• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 12,433 Views, 600 Comments

The 7th Element - thunderhawk7865

A young high school musician is transported to Equestria by Celestia. RD x OC

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The 7th Element vs. Discord

Chapter 19: The 7th Element vs. Discord

Dan's sudden charge shocked Discord. Discord had to side-step as Dan swung his swords at him while flying through the air. Dan quickly whirled around and made up for this mistake by slamming his swords down on Discord's scaled arm. Discord wailed in pain as the swords made a dent in his scaly skin. As he tried to hold Dan back, Discord realized the stallion's strength was too much for his to handle at the moment.

After smiling evilly, Discord disappeared in a whiff of black smoke; leaving behind a reverberating laughter.

Dan, still floating in the air, and holding his swords looked around, confused at what just happened.

"Attack, my pets!" Discord's voice boomed. "I need some time!"

Dan snarled as he floated there, "DISCORD! What're you talking a-"

"LOOK OUT!" DJ Skully barked.

"Behind you!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

Before Dan could turn around, the two hypnotized guard ponies were upon him, slamming their swords down on his back. Rainbow Dash gasped in shock as Dan raised his head and screamed in pain. Luckily, the sword attacks did not puncture his armor.

He quickly whirled around in the air and used each sword to deflect attacks from both guard Pegasai.

"Snap out of it guys!" Dan barked as he dueled them in the air, swerving downward to avoid a team attack from the two. "I don't wanna kill you!"

The guards did not listen. They continued to hack and slash at the musical pony, who was getting tired quickly from the blocking.

"What am I gonna do! I can't kill them!" Dan thought to himself urgently. "Maybe if I just cut off a wing or part of a leg they'll survive... No! Stupid idea..."

"Dan...use the element..."

"What?" Dan stopped and said, out loud, but quickly ducked below two more attacks from each of the guards. "Was that Celestia?"

"ARGH!" Dan slammed his swords against theirs and started a clashing match. Dan looked up at Celestia's cage. She was still unconscious. "How did-"

Dan, as he clashed with the two guards, noticed the gemstones on the hilts of his swords glowing. "What in the-?" As soon as Dan started thinking about not killing the stallions, but rather returning them to their normal state, the glow spread to his swords and then to theirs. When the glowing faded, their swords were vaporized; they were nothing but piles of dust on the ground.

Before the hypnotized guards could do anything else, Dan roared and bashed them both with the pommels of his scimitars, knocking them out cold.

"Get them to Twilight in the stained-glass room before they wake up!" Dan barked at Blazing Heartbeat and Shadow, who quickly came and hoisted the unconscious on to their backs.. "She'll snap them of out it!"

"Oh poo... And here I was hoping you'd kill them..." Discord's voice reverberated again. "Pity..."

"No more innocent ponies are gonna die today, coward, except you!" Dan shouted. "Now face me!"

"As you wish..."

An explosion of black smoke filled the room, causing everypony to cough and close their eyes.

Dan felt himself being lifted up into the air by his throat. He hacked and coughed as the breath was being squeezed out of him.

As he was lifted up, he eventually met the grinning face of Discord. "Peeka-boo! Hmhmhm!"

"Peek...cough...abo...this, you BASTARD!" Dan mustered all his strength and sliced at Discord's shoulder. The God of chaos roared in pain as his arm dropped to the ground, as well as Dan, who landed expertly on his hooves, before starting to fly again, swords at the ready.

"Should I take the other arm too?" Dan snarled.

"ARGH!" The Equestrian deity bent over, clutching the bloody stump, shuddering.

But then he started laughing.

Dan cocked his head to one side, "What in the-?"

Discord looked up devilishly and roared a roar that shook the whole throne room, causing more debris from the wrecked roof to fall down, letting the rain fall in as well from outside.

Everypony watched in horror as Discord's arm grew back instantly in an explosion of green goo from his arm.

"YOU FOOL!" Discord roared, shaking the throne room again, causing more debris to fall. "YOU HONESTLY THOUGHT YOU COULD KILL A GOD?"

Dan could only stare in horror as Discord raised his hands to the clouds above. In a flash of lightning, Discord was transformed. He was the same, but he now wielded a massive spiked shield in his left hand and a massive battle axe in the other. He was now clad in black plate armor similar to Dan's, but he had a spiked helmet.

The six friends watched in horror from the stained-glass room, Fluttershy crying. Rainbow Dash gulped, "C'mon Ace..."

Dan blinked away some rain in his eyes and then readied his swords, "Let's dance, scale-skin..."

"MY PLEASURE!" Discord bellowed, charging at Dan through the air. Dan charged as well, clashing his two swords his Discord's giant axe. This time, Discord had the strength advantage, as Dan felt his strength being drained trying to hold the God of chaos back.

With a yelp, Dan broke the guard and flew in a loop around Discord, hoping to get a shot at his back while he was still busy swinging at him in the other direction, but when Dan swung both his swords down at where Discord was, he was gone.

"What in the-GAH!" Dan yelped as he was smacked clear across the room. Smashing into the wall, he groaned and pulled himself free. He widened his eyes as he saw the Discord and sliced him with his axe from behind. Luckily, his armor held yet again.

"How is he so fast?" Dan thought in shock.

"Because, dear colt, I am a GOD!" He teleported right in front of Dan, swinging his axe again in an upward motion. Dan barked in pain as he sailed upward, still gripping his swords. Before he could regain his balance in the air, Discord was above him. He slammed the shield into Dan this time, sending him flying across the room again. "I can read your mind!" He teleported in front of Dan and smacked him in the other direction, sending him sailing through the air again. "I know your every move, whelp!" Discord them teleported himself above Dan and jumped on top of the flying stallion, slamming the Pegasus into the hard stone floor, making a small dent in the stone.

Dan laid there, howling in pain as Discord slammed his talon harder in Dan's torso as he laid there. His plate armor was crushing Dan's rib cage, and he could tell he needed to find a way to get the God off him fast. And besides, Discord was raising his axe to finish the job anyway.

"It ends now, 7th Element! What a WASTE of magic the Princesses used on you!" Discord laughed before bringing the axe to a rest above his head. "Goodbye...Ace!" Dan closed his eyes to prepare for the end.


Dan looked up and saw Rainbow Dash slamming her body into Discord's back, where his armor wasn't that good. Discord staggered froward and fell down. Dan quickly got up and reclaimed his swords. He shook his head at Dash. "You really are crazy!"

Dash groaned in pain as she lifted her wing off the ground with a hoof. "Crazy is one word for it..."

"Crazy in love is more like it..." Rarity sighed as Applejack rolled her eyes.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Discord bellowed, picking up his weapons and charging at the crippled Pegasus.

Dan roared and met Discord halfway, slamming his swords into Discord's shield with a power attack that caused Discord to stagger backwards.

"RUN DASHIE!" Dan screamed before getting backhanded away by Discord. Rainbow Dash ran as fast as she could back into the stained-glass room.

Dan spit out some blood that was trickling down his mouth and charged again, this time clashing with his axe. They then began to meet each other, blow for blow, as they steadily rose into the air. A flash of lightning made their shadows be visible for a split second. Rain was dripping from both warriors' brows as they fought for dominance, eventually rising up into the sky above the throne room. They clashed one final time, and onlookers from the throne room and the Earth pony army outside could've sworn they saw a lightning strike hit the ground between the two combatants.

They flew back from each other, both gasping for breath as they stared each other down. Dan flew in a bi-pedal fashion, feigning another fighting stance. "Discord...you don't have to do this..."

"Oh, trying to talk peace now, are we!?" Discord barked, banging his axe on his shield in a taunting fashion. "You're certainly one to talk, seeing as you started this little competition!"

"Who said I was trying to talk peace?" Dan barked back at him as another flash of lightning lit up the sky. "The actions you have committed here today are unforgivable! You will die, Discord! Just make it easier on yourself. Let us give you a painless death with the Elements."

Discord laughed, "HAHAHA! What a joke! Actually trying to show me mercy when it is clearly I who has the upper hand here!"

Dan scowled, "We'll see..."

Lightning flashed again as the two combatants charged each other once more.

"ARGH!" Dan barked as he slammed the pommels of his swords into Discord's shield, causing the god to stagger back. Dan then whirled around in the air and slammed his swords onto Discord's axe, which he almost dropped.

"Celestia above..." Mic Bluez said, looking up at the fight with Captain Sixer. "The lightning..."

He was right. Each time a blow was struck, a flash of lightning erupted through the air, each time narrowly missing the two warrior as they fought.

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash asked as they watched. "What's happening?"

"I've read about this..." Twilight muttered, staring up at Dan and Discord in alarm. "The Elements are unstable. If any are used too long in an intense combat situation like this, the power builds up inside the gemstones. If Ace doesn't finish this soon, the power will become to unstable and..." She shook her head. "I don't want to think about what will happen..."

"But..." AJ whimpered as she stared up at Dan. "But can't he just use some of that power he used on the guards swords?"

"He could, Applejack. But it wouldn't be effective without the other six elements. It is Discord, after all. He has protection against one, but not all seven."

"Then we need to bus the vault open!" Dash said desperately, flinching as Dan screamed up above from being cut on the arm, a piece of his armor falling off and embedding itself in a castle turret.

"She's right, Twilight!" Rarity narrowed her eyes and nodded. "It needs to open!"

"Okay then..." Twilight and everypony else turned around and faced the vault door. "Everypony, start kicking!"

At once everypony ran forward, found a space on the wall and began kicking with their hind legs.

It was Discord's turn to scream as Dan impaled Discord through the chest. Dan smiled, but Discord slammed the valiant Pegasus away with his axe pommel, knocking Dan's left-hoof sword out of his hoof. Dan's ears ringing from the impact, he shook his head and readied himself with his remaining sword.

Discord laughed, "Give up yet?"

Dan was unwavering as he floated there, staring right into Discord's rotten soul with his brightly glowing golden eyes. "Never..."

"I don't believe you!" Discord flew up like lightning and slammed the pommel of his axe into Dan again. "No pony in this world can take the punishment I've dished out to you!"

"Maybe you're right, ugly!" Dan said as he countered by flying up under Discord's shield and slashing upwards, knocking off Discord's chest piece and cutting through his soft under-belly. He bent over and clutched his stomach, howling in pain. "How did you-?"

Dan took a minute to get a bearing on the situation. Dan had one sword left, one shoulder-pad had been knocked off, as had one of the hoof guards. He had cuts and bruises all over him. Discord now had no chest-piece and was bleeding heavily from Dan's cut before he inhaled deeply and the wound sealed itself.

"Fool! It matters not! I'll only re-generate! Without the other six elements, you are weak!"

Dan's mouth hung open at Discord's comment. "He's right..." Dan suddenly looked down and saw the ponies down below desperately kicking the vault door.

"What are you looking at? Hm?" Dan looked as Discord looked down and his eyes widened as he saw what the ponies were trying to do. "NOOO!"

Flying like lightning, and slamming Dan out of the way as he flew, he flew downwards towards the ponies trying to open the vault.

Discord slammed down onto the ground and growled. "NO ONE GETS IN THERE!" He swung his axe at Fluttershy, who was closest. She screamed and tensed up, un-moving.

"Look out!" Shadow Breeze dashed from his spot on the wall and slammed himself into her, knocking her out of the way. The axe narrowly missed.

Before Discord could swing again, a stained-glass window exploded in a shower of glass fragments as Dan burst through, slamming into Discord and knocking him and Discord out of another stained-glass window. Discord's shield thumped onto the floor as he dropped it on his way out the window.

Shadow picked up Fluttershy, "Fluttershy! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?"

Fluttershy hugged Shadow, "Oh thank you Shadow! Thank you!"

Shadow hugged back. "Yeah..." He looked out the window to see Dan and Discord spiraling towards the ground, far below where the Canterlot castle was perched on the cliff. "No problem..."

The Earth ponies gasped as they saw the two figures battling each other as the sailed toward the ground. Dan, on Discord's chest and squinting to see as the rain stung his eyes, was pummeling the god of chaos as hard as he could with his remaining sword. Discord was doing his best to block the attacks, but eventually, Discord's axe beat Dan to the punch. Discord managed to knock Dan's other sword out of his hoof as they fell.

Dan roared and started throttling Discord as they twirled around in the air. Dan angled themselves so that Discord was the one to receive the blunt of the pain when they struck an outcropping on the cliff-side, breaking it into rubble and making it fall down with them.

The ground fast approaching, Dan knew he had to do something quick. After dodging a swipe from Discord's claw, he positioned himself on Discord's chest where he could slam his right front hoof down onto the God's face. Remembering fall-fights he saw in action movies on Earth, this is what the hero did before hitting the ground. Pummeled the bad guy until he was too dazed to try and realign himself.

Roaring, Dan 'punched' Discord in the jaw. Hearing a slight snapping noise, Dan roared again and slammed his hoof down onto his face again. Dan repeated this over as over as the spiraled through the air. Dan got too overconfident, though. As soon as he paused to prepare for a big 'punch', Discord's axe came up, slicing Dan's wing. Dan cried out in pain before growling and, rhough the stinging rain, slammed his hoof down on Discord's face so hard, discord's helmet shattered in two and flew off as they fell.

Unable to save himself, Dan hunkered down on Discord's chest as they spiraled through the air, hoping Discord would be the one to land on his back. Dan knew that if it was him...he would die. Better Discord to land than him.

Both combatants cried out as the ground approached.

There was a heavy thud as the two crashed down into the middle of the battlefield the Earth ponies had fought on.

"Who landed on top of who!?" Barked Captain Sixer at Mic Bluez, who was holding some binoculars.

"I...I didn't see! It was too hard to tell in the rain!" The rapper shouted as lightning reupted through the air again.

The Captain snarled. "EVERYPONY, MOVE OUT!"


Shadow Breeze (c) AnonJ31

Mic Bluez (c) Don'tDriveAngry7

DJ Skully (c) Malfatto the Doctor

Blazing Heartbeat (c) MilesProwerFan100