."

He cracked his knuckles as more guard ponies ran at him, swords in their mouths.

"I'll have my revenge..."


Shadow Breeze (c) AnonJ31

Sunset Canvas (c) SallandMcQueenfan99