• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 12,420 Views, 600 Comments

The 7th Element - thunderhawk7865

A young high school musician is transported to Equestria by Celestia. RD x OC

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Bad News

Chapter 14: Bad News

Dan spent the night laying awake, staring at the ceiling on the library basement. An occasional tear fell from his face as he thought out loud, "I don't understand... Why would Rainbow Dash should do something so reckless and uncalled for?"

He sat up and rubbed his eyes and yawned. Then he paused and stared into space, "And more importantly... Why do I care so much? I'm...I'm a human in reality. I shouldn't get too attached to anypony here..." He blinked away one final tear and nodded, taking on a face of seriousness. "Maybe it's for the best..."

He hopped out of bed and landed on all fours. He looked out the window. "Morning... Better go eat breakfast with-"

Twilight Sparkle burst through the basement door, her mane all messed up and a look of panic on her face. She was breathing heavily.

"Twilight!" Dan jumped back at her entrance. "What's going on!?"

"Ace, we have an really bad situation on our hands!" Twilight said through her heavy breaths which sounded strained.

"What? What's happened!" Ace galloped towards her, talking in front of her.

"Town meeting! In the square! You'll see!" She ran around behind him and started pushing him up the stairs.

"Easy, Twi! I can walk, you know!" Dan said, galloping up the stairs and out the door. Spike, the baby dragon, jumped onto Twilight's back as she ran out and shut the door.

The minute Dan stepped outside, he felt the sense of urgency that had overtaken Ponyville. Worried ponies were seen talking amongst each other, and some little colts and fillies were seen crying occasionally. "This is bad..." Dan said under his breath. "I can feel it..."

Dan finally took the air, flapping his wings as fast as he could. In an instant, he was floating above the town square, where all the citizens of Ponyville were assembling. On the stage in front of city hall was old grey-maned mare with glasses, which Dan assumed was the mayor, and a Royal Guard Pegasus.

The Pegasus was injured, as a body bandage surrounded his abdomen and wings. He was trying his best to look authoritative and tall, but even Dan could see the horror on his face. "This is gonna be a doozey..." Dan muttered again.

A lot of other Pegasai citizens were in the air around him, including Rainbow Dash. Dash's and Dan's eyes met. Dash cheekily smiled at him, but Dan narrowed his eyes and looked down towards the stage, as if getting ready to listen. Dash frowned and lowered her head, too, but in disappointment.

"Ok, ok!" The mayor Pony barked. "Calm down everypony! Calm down!"

As soon as the crowd was silenced, the mayor cleared her throat. "The burden has fallen upon me, as your mayor, to give you some bad news..."

There was some gasping from the crowd and slight muttering before all was silent and the mayor continued.

"It seems that Discord has broken out of his stone form and escaped Canterlot High Security Prison."

This time there was screams of terror and even louder talking.

"What's going on? Is he on his way here!?"

"Does he want revenge against Twilight Sparkle and her friends?"

"Cud, we're all doomed!"

"Everypony! Everypony please!" The mayor tried to calm the crowd.

Dan bit his lower lip as he floated there. "Discord, the Equestrian god of chaos and disharmony... Thank heavens for Twilight and her book, otherwise I'd be very confused right now..."

"Everypony!" The mayor attempted again, to avail.

"EVERYPONY!" The Royal Guard Pegasus barked in a extremely low and commanding voice that boomed around the square, causing everypony to be quiet once again, though on the edge of bursting out again.

The guard trotted froward eying the crowd and said, not as loud as before. "Citizens of Ponyville, my name is Captain Sixer. I am one of Celestia's hoof-picked bodyguards and captain of the 2nd Ponyville Regiment." He paused and gritted his teeth in pain as he stretched out his wing. "It is MY solemn duty as a captain in the Equestrian Army to inform you all that...that Canterlot has fallen..."

More screams and gasping from the crowd. "The Princesses are being held captive by Discord and his new army of creatures, including dragons!" The captain continued loudly, causing everyone to quiet down again. "Refugees from Canterlot are on their way here via the last train as we speak..."

He paused, and this time having complete silence, he continued. "When Discord broke out of prison, I was stationed in the throne room with the Princesses during an official court with the nobles... An large explosion sounded. We all wondered what was going on, but no one had an answer. Finally, a messenger pony galloped into the throne room and said that Discord had escaped and..." He gulped. "That he had resorted to violence." Silence again. "The messenger said they counted at least 10-15 dead by Discord's hands...and that the count was rising..."

Dan gasped as the crowd started murmuring as well. "Death can't be something they are used to in these parts...especially murder..."

"Celestia remained strangely calm throughout the whole ordeal. After a few minutes of watching Discord and his minions rampage through the city out of her window, she called me to her... She gave me a message and told me to make haste to Ponyville and deliver it to the citizens..."

He bowed his head and closed his eyes, "That's when the dragon that almost clouded over Equestria with his smoke awhile back broke through the ceiling, killing two of my kinsman...and striking me in the stomach as I tried to take off..."

He gestured to his wound. "I know very well that Discord would not allow for the princesses to be killed, so have no fear..." He gulped. "But as I fluttered away towards your town into the night, I heard Discord bellow something from the destroyed throne room that chilled me to the bone."

He took in a breath heavily and repeated Discord's message, "You're next, Ponyville..."

This time the crowd freaked out. Fruit stands were knocked over, ponies started running around in panic and shouting at each other.

"EVERYPONY! EVERYPONY PLEASE! YOU MUST NOT PANIC!" The captain boomed again, causing everyone to listen. "This message the Princess gave me shines some hope on this whole ordeal... If you will let me deliver it. But first, I need the elements of harmony up here with me..."

Dan observed as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew down to the stage and as Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity leaped up onto the stage.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle, friends, and citizens of Ponyville..." The guard read from a scroll he produced. "Discord has returned, and the Elements of Harmony have failed to restrain him to his statue form."

The six friends looked distraught, anxiously pawing the stage with their hooves. "However, that does not mean he cannot be stopped. The Elements of Harmony are still the key...but there was one thing I overlooked last time..."

The captain stopped reading and silently read the next part, as if making sure he was getting it right. His eyes widened.

"What is it!?" Rainbow barked, still in a bad mood. "We ain't got all day!"

"Yes, Sixer." Twilight said, glaring at Dash. "Please, tell us how to stop him this time."

"Right, my apologies, Miss Sparkle." The guard nodded hastily before taking in a deep breath and reading the next part.

"It has come to my attention..." He read. "That there is a 7th...Element of Harmony!"

Silence from the crowd. Only looked of awe and winder struck the faces of the citizens of Ponyville.

"I thought there was six..." Dan muttered, rubbing his chin with his hoof.

"A 7th Element?" Pinkie bounced in shock. "Are you serious!"

"Does she say who the pony is who holds te' 7th Element is, partner?" AJ asked anxiously.

"Or what the seventh element actually is?" Rarity questioned.

"I was getting to that..." The captain muttered, coughing and then continuing. "Though I cannot tell you who holds the final element and the key to defeating Discord once and for all, I can tell you what element it is... Love."

More muttering from the crowd. "However, this element is a tricky one, so to speak." The captain continued. "Since love can be expressed by almost anything by definition, it will be difficult to find the way with which the love must be expressed, and between the not one, but two, ponies who hold it inside them."

Twilight and her friends were in uttered disbelief. So was Dan. "Great...they send me here in a time of crisis and probably fighting... That's just what I needed..."

"Discord and his minions are closing in. I do not have much time." The captain continued. "Twilight Sparkle, I will leave it up to you, as the Element of Magic, to find these two ponies and fast. It is my fear Discord will move to attack Ponyville next. Do not fear for me; Luna and I will be safe from harm." The guard lowered the scroll, "Yours, Princess Celestia."