• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,924 Views, 234 Comments

My Little Investigations: Marehunter - Metool Bard

Four ponies seek the truth behind a vigilante gone rogue. I am one of them, and I hope we can save her.

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Confrontation: Mare-Do-Well? (T)

December 14, 4:45 PM
Canterlot Castle
Front Gate

Wow, we really spent a lot of time in the crystal mines. When we made it back to the surface, I could already see the sun just beginning to set over the horizon. As fast as we could, all four of us made our way back to the castle, with the injured ponunculus struggling to keep up. We arrived to see Shining Armor, Kibitz, and Holy Lance standing on the drawbridge, waiting for us with a small regiment of the Royal Guard.

"Oh, thank goodness you're alright," Kibitz sighed in relief. "You were gone for so long; we were wondering what happened to you."

"Sorry," I apologized. "Let's just say that crystal mine is very difficult to navigate. But, we managed to find Mare-Do-Well and her impostor."

"How do you do?" Mare-Do-Well said with a bow.

The injured ponunculus said nothing.

"So, I guess all that's left is to try the impostor for her crimes, right?" said Shining. "Celestia and Luna have got the court set up and everything."

"Well, there's still one thing I need to clarify before we start," I said, knitting my brow. "Kibitz, have any of the other investigation teams returned while I was gone?"

"I'm afraid not, Your Highness," said Kibitz, shaking his head.

Mare-Do-Well obscured her eyes with her hat. "Princess Twilight, you aren't seriously suggesting that we wait on them, are you? Every second we waste is another second my doppelgänger has a chance to strike back. We need to finish this, now."

I took another look at the injured ponunculus. Mare-Do-Well is clearly seeing something I'm not, because this pony doesn't look like she's in any condition to do, well, anything. This is especially strange, since it was Mare-Do-Well herself who beat her within an inch of her life.

"Mare-Do-Well, are you sure about this?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you'd want your friends to sit in on this trial."

"Normally, I would," said Mare-Do-Well. "But this is a special circumstance, Princess Twilight. You haven't fought this beast; you don't know what she's capable of."

Spike deadpanned. "We know that she has access to the dark magic of the Kurama Tengu, and she's apparently an alicorn even though she doesn't have a horn and it's not physically possible for an alicorn ponunculus to exist. What else are we missing here?"

"Plenty," Mare-Do-Well said darkly.

I sighed. "She's right, Spike. Even though we know a lot about this impostor, we don't know enough."

"Exactly," said Mare-Do-Well with a nod. "Which is why we should start this trial straight away."

Part of me still wants to wait for my friends, but I don't think Mare-Do-Well is in the mood to argue. Besides, she does kinda have a point. The other teams are pretty far away from Canterlot. Who knows when they'll be back?

"Alright, we'll get started," I conceded. "Guards, restrain the suspect."

"At once, Your Highness," said Holy Lance with a salute. "Men, you heard the Princess."

The Royal Guards obliged, flanking the injured ponunculus and keeping a sharp eye on her as we went inside.

"Oh, one more things," said Kibitz, dipping his voice. "Raven wanted me to give you this. It's from the Manehattan Police Department."

He took out a small scroll. I accepted the document and unfurled it. It was a simple communique stating that Octavia's group was going to try and make the next train bound for Canterlot. I almost decided to show this to Mare-Do-Well and ask her to reconsider starting the trial without them, but I had a sneaking suspicions that she wouldn't be so easily persuaded. She seems very determined to settle this matter as soon as possible. I'm still not entirely sure why she's being so impatient, but I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. Once I get her on that stand, she will explain herself, whether she wants to or not.

December 14, 4:50 PM
Canterlot Castle
Royal Court

When you become a princess, one of the first things you learn is about the inner workings of the Royal Court. This is where ponies usually go when grievances become so heated that they require Celestia or Luna to intervene and bestow their wisdom. It's also Canterlot's criminal court, but the crime rate in Canterlot is quite low, so that aspect rarely comes into play. Although I don't serve on the court myself, I had to learn all this because one of the duties of a princess is to be a mediator. After all, that's why I was chosen this year to settle any disputes at the Trader's Exchange, and why Cadence was chosen for the role the year before that.

As soon we entered the room, I was immediately greeted by the buzzing sound of mumbling and cross-conversation. Ponies sat at either side of the central aisle leading up to a large podium where Celestia and Luna stood. Raven was there as well, her hooves hovering over the keys of a typewriter. I even managed to spot Photo Finish and Coco Pommel in the audience as I walked up to the front and took a seat. When all of us were situated, Celestia rapped her gavel against the podium, and the cross-conversation died down.

"This court will come to order," she stated. "As you are all aware, today's subject is regarding to unfortunate disruption of the Grand Galloping Gala that occurred last night. Twilight Sparkle, would you care to expound on this matter?"

"I would, Celestia," I said, standing up and clearing my throat. "Fillies and gentlecolts in the court today, I am happy to say that we have caught the culprit being the attack on the Gala. She stands here accused of disturbing the peace, assault, and the attempted regicide of Princess Celestia's nephew, Prince Blueblood. However, there is one problem in this matter."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "What problem might that be?"

I gestured to Mare-Do-Well and the damaged ponunculus. "One of these ponies is the culprit; a pony who was impersonating a vigilante hero known as the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. The other pony is Mare-Do-Well herself. But as of right now, I cannot say with full certainty which is which."

There was a collective gasp from the audience, followed by confused murmurs. The murmurs were silenced by Celestia's gavel.

"Order. I will have order," she proclaimed. "Twilight, this puts us all in a rather difficult position; I hope you realize that."

"I understand completely, Celestia," I said with a bow. "Nevertheless, I plan to discover the truth before this day is through."

"As do we all, Twilight Sparkle," said Luna, furrowing her brow. "How do you suggest we proceed?"

"Let's start off by getting all of our facts straight," I said. "There are a lot of missing pieces in this mystery, and I think the best pony to fill in the blanks is the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well herself."

Celestia gave me a quizzical look. "But you just said you don't know which one is the real Mare-Do-Well."

"And I stand by that," I said, turning to the costumed pony in question. "However, this pony here claims that she's the real one, while the other is a fake. I ask that she takes the stand and provides her testimony."

"Hold it," Mare-Do-Well interjected, raising a hoof. "Why me and not her?"

I turned to Mare-Do-Well and shrugged. "Two reasons. For one, your counterpart appears to have lost her tongue. She hasn't said a word since we found her. I feel it would be much harder to get her to talk than you. Secondly, a lot of your actions haven't been adding up. You need to explain yourself to these ponies if we're going to believe that you're the real Mare-Do-Well."

Mare-Do-Well lowered the brim of her hat over her eyes. "You're making a mistake, Princess Twilight. I'm not the one you should be interrogating. Don't you trust me?"

I sighed. "I want to trust you, Mare-Do-Well. But you're not exactly making it easy right now."

Mare-Do-Well paused for a moment, and then nodded. "Very well. I shall abide by your wishes, Your Highness," she relented begrudgingly.

"Then it shall be so," said Celestia with a bang of her gavel. "The one who claims to be the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well will take the stand."

Alright, this is it. We're finally gonna get some answers to this whole mess. But that's no reason to get complacent. I still have no idea what's going through Mare-Do-Well's head right now. Whatever it is, she seems reluctant to share it, claiming that I should trust her just on the basis of us being friends. Well, I'm afraid friendship doesn't work like that. If she wants me to trust her, she's gonna have to earn that trust.


"Witness, please state your name and occupation for the record," said Princess Luna.

"I am the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well," Mare-Do-Well stated without missing a beat. "I am a vigilante by trade. I protect ponies who are in peril."

Celestia nodded thoughtfully. "Ms. Mare-Do-Well, are you aware of the events that occurred yesterday evening at the Grand Galloping Gala?"

"I am," said Mare-Do-Well.

"Then please, give us your interpretation of events."

"I hear and obey," Mare-Do-Well said with a bow.

Hmm. She really doesn't sound like she wants to be up there right now. I remember Photo Finish using the same passive-aggressive tone when I asked about her photos. Nevertheless, her behavior is not enough to go on. If I was in her horseshoes, I probably would be pretty stressed out, too. We're just going to have to see where her testimony leads us.

Testimony: At the Gala

"I first got word of the impostor's activities yesterday evening at around eight o'clock," said Mare-Do-Well. "There was no time to warn anyone, so instead, I took action. Alas, I arrived too late. Prince Blueblood had already been assaulted, and the whole castle was in pandemonium. However, I managed to find the impostor during the confusion. She was in the dungeons. Figuring that she'd do me in, she gloated about her evil scheme to disgrace me all across Equestria and beyond. Before I could stop her, she disappeared into a wisp of smoke. From there, I knew I had to warn somepony. I gave Princess Twilight my message, and the rest is history."

Well, this isn't a great start. Most of Mare-Do-Well's testimony is incredibly vague, and I don't know why. If she wanted this trial to be over and done with, why isn't she giving all of the details she can? All she's doing right now is delaying the inevitable.

"Twilight, are you satisfied with Ms. Mare-Do-Well's testimony?" asked Celestia.

"Not in the slightest," I answered.

"Then please approach so that you may question the witness."

With a nod, I got up from my seat and stepped forward. "Ms. Mare-Do-Well, you claim that you heard about this attack at eight o'clock last night, correct?"


"Well, how did you hear about it, then?"

Mare-Do-Well shrugged her shoulders. "Simple. She told me herself."

I blinked. "She, told you."

"Yes. What about that is so hard to believe?" inquired Mare-Do-Well. "She was egging me on, prompting me to go to the Gala so that I might get arrested in her stead."

"Hang on, time out," said Spike, gesturing with his claws. "Wouldn't it have been easier for you to not go to the Gala?"

"Not while ponies were in danger," Mare-Do-Well countered.

Yeah, that's a good point. Mare-Do-Well isn't a pony who sits on her laurels when ponies need saving. Even so, there's more of this story that simply doesn't add up.

"You claim that you found your impostor in the dungeons," I said. "Tell me, what was she doing down there?"

"Waiting for me," said Mare-Do-Well. "At least, that's what she said. There might be a greater context I'm missing. One that she most likely can fill."

I turned to the damaged ponunculus, expecting some sort of response. But once again, she remained silent and cast her eyes downward.

"We'll get to her later," I said, clearing my throat. "Right now, let's continue with you. Because there's one more thing I don't get."

"And that is?"

"Your message," I said, displaying the note in question. "Do you know how I received this?"

Mare-Do-Well tilted her head. "I'm not sure how that's relevant."

"Oh, it's relevant, alright," I said, tapping my forehead smartly. "Because this note was found on Derpy Hooves's person—"

"What's so odd about that?" interrupted Mare-Do-Well.

"...after her body was thrown through a window."

Mare-Do-Well flinched ever so slightly. "H-her body was what?"

"Just as I said," I stated plainly. "Right before the Royal Guard informed me about your impostor, Derpy came crashing in through the window with your note taped to her body. Now, you wouldn't do something like that, would you?"

Mare-Do-Well lowered her hat over her eyes. "N-no, of course not. I-I'm insulted you would even suggest such a thing."

"Well, that's what happened," I said with a shrug. "What's more, pretty much everypony in this room can attest to that. So, do you have an explanation, Mare-Do-Well?"

"I-I... Ah!"

Mare-Do-Well flinched again. Something about this line of questioning is clearly bothering her.

"I-I honestly have no answers, Princess Twilight," she said in a pained tone. "I-it was probably her. She was trying to ruin my reputation, after all."

Of course, she was pointing an accusatory hoof at the other ponunculus while saying that. However, I knew it couldn't be that simple.

"You know what, Mare-Do-Well? You're right," I said. "It could've been your impostor. After all, we've heard from multiple sources that she's been using a variation of Pan's Music Code to subdue her targets. We heard it from Prince Blueblood, Captain Spitfire, and yes, even from Derpy Hooves. They all claimed to hear some sort of eerie melody before a form of dark magic was cast. But there's still one problem with your theory."

"And that is?"

"If Derpy got this note after succumbing to this dark magic, how do we know that it's genuine?"

Mare-Do-Well adjusted her hat, and I spotted a distinct gleam in her eye. "Well, that's easy," she stated calmly. "My impostor is sitting in the court right now, isn't she? That should be enough proof that the note is genuine."

"Well, it's not," I said firmly. "In fact, it just raises more questions."

"Such as?"

"You mentioned in your note that the impostor was in one of four locations. Couldn't you have narrowed it down at all?"

"Not right then and there," said Mare-Do-Well with a shrug. "That's all she told me when we fought each other in the dungeons."

"So, you just expected me to travel all across the country by myself? Why didn't you inform any of your other friends, like Captain Spitfire, or Ms. Octavia, or Sparkler?"

Mare-Do-Well shrugged again. "I didn't need to. You already gave them the message. I saw you do so in the throne room last night, from the shadows, of course. I couldn't risk revealing myself on the chance that one of you might have mistaken me for the impostor."

"And so you just remained in Canterlot to search for her here."


Okay, this isn't helping. With every question Mare-Do-Well answers, a whole new batch crop up. For instance, she shouldn't have felt the need to hide from us last night. I would've taken precautions just in case she was lying, but I wouldn't automatically accuse her of anything without proof. Even when she gives context to her actions, they still don't make sense.

However, that doesn't automatically mean that she's the doppelgänger, either. It's obvious that this mare is more than just some con artist. Something about her is making Mare-Do-Well uneasy, and that could be why she's acting so unnaturally. I think it's time we changed the subject.

"Celestia, I have no further questions regarding the Gala," I stated.

"Ah, good," said Mare-Do-Well, getting up from her seat in the witness box. "I'll just—"

"Not so fast, Mare-Do-Well," I interrupted, raising my hoof. "You still have to answer one more question."

Mare-Do-Well tilted her head. "And what might that be?"

"This impostor. What is she to you?"

Mare-Do-Well stared blankly at me. "Pardon?"

"I can't speak for anypony else, but it's obvious to me that you're not acting like yourself," I said. "If you are who you claim to be, then you must have a reason for this behavior. I believe that reason could very well be the impostor herself."

Mare-Do-Well shrugged. "Well, why don't you ask her then?"

"Because I'm worried about you," I said earnestly. "Mare-Do-Well, if something's bothering you, I want you to tell me. We're friends, after all."

Mare-Do-Well folded her forelegs. "If we're friends, why must you insist on interrogating me?"

"Do you want me to trust you, yes or no?" I asked bluntly.

"Well, yes. But—"

"Then you should have no issue with answering my questions."


Mare-Do-Well clicked her tongue and flinched. Methinks I hit a nerve with that one. And just for the record, I wasn't trying to.

"Alright, Princess Twilight. We'll play this your way," Mare-Do-Well conceded. "But I don't expect you to understand what I went through to catch this villain without experiencing it firsthoof. If you have questions about my testimony, please make sure they're relevant, okay?"

"I believe that goes without saying," I said with a nod. "Celestia?"

"Mmm? Oh, of course," said Celestia, banging her gavel. "Witness, please answer Twilight's questions."

"I shall," said Mare-Do-Well with a bow.

Testimony: The Doppelgänger

"This impostor is perhaps the most evil pony I have ever had to contend with," said Mare-Do-Well. "She has a mind like a steel trap, and she knows exactly how to anger me and turn my friends into foes. She managed to convince Pine Talon to join her cause, after all. They staged a brawl to throw you off the scent, you see. Not only this, but she vowed that everypony I ever cared about would die. That is why I'm behaving this way."

Again, that's very vague. But this time around, something's different. And that's just what I need to uncover the truth.

"I take it you're not satisfied with this testimony, Twilight Sparkle," said Luna.

"Absolutely not," I said, shaking my head.

"Then you may approach."

I walked over to Mare-Do-Well again. "You make the accusation that Pine Talon was in on this whole conspiracy, is that right?"

"Of course," said Mare-Do-Well.

"Well, I have to wonder about that," I said. "See, I was under the impression that you and Pine Talon were friends."

"Were friends, Princess Twilight," Mare-Do-Well clarified. "We aren't anymore."

"Okay then, how exactly did your impostor trick him, hmm?"

"She said that I was the fake Mare-Do-Well, and so he turned on me."

"Uh-huh," I said with a nod. "And how did you find out about this?"

"I asked him."

Really? That's not how I remember it.

"Are you sure about that?" I inquired.

"Of course I am," Mare-Do-Well replied. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because Pine Talon himself says he hasn't spoken with you in weeks."

Mare-Do-Well scoffed. "And you believe him."

"Well, yes," I said simply. "Because there's one thing about Pine Talon that you should be privy to."

"Oh? What's that, then?"

"He doesn't like hiding things."

Mare-Do-Well did a double take. "He doesn't what?"

"Don't you remember?" I said, tapping my forehead smartly. "You and Pine Talon had a bit of a disagreement when he revealed your true nature to Princess Celestia. He told her because he didn't want to give off the impression that he was up to something."

Mare-Do-Well lowered her hat over her eyes. "W-well, that was before my impostor tricked him."

"Ah, but if he really was your friend, you'd try to get him to believe you, wouldn't you?"

"Th-there was no convincing him."

"How do you know?"

"I-I just... Gah!"

Mare-Do-Well flinched, the the audience began talking amongst themselves. Celestia banged her gavel repeatedly.

"Order, order," she proclaimed. "Ms. Mare-Do-Well, Twilight's correct. You shouldn't give up on your friends so easily."

"You don't understand," said Mare-Do-Well. "My impostor and I sound exactly alike. He's blind, so he wouldn't be able to tell us apart."

"He may be blind, but he's not an idiot," I said. "It sounds to me like you didn't actually talk to him at all."

"B-but it's true," Mare-Do-Well insisted. "He staged that battle with my impostor at her behest."

"About that," I said, knitting my brow. "According to Pine Talon himself, he didn't know who he was up against. All he knew was that he was fighting a pony who was experienced in the dark magic of the Kurama Tengu. It was only after I connected the dots for him that he found out it was somepony posing as you."

Mare-Do-Well shrugged her shoulders. "So?"

"So, he had no idea that he was involved in this little scheme at all," I stated. "And before you say he was lying, there's something I want to show you. Shining, the weapon, if you please."

Shining Armor obliged, taking out the strap-on claws and setting them on a table before the podium.

"These strap-on claws were found in Pine Talon's cell," I explained. "When I questioned him about them, he claimed that they didn't belong to him."

"Well, of course not," said Mare-Do-Well. "They were used by the impostor to slice up his arm, and then they were stored there to make him look like the mastermind."

"That's not true, and you know it," I said, tapping my forehead smartly. "Or did you not see the forensic test I performed in the alchemy laboratory? The claws were coated in blood, this is true. But it wasn't Pine Talon's blood."

"Then, whose was it?"



Mare-Do-Well recoiled violently from my logic, and the audience was sent into an uproar. Not even Celestia's gavel could be heard over the din, so Luna had to intervene.

"ORDER IN THE COURT!" she commanded in her Royal Canterlot voice.

That shut everypony up right away. Celestia took a moment to bat her ear and clean it out.

"Th-thank you, Luna," she said, clearing her throat. "Now then, what's all this about, Twilight?"

"These claws were coated in ponunculus blood," I said. "After running a test on them, I found that the blood sample was specifically that of a pegasus ponunculus. And as you know, Mare-Do-Well fits that description quite well."

"Th-that doesn't prove anything!" Mare-Do-Well sputtered. "My impostor is a pegasus, too!"

"That's what I thought as well," I said. "But there was another drop of ponunculus blood in Pine Talon's cell. One that wasn't on the strap-on claws. When I analyzed this sample, I found something astounding."

"And that is?"

"The second sample contains traits of all three ponies tribes. Your impostor is not a pegasus; she's an alicorn!"

"I-impossible!" Mare-Do-Well screamed. "She has no horn!"

"You're right, of course. She doesn't," I said. "And to be honest, I have no explanation for that. However, this evidence cannot be ignored. Ergo, there's only one thing to do now."

"Wh-what's that?"

I pointed a hoof at Mare-Do-Well. "Mare-Do-Well, are you willing to submit to a blood test? It's the only way as of this very moment to tell if you are who you claim to be."

Mare-Do-Well's wings stood up on end, and her entire body trembled. "A-a blood test? I-I—"

As she hemmed and hawed, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that a pony of the Royal Guard was whispering something to Raven. She in turn whispered to Celestia, who nodded quietly before tapping her gavel.

"As much as I wish to see how this plays out, I am calling for a ten minute recess," she proclaimed.

I arched an eyebrow. "Why's that, Celestia?"

"We just got word from the front gate. The other investigation teams have returned."

Huh. Better late than never, I guess.

"Then I have no objections," I said with a bow. "I'll go—"

"All of them?"

An eerily familiar voice spoke up from behind. I turned around to see the damaged ponunculus looking up at Celestia with pleading eyes. Celestia gave her a puzzled look.

"Well, yes," she said. "At least, that's what we heard."

"And, none of them are dead?"

"Not to my knowledge. The group from Manehattan is still missing, but that's because they're still in transit. If I remember my timetables correctly, their train should be arriving right about now."

The ponunculus bit her hoof as tears welled up in her eyes. I-I honestly don't know what to make of this. Mare-Do-Well wouldn't behave this way; she's not usually that open with her emotions. And besides, she has no reason to believe that the others were going to die. Or, does she? Furthermore, this reaction is not something the impostor would have, either. Unless they were really, really pathetic, but that's highly unlikely. As I was trying to wrap my mind around all this, I heard a voice from behind.

"Hmph. Unexpected."

I turned around again. Mare-Do-Well was sitting in the witness box, her forelegs folded and her brow furrowed. I do believe I'm starting to get a good picture of what's going on here.

"Unexpected?" I parroted, arching an eyebrow. "What's so 'unexpected' about this, Mare-Do-Well?"

"I was referring to something else," said Mare-Do-Well stiffly.

I crossed my forelegs. "Okay, what?"

Mare-Do-Well looked away. "It's none of your business."

"I'm making it my business," I retorted. "You've been acting very sketchy ever since I found you in the mines. You wanted to leave a wounded pony to die, and when I refused, you didn't want to wait for your friends to show up to the trial. Not only this, but when they do finally show up, you claim that it's 'unexpected.'"

"Princess Twilight, please. There's no need for—"

"But that's not all," I continued, not allowing Mare-Do-Well to interrupt me. "If your testimony is to be believed, you're actually afraid of your friends. You keep talking about how you want me to trust you, but what about trusting me? Or Spitfire, or Pine Talon, or anypony else? But no. Instead, you just spout off answers that sound plausible so that I'd get off your back."

"Wh-what are you getting at?"

I flew up into the air and pointed an accusatory hoof. "You're not really Mare-Do-Well, are you?"

Mare-Do-Well's hat covered her eyes completely, and the room suddenly felt colder. She then looked up at me, and instead of blue, her eyes were glowing bright red.

"This isn't over," she stated coldly.

She then sang a bunch of jumble notes which summoned a black smokescreen. The entire room was coughing and gagging, myself included. When the smoke cleared, the pony who claimed to be Mare-Do-Well was gone.


While Holy Lance and the other guards scrambled to follow Luna's orders, I made my way back to the injured ponunculus. Sorry, the real Mare-Do-Well.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Mare-Do-Well sniffed. "I-I'm sorry, Princess Twilight. I-I just, I just..."

"Hey, easy there," I said, holding out my hoof. "C'mon, let's go meet the others. You can tell us all about what's going on."

Mare-Do-Well took a few shallow breaths before drying her eyes. "O-okay. Th-thank you, Princess Twilight."

She then accept my hoof, and I helped her stand up. As I was slinging her foreleg over my shoulder, Celestia and Luna approached us.

"Luna and I will try to maintain order here in the castle," said Celestia. "We'll join you if we can. Something tells me this impostor is more than just that."

"Yeah, we kinda figured that out a while ago," said Spike, scratching his head. "Still, I don't get it. What was she trying to accomplish by having you convict the wrong mare, Twi?"

"I'm sure Mare-Do-Well here knows," I said, turning to her. "And I expect you to tell me everything."

"O-of course," said Mare-Do-Well with a solemn nod.

With that, I proceeded to carry her out of the courtroom, with Spike and Shining not far behind. Truth be told, I wasn't afraid of being wrong. Even if the others didn't return when they did, I still could've forced both ponunculi to take the blood test, and that would've revealed the impostor for sure. But at the same time, there are a lot of unanswered questions. And given that the news of her friends being alive was enough to move the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well to tears, I'm not sure if I'm going to like the answers...

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