• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 12,420 Views, 600 Comments

The 7th Element - thunderhawk7865

A young high school musician is transported to Equestria by Celestia. RD x OC

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Chapter 32: Revelations

A day had passed since the battle in the desert, and Dan, the Elements, Lunar Eclipse, and the two stallions who were in prison with Rainbow Dash had returned to Ponyville. They arrived in the night, and the first thing Dan and Rainbow Dash did was spend the rest of the night together at Rainbow Dash's cloud dwelling. No pony blamed them, as they had been apart for awhile, and after that learning of Rainbow Dash's pregnancy, Dan was filled with so much love for the flying mare, that he couldn't stay away from her for long.

As for the rest of the group, Dark Star checked in at the Ponyville Hotel, and Lightning Flash returned to his home, as did the rest of the Elements. As for why Lunar Eclipse stayed at Ponyville, no pony knew. The alicorn stood on the hill below Rainbow Dash's cloud, gazing up at the sky, particularly the moon.

"Hmmm..." The Prince of Death wondered aloud. "Luna has done a wonderful job tonight..." He gazed over at the cloud dwelling and sighed. "Celestia...or Luna..." He looked back at the moon. "If either of you can hear me, you must make haste to Ponyville as soon as you can. A foal is about to be born..." He angled his head downwards and closed his eyes. "And I have a feeling there will be something...special...about it..."

The next day found Dan and Rainbow Dash walking down the main street of Ponyville, side by side.

Dash's head was resting on Dan's shoulder as they trotted along, attracting jealous glances from the mares who were gossiping about Dan the day he arrived, as the duo made their way to the hospital.

"I'm nervous, Dan..." Dash whispered suddenly as they neared the front entrance to the hospital.

"Hm?" Dan stopped and looked down at her face, which was suddenly filling with distraught. "What about?"

Dash smiled nervously, "I'm gonna have a baby, Ace." She nudged him playfully like she always did. "I thought even you could put two and two together as to why I'm nervous."

Dan chuckled, "Dash..."

"I mean, what if I'm not ready to be a mom?" She started to panic a little. "What if I can't meet the needs of the baby?! What if it dies!? What if-"

"Dashie..." Dan stroked her mane once over to calm her down. "I'll be there to whole way..."

"B-b-but..." she sniffed sadly. "I never really thought myself to be, you know..." she waved her hoof in the air in a 'so-so' motion. "Mommy material..."

"And I never figured myself daddy material..." Dan smiled and mimicked her. "But, that's what we have each other for, Dashie! We're here to help each other along!"

They were silent for a minute as they both stared at the front door of the hospital. Dash looked up at the sky, heaved a heavy sigh, and then turned her head up towards Dan's and smiled.

"I love you, you know that?" She grinned and nuzzled him.

"Gotta wuv me..." He grinned back. "Now, c'mon! Let's go see whether it's a colt or a filly."

An hour later found Dan sitting in a chair in a waiting room on the second floor, reading an Equestrian music magazine, specifically an article on him and PON-3. Dr. Blaze Carousel had greeted them warmly upon entering the hospital and was overjoyed to hear the news of Rainbow's pregnancy. Out of the kindness of his heart and 'for Equestria's hero', as he put it, he took in Rainbow Dash immediately into the sonogram room.

Dan sighed and turned a page slowly, continuing with reading the article. He had a knot in his stomach, and was probably more nervous than he let on, but he didn't admit anything, for Rainbow Dash's sake.

"Mom, Dad..." He smiled and thought to himself. "You'd probably ground me for eternity if you ever found out that I had knocked up a girl... A pony, no less, from a different planet." He stopped smiled and frowned, looking up at the ceiling. "I do miss them a lot right now... Maybe I should plan a trip back. I mean, I have a life on Earth too."

But then he remembered what had happened back on Earth. The whole reason he came to Equestria in the first place. The musical. His teachers.

He found himself scowling, his eye twitching. "No..." He thought. "I'm not going back until I can forget about that." He frowned again. "For the sake of my parents...and my little brother..."

"Reminiscing about the good ol' days on Earth, are we, Ace?" A familiar voice said inside his head.

Like he wasn't surprised, he turned his head and looked at the door to the waiting room. There stood the Prince of Death in all his majesty, his armor still on. Attracting confused glances from the other ponies, he strode over and stood over Ace, gazing down at the stallion.

Dan smiled a little and put down the magazine. "Pretty much."

"Nervous?" Lunar Eclipse asked light-heartedly.

Dan nodded slowly. "Yeah. I could never admit it to Dashie, though."

"Understandable." Lunar Eclipse looked over at the room down the hall. "You have sired offspring on a different world under undesirable circumstances."

"Undesirable?" Ace looked up sharply.

Lunar Eclipse shrugged slightly. "That entire last statement I just heard in your head just proves to me that you, Ace, are homesick."

"Homesick?" Dan scoffed, folding his front hooves indignantly. "I am NOT homesick."

"Not even a little?" Lunar smiled a little.

Dan looked down at the ground, and then back up at the Prince of Death with a frown. "Okay, yes!" He looked off to the side. "A little..."

"Do you want to go back? Because, you know you can." The alicorn said.

"Yeah, I know..." Dan looked down at his hooves, as if remembering the last time when they were hands. He looked up suddenly with a look of determination. "But I can't abandon Rainbow Dash when she's having a baby. My baby, no less!" He looked up at the alicorn again. "I'm staying here in Equestria as long as I need to! Screw Earth! People there piss me off anyway!" He finished off his statement with a thought to the alicorn as to avoid having any other ponies hear him.

The alicorn looked slightly taken-aback at Dan's last statement, "That's very bold of you, Ace." Lunar Eclipse said quietly. "Very bold indeed."

They dwindled in the waiting room in silence for a few minutes, Lunar Eclipse staring at Rainbow Dash's door and Ace looking around restlessly.

Suddenly, the sound of a door opening broke the silence.

Dan leaped up to his hooves and stared down at the door. Blaze Carousel stood halfway out the door, an expression of shock on his face. Utter shock.

Dan cocked his head to one side, "Dr. Carousel? Is everything alright?"

Blaze shook his head to regain his composure and gestured for Dan and Lunar Eclipse to come over. "You'd...you'd best come and see for yourself..."

Dan and the alicorn exchanged confused looks before trotting over to the sonogram room and walking inside.

In the room, Dash was laying down in a bed, an equally shocked look on her face. The doctor walked up to the screen on the far wall and turned on the light, showing the pictures the sonogram and taken. Upon turning the back-light on, a little pony-looking blob sat curled up inside Rainbow's womb, and it's defining feature was the horn sticking out of it's tiny head.

"A unicorn?" Dan cocked an eye. "But...we're both Pegasai."

The doctor turned and straightened his lab coat. "Irrelevant. Two Earth ponies could have a damned Pegasus, given the vast gene pool here in Ponyville. I mean, just look at the Cakes and their twins; both Earth ponies, yet they produced both a Unicorn and a Pegasus."

Dan smiled, "Well that's great!" He looked over at Dash, who still had a look of shock. "A Unicorn! We're gonna have a Uni-"

"Well, not...exactly..." The doctor gulped before gesturing at the at the screen. "If I may draw your attention to this area of womb right here..." He rose a hoof up and gestured at some weird tiny bumps that were sticking out of the small figure's back.

"AN ALICORN!" Lunar Eclipse barked suddenly, leaping forward and pushing the doctor out of the way.

"What the hay!?" Dan ran up with him. "Dude, an alicorn? Really?"

"Those are wings, Ace!" The alicorn barked. "Wings!"

It was Dan's turn to look shocked. He turned and looked at Rainbow Dash, who was now staring at Dan's face, her face now held a look of calmness.

He turned back and looked at the sonogram. Sure enough, upon closer observation, the tiny formations coming out the the baby's back were indeed wings.

"That's...that's awesome!" Dan ran over and hugged Rainbow Dash, who, without saying a word, hugged him back tightly, tears spilling out of her eyes, "What is it?"

"A colt." The doctor smiled warmly.

"A colt!" Dan smiled again shortly before looking confused again, "But-but the alicorn..." He gulped. "H...how?" Dan managed to say through his shock.

"That's the part that leaves me baffled, I'm afraid..." The doctor shook his head, "No alicorn has been born in hundreds of years. I'm afraid I don't know how this came about..."

"I do..." A female voice reverberated around the room.

There was a flash of bright light near the door and in the light's place stood the two alicorn Princesses themselves.

The Doctor, Dan, and Rainbow dash made quick bows as they appeared. "Your highnesses..." Dan said, surprised.

"Lunar Eclipse..." Celestia said, striding into the room, her facial expression seemed calm and collected, but her mind was caught in a rush of emotion and surprise, "It has been a long time, friend."

"In...indeed..." The Prince of Death looked shocked as he curtly bowed his head as well, "I see you...uh..." he looked up again, "Got my message from...from earlier..."

"And it appears you were right, Lunar." Luna said, entering the room with just as much grace as her older sister; gazing at the sonogram on the wall as she walked in, "It seems Ace has fathered an alicorn. My sister knows why."

"Your majesty, please!" Rainbow Dash begged, taking flight out of the bed suddenly and hovering in front of Celestia's face eagerly, "How did me and Ace have an alicorn?"

"Good question..." She turned towards the doctor, "Doctor, I have personal matters I wish to discuss with these ponies."

"Oh, um, of course, your majesty..." The Doctor made a quick bow before galloping out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"Okay, so...how did this happen?" Dan asked eagerly, gesturing at his baby alicorn.

"Don't think we weren't watching when you staged that rescue attempt in the desert, Dan." Celestia cocked an eye, "We saw Rainbow Dash get her throat sliced, and we saw what you and Lunar did to save her."

"That, everypony..." Luna said seriously, "Is why Rainbow Dash is going to have an alicorn. The combination of your element of love, Dan..." She pointed a hoof at Dan, "And your power over death and life, Lunar..." She moved her hoof over to the Prince of Death, "Is what caused this."

"What about the fact that he's really a human?" Lunar said, looking over at Dan. "Would that have had something to do with it?"

"Perhaps, but I cannot be sure..." Celestia said thoughtfully. "But I do know this. When you super-charged the baby's life-force, you changed it. You drew upon the magic that resides inside everypony, and made it bubble to the surface, creating an alicorn."

Dan and Rainbow Dash exchanged surprised glances. Dan walked over to Rainbow Dash and grasped her hoof, "Is the baby gonna be okay?"

"I do not know..." Celestia continued. "But early in life, alicorn magic is incredibly unstable. Individuals who wish to use the alicorn's magic for evil would try to steal the baby away if word spreads of a new baby alicorn."

"Especially since one has not been born in hundreds of years..." Luna added.

The five ponies sat in silence for a moment or two. Finally, Rainbow Dash spoke up, "So...so what do we do?" Dan looked down at her and moved her head to a position so that she could lean on his shoulder.

"What else, dear?" Celestia smiled, "We wait, and cross that bridge when we come to it."

"Rest assured, we will ensure protection to the baby." Luna nodded, "Whatever happens."

Dan and Rainbow Dash smiled and hugged each other tightly, while Lunar Eclipse was still trying to recover from the fact the first alicorn in hundreds of years was about to be born in a matter of months.

"Are you sure you don't wish to return home, Dan?" Celestia's voice echoed inside his head. "Fatherhood is a big responsibility, especially for a human of your age."

Dan turned his head and narrowed his eyes, "Never."

Celestia smiled, "Good. It's only right."

"Luna, let's take our leave." Celestia nodded at her little sister, who nodded.

"Wait, Celestia. Luna." Lunar Eclipse walked forward a little. "It has been...so long, I..." He looked down awkwardly. "I don't really have a purpose right now..."

"Lunar..." Luna walked out from behind her sister and put a hoof on the male alicorn's shoulder. "Stay here in Ponyville. Watch over Dan, Rainbow Dash, and the baby."

The Prince of Death looked up and nodded, a new look of determination on his face. "I will, Luna." He smiled warmly at her. "It has been so nice to see you again, Luna."

"Did he just address her as Luna and not as your highness?" Rainbow Dash hissed to Dan, who chuckled. "Beats me..."

A slight blush kissed Luna's cheeks, as she backed away. "Likewise, Lunar Eclipse..."

In a flash of light, both princesses disappeared as quickly as they appeared. Lunar Eclipse straightened himself up and turned his attention to the two lovers.

"Okay..." He started by clearing his throat. "Dan. Rainbow Dash. My new assignment is to watch over you. So, I might as well start on preparing you for the alicorn's birth."

Dan and Dash looked at each other, and then looked back at the alicorn with smiles. "Can it wait until Dashie's a little more...oh, I don't know...plump?"

"Shut it, lover-colt!" Dashie slugged her lover in the arm before they both burst out laughing.

Lunar smiled at their joy, "Of course. But there are preparations that need to be taken care of as soon as possible..."

"Like...?" Dash asked eagerly.

The alicorn scoffed, "Preparing a room for the baby, Rainbow Dash. Good Celestia above, don't make this more complicated that it has to be..." he smiled jokingly.

This earned him a pillow to the face from Rainbow Dash, and all three ponies laughed. This moment was the happiest Dan had felt in his entire life. There was something about a baby that he had created, growing inside of a girl he loved, that was special to him. This moment was just the beginning of the happiest, and more challenging, eight months of Dan's life.


Dark Star (c) DarkStar1120

Lightning Flash (c) Lightning Flash

Dr. Blaze Carousel (c) Le Critical Writer