• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 12,433 Views, 600 Comments

The 7th Element - thunderhawk7865

A young high school musician is transported to Equestria by Celestia. RD x OC

  • ...

Game Plan

Chapter 15: Game Plan

An hour later found Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash sitting in a circle in Twilight's library. Dan was laying in a window sill up above them, one leg hanging down, holding his guitar. He gazed out the window, quietly strumming on his guitar a tune the six friends down below had never heard before.

"They're panicking out there..." Dan muttered, still strumming. "They're boarding up their shops and houses, sandbagging the main roads, lighting torches..." He closed his eyes and shook his head. "It's my guess that Discord intends on doing more than just screwing everything up this time...and everypony doesn't know how to take it..."

"Ace is right..." Twilight muttered. "From what Captain Sixer told us, Discord intends to..." Twilight hesitated.

"Kill us all." Dash finished, gazing up at Dan. Dan looked down at her briefly, then looked back outside. "He's really angry that we imprisoned him again..."

"How did he even get out again, anyway?" Rarity interjected. "We sealed him away! What could've caused so much disharmony that it could be felt within Canterlot Maximum Security?"

"That's not important, Rarity..." Fluttershy muttered, peeping through the gap in her pink mane. "The important thing is that we stop him now that he's back."

"Yes...of course..." Rarity swept her mane to the other side of her head. "Twilight? Any ideas?"

Twilight sighed, "I don't have any books on the Elements of Harmony that say anything about a 7th Element."

"How da you know?" Applejack questioned. "Maybe you missed the fine print within the fine print, sugarcube."

"Pfff, c'mon AJ!" Pinkie Pie shook her head. "She's read all seven of those books like ten times each!"

"Twenty..." Twilight corrected. "But that's not the point. Think, everypony! Which two ponies could have enough love for each other that they would trigger the 7th element?"

"The Cakes?" Pinkie suggested. "They love each other so, so sosososo, sooo much!" Pinkie gave herself a really tight hug.

"Well, that's all well an' good, Pinkie Pie." Applejack responded. "But the only way they express their love is by cooking. They would've already triggered the elements if they had 'um."

"AJ's right..." Rarity said. "Ordinarily, I would suggest that it be me and the Prince..." she scowled. "But at this point I hope he's cowering in a corner somewhere...or dead in a pool of his own...um..."

Everyone was looking at her with looks of shock on their faces. Even Dan stopped strumming and looked down in surprise.

Rarity coughed then straightened up in her seat. "Sorry... Lost control there for a second..."

"C'mon everypony..." Twilight said, looking around. "We can't have suggested everypony in town." She looked over at Rainbow Dash, who was staring at the floor again as Dan continued to strum. "Rainbow? You've been awful quiet this whole time. Know anypony who could possibly have the 7th element? Who hasn't expressed love to somepony else?"

Dash frowned and gulped. She looked up at Twilight. She had seen the look Twilight had on her face now many times before. It was the "you know who/what I'm talking about, Rainbow" look. Dash looked up at Dan and Dan returned the look. Dan, as if rejecting her with his mind, just shook his head once and continued strumming.

"N...no..." Dash muttered. "I don't know anypony...who would fit the bill..."

Twilight scowled and rolled her eyes. "Fine..."

"I have an idea..."

They all looked up at Dan, who spoke. He still strummed as if he hadn't said anything, but he opened his mouth and continued. "Since we can't find the 7th Element, why don't we just seal him away again temporarily with the six we have? Then that'd give us time to find the 7th for when he breaks out again..."

"That's a good idea, Ace...there's just one problem..." Twilight said, standing up and pacing. "The elements are in Celestia's castle, in the stain-glass room outside her throne room."

"If what Sixer said is true..." Dash put in, raising her head. "Then there's no way we could get the elements if the castle and the city have been taken over by monsters and Discord..."

The door to the library slammed open, and in strode the Royal Guard pony, Captain Sixer. "Then we stage a recovery/rescue mission."

Dan stopped strumming and looked down to see the captain. "Hey there, Captain." He nonchalantly went back to strumming, even when the Captain closed the door and stepped froward.

"I couldn't help overhearing Ace's plan, and, being a military stallion, I have some input." He cleared his throat and nodded. "Given we have the stallionpower here in Ponyville and the remaining members of the 2nd Ponyville Regiment, I'd say our odds are good."

"Really?" The six stood up, their faces glimmering with hope.

"Yes..." The captain continued. "We'll need the help of the Earth, Unicorn, and Pegasus ponies in order for the attack to work... I will warn you now though..." He started pacing. "I cannot guarantee that everyone who decides to participate will come out unscathed, or even alive."

Their faces fell instantly. "What stallions would help besides the ones in the regiment?" Twilight thought out loud.

"It's hopeless..." Fluttershy said, curling up into a ball in her chair and starting to cry. "We're all gonna d-d-d-"

"No..." Fluttershy felt a hoof on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Dan had flown down from his window seat, guitar on back. "No one's dying..." He looked around the room. "I'm in."

Everyone gasped, except Rainbow Dash, who just stared at Dan as he lowered his hoof to the floor.

"Ace, it's suicide!" AJ yelped, jumping up and grabbing him by the shoulders.

Dan silently brushed her hooves off him and nodded, "I know... I'll lead the recovery mission. Earth and Unicorn ponies need not trouble themselves... I'll get some of your Pegasai and other Pegasai around town and we'll fly in, grab the elements, and get out."

"What about saving the Princesses?" Rarity asked Dan, frowning.

"You heard her note..." Dan said, turning towards her. "She's safe... I think we can trust her there..."

"Ace, that's very noble..." The captain coughed as he prepared to address Dan. "But it's suicide. I insist that a group of Earth and Unicorn ponies attack from the ground to get the Princesses out."

The door opened again. This time Shadow Breeze walked in with a group of stallions and mares, all residents of Ponyville and 2nd Ponyville Regiment soldiers of all three kinds of pony.

"Shadow Breeze..." Dan looked at the group of ponies who had walked in. "What's going on?"

"Well, um..." Shadow Breeze pawed the floor. "We're um..."

"We're in, dawg..." A grey Earth pony with a baseball cap poked his way to the front. "Name's Mic Bluez. These here are my homies..." He pulled a black colored unicorn with a teal mane and tail and a skull mask and beanie forward. "DJ Skully and..." On his other side, he pulled a dark red Pegasus with a black mane and red highlights forward. "Blazing Heartbeat." He pointed at himself. "Ima rapper, Skully's an electric keyboard artist, and Heartbeat over there's a drummer..."

"We came to Ponyville to see one of your club gigs and maybe jam with you..." Blazing Heartbeat said. "But that can wait."

"For now..." DJ Skully spoke up through his mask. "We're with ya', brony."

Dan stared at the touching scene before him. He shook his head in disbelief. "Are you guys sure?"

"All for one, baby... Haha!" Mic Bluez smiled and brohoofed DJ Skully and Blazing Heartbeat.

Dan smiled, "Alright then... If we're gonna do this, we gotta work hard and we gotta work fast!" He approached the group of volunteers. "If we're gonna get in there, get the Elements of Harmony their necklaces, seal away Discord, defeat his army and save the Princesses, we'll only get one shot! Mic Bluez! Can you lead the earth ponies in an attack/distraction on the city outskirts?"

"Can do, baby. Ain't that right, Big Mac?"

The big red stallion in the back nodded, "Eeeyup. I've got yer back, partner."

"And I've got yers..." Sunset Canvas said from next to Big Mac, which made the red stallion look in the other direction, smiling sheepishly.

"Skully? Can you and some Unicorns use some magic to get Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack to the elements room once it's secure? And be sneaky about it?"

"They won't even know we're there..." The DJ's horn started glowing and Dan could've sworn his skull mask smiled at him.

"And Blazing Heartbeat, you and I will lead the air strike. It'll be our job to get in the castle from the roof, defeat anything that's in the throne room, and secure it for when the elements arrive for their necklaces. We'll be bringing with us Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash."

"What about Discord, brony?" The drummer said, forwning. "What if he's in the throne room?"

"It's likely that he is, as I heard him yell from the throne room as I flew away..." The captain said.

Dan looked at the ground for a second, then looked back up and said, "If that's the case, I'll hold him off until Twilight and her friends are all assembled."

Total silence enveloped the room for a moment, and then the captain stepped forward, "If push comes to shove, Ace, we'll never forget your sacrifice..."

Mic Bluez stepped forward. "Whoa whoa whoa WHOA, army dawg..." He pointed at Dan. "That would be implyin' that he's gonna die! Just from lookin' at him, I can tell ya' he ain't gonna die!"

The group in the room cheered and Dan smiled slightly.

"With your permission, Ace." The captain said. "I would like to help. Being wounded, I cannot fight or fly. But I can coordinate the mission, if you would like."

"I would appreciate nothing more..." Ace grasped the guard pony's hoof as the group kept cheering.

"Oh yey!" Pinkie Pie was leaping up and down. "A rescue mission! Oh oh! I've never been a part of a rescue mission before!"

'Technically, you have, my dear Pinkie." Rarity said. "We rescured Nightmare Moon from herself, remember?"

"Ooooh yeah..." Pinkie said, stopping her bouncing. "Never mind!" She sat down.

"Twilight..." Applejack walked over to her. "Do ya' think Ace'll be alright?"

Both mares looked over at Ace as he started telling the captain how to direct the mission.

"I don't know, Applejack. But it's his choice."

Rainbow Dash stood up and looked over at Ace. "I wonder if it is us that have the 7th Element inside of us..." She shook her head. "He's not interested anymore, Dash. It's probably Big Mac and that old flame of his...or something..."


Shadow Breeze (c) AnonJ13

Sunset Canvas (c) SallyandMcQueenfan95

Mic Bluez (c) Don'tDriveAngry7

DJ Skully (c) Malfatto The Doctor

Blazing Heartbeat (c) MilesProwerFan100

Song Dan was strumming: Welcome Home, Coheed and Cambria