• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,924 Views, 234 Comments

My Little Investigations: Marehunter - Metool Bard

Four ponies seek the truth behind a vigilante gone rogue. I am one of them, and I hope we can save her.

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Confrontation: Suzaku (A)

December 14, 12:14 PM
Mt. Kohryu
Southern Chamber of the Fiery Summer

"Hoo-wee~! Is it just me, or is this place startin' to feel a bit toasty?"

Applejack certainly wasn't wrong there. As we followed Suzaku to his chamber, I distinctly noticed an increase in temperature with every step we took. At first, I thought it was just Suzaku's body warming the air around us. Then we stepped into a large alcove bathed in red light, and let me tell you; we might as well have been walking into an oven. Plumes of flame sprang from the ground at seemingly random intervals, generating a heat so strong that my vision became blurry. Oddly enough, the air contained the distinct odor of salt and sand, almost as though we were on a beach. The pleasant scent combined with the oppressive atmosphere somehow made me feel comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. I didn't think that was possible.

"I do hope these accommodations aren't too, intense for you," said Suzaku, perching himself before us.

"Well, it is a bit hot," said Pinkie, fanning herself. "But then again, I suppose they don't call this the Southern Chamber of the Fiery Summer for nothing, huh?"

"Indeed," said Suzaku, preening himself. "Now then, you had some questions for me, yes?"

"Mmm, yeah," I said, taking a moment to adjust to my surroundings. "Seiryu told us that you were guarding the entranceway last night."

Suzaku nodded. "He is correct. Each of us take turns welcoming those who have come to see the Great Kohryu, and yesterday was my turn."

"So that means you were at the scene of the crime when Mr. Dragonvest was killed, correct?" asked Pinkie.

Suzaku knitted his brow. "I don't think I can answer this question."

"And why not?" said Applejack, raising an eyebrow.

"Because up until the dawn, I saw no crime take place."

Applejack squinted and snorted. "Beg pardon, but I don't see how that's possible. That there Diamond Dog was all tied up and hoisted into the air. How in tarnation did ya miss that?"

Suzaku sighed. "I-I don't know. You're right, this shouldn't have happened. But it did."

I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing that Suzaku doesn't believe his own story. On one hoof, we can at least trust him to be honest. I doubt one of Kohryu's acolytes would lie, anyway. However, that also puts us all on the same page. Neither of us know any more than the other about what happened.

"How about we start from the beginning?" I suggested. "Tell us everything you remember from last night, up until the point you found the body."

Suzaku took a moment to preen himself before responding. "There's not much to tell, really. But I shall oblige to the best of my ability, Star Amethyst."

Heh. That's actually a load off my mind. The last time I had to debate one of the Four Benevolent Animals, I was afraid he was gonna tear me apart for saying the wrong thing. This time, not so much. And for that, I'm grateful. Now I just need to see if Suzaku actually knows anything that might be useful.

Testimony: What I Witnessed

"All throughout the night, the chamber was still," said Suzaku. "Not a soul entered; not a soul left. Then, by the light of the dawn, I saw something that shouldn't have been there. It was the false hierophant, dead and suspended in midair by black cords. Suspecting some sort of wrongdoing, I immediately informed the Great Kohryu, and then set off to tell the Grand Shoguns."

This was basically nothing that we didn't already know. Nevertheless, it still doesn't sound right. How did something like this slip under Suzaku's nose? I don't think even Mare-Do-Well is that good. Maybe there's something we're missing. I have to dig deeper.

"Is there any other way into the mountain?" I inquired. "Like a back entrance of a secret passage of some sort."

Suzaku shook his head. "We have no need for such things. No, the only way in or out of this cavern is through the Welcoming Chamber."

"Well, what if someone tried to dig through some other way?" asked Derpy. "That Dragonvest meanie is a Diamond Dog, right? He should be good at that kind of thing."

I gave Derpy a quizzical look. "Mom, Dodger's the victim."

"Yeah, I know," said Derpy, furrowing her brow. "But what if he was the one trying to sneak in here?"

"Why would he do that?"

"I dunno."

I groaned and massaged the bridge of my nose. "Mom, try to think these things through before you come up with theories like that, okay?"

"Sorry, Ammy. It just made sense in my head," said Derpy sheepishly.

"As a matter of fact, it makes sense in my head as well, Hooves Derpy," said Suzaku. "The Grand Shoguns have forbidden Diamond Dogs from venturing into the Mewlun Mountains. The only way a Diamond Dog would be able to get past them is by traveling underground."

Well, that might explain how Dodger snuck into the Neko Shogunate's territory, but it doesn't explain why he's dead. There has to be something else we're all missing here.

"Did you know the identity of the body when you first saw it?" I asked.

"Yes," Suzaku said with a nod. "It was unmistakably the false hierophant. His is a face that none of the Four Benevolent Animals will soon forget."

"And I suppose you were wondering what he was doing here, right?"

Suzaku arched an eyebrow. "I'm not sure what you're getting at, Star Amethyst. Of course I wondered that. I'm still wondering that. He managed to pass me by and get himself killed without so much as making a noise or casting a shadow. It shouldn't be possible for him to do that."

"I know, I know," I said. "But that's not quite what I meant."


"I mean, did you ever wonder what he was doing in the Mewlun Mountains in the first place?"

Suzaku furrowed his brow and preened himself. "The thought has crossed my mind once or twice, yes. But to be frank, I don't think it matters in the grand scheme of things. All that concerns me is that he's dead, and that his corpse is desecrating the Great Kohryu's sacred home."

"But, didn't he take advantage of that stupid curse you all were under and make you his slaves?" asked Pinkie, tilting her head.

"This is true, equine," said Suzaku. "However, it is against the Great Kohryu's teachings to hold a grudge. Any ill will we had towards him disappeared the moment he left our lives."

So Suzaku doesn't know what Dodger was doing here, nor does he care. Normally I'd question this, but he seems to have his reasons. Nevertheless, I think this is a question worth answering. And thinking back on it, I just might have that answer.

"It might not be important to you or the Great Kohryu, Mr. Suzaku," I said, brushing the underside of my nose. "But the fact remains that Dodger's reasons for coming here didn't die with him."

"You have my attention, Star Amethyst," said Suzaku, leaning in expectantly. "Please, elaborate."

"Let's start with this. Did you know that there's currently a bounty on Dodger's head?"

Suzaku's feathers ruffled. "I-I was not aware of this, no."

"Well, you are now," I said. "He fled from his captors a while ago, and from what I understand, he was last sighted here in the Mewlun Mountains. But because of the Neko Shogunate's strict laws against outsiders trespassing, no one has been able to go after him."

"That's all well and good, Star Amethyst, but you're neglecting a crucial detail," said Suzaku. "The Grand Shoguns have ordered that any Diamond Dog in their land is to be executed on sight. By fleeing into their territory, the false hierophant was walking right into death's embrace."

"Ah, but here's where it gets interesting," I said. "If what you said is true, and it is, Dodger should've been dead long before he scaled Mt. Kohryu. That means he either evaded detection somehow, or he was dragged up here by his murderer."

"Hold on there, Sparkler," said Applejack. "Didn't Derpy bring up the possibility that a Diamond Dog could sneak in to these here mountains by burrowin' underground?"

"Exactly," I said. "In fact, I'm willing to bet that's precisely what Dodger did."

"But then, what of his murder and murderer?" asked Suzaku. "Perhaps it was someone who wanted to collect the bounty."

"No, that's not it," I said, shaking my head. "The bounty itself was placed by Sykes Silvervest; Dodger's former boss and one of the most influential Diamond Dogs in the underground network. When he found out that Dodger had slipped out of the range of his bounty hunters, he sent his own goons, Rosco and Desoto, to collect him. They've been arguing with the border patrol for weeks, trying to get the Neko Shogunate to turn him over."

"Wait a minute. I just had an idea!" Pinkie exclaimed. "What if Dodger snuck into the Mewlum Mountains knowing that Sykes Silvervest couldn't follow him?"

"I dunno, Pink. That varmint would have to be mighty slippery if this was his best option," said Applejack, stroking her chin. "'Sides, what exactly was he plannin' to do while he was here? He couldn't have been thinkin' that he could hide out here forever, could he?"

I furrowed my brow. Applejack's right. The only reason I can think of for Dodger to come here is that he wanted to bide his time and make another attempt at taking down Sykes Silvervest. But last time he tried to do that, he had an army of teenage dragons, the Four Benevolent Animals, and the Great Kohryu on his side. Once all that was stripped away from him, he had nothing. And he certainly wasn't going to find what he was looking for in the Mewlun Mountains. So, what would he be doing here?

"He obviously had some reason for being here," I mused. "I have no idea what that may be, but it must've been pretty important for him to risk his neck like he did. I'm sure we'll figure it out later. Right now, let's focus on something else. Mr. Suzaku?"

"Yes, Star Amethyst?"

"You claimed that absolutely nothing happened last night. Do you stick to that story?"

Suzaku brushed his beak with his wing. "Well, that's not exactly an easy question to answer, now is it? Yes, from my perspective, nothing happened. But just because I didn't see something doesn't mean it didn't occur."

"You ain't gettin' any argument from us," said Applejack. "What I wanna know is how that can be the case if you were supposed to be standin' guard."

Suzaku narrowed his eyes. "You insult my honor again, equine. I find that most uncalled for."

"Look, it's no big deal," said Pinkie with a shrug. "I fell asleep while guarding MMMM before. It happens to the best of us."

"I know not what this MMMM is, but I'm certain my duty as the Great Kohryu's acolyte is much more important," said Suzaku stiffly.

"It ain't really a matter of importance, partner," said Applejack, adjusting her hat. "I just wanna make sure you're not hidin' anythin' from us. I'm a bit of a stickler for honesty, y'see."

"I can vouch for her, Mr. Suzaku," I said. "Applejack is one of the most honest ponies I know. To a fault, even."

"Mmm. I see," Suzaku said thoughtfully. "I suppose I can respect that. Very well. To defend my honor as the Great Kohryu's acolyte, I shall demonstrate precisely how this cannot be the case."

"We're all ears," said Applejack with a nod.

Why do I get the feeling that Applejack's blunt nature might get us into trouble sometime down the line? Seriously, she's lucky Suzaku is being so patient with us. I realize that we're pretty much surrounded by friends here, and I'll admit that we really are looking for honest answers here. Still, in the future, it might not be wise for us to push our luck like that. Oh well. If it means Suzaku has something we can work with, I'll take what I can get.

Testimony: What Couldn't Have Happened

"The Four Benevolent Animals take turns standing in the Welcoming Chamber and greeting those that enter the Great Kohryu's home," said Suzaku. "To prepare for our shifts, we hibernate the day before our turn arises. That way, there is no risk of us falling asleep while standing guard. As such, nothing short of a special incantation should've escaped my sight."

Wait. That last part. Something about it is triggering a memory from back in July. I-I need to find out what he's talking about. It's just a hunch, but if it's correct, this whole mess will start making sense.

"What do you mean by a 'special incantation?'" I inquired.

"There is a sacred barrier set up within the walls of this cavern," explained Suzaku. "Magic that is cast with malevolent intention will not work here."

"Mind bein' a bit more specific?" asked Applejack, arching an eyebrow.

"If a spell's purpose is to harm another, then it cannot be used in the home of the Great Kohryu," said Suzaku. "This is a place of peace, after all."

"So, this barrier can distinguish between spells meant to harm someone and spells that could harm someone, right?" I said. "'Cause I just used my gem-cutting spell a few minutes ago, and it worked just fine."

"Yes, that is a bit of a loophole in the enchantment," said Suzaku, hiding his face with one wing. "It's not an easy fix, either. This is something that's even beyond the Great Kohryu's capabilities."

"And does this apply to any sort of magic?"

"It does. Evil charms will also lose their function here."

So, as long as a spell is not specifically designed to hurt anyone, it can be utilized in Kohryu's home. Meaning a seemingly benign spell can still be used for evil intentions. And I know just the thing that falls under that category.

"I think I know why you didn't notice anything last night, Mr. Suzaku," I said, brushing the underside of my nose.

"Ya do?" said Applejack. "Well, don't keep us in suspense, sugarcube. Whatcha thinkin'?"

"Well, it's just as Suzaku said. The only way something could've gotten by him is if there was some sort of magic involved," I stated. "And there's one form of magic that can account for a lot of what happened here."

Derpy gasped. "Ammy, you don't mean..."

"I'm afraid I do, Mom," I said. "This is just a hunch, but I think the culprit was using Shroud Emeralds."


Suzaku let out a surprised screech as his feathers bristled and his shoulders stiffened.

"Wh-wha? What's wrong?" asked Applejack. "What're Shroud Emeralds?"

"A very rare and dangerous form of magic," Suzaku said darkly. "Star Amethyst, I do believe you can explain better than I can."

"Sure," I said, clearing my throat. "Shroud Emeralds are a type of mystical gemstone; similar to Fire Rubies and stuff like that. Under the influence of a Shroud Emerald, the wielder and all of his and her activities go completely unnoticed for a few hours. From an outsider's perspective, it looks like nothing's happening. These gemstones were used to great effect by Dodger as part of the protection racket back in July."

"Yeah, I remember that," said Pinkie, scrunching up her face and nodding contemplatively. "But those things are supposed to be like super rare, aren't they? And they break as soon as you use them. How did Dodger get his paws on more?"

"I don't know," I confessed. "I don't even know if he's the one who had them. But that has to be why there's no evidence of the murder taking place here besides the body. I can't think of any other illusion enchantments that are that powerful."

"That's because there aren't any," growled Suzaku. "It's why that here in the Mewlun Mountains, they are reserved to only the most deadly of assassin. At least until the Grand Shoguns outlawed their use many moons ago. Whoever committed this atrocity has no regard for any of the Neko Shogunate's laws."

"Hold on a second," I said. "If Shroud Emeralds became such a problem that they were banned, does that mean they're more abundant in the Mewlun Mountains than in Equestria?"

"That would appear to be the case," Suzaku sighed.

Hmm. That would give Dodger a good reason to come here. When Mare-Do-Well and I took down the protection racket, his ready supply of Shroud Emeralds must've been cut off. And speaking from experience, they do make a powerful weapon even though they don't technically hurt anyone. Nevertheless, there's still something that bothers me. Did Dodger somehow know that he'd find Shroud Emeralds here? If so, how? And furthermore, if it's the fake Mare-Do-Well that's using Shroud Emeralds, how did she get her hooves on them?

"Do you think you can prove this Shroud Emerald theory, Ammy?" asked Derpy.

"I wouldn't really know where to start," I said, heaving a great sigh. "The spell probably wore off long ago, which is why Dodger's corpse is plainly visible."

"Well, I think we should file it under Important Stuff, anyway," said Pinkie. "Remember what Twilight said about all of Mare-Do-Well's previous mysteries being connected to this one? This might be another one of those connections."

Applejack arched an eyebrow, seeming a bit skeptical about the idea. "Pinkie, Twilight said that they might be connected. We don't know that for sure."

"Hey, it's better than nothing in my book," I said with a shrug.

"I suppose," Applejack sighed. "So, y'think we're done here?"

"Pretty much," I said, bowing to Suzaku. "Thanks for helping us out like this."

"'Tis my pleasure, Star Amethyst," said Suzaku with a bow. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I should probably recover my strength. Flying from here to the Capital City is quite a journey."

With that, he flew up to a large bird's nest tucked away in a small cranny close to the ceiling.

"We probably should leave him be," I said. "Let's go see if Orph's found anything new."

"We're right behind you, Ammy," said Derpy. "Lead the way."

"Um, do we even know how to get back?" asked Applejack nervously.

Crap, that's right. We really don't know our way around here, do we? We should've asked Suzaku to lead us back, but he's asleep right now. Ugh, Celestia dammit.

"Don't worry, everypony! Where there's a will, there's a way!" cheered Pinkie. "If we don't find it ourselves, I'm sure Mr. Kohryu or someone else will come and get us! C'mon!"

Before we could stop her, Pinkie darted on ahead.

"Hoo boy. Here we go again," said Applejack, letting out an exasperated sigh and rolling her eyes.

With that, we all took off after Pinkie. Y'know, she's actually kinda right. Getting lost in here is not really something we have to worry about. Trust me, there's plenty of other stuff that fills that category. Still, leave it to Pinkie Pie to find the silver lining in any raincloud.

In a way, I'm kinda glad that she's here. Somepony has to keep our spirits up throughout this whole ordeal; it might as well be her. I just hope her enthusiasm lasts. We already bumped into one thing that even Pinkie can't laugh off, and that was the death of Dodger Dragonvest. If we bump into something that's just as bad or even worse, then we're in real trouble...

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