• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,939 Views, 234 Comments

My Little Investigations: Marehunter - Metool Bard

Four ponies seek the truth behind a vigilante gone rogue. I am one of them, and I hope we can save her.

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Known and Unknown (A)

December 14, 11:58 AM
Mt. Kohryu
Meditation Chamber

It wasn't long before Seiryu led us to a large golden door decorated with rubies, sapphires, diamonds, and onyx. It's a good thing, too. I'm starting to get a bit lightheaded, and I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe it's the elevation; maybe I'm just exhausted from the climb up here; maybe I'm still getting over the shock from seeing the corpse of Dodger Dragonvest. Whatever it is, my mind feels like it's gonna turn to mush any minute now.

"I ask that you all stand back for a moment," said Seiryu sternly. "I need to check if the chamber is occupied."

Perhaps it's because I'm incredibly woozy right now, but I don't see how disturbing someone's meditation is dangerous. Sure, it must be annoying, but we're not in any real danger here, are we? Eh, whatever. Better safe than sorry, I suppose. At the very least, I wouldn't want to raise Orph's ire by questioning Kohryu's acolyte.

We all complied with Seiryu's request (even Pinkie, which kinda surprises me). Once we were a safe distance away, Seiryu tapped his claw on one of the sapphires. The sapphire glowed briefly and made a pleasant chime noise. After a slight pause, the door slid open.

All of a sudden, a strange feeling washed over my entire body. I-I don't really know how to explain it. It started with a slight itching in my brain and my legs feeling like jelly. The itching gradually increased, but it never really got that painful. All it felt like was that I was experiencing several sensations at once, and my mind was straining just to keep track of it all. And then, just when I was about to black out, the feeling passed. I quickly shook myself and rubbed my temples. As I recovered from the odd experience I heard a familiar, booming voice.

"Star Amethyst. Is it fate or is it coincidence that led you to my humble abode? Perhaps it's both. The two are cousins, after all. Wait, no. I'm thinking about sleep and death."

I opened my eyes and looked up. Floating before us was none other than the Great Kohryu himself in all his golden glory. Looking at him now, I just realized how big this cave is. I probably shouldn't be amazed by this, since a huge dragon like Kohryu does need a lot of space to live comfortably, but I could've sworn it didn't feel this big when we first walked in. I dunno, maybe it was the soothing nature of the Welcoming Chamber that distracted me or something.

"Mmm. That felt super weird," Derpy mumbled.

"I know, right?!" chirped Pinkie. "It was just like that time Twilight turns us into breezies, only it was just happening in my head and nowhere else."

"Nngh. Looks like I'm not the only one who felt that," grumbled Applejack. "Everypony okay?"

"I think so," I said, turning to Kohryu. Before I could ask him what that was all about, Orph stepped in front of me and got down on one knee.

"Great Kohryu," he said somberly, bowing his head. "It is an honyor to see you again, although I wish these were better circumstances."

"Indeed, Lord Orph," said Kohryu. "I take it the Grand Shoguns have received Suzaku's message?"

"Actually, no," said Seiryu. "Lord Orph was leading this equines to see you. They say they're on an important investigation of their own."

Kohryu furrowed his brow and stroked his chin. "Hmm. I was wondering why the samurai guard was mysteriously absent."

"I am sorry, Great Kohryu," said Orph. "Had I knyown that this great injustice had been inflicted upon you, I would've come prepared."

"It matters not, Lord Orph," said Kohryu. "I'm sure these fine equines will be more than happy to help us; just as they did in the past. You don't mind, do you, Star Amethyst?"

"Well, no. Of course not," I said earnestly.

"I thank you, Star Amethyst," said Kohryu with a bow. "Now then, I'm sure you have your own reasons for traveling here, so what are they?"

Seiryu raised an eyebrow. "I just mentioned that they're here because of their own investigation, o Great Kohryu," said he.

"Oh, yes! Right. Silly me," said Kohryu, sheepishly clearing his throat.

Applejack knitted her brow. "Hmm. I reckon you've been around for quite a while now."

Kohryu blinked. "That is true, equine. I have lived for about nine hundred years, by my estimates. How were you able to guess this?"

"Let's just say I know somepony back home who's an awful lot like you," said Applejack with a smirk. "She's as sharp as a tack, but her age sometimes gets the better of her."

I know exactly whom Applejack is referring to, but I don't think the comparison is entirely accurate. Yes, Kohryu and Granny Smith both have a lot of experience and wisdom, and they both can be a bit senile. But I dunno, Granny Smith's knowledge seems to be more practical and pragmatic, while Kohryu is contemplating stuff like the meaning of life or something abstract like that. They're both smart; just in different ways. Plus, it's sometimes hard to tell when Kohryu's being senile. Maybe it's because I'm used to ponies in Ponyville being a bunch of eccentric nuts, but I never got that with Granny Smith.

"Hmm. I see," mused Kohryu. "That's quite an insightful comparison, especially considering we have not crossed paths before. What is your name, equine?"

"Oh, pardon me," said Applejack, taking off her stetson. "The name's Applejack. Pleasure to meetcha."

"The feeling is mutual, Applejack," said Kohryu with a nod of his own. "Are you here for the same reason as Star Amethyst?"

"Yep," said Applejack. "We actually might know the guy who killed that there varmint you've got strung up back there. We were just about to head inside the Meditation Chamber and tell Seiryu here the whole story."

"That will not be necessary," said Kohryu, shaking his head. "Come, follow me into the Meditation Chamber."

We did as he instructed. As we entered the enormous alcove, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. There was no source of light to be seen inside. In fact, the only illumination that was provided was from the open door behind us and Kohryu's golden aura. Once we were all inside, the door closed behind us, and everything became pitch black.

"Do not be afraid, my friends," said Kohryu. "No harm will come to you. Darkness and evil are not synonymous."

"Yeah, that's great and all, but we can't see our hooves in front of our faces," I said. "It's kinda inconvenient to talk like this, don't you think?"

"There are no need for words in this chamber, Star Amethyst," said Kohryu, his eyes glowing bright crimson. "Open your minds to me, and all thoughts and explanations will be shared."

The weird itch in my brain returned. I don't know what Kohryu is talking about, but I think he's using his magic to tap directly into our minds. He did something like that when I first met him, but I don't remember it feeling quite like this. After taking a deep breath, I looked right into Kohyru's eyes. Suddenly, my mind went completely blank. The only thing I could hear was Kohryu's voice, which had this to say:


I was first made aware of the incident this very morning, just as the sun was beginning to rise. Suzaku alerted me of some horrible crime being committed in my Welcoming Chamber. That crime just so happened to be the murder of Dodger, the false hierophant who was unmasked and shamed all those months ago. His body has remained untouched since his discovery, as per my instruction. There is no sign that he used any other means of entrance other than the Welcoming Chamber, which is open to all. As far as I know, Suzaku was the first to see him. The murder itself was not seen or heard. That is all I can tell you.


The golden shape of Kohryu slowly came into focus, indicating that I was back in the here and now. Honestly, that didn't take as long as I thought it would. And that worries me. Kohryu clearly has no idea what happened to Dodger. Heck, for all he knows, Dodger might not have even been killed here. That means we don't have any reliable witnesses to the crime. We're not exactly off to a great start here.

"So, you are here because of an equine wishing to slander the one known as the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well," said Kohryu, thoughtfully stroking his chin.

"Hey, that's right!" chirped Pinkie. "How'd ya know?"

"Your mind told me the entire story," said Kohryu simply. "In this room, all thoughts and ideas become connected in a vast ocean of mental power so that the mind may be clear for meditation."

"That's all fascinatin' and stuff, but I still don't get a few things," said Applejack. "How did this happen without any of you noticin'? Doncha have any way of knowin' when someone's at the door?"

"Normally, each of the Four Benevolent Animals take turns watching the Welcoming Chamber," said Seiryu. "We welcome whoever comes and guide them to the Great Kohryu."

"Well, who's guardin' the place now?"

"Why, I am, of course."

I placed a hoof to my muzzle. "And who was on guard yesterday?"


"And how long do these shifts go on for?"

"From one sunrise to the next."

So for some reason, Suzaku didn't see anything suspicious until it was too late. Something about that doesn't sound quite right. I might need to have a word with him when he comes back from seeing the Grand Shoguns.

"There's somethin' else that's buggin' me," said Applejack. "That there Orph fella said that Diamond Dogs were supposed to be killed on sight 'round these parts. Y'think one of them did it?"

"Impossible," said Orph irritably. "It is true that Diamond Dogs are forbidden to enter our land. However, the home of the Great Kohryu is sacred ground where all life is treated equally. Nyo one in my samurai guard would be so foolish as to defy the Great Kohryu simply to appease the Grand Shoguns."

I have to wonder if that's true. The Neko Shogunate clearly has a great respect for Kohryu, seeing as their Grand Shoguns pass laws that conflict with their own draconian measures simply for his benefit. But when you get right down to it, Kohryu doesn't really have any authority over them, does he? So how do his wishes trump the Neko Shogunate's laws? Maybe it's because I'm a foreigner, but honestly, I don't get it.

"Wait, I'm confuzzled," said Derpy, rubbing her head. "If you guys were ordered to, um, take care of Diamond Dogs on sight, then why are Mr. Rosco and Mr. Desoto still alive?"

"Simple. They haven't crossed our borders," said Orph. "We understand that it is immoral to kill those who have done nyothing wrong. We aren't the tengu, after all."

That last sentence caused something to click in my mind. Last night, when Princess Twilight was explaining the whole story to her friends, she mentioned how Mare-Do-Well was created as a weapon to be used by the Tengu Dynasty. Did Orph see that part when Kohryu linked our minds? Or does he have personal experience with this Tengu Dynasty? Seeing as he just brought it up out of nowhere, I'm probably gonna go with the latter option.

"Wait, what's this about the tengu?" I asked.

"It's nyone of your concern, Star Amethyst," growled Orph. "The Tengu Dynyasty is gone. Nyothing about them pertains to this crime."

"Okay, okay," I said, taken aback by Orph's harsh tone. "Sheesh. I was just curious."

Orph snorted. "Well, direct that curiosity towards something more useful. We have the information we nyeed; nyow we must find our culprit."

"Absolutely!" cheered Pinkie. "And the first thing to do is to look for clues!"

"It seems you are all adequately prepared for this," said Kohryu. "That being the case, I see no reason to detain you."

His eyes glowed red, and the door to the chamber slid open. Just as a crack of light flooded the room, Pinkie Pie darted through the open door.

"Hey, wait up!" hollered Applejack, giving chase. "Ugh, consarnit, Pink."

Derpy chuckled. "Well, at least they're enthusiastic."

"Mmm," I said before bowing to Kohryu. "Don't worry, Mr. Kohryu. We'll get to the bottom of this. I promise."

"I do not doubt your skill, Star Amethyst," said Kohryu warmly. "But be wary. The greatest weapon that can be used against you is your ignorance. Or is it overconfidence? I might be thinking of a different proverb there, actually..."

"I, get what you're trying to say," I interrupted. "I'll be sure to keep it in mind. C'mon, Mom."

With that, we followed Applejack and Pinkie out of the chamber. Yeah, Kohryu seems to have a habit of forgetting his own proverbs. You'd think that he would've written them down somewhere. Still, for the record, I do know what he was trying to say there. I'm gonna need to be walking on eggshells throughout this investigation, 'cause right now, I have no idea where it's gonna lead me...

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