• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 12,433 Views, 600 Comments

The 7th Element - thunderhawk7865

A young high school musician is transported to Equestria by Celestia. RD x OC

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Chapter 28: Imprisonment

"Rainbow Dash...hey, Rainbow Dash!"

"Dude! She's opening her eyes!"

"C'mon, Rainbow Dash...Rainbow Dash, wake up!"

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, rubbed them, groaned and sat up. First, she noticed she was no longer in her Gala outfit. She looked around and saw she was in a prison cell in what appeared to be a cave.

"Nice to see you're up, sleepyhead..." A male voice said to her left.

She turned her head and saw two stallions. One she recognized at once. He was a Pegasus with a pure white coat with an electric blue and black shaggy mane and a flowing tail. His eyes were hetero-chromial, one being a striking blue, the other a pale gray, like the color of a storm cloud. He has a cutie mark similar to RD's, except it was just a grey strom cloud with a lightning bolt.

"Lightning Flash!" She gasped and stood up on all fours. "How did you-? What are you-? What's going on?"

The stallion smiled as she galloped up and hugged him. "Surprised to see me?"

"She's shocked..." The other stallion said. He was a Unicorn with a black hide, electric blue eyes, and a silver tail and mane. His cutie mark was a black star with spikes coming out of it. "Rainbow Dash, was it? I'm afraid you're a prisoner of the zebras now, just like myself and Lightning Flash here..."

"This is Dark Star, RD. He was here when I got thrown in here by that Anansi creep..." Lightning growled at looked over at the door. "I swear, when I get out of here..."

"Wait, wait, wait... back up." Rainbow Dash waved her hooves in front of her. "Start from the beginning please?"

"Well..." Dark Star said thoughtfully. "I come from Haytown. A town long since devoured by an unfortunate fire...one that took my parents..."

"I'm so sorry..." Rainbow Dash said, frowning. "I heard about that fire..."

"Yes, tragic indeed, but that is not the story of how I ended up here, is it?" Dark Star glared at her.

"Yeeeah, shoulda warned ya' about asking about his past..." Lightning Flash hissed to RD.

"Anyway, my master, Myst, is fatally ill..." Dark Star continued. "So, I set off on the road, looking to find the ingredients necessary for a cure...unfortunately for me, I decided to drop by Ponyville at the time the zebras decided to kidnap you. I saw them, tried to stop them, and hocus-pocus! Here I am."

"Same with me, Dash." Lightning Flash said sadly. "I was clearing the clouds around Ponyville for when the gala-goers got back, and I saw them heading towards Canterlot from Everfree Forest. Guess they wanted no witnesses..."

"Why did they want to kidnap me?" Rainbow Dash said, confused. She got up and started pacing. "Why would they do this?"

"Maybe because of your Element of Harmony... The zebra lord did mention something to our guard about you having three days to live..." Dark Star sighed and shook his head. "Unless somepony named Ace brings the Elemental Necklaces to him..."

"Ace? The seventh element?" Lightning said excitedly. "Why would Anansi think Ace would fall for this obvious trap?"

Rainbow Dash fell down on her hind legs and sighed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Because...because of me..."

"What do you mean, Rainbow Dash?" Dark Star persisted.

"He and I are...are the 7th Element...of love..." she looked up sadly at the two stallions. "We're in love..."

"But I can't tell them he's really a human..." She started to cry as she thought to herself. "That's what really makes him special..."

"Wow RD..." Lightning blushed when he heard her say that, "I didn't think you could fall in love with anypony...what, after being in flight school with you..."

"He tried to save me..." Rainbow Dash shook her head. "I watched his broken-hearted face as I was taken away... It...it kills me inside to know he has to sacrifice the elements to save me..."

"Maybe he won't!" Lightning bounced up to her, nudging her to get up. "Maybe he'll bring the entire Royal Guard Pegasus army!"

"Oh, please, Lightning, that's absurd!" Dark Star rolled his eyes. "It's more likely he'll bring Celestia herself."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he did..." RD sniffed sadly as she continued to stare at the floor.

Lightning frowned and walked up behind her, "You really do love him?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "I do... I miss his sweet singing voice already..."

"A musician, eh?" Dark Star said, impressed. "And a fighter, no doubt. Interesting... Was it music that brought out the 7th Element of Harmony?"

Lightning Flash nodded, "Yep. He died in her arms at the battle after they sang to each other, and the Element of Love brought him back."

"What an incredibly cheesy resolvement..." Dark Star chuckled a little. "But I digress... We feel for you, Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah..." Lightning Flash said, walking over to the corner and curling up and yawning. "We'll get out of here alive... Don't you worry..."

"I'm sure your Ace will come along any hour now..." Dark Star said, just laying down on the floor and covering himself up with a cloak. "You should get some sleep... If Anansi comes back for you, you'd better be prepared..."

Rainbow Dash just kept staring at the floor, tears occasionally dripping down. "I didn't get to tell him the news..." She said sadly to herself.

"What was that?" Lightning sat up.

"Oh, nothing..." Rainbow Dash coughed. "Sorry, go to sleep, Lightning. I'll...I'll be fine..."

"Okay... Hey, RD?"


Lightning smiled. "I'm glad you're safe. Even if you are in prison with me. Haha."

"Knucklehead...go to sleep."

"Okay dokey..." Lightning rolled over to face the wall and pretty soon both stallions were sound asleep.

Rainbow Dash, still wide awake, stood up and looked out of the barred window they had. It was night and they were in a desert-like landscape. As far a she could tell, the cave they were in was in a mountain-esque formation in the desert.

RD wrapped her front hooves around two of the bars and sighed, "Oh Dan. I'll always love you. You came into my life and..." she chuckled, looking down. "Changed it completely. Who knew I'd find someone like you, with a sweet personality and voice, from a different world... Who I'd be willing to spend the rest of my life with..."

She lowered her head and more tears welled up, "There's the very big possibility that we may never see each other again... I might die, if you don't pull through..."

She turned back and looked at the two stallions that were sleeping. "It's not just me...others are in danger too." She looked back out at the night sky. "Dan, I love you. And I'll miss you if push comes to shove. I just wish..."

She closed her eyes, sniffed, and more tears fell out. "I just wish I could hear your voice...one last time..."

She sank down on the window sill and started sobbing into the wall. Suddenly, she thought she heard something coming from the night. It sounded like the strumming of...

"A guitar? D...Dan?" She pulled herself up and heard him singing, as if a ghost was singing through the night. She turned to see if the stallions behind her heard it, but they were fast asleep. Too asleep to hear Dan's words as he sang. Suddenly, a picture of Dan on the balcony railing of Twilight Sparkle's library appeared in Rainbow Dash's mind. Still dressed in his torn up Gala suit, tears streaming down his face, he strummed the guitar with one hoof hanging down. He started to sing:

I'm at war with the world and they...

Try to pull me into the dark!

I struggle to find my faith...

As I'm slippin' from your arms!

"He's talking to me..." She smiled. "He's singing to me...and I know this one..." She blinked away tears herself as she leaned as far out the barred window as she could and sang back to him.

It's getting harder to stay awake...

And my strength is fading fast!

You breathe into me at last!

Dan suddenly sat forward, shocked. She saw him smile slightly. "She's okay..." He said. He went back to strumming, smiling all the while, but the tears still came. They both started singing to each other, letting each other know that they were okay: (bold for Dan, italics for Dash, both for both)

I'm awake! I'm alive!

Now I know what I believe inside!

Now, it's my time!

I'll do what I want! 'Cause this is my life!

Here! Right here! Right now! Right now!

I'll stand my ground and never back down!

I know what I believe inside!

I'm awake and I'm alive!

"Dashie?" Dan looked up at the sky as he continued to strum. "Wherever you are, I'll find you. I promise."

"Dan..." she said back to him, though she wasn't sure he could hear her. "I'll be okay... You don't have to bring the Elements... We'll die for Equestria..."

"What?" Dan sat forward. "No, Dashie! I'll figure something out! I'll set you free! And...and what do you mean by we?"

"I'm not alone in this jail cell, Dan..." Dashie muttered, again unsure if he could hear him. She blinked back another tear. "And even if I was, I still wouldn't be the only one in here..."

Dan couldn't hear her that time. "I'm not giving up the Elements...she's right..." He sat back and started strumming again. "But I have to save her!" He continued to sing:

I'm at war with the world cause I...

Ain't never gonna sell my soul!

I've already made up my mind...

No matter what I can't be bought or sold!

Rainbow Dash received the message loud and clear. She sighed, "Dan, you never were one to give up..." she chuckled slightly. "That's why I love you..." She then sung back to him:

When my faith is getting weak...

And I feel like giving in...

You breathe into me again!

Both lover-ponies smiled as they began to sing together again. The vision Rainbow Dash had of Dan started fading, but she could still hear Dan's voice in the desert air:

I'm awake! I'm alive!

Now I know what I believe inside!

Now, it's my time!

I'll do what I want! 'Cause this is my life!

Here! Right here! Right now! Right now!

I'll stand my ground and never back down!

I know what I believe inside!

I'm awake and I'm alive!

Dan's voice finally faded into the night completely. Dash fell backwards off the window sill and stared up at the rock ceiling of her prison. She smiled. "Dan will save us..." She looked at the stallions she shared the cell with and then down at herself.

"Dan will save us..."


Lightning Flash (c) Lightning Flash

Dark Star (c) DarkStar1120

Song: Awake and Alive, Skillet