• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,939 Views, 234 Comments

My Little Investigations: Marehunter - Metool Bard

Four ponies seek the truth behind a vigilante gone rogue. I am one of them, and I hope we can save her.

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Cruel Comeuppance (A)

December 14, 11:40 AM
Mewlun Mountains
Mt. Kohryu

"Nyot much farther now, my friends. Your enlightenment is just within reach."

I don't mean to question our guide here, seeing as it's his home, but I'm pretty sure he said that three mountains ago. Ugh, I feel like I'm just about ready to collapse. Traveling up and down these staircases is probably the most intense exercise I've ever gotten in my life. It's times like this that I envy my mom (and pegasi in general) for having wings. And before you ask, no, I don't know any teleportation spells. Even if I did, I'm pretty sure you can't teleport to a place if you don't know where you're going.

Oh well. I suppose I should count my blessings. At least Pinkie Pie hasn't been running her mouth and annoying us all. She tried to a few times, but Applejack was quick to rein her in. That being said, the silence is kinda getting to me. Maybe having a little chat with Orph isn't such a bad idea. Gathering the strength I had, I propelled myself to the front of the pack.

"Um, Mr. Orph. I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to ask you a few questions," I said.

Orph turned to me and tilted his head to one side. "You wish to ask me questions? Why? Shouldn't you save them for the Great Kohryu?"

"Trust me, I know what I'm going to ask Kohryu," I said. "But I want to ask you some stuff, too. Like, do you do this kind of thing often?"

Orph rubbed his eye with his paw. "It's nyot my official job, if that's what you mean," said he. "Few nyekos have the privilege of meeting wise outsiders such as yourselves. I am actually the chief of Mochi and Mimi's samurai guard, maintainying order and stability in our land."

"Ooh! Just like the Royal Guard we've got back home!" said Pinkie.

Orph shrugged. "I suppose, if you want to look at it that way," he said indifferently.

"And I suppose you have it on good authority that this Dodger Dragonvest varmint isn't around these parts?" inquired Applejack.

Orph shook his head. "If he was, he wouldn't last a day. Ever since the Great Kohryu and the Four Benyevolent Anyimals were cursed by one of those accursed Diamond Dogs, Mochi and Mimi have forbidden them from setting foot in our land. The samurai guard has been instructed to kill any mutt who snyeaks past our borders on sight."

Derpy swallowed. "I-isn't that a bit, harsh?" she whimpered.

"It is the will of Mochi and Mimi," said Orph sagely. "And as their samurai, it is my duty to uphold their decree."


"Mom, just drop it," I sighed. "Honestly, I'm not comfortable with the idea, either. But it's their land, so they make the rules. We can't really do anything about that."

"Well, we could, but I reckon it'll get us in trouble," said Applejack, lowering her stetson over her eyes.

Orph smirked. "You equines are indeed wise. I can see why you would wish to see the Great Kohryu."

"Yeah, about that," I said, rubbing the side of my head. "I'm pretty sure Kohryu is a pacifist. Why isn't he objecting to this law?"

"The Great Kohryu is indeed powerful, young equine, but he holds nyo sway over the Grand Shoguns," said Orph. "He holds out his claw to guide us, and we appreciate his guidance. However, it is our choice whether or nyot to accept it. That is his promise to all who seek his wisdom."

If that's the case, Kohryu must have the patience of several saints. I can't even imagine Princess Celestia turning a blind eye to this kind of thing simply on the principle of not wanting to control what others think. I mean, I understand where Kohryu is coming from, but if I was him, I'd probably draw some sort of line in the sand, y'know?

"So, wait. Kohryu has to follow your rules, right?" said Pinkie.

"Correct," said Orph with a nod.

"But, Twilight asked him if his acolytes could be the ambassadors for eastern dragons, and he said yes," said Pinkie. "Wouldn't Mochi and Mimi get mad about that?"

Orph snickered. "Even with all your wisdom, you are still outsiders," he said, shaking his head. "Just as the Great Kohryu doesn't interfere with the affairs of the Grand Shoguns, the Grand Shoguns do nyot interfere with the affairs of the Great Kohryu. Unless, of course, the unthinkable occurs."

"The unthinkable?" parroted Pinkie, tilting her head. "What's the unthinkable?"

"I try nyot to think about it," said Orph darkly.

"Oh~. Yeah, that makes sense," Pinkie mused.

Derpy, however, disagreed. "Y'know, not thinking about something bad doesn't make it go away."

Orph gave Derpy a curious look. "I must confess, I have nyot heard such a proverb from the Great Kohryu."

Derpy blushed. "It's, not a proverb," she said sheepishly. "I tell my daughter Dinky that all the time."

Orph's eyes went wide, and his tail stiffened and bristled. "Y-you are a philosopher as well?!"

"Uh, no. I'm a mailmare," said Derpy, blinking in confusion.

I stifled a chuckle. While it's true Derpy isn't nearly as dumb as most ponies think she is, I can't really picture her as a philosopher. She's smart and all, but some things just fly over her head.

"Let's, just move on," I said, composing myself. "You said we're getting close to Kohryu's nest, right?"

"We are currently scaling Mt. Kohryu, yes," said Orph. "His cave is just at the top. I'm sure he will be pleased to make the acquaintance of brilliant equines such as yourselves."

"Oh, actually, most of us have met him before," I said.

Orph whipped his head around, staring at us in disbelief. "You have? But you are the first nyon-zebra equines to cross into our land. How is this possible?"

"It's actually a long story," I said.

"And one I would very much like to hear," said Orph, rubbing his eye. "I had a feeling that you were nyo ordinyary equines."

"Yep, you're right about that!" said Pinkie gleefully. "Here, let me tell you all about it. It all started when..."

"Lord Orph!"

Just then, Pinkie's story was interrupted by a loud roar coming from up the mountain. Looking up, I saw that there was a large, blue dragon flying down towards us. Unlike most dragons Equestrians are familiar with, his body was long and thin like a serpent, and he was sporting a light blue mane and two thin, wiry whiskers. Despite having no wings to speak of, he flew through the air with the grace of a ballerina. He stopped before us and bowed, while Orph did the same.

"Seiryu," said Orph. "This is quite a pleasant surprise. I was just leading these wise equines up to see the Great Kohryu, and..."

"I do apologize, but the Great Kohryu is in no mood to accept any visitors," the dragon said darkly, cutting across Orph.

Orph blinked. "Nyot even visitors such as these?" he asked, gesturing to us. "These equines claim that they have met him before, even though this is their first time venturing into our home."

Seiyru looked over all of us. When his eyes met mine, they went wide.

"Star Amethyst?" he said, sounding quite shocked. "Can it really be you?"

"Yeah, it's me," I said with a nod of my own. It looks like Kohryu's acolytes recognize me. That's a relief.

"So, it's true then?" asked Orph.

"'Tis," said Seiryu. "Star Amethyst and her mother, Hooves Derpy, helped free us from the curse cast upon us many moons ago."

"Uh, why are you sayin' those names backwards?" asked Applejack.

"When you address someone around here, the surname is said first," I explained. "Trust me, I was just as confused when I first talked to Kohryu."

"Ooh, ooh! Does that mean I'm Pie Pinkie?" asked Pinkie, getting more excited about this development than anypony should. "That's funny!"

"I, fail to see the humor in this, equine," said Seiryu, arching an eyebrow.

"She's always like that," said Applejack with a sigh. "Don't mind her, Mister..."

"Oh, I do apologize," said Seiryu, clearing his throat. "I am Seiryu, the Azure Dragon as sharp as the timber. I serve as one of the Great Kohryu's acolytes."

"Right. Nice to meetcha," said Applejack with a tip of her stetson. "I'm Applejack, and this here is Pinkie Pie. Of course, you already seem to know Derpy and Sparkler."

"Of course," said Seiryu with a warm smile. The smile quickly faded as he furrowed his brow. "Actually, now that I think about it, your arrival here might be an omen, Star Amethyst."

"An omen?" asked Orph. "What sort of omen? And why is the Great Kohryu reluctant to receive visitors? That has nyever happened before."

Seiryu's face darkened. "A great evil has been committed in Kohryu's sacred home. Suzaku has already gone off to inform the Grand Shoguns, but they have yet to respond. When I first saw you on our mountain, I thought you had been sent by them. It seems I was mistaken."

Every hair on Orph's body stood up on end, and his tail became stiff. "What is this great evil, Seiryu?! Tell me, nyow!" he hissed.

Seiryu sighed. "It might be better if I showed you," said he. "Star Amethyst, against my better judgement, I ask that you and your equine friends accompany us. You've helped us greatly before; I feel that we will need that help again."

Just the way he said that is giving me the chills. I'm not jumping to conclusions or anything, but if Princess Twilight's hunch is correct, then this "great evil" Seiryu's talking about was probably committed by Mare-Do-Well's impostor. If the Neko Shogunate find out that a pony is the perpetrator of, whatever crime happened up there, then we might have an international crisis on our hooves. Possibly even a war. And I think we all know what good can come from that.

"A-alright," I said with a swallow. "I-it could tie in with our own investigation, actually."

"Your own investigation, you say?" asked Seiryu, stroking one of his whiskers. "Hmm. Perhaps this is an omen. You'll have to tell me about this investigation of yours later. For now, we have no time to lose. Here."

Seiryu then twirled about in the air before gesturing with his claws. Suddenly, I felt a rumbling beneath my feet. Before any of us could react, several large roots sprang from the ground, carrying all of us high into the air.

"Whoa nelly!" gasped Applejack, struggling to get her footing.

"Wee~! This is fun!" Pinkie cheered, wrapping her legs around the root beneath her. "I didn't know dragons could do stuff like this!"

"That's because most of our western cousins don't bother to study magic," said Seiryu. "Come, we must make haste."

"Agreed," said Orph, his tail swishing from side to side as he placed a paw on the hilt of one of his blades.

Seiryu rose into the sky, and the roots he summoned followed, with Derpy flying alongside us. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, but it wasn't really working. Part of me hopes that this is just a coincidence, but let's face it. I'm not that lucky.

December 14, 11:55 AM
Mt. Kohryu
Welcoming Chamber

The roots dropped us off at a ledge just short of the very top of the mountain. On that ledge was a large cave marked with a golden talisman depicting Kohryu and his acolytes, the Four Benevolent Animals.

"This is where the Great Kohryu usually receives his visitors," said Seiryu. "I suggest you prepare yourselves before you venture inside. It is not a sight for the weak of heart."

Well, that's comforting. I looked over at Derpy, who was shaking like a leaf. With a sigh, I took her hoof in my own.

"It'll be okay, Mom," I said. "I'm right here. I won't let anything hurt you."

Derpy looked over at me as a ghost of a smile crossed her face. "I-I know, Ammy," she whispered. "I-I'm here for you, too."

With a nod, I walked inside the cave. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much about dragons, but from what I do know, they like to line their nests with gemstones and treasure. This, was nothing like that. Small torches burned at either side, releasing the light smell of incense into the air. Instead of a cold stone floor, I felt soft leaves rustling between my hooves as we walked. The soothing sound of a babbling brook echoed around us. Veins containing metals of varying alloys lined the ceiling and walls, sparkling in the light of the torches. It's, actually kinda relaxing. I can almost feel the tension melt from my body with every step I take. I gotta say, Kohryu sure does know how to make his visitors feel welcome.

"Goodness gracious!"

A shriek from Derpy snapped me out of my trance. Looking up, I yelped myself as my blood ran hot and cold. A large Diamond Dog stood before us, suspended in midair by black cords wrapped around his wrists and ankles and stretching them apart like a starfish. The Diamond Dog himself was a shaggy fellow with white and brown fur and a vest that appeared to be made out of dragon scales. He didn't seem to be breathing.

"Inconceivable!" Orph roared, brandishing his katanas. "Murder has been committed in the sacred home of the Great Kohryu! This act cannyot go unpunyished!"

"W-wait a minute, wait a minute," I said, trying as hard as I could to keep myself from hyperventilating. "I-I know who that is. That's Dodger Dragonvest; the fugitive Rosco and Desoto are after."

Orph's tail stiffened and bristled as he let out an angry snort. "That's even worse! A Diamond Dog, snyeaking into our lands, and into the Great Kohryu's home, nyo less! He must be punyished as well!"

"Uh, beg pardon, but I don't see how you can go about punishin' a dead guy," said Applejack, lifting her stetson and arching an eyebrow.

Orph snarled. "Well, whoever did this should knyow that the Great Kohryu forbids the taking of life within the sanctity of his home," he said darkly. "While the perpetrator has done a service to the Nyeko Shogunyate, his crimes should nyot be absolved. He will be honyored, then punyished with death."

Derpy gulped and clung to me tightly. "Ammy, I don't like it here," she whimpered.

I sighed, brushing my hoof along Derpy's back. "I know, Mom. I'm scared, too," I cooed.

"You may have to hold off on your punishment for now, Lord Orph," said Seiryu gravely. "As of this moment in time, I'm sad to say that none of us know who did this."

"We might know," said Applejack, adjusting her hat. "Y'got some time to spare? It's a bit of a tale."

Seiryu knitted his brow. "It would be wise for us to share our knowledge so that we may solve this mystery together," said he. "But this is hardly the ideal place to speak."

"Yeah, I don't know about you, but I would have a hard time talking with a dead guy around," said Pinkie with a shudder. "Brrr~. That's one ghosty even I can't giggle at."

Seiryu raised an eyebrow. "You, laugh at the spirits of the dead? What would possess you to do such a thing, Pie Pinkie?"

"It's not what you think," said Applejack. "'Sides, we ain't got time for that now."

"Mmm, indeed," said Seiryu with a nod. "Come, follow me to the Meditation Chamber. We can talk there."

He flew past the suspended body of Dodger Dragonvest and further into the cave. Tentatively, we all followed. Derpy still held me close, and while Applejack and Pinkie appeared to be composed, they both looked rather pale. Orph himself was growling angrily all the while, his tail swishing from side to side. As for me, well, I don't really know how to feel.

I mentioned before that I hate Dodger Dragonvest's guts. I do not take that back; he's still an insane prick with delusions of grandeur. But as much as I hate him, I would never wish death on the guy. I would never wish death on anyone. So while I think he should've paid for his crimes, I also think that whoever strung him up like this took it too far. And even worse, I highly doubt Mare-Do-Well's impostor killed him in the name of justice. If she did kill him, that is. Again, I'm trying not to jump to conclusions here.

"You can always count on those who are close to you to protect you from the bad stuff," I whispered partially to myself. Just so you know, that's a little something I got from the Zen of Dinky. It might be a bit of a mouthful, but I'm gonna need to keep that mantra in my heart if I'm gonna get through this mess...

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