• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,939 Views, 234 Comments

My Little Investigations: Marehunter - Metool Bard

Four ponies seek the truth behind a vigilante gone rogue. I am one of them, and I hope we can save her.

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Assistant's Head Start (T)

December 14: 8:15 AM
Canterlot Castle
Royal Suite

Although I sometimes go to sleep late because of my reading habits, I usually don't have trouble getting up in the morning. I always make it a point to get up nice and early so that I have time to put together a to-do list, check my schedule, and anything else I need to do before starting my day. Spike always says it's amazing how much stamina I have in the morning, but this is coming from a dragon who'd spend the whole day in bed if he could. He's not exactly one to talk about my sleeping habits.

However, today was different. I found it very difficult to get out of bed, since I got barely any sleep last night. I simply couldn't get the events of the Gala out of my head. I considered discussing the matter with Princess Luna once or twice (she goes into ponies' dreams at night, which is why she never attends the Gala herself), but the endless questions bombarding my mind kept me from drifting off and seeing her. I wonder if anypony else had the same problem.

"Rise and shine, Princess Twilight. We have a big day ahead of us."

The formal-sounding voice was accompanied by the enticing aroma of hot camomile tea and english muffins. My stomach grumbled and growled, and I licked my lips in anticipation. I find that the promise of breakfast is always a sure-fire way to wake someone up. It always works with Spike, even in his most intense ice cream dreams.

With a yawn, I sat up and stretched myself out. When I had opened my eyes, I saw that there was a breakfast tray sitting on the bed, and that Kibitz was standing right in front of me.

"I took the liberty of preparing breakfast in bed for you, Your Highness," he said. "I figured you'd want to start your investigation early."

"Mmph. Thank you, Mister... Kibitz, was it?" I said groggily, remembering him from the night before.

"Yes, Your Highness. But, just Kibitz will do," said Kibitz, looking down towards the foot of my bed where Spike was sleeping. "Um, I wasn't sure what dragons ate, so..."

"It's alright," I said, pouring myself some tea. "Spike'll eat just about anything. I'll just share my breakfast with him when he gets up."

"Mmm. Very good, Your Highness," said Kibitz. "Now then, I must inform you that Princess Celestia has asked me to assist you in your *ahem* investigation. While this is most unorthodox, I will do my best."

I gave Kibitz an odd look. "Unorthodox? How so?"

Kibitz removed a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his brow. "Well, you see, Your Highness. Usually in these matters, the princess acts as a judge, not a detective. They're supposed to hear the culprit's case when they come to trial, not track down the culprit themselves."

"I see," said I. "Well, you forget that I'm not only a princess, but I'm also an Element Bearer. I'm supposed to protect Equestria from threats like this."

"Yes, but surely your royal title comes first in such matters. If something were to happen to you..."

I sighed. "Kibitz, my royal title doesn't come first. There are things that are more important."

"But Your Highness..."

"I don't want to hear it, Kibitz," I growled. "My royal title shouldn't keep me from doing what I have to do. That's something a good friend of mine taught me during my first Summer Sun Celebration."

Kibitz let out a sigh of his own. "As you wish, Your Highness," he conceded begrudgingly. "But I still find this most unorthodox."

I'm starting to think that Celestia sent Kibitz to help in the investigation not for my benefit, but for his. He needs to get out of this mindset that princesses shouldn't get their hooves dirty.

"On that note, I think we should get started," I said, taking a half of english muffin, spreading some jam on it, and levitating it in front of Spike. Sure enough, the smell of breakfast was enough to wake him from his slumber.

"Mmph. Breakfast time already?" he murmured with a yawn.

"Yep," I said. "Kibitz here made it especially for us. We really need our heads in the game today."

"Huh? Oh, right. The investigation," said Spike, taking the bit of english muffin from me. "So, where do we start?"

"As it so happens, I have gotten some information regarding the assassination attempt on Prince Blueblood that may interest you," said Kibitz.

Oh, that's right. I remember telling the guards to get as much information about that last night.

"Any idea why it took so long?" I asked.

"There were a few *ahem* complications in the investigation," said Kibitz, clearing his throat. "Even now, the Royal Guard still doesn't have all the details."

"Well, what do they have?"

"First and foremost, a diagnosis of the prince's condition, written up by the royal doctor himself."

Kibitz reached into his pocket and pulled out the medical document in question. I used my magic to take it from him and read it over. Apparently, Prince Blueblood had been strangled. A red mark around his neck indicates that much. Indents in his croup and haunches show that there might've been some sort of struggle. The attack took place some time between 8:00 and 8:15 PM. I raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"This says there was a sign of a struggle," I said, looking up at Kibitz. "Wouldn't that have gotten somepony's attention?"

"That's one of the complications I mentioned," said Kibitz. "There weren't any witnesses to the attack on the prince. In fact, the first ponies to notice something wrong and alert the Royal Guard found his body after the attack had occurred."

Right away, I have a big problem with this. The Grand Galloping Gala is a huge event, and I mean huge. Unless you're venturing into the royal gardens to check out the wildlife (which I don't recommend), you're going to be around a lot of ponies. And somepony will definitely notice you if you're being strangled by an assassin and making a lot of noise.

"Who were the first ponies to notice him?" I inquired.

"A Ms. Photo Finish and a Ms. Coco Pommel, Your Highness," said Kibitz. "They stumbled upon him at around eight-forty or so. At least, that's when Ms. Finish informed the Royal Guard about the attack."

I knitted my brow. Photo Finish and Coco Pommel are names that certainly ring some bells. Photo Finish is known for being the most popular fashion photographer in all of Equestria. I'm quite familiar with her work, if only because my friend Fluttershy was unwittingly roped into her being her model once (don't ask; it's a long story). As for Coco Pommel, she's what I'd consider a friend of a friend, for the lack of a better term. She's a small-time seamstress from Manehattan that I met during Fashion Week. She actually learned an important lesson about generosity from Rarity during that week, but again, that's a story for another time.

"Are Photo Finish and Coco Pommel still in Canterlot?" I asked.

"Yes, Your Highness," said Kibitz with a nod. "Apparently, Ms. Pommel fainted when she discovered the prince's body. She's currently recuperating at the infirmary."

"And Photo Finish?"

"That's another complication," said Kibitz, rubbing the back of his head. "The Royal Guard confiscated Ms. Finish's camera to see if she had any photographic evidence of the perpetrator. As such, she has refused to leave until they give it back."

"Wait, wait. Time out," said Spike, gesturing with his claws as crumbs of english muffin dribbled from his chin. "Why would Photo Finish bring her camera to the Grand Galloping Gala?"

That was actually a good question. Cameras are allowed at the Grand Galloping Gala, of course (after all, the Wonderbolts have plenty of photo-ops from what Rainbow Dash tells me), but Photo Finish doesn't strike me as a pony who takes pictures for sentimental value. After all, she's a fashion photographer. All of her photos are of model ponies wearing the latest fashions. So, was she on business at the Gala? If so, she certainly didn't tell Celestia about it, or anypony else for that matter. I might have to ask her a few questions later.

"Was the camera used at all?" I inquired, taking a sip of my tea.

"The guards did find a few photos, and they're currently under inspection," said Kibitz. "They'll let you know if they find anything interesting."

"Good," I said. "One last thing, Kibitz."


"Where was Prince Blueblood's body found, exactly?"

"According to the Royal Guard, in the East Garden."

"Hang on. That's where Derpy was when she got attacked, isn't it?" asked Spike.

"It is," I said. "And I doubt that's a coincidence. While we can't ask Derpy any more questions since she's probably on her way to the Mewlun Mountains right now, I think we've got our first course of action."

"Finish breakfast?" Spike asked hopefully.

I gave Spike a bemused grin. "Nopony likes a smart aleck, Spike," I chided. "Yes, we'll finish breakfast. After that, we'll wake my brother and head out to the East Garden together."

"Right," said Spike. "I suppose you'll want me to take notes?"

"Of course," I said.

"Of course," Spike parroted, giving me a small grin.

"Um, what of me, Your Highness?" inquired Kibitz.

I tapped my muzzle and pondered for a bit. "Go check and see if Shining Armor is up. If he is, tell him everything you just told me. I want him to be on the same page when we start investigating."

"Very good, Your Highness," said Kibitz with a bow. "I'll see to it right away."

With that, he headed off, muttering to himself all the while. Spike watched him leave before turning to me.

"Promise me you won't let me turn into that guy," he said.

I giggled. That's just such a Spike thing to say.

"I promise, Spike," I said. "Now, let's finish our breakfast. We've got a lot of work to do."

"Got it," said Spike with a firm nod.

As we continued eating our english muffins, I took a moment to look out the window and reflect. Thanks to Kibitz, I managed to get some vital information before I even got out of bed. I wonder if my friends are having the same luck I am. I can only hope that's the case. After all, my investigation is probably going to be the safest, seeing as I'm in Canterlot surrounded by guards (though honestly, that's still not saying much). I have no idea what lies ahead for my friends...

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