• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,924 Views, 234 Comments

My Little Investigations: Marehunter - Metool Bard

Four ponies seek the truth behind a vigilante gone rogue. I am one of them, and I hope we can save her.

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Confrontation: Rosco (A)

December 14, 12:44 PM
Mewlun Mountains
Border Patrol

Just as Seiryu said, the giant leaf parachutes led us directly to the border of the Neko Shogunate's territory where we first entered. I couldn't help but notice the cloud of smoke billowing out of the canyons below. That leads me to believe that this attack on our airship must've been pretty recent. But, if that's the case, how come we didn't hear it? If I'm not mistaken, sound's supposed to be able to travel pretty far in the mountains. Hmm. Maybe it all depends on how recent it was. Of course, we have no way of finding that out without some more information.

I averted my gaze from the smoke and scanned the steps of the mountain for familiar faces. Sure enough, Rosco and Desoto were still at the gate arguing with the guards. I'm not sure how to feel about that. I mean, yeah, they're the guys I wanted to talk to, but I highly doubt that they want to talk to me. Still, they might be our best source of finding out what's going on, and I can't let that chance slip away.

"Wee~! That was super fun!" Pinkie Pie cheered just as we touched down. "Let's do it again!"

"Cool it, Pink," Applejack said tersely. "We came down here for a reason, remember?"

"Yeah, I know," said Pinkie with a shrug. "I'm just saying we should use these leaves to go back up the mountain once we're done here."

Applejack opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted by Rosco and Desoto descending upon us. They must've noticed us flying in, which is understandable. After all, it's rather hard to miss three ponies gliding through the air using giant magical leaves.

"I thought you were on a spiritual quest or some crap," said Rosco, folding his arms. "What're you ponies doing back here?"

"First of all, we're not exactly on a spiritual quest," I said. "I just happen to know Kohryu personally. You know, after saving him from that curse and all. Second, we're actually conducting an investigation, and you guys have some information we need."

A low snarl escaped from Rosco's throat. "What makes you think we wanna talk to you, pony?"

"Because I have some information that might be of interest to you," I answered. "So, how about this? I'll tell you what I know, and after that, you tell me what you know. Sound fair?"

"Sounds fishy," Desoto growled, leering at me with hungry eyes. "Don't think we forgot about how much trouble you caused for the Top Dog with your shenanigans."

"As I seem to recall, my shenanigans ended up helping you guys catch Dodger Dragonvest, amongst other things," I retorted, standing my ground. "I'm very willing to do that again, but first, you gotta promise to help me, too."

Rosco snorted. "Unless you've got some way to get these felines to let us in, we're not interested."

I swallowed. "Well, see, that's actually kinda impossible."

Desoto knelt down on all fours and stared me directly in the eye. "And just what do you mean by that?"

Hoo boy. I know where this is going. Man, they are gonna be so pissed.

"Want me to tell 'em?" Applejack offered.

"N-no, it's okay. I got this," I said with a deep sigh. I then turned back to Rosco and Desoto. "The Grand Shoguns passed a law saying that Diamond Dogs are forbidden to set foot in their territory. Anyone who breaks that law is to be killed on sight."

Desoto's shoulders stiffened as he bent himself back, ready to pounce. "Why you little—"

"Desoto, heel," Rosco ordered. "This actually could work to our advantage."

"But she's lying! I know she is!" Desoto barked. "She can't be trusted, Rosco!"

"It ain't no lie, partner," said Applejack, adjusting her hat. "We heard it from the captain of the guard himself."

Rosco furrowed his brow. "So, let me get this straight. You're saying that Dodger was a dead dog the moment he set foot in these mountains, and that the Top Dog has just been wasting his time trying to get him back?"

"Sure seems like it, considering that we managed to find Dodger's corpse being used as a ceiling decoration in Kohryu's cave," I said simply. "We don't know how he got there, but I take it you don't really care at this point."

Rosco clicked his tongue in frustration. "Tch. There's no telling how the Top Dog's gonna react to this."

"Regardless, I'm sure you'll find the information helpful," I said. "Now then, let's get around to my questions, shall we?"

"We don't have to tell you anything, pony!" Desoto growled through gritted teeth. "I still think you're trying to pull a fast one on us!"

"Hey, don't talk about Ammy that way!" Derpy snapped. "She has no reason to lie to you!"

"Oh, like you would know, goofball," Desoto scoffed. "How do I know you're not just trying to protect her, huh?"

"That's enough outta all of ya," said Applejack, walking between us. "This here argument ain't gonna get anyone anywhere."

Desoto snarled and bared his teeth while Rosco hummed in thought.

"Alright, let's say you are telling the truth," he said. "What exactly do you want out of us?"

"Well, first and foremost, there's that," I said, pointing to the smoke pillar coming up from behind us.

"You mean that explosion?" said Rosco, raising an eyebrow. "What about it?"

"According to our escort, that explosion came from someone destroying our ride home," I stated.

Rosco shrugged. "And what do you want us to do about it, huh? Furthermore, why do you think we care?"

"You two had front-row seats to the whole thing; you tell me," I replied.

Rosco deadpanned. "You really expect us to give a damn about this, don't you? Well, just so you know, we don't. At all."

"Don't you see, Rosco?!" Desoto barked, pointing an accusing finger at me. "She's trying to pin it on us, just like she did with the Top Dog!"

I smacked my forehead. "Okay, how did you come to that conclusion? I don't suspect you guys at all. Sure, I'm fairly certain that you hate my guts, but you wouldn't do something like this unless Sykes Silvervest ordered you to, right?"

Rosco let out a strained grunt and clenched his paws. "Ignore Desoto. He has no idea what he's talking about."

"You seem a bit tense there, partner," said Applejack, arching an eyebrow. "How do we know that you ain't lyin' to us?"

"I could ask you the same thing, pony," Rosco growled.

"We have no reason to lie, Mr. Rosco. Honest," said Derpy, tilting her head. "But I agree with Applejack; you're acting kinda weird. Didn't you say that you didn't care about the airship?"

"I don't," Rosco snapped, clenching his paws tighter. "J-just get off our backs. We don't have time to deal with this."

Pinkie narrowed her eyes. "Oh yeah? How do we know you're not just saying that to make us go away, huh?"

"They're doing it again, Rosco! It's a setup!" Desoto roared, his muscles rippling with tension. "Let me kill them, dammit! They're nothing but trouble for the Top Dog! I'll tear them limb from—"

"Desoto, heel!"

Rosoc's order came out as a loud bark that echoed all around us. Desoto did as he was told, and Rosco took a moment to collect himself before addressing us.

"Looks like you nosy ponies won't leave us alone until we indulge you," he said stiffly. "Alright. We'll play your game for now. But no funny stuff, lest I let Desoto loose on the lot of you. You're just wasting your time with us, anyway."

"Let me be the judge of that, Mr. Rosco," I said. Truth be told, I was thinking the same thing as Applejack. Rosco looked like he was hiding something, or at least that he knew more than he let on. I'd consider that a lucky break, as it might give us some fresh leads. Nevertheless, I have to walk on eggshells here and be sure not to piss him off any more than necessary. I'm not sure how easy that's gonna be, but rest assured, this will not be enjoyable for either of us.

Testimony: The Explosion

"The truth of the matter is we really don't know anything about this," said Rosco. "Desoto and I were just standing here like morons trying to get in when the explosion occurred. It smelled slightly off, but that's all I can really tell you. Plenty of dragons roam around these parts; maybe one of them did it. I don't know, and like I said before, I don't care."

Hmm. It's easy to just say that, but I'm not sure if he means it. Sure, he sounds like he does, but his body language is a whole different story. He might not have done anything wrong, but he could be trying to get rid of us. Well, tough patooties, pal. We're not leaving until we got what we came for. And I know just where to start.

"You mentioned that the explosion smelled off," I said, knitting my brow.

"Yeah, what of it?" said Rosco. "Diamond Dogs smell a lot of things. It's really not that special."

"Well, can you be more specific?" I inquired.

"Why should I? It's not like it's gonna help you any," Rosco huffed.

"The longer you drag this out, the longer it takes for us to leave," I stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "You might as well give us all the details, Mr. Rosco. It's in your best interest."

Rosco sighed. "You really are a pain in the neck; I hope you realize that," he grumbled.

"Hey, I do what I gotta do," I said with a shrug. "Now, about that smell..."

"Alright, alright," said Rosco, heaving another sigh. "See, it was kinda faint, but it did smell like gemstones for a bit."

Pinkie tilted her head. "Gemstones? Are you sure?"

Rosco gave Pinkie a bemused look. "I'm a Diamond Dog. I think I know what gemstones smell like."

"Yeah, but gemstones don't explode, silly," Pinkie giggled. "Trust me, I used to live on a rock farm. I know my stuff, too."

"No, wait. I think they can," said Derpy thoughtfully.

Pinkie blinked. "What're you talking about, Derpy?"

"Yeah, I'm with her, Mom. I've worked with gemstones every since I got my Cutie Mark," I said, raising an eyebrow. "I've yet to come across one that explodes."

"Well, maybe not explode," said Derpy, furrowing her brow. "But I do remember seeing a gemstone that shoots fire."

Wait a minute. So do I! Is that what Rosco's talking about? I have to press him on this.

"I'm just going to go out on a limb here, but I'm guessing this gemstone smell was similar to that of a Fire Ruby," I said.

Rosco's shoulders became tense. "Wh-what?"

"I know a thing or two about mystical gemstones, Mr. Rosco," I explained. "In fact, I had to deal with a lot of them back when I took down that protection racket in July. And as I'm sure you're aware, one of those gemstones just so happens to be a Fire Ruby."

Rosco's face darkened. "S-so what if it was? That doesn't prove anything!"

"No, but it does tell me why Desoto thought this was a setup," I said, brushing the underside of my nose. "Unless I'm mistaken, mystical gemstones are most commonly used by Diamond Dogs such as yourselves. You were here when the explosion happened, and I already know that you don't care for me. On paper, you had the means and the motive to destroy our airship. Therefore, you wanted us to leave so that we wouldn't peg you as suspects!"


Rosco lunged at me, snapping his jaws inches away from my nose. I do believe I hit a nerve with that one.

"Y-you can't prove anything, pony!" he barked. "Y-you said you didn't suspect us!"

"And I still don't," I said plainly. "You guys aren't stupid. If Sykes Silvervest found out that you destroyed an Equestrian airship without his permission, he would not be happy about it. You know this; I know this. Nevertheless, it doesn't change the fact that you were content with hiding this information from me."

"Well, we answer to the Top Dog, not you," Rosco spat. "Despite what you might think, we don't owe you any favors. You four can rot in this hairball-ridden place for all I care."

Derpy pouted and folded her forelegs. "You guys are mean."

I opened my mouth to deliver a snarky remark, but thought better of it. It's just too easy.

"Wait, hold on there, Sparkler," said Applejack. "If you don't suspect these varmints of doin' nothin', then why're they gettin' all worked up?"

"Simple. Because as of right now, they're the only suspects," I said. "They're the only Diamond Dogs around, and I'm sure they know how mystical gemstones work."

"That's still not enough to pin it on us," said Rosco sternly. "Diamond Dogs aren't the only ones who use mystical gemstones, after all."

Crap, that's a good point. But Rosco still looks apprehensive. There has to be a reason why.

"Alright, I'm calling your bluff," I said smugly. "Name one other species that uses mystical gemstones like a Diamond Dog does."

Rosco blanched, sweat pouring down his face. "Um, well... There's, eh... I-I'm sure those mangey felines could've done it!"

"Nice try, but the Neko Shogunate has no quarrel with us," I said. "Besides, they wouldn't attack something outside of their borders without a good reason."

"Well then, I... Uh... Sh-shaddup!"

Rosco lunged and snapped at me again. Now we're getting somewhere.

"I knew it," I said with a smirk. "The culprit to this attack must've been a Diamond Dog, and you two were afraid of taking the rap!"

"I've heard enough out of you, pony!" Desoto boomed. "You might've been able to trick the Top Dog, but it won't work again! I'm gonna end you!"

"Whoa there, varmint. Let's not get hasty," said Applejack, raising her hoof. "If y'all were just up front and honest with us, we would've believed you. Didn't this Sykes Silvervest fellow ever teach ya that?"

"He taught us not to poke our noses where it doesn't belong," said Rosco, glaring at me. "Something this pony here has trouble grasping."

"So, wait. Our airship getting smashed is somehow not our business?" asked Pinkie. I can't tell if she was being sarcastic, or if she was genuinely confused. Then again, Pinkie was never an easy pony to read, despite her outgoing nature.

Rosco gave Pinkie the evil eye and snorted. "Cute," he said sardonically.

"No, she's right. This does involve us, whether you want it to or not," said Applejack firmly. "So unless you want me to tan your hide, you've got some 'splainin' to do. Why didn't ya tell the truth?"

Rosco let out an exasperated grunt. "You really wanna know? Fine. But this is off the record, y'hear me? We don't want any trouble with the Top Dog."

"Trust me, I wasn't even planning on it," I said earnestly.

Rosco narrowed his eyes. "With you, it's never easy to tell," he said coldly.

I'm starting to doubt that there's any way for me to get on good terms with this guy. Not that I want to be his friend or anything, but I kinda wish we didn't have this animosity between us. It would make this a whole lot easier.

Testimony: The Truth

"I believe I mentioned this to those felines, but the Top Dog told us not to start any international incidents while we were here," said Rosco. "The Silvervest pack might be strong, but without the support of every single pack in the underground network, we can't exactly take on an entire nation. When I smelled that explosion, I knew that you would think we did it. In the end, we were just following orders."

"Y'know, this still could've been avoided if you were truthful with us from the beginnin'," said Applejack, arching an eyebrow.

"That doesn't work on this pony," Desoto spat, looking directly at me. "If anything, it just makes things worse. Just ask the Top Dog."

I sighed. "Sheesh. You guys act like digging for the truth is a bad thing."

"Some truths have to remain buried for the sake of the pack, pony," Rosco quipped. "That's just the way it is."

"Beg pardon, but I think that kinda mentality is a load of hogwash," said Applejack bluntly. "Sure, the truth may hurt or be inconvenient, but that shouldn't stop ya from speakin' it."

Rosco scoffed. "It isn't always that simple, pony. Plenty of Diamond Dogs who run their mouth have been dealt with by the Top Dog. Sometimes, honesty isn't the best option."

Applejack snorted angrily. To be frank, she really looked like she wanted to buck Rosco in the face. I'm not saying I blame her, but Rosco's not going to be in the mood to talk if he's too busy picking his teeth up off the floor. I need to change the subject over to Dodger somehow.

"So, you have no idea who was behind the attack," I said.

"Not a clue," said Rosco. "Some Diamond Dog must really hate you if he came all the way out here just to sabotage your little trip, and the only ones who fit that bill have been taken care of."

"You mean like Dodger?"

"Exactly like Dodger," said Rosco. He then snickered. "Truth be told, he really had it in for you when we hauled him back to the Top Dog. In fact, he was bent on getting revenge. I'm thinking that's why he escaped, but with a mental case like him, who can say?"

"Yeah, he was pretty crazy," I said, furrowing my brow. "But he wasn't stupid."

Rosco blinked. "Come again?"

"Well, think about it," I said, brushing the underside of my nose. "If it's forbidden for Diamond Dogs to set foot in the Mewlun Mountains, why did Dodger come here in the first place?"

"Like I said, I don't know," said Rosco. "What? You think you do?"

"I can't say for certain, but I have a pretty good hunch," I said. "See, I heard on the grapevine that this place has a lot of Shroud Emeralds."

Rosco's eyes went wide. "You for real? Those things are as rare as hen's teeth in the underground network."

"Yes, in the underground network. Not the Mewlun Mountains," I said frankly. "In fact, the Grand Shoguns outlawed their use when they gave too much power to the assassin guilds."

"You don't say," Rosco mused. "Hmm. It is a tantalizing prize for any Diamond Dog. Shroud Emeralds are quite a valuable resource, after all. But who would be crazy enough to..."

He trailed off as an epiphany hit him. "Wait, you're saying that Dodger knew this?!"

"Not only did he know this; he was counting on you guys not being able to follow him," I said. "Not without starting a war, anyway. And as you just said, Sykes Silvervest was trying to avoid that."

Desoto bared his teeth and growled. "That little sneak! When I get my paws on him, I'll make him wish he was dead!"

"Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but someone already beat you to it," I said somberly. "Still, the circumstances surrounding his death remain a mystery."

"If he's dead at all," said Rosco darkly.

Derpy did a double take. "Wait, what? We just said he was. Why don't you believe us?"

"I'm not saying that," said Rosco. "But think about it this way. Dodger knew that it would be suicide to just waltz into the Neko Shogunate, yeah? You said it yourself; he's crazy, not stupid. He must've had a plan for surviving here."

I, find no reason to dispute that. Even so, where is he going with this? So what if Dodger had a plan? He's still dead, somehow. We saw his corpse and everything.

"I don't think I'm following you on this one," I said sheepishly.

"Then figure it out yourself. That seems to be your thing, after all," said Rosco with a sneer. "But if you want my advice, mind your own business. Dodger's death doesn't concern you."

Except that I know for a fact that it does. However, arguing with him at this point isn't going to do me any favors. I don't think there's anything else he can tell us, anyway. That being said, we don't really have that many good leads. All we were able to gather is that the airship was demolished by a Fire Ruby. That's about it. And we don't have any suspects for this sabotage, either. So, we basically came all the way down here for what essentially amounts to next to nothing. Great. J-just great.

"You okay, sugarcube?" inquired Applejack. "You look a bit frustrated."

"Gee, I wonder what tipped you off," I said sarcastically.

Derpy rubbed the side of her head. "Uh, I can't speak for Applejack, but I think you're angry that we didn't find all that much here."

Thank you, Mom; that was the joke. Ugh, I keep forgetting that Derpy doesn't have a firm grasp on sarcasm.

"Yeah, well. Can you blame me?" I sighed. "I mean, I was sure these two would know something, but they—"

"Star Amethyst!"

My venting was interrupted by a neko samurai flying in on another magic leaf. From the look on his face, you'd think that he saw a ghost.

"What's new, pussycat?" said Pinkie cheerfully.

The samurai gave Pinkie an odd look. "Th-that's nyot my..."

"Never mind; she's just bein' Pinkie," said Applejack, cutting across him. "You have a report for us, I take it?"

The samurai's face darkened. "The mongrel you call Dodger Dragonvest may still be alive, Star Amethyst."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Wh-what are you talking about?!"

"Yeah!" Desoto chimed in. "The pony said he was dead! She lied to us!"

"We cannyot discuss it here, Star Amethyst," said the neko. "Let us hurry back to Kohryu's scared home, posthaste. It's best if we show you."

This day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? I sighed.

"Alright," I said. "We're right behind you. C'mon, let's go."

Without a word, we all mounted the magic leaves and flew off. Well, isn't this ducky? Not only did we get very little information out of Rosco and Desoto, but we missed out on something very crucial back at the crime scene. I-I still can't get over that. Last time we saw Dodger, he was as dead as a doornail. Sure, we don't know how he died, but he looked pretty dead to me. And now we find out that he might still be running around doing Celestia knows what? How is that possible? And furthermore, what was he trying to accomplish with this elaborate ruse?

I'm going to jinx myself by saying this; I know I am. But, I-I can't help it. I really have a bad feeling about this. Oh, Celestia, give me strength...

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