• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 5,006 Views, 129 Comments

The Heart of A Soldier - Always Shipper6

John Morrison is your modern day sniper, that somehow makes his way into Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Welcome to Equestria

I woke up laying on a couch from what I could tell. However, my feet were hanging over the edge of it. I tried to sit up, but I seemed to be stuck on the couch somehow. I looked around and noticed six faces staring at me, one in particular had a giant smile that seemed to go up to her ears. The one that had a giant smile had a pink poofy mane and tail, almost like they were made out of cotton candy. Her body was also pink, and she had 3 balloons on her flank. The next one beside her was a rainbow maned, cyan pony that had a cloud and a lightning bolt on her flank. She also had wings. "Oh great, I must be seeing things. Right now I can't possibly be seeing a Unicorn and a Pegasus." I looked over to the lavender coated Unicorn.

"Well, I'm pretty sure your not dreaming, so it's bound to be real." said the lavender colored pony that had a six pointed star on her flank that was surrounded by smaller stars. Her mane and tail were a dark purple and had a lighter color of purple running by a horn. The Ivory unicorn spoke up again. "Have you never seen a Pegasus or Unicorn before?"

"Um...no...wait...WHERE THE HELL AM I! THIS ISN'T RIGHT!...I SHOULD BE BACK AT BASE..wait...now I remember...WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I retraced my steps from the day before, or from what I could remember. 'I got hit by an RPG, woke up unscathed in a new land, saved a smaller pony from a Chimera, got hit in the process. Wait, am I hurt from that?' I tried to sit up, but something was keeping me down, and the only thing I could move was my head. I looked down to my chest and stomach, and there it was. My stomach and chest had been completely covered up by bandages and gauze. Then I noticed the rope that tied my legs and arms to my body. I could wiggle around, but not move either freely.

"Woah there, just calm down. We're not gonna do anything to ya." said the country sounding pony I saw yesterday, at least I think it was yesterday.

"Ok...calm...I can do this...calm...wait?...what the fuck am I doing...FUCK THIS SHIT! I'M OUT OF HERE!" I rolled off the couch and started scooting across the wood floor like a caterpillar towards what I thought was a door. However, right before I could ram my head into the door and hopefully open it, I was picked up by something.

"WOAH, WHAT THE FUCK! WHY AM I FLOATING!" I yelled, noticing that nothing was holding me up, however, I was glowing purple. "...why am I glowing purple?" I look over and see the lavender pony's horn glowing. "Oh right, magic, Dammit."

She levitated me back over to the couch, and since I figured out resistance if futile, I just laid there. Eventually, all six of them looked at me again, and now I could see a shy yellow Pegasus hiding behind a white and purple maned Unicorn that had three diamonds on her flank. The yellow Pegasus had a long pink mane and tail, and had three butterflies on her flank. I saw them walk closer, almost like their inspecting me. Eventually, I started scooting back on the couch as far as I could. I then saw red appear on my chest. 'Dammit, these ponies made me open up my wound again.' I just ignored them, and just laid down flat on my back on the couch, hoping the blood wouldn't seep through. What happened next surprised me.

"Oh no, you shouldn't have overexerted yourself, now you've opened up that nasty wound again. Here, let me go get my medical supplies." The yellow Pegasus said as she hovered into the kitchen. I tried to get up, but something was holding me down again. I saw that this time it was the white Unicorn instead of the Ivory one. I decided to give up, seems like I wasn't getting out of here anytime soon, so I might as well try to converse with these ponies.

"Could you please let go of me with your magic, I won't try to leave again I promise." I let out an annoyed sigh, knowing I'd have to deal with this. She didn't cooperate, so I let out an annoyed groan. "What will make you guy-erm ponies believe me?" I saw the lavender Unicorn writing a letter, and handing it to someone whom I couldn't see. I slightly sat up, grunting in the process. What I saw made me want to open my jaw in awe. I saw a purple and green baby dragon, 'Well, that's the coolest thing in this world so far that hasn't tried to kill me.' He spit out green fire, turning the letter to ash. I watched as it neatly flew out through an open window in the house. After that, the yellow Pegasus came back with more bandages, and an apple from the looks of it.

"Here now, sit up and let me bandage you back up. I-I also brought this apple i-in case y-you were hungry." The pink maned Pegasus said as she undid the ropes so she could get to my wounds.

"Oh, thanks. I haven't had anything to eat since I first came here. Whenever I came here, and thanks for untying me, I was really starting to get stiff." I moved around a bit so Fluttershy could replace the bandages, and began to think to myself. 'Ok, why am I so open with these ponies. I already feel comfortable around them, and yet I'm in a new unknown world? Is it me, or am I going slowly crazy?'


'Wait who, or what the hell was that?'

I guess you could say I'm the little voice in your head. You know, the one that keeps you sane in weird and crazy situations.'

'Then how come I could never hear you before?'

'This land gives off a weird aura, different than the one back on Earth. From what I know, it's an entirely different world, maybe even a universe.'

'How do you know all this?'

'Well, I don't exactly know either, it kind of just happened...weird...I'm going to have to find out what made me do that.'

"Ok, you work on that while I try to figure out where I'm at....I said that out loud didn't I?" The six of them just nodded their heads. "Well, can anyone tell me where I am?"

"Well, you're currently in my friend Fluttershy's cottage in Equestria."

"Fluttershy? Lemme guess, she's the one that's bandaging me up as we speak." I hear a squeak come from behind me, and can make out a very quiet "Y-yes." 'Wow, sticks to her name doesn't she. Wonder who everyone else is.'

"And everyone else is?" I ask while doing some hand gestures like I always do when I'm either telling a story or wanting someone to answer me. They all get startled expressions on their faces, besides Fluttershy who just blushes.

"Oh my, how rude of us darling. I'm Rarity, and it's nice to meet you Mr...Mr?"

"John Morrison, and pleasure to meet you miss Rarity." I reached my hand out to shake her hoof. 'Should I tell them my nickname? I mean, it is the symbol of death from where I'm from, but what does it mean here? Should I ask?'

'I advise to do it either when they find out about your tattoo or whenever you find out what the reaper actually represents here, or whenever you decide to tell them. I'm your brain, and I can't make all the choices now can I'

'Please tell me you're trolling right. You're the one that's made to do all the thinking.

'Well yea...technically I was made to do all the thinking. However, sometimes you know there's always a war going on between my thoughts, your gut's feelings, and your heart's feelings.'

'So your telling me that you, my gut, and my heart all have voices as well?'

'Well, not exactly. We have our quarrels yea, but mostly I'm the only one that can hear them. So if you ever hear me talking to myself, I'm basically talking to one of them. But who knows, this world has weird ways of working. They may get voices, or they may not.'

'I'll make sure to keep that in mind.'

After shaking (hoofing?) hands with Rarity, the others began to introduce themselves. The next one was the blue Pegasus with the rainbow coloured mane.

"Hey, names Rainbow Dash. Also the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" She boasted, almost sounding like an old squad member of mine. I began to tear up a little remembering how he and I would be so competitive together, and we'd always be evenly matched, and apparently they noticed.

"Hey why are you crying? Come on, smile! Be happy!" said the pink pony. "Oh yea, I'm Pinkie Pie. You can call me Pinkie!" I did my odd half smile that I'd always do. One half of my mouth would rise to the smiling position, while the other just stayed where it was.

"Nice to meet you Pinkie, and I'm ok. I just remembered something from where I came from, no big deal." I said, trying to forget the memory of my friend that I lost around a year ago.

"Hey come on now, can't you put a big smile like this on your face?" Pinkie said while doing a eye to eye smile. She spoke through the smile, almost like she constantly did it. "See, like this."

"Sorry Pinkie, I haven't been able to fully smile since I was little. Something happened and I lost all feeling. I never felt love, happiness, or anything else. I may have acted like I was happy and *in love*, but it was all a facade, a false appearance. I've always been someone who likes to deal with things himself. I've never really had any friends, at most I had 3. My squad...but since a year ago, I've been alone." I said the last part with a saddened voice. It was hard holding back the tears, but I managed to do so. Why am I getting all these emotions around these ponies, I've never opened up to anyone like this, and here I am, telling these ponies everything that's wrong.

'Well it would only make sense. I mean, they do give off a friendly aura. Besides, you've kept these feelings and memories held up inside me for too long. I get tired of seeing them. I hate it when I try to organize stuff up here, and then you remember that particular day and it ruins everything.'

'Well, I will eventually. I mean, what could possibly go wrong. Besides, it's not like they can read minds...can they?'

'I...don't...know. They could possibly be listening in on our conversation right now and we don't even know it.'

'Your right. But they wouldn't do that without my permission would they?'

'Probably, I mean they do seem to be very kind. Besides, there's probably nothing like that here...I hope.'

'Yea, me too brain, me too.'

'If there was something like that though. They would figure out everything about you. From the day you were born till the day you arrived here. They would even find out about that embarass-'

'DON'T BRING THAT UP! I was drunk, and didn't know what was going on, ok.'

'Yea...you player. Who else could get 5 insanely hot girls to sleep with him?'

'I SAID DROP IT!...And besides, I don't remember anything that happened. Except for that ungodly hangover I had the next day.'

'All right, I'll drop it. So should I bring up the other time that you went to a party and happened to-'


'Yea but, I mean, who knew that you could do...that...that's just...damn...lucky girls.'

'Can we please drop this...I don't feel comfortable talking about this, especially with these six faces staring at me like I'm crazy. Wait a minute...have I been doing hand gestures to this whole conversation?'

'Yes, why?'

'...shit...ok, time to stop talking to you now.' I put my attention back to the ponies in front of me, and ignore my brain for a while.

"Sorry about that, just thinking about things." I said, hoping they would just let it slide.

"Like what? Oh and by the way, I'm Twilight Sparkle. It's nice to meet you John." She walks up to me and puts out a hoof. I shake it and try to come up with an answer to her question. I just simply decide to fib the whole thing.

"Oh, it was nothing. Just me talking to myself, and it's nice to meet you too Twilight." I let out a nervous laugh and let go of her hoof. The last one left was the orange pony I saw yesterday before things got over the top crazy.

"And now it's time for the last one, the pony I saw yesterday on the farm." I looked at her, and she stuck out her hoof for a hoofshake.

"Howdy, names Applejack, and it's nice ta meet ya John. I want ta thank ya fer savin' Applebloom yesterday." She said while shaking my hand and arm like crazy.

"No problem Applejack, my protective instincts kicked in when I heard her scream. I was glad I could help." I said while being shaken like crazy by Applejack. She finally let go so I could regain my focus a bit. I had finally been introduced to everyone, except for the little purple dragon.

"Um Twilight, if you don't mind me asking, who's your friend." I said while pointing to the little dragon.

"Oh, he's my number one assistant Spike." She said as Spike walked over to me.

"Nice to meet you Spike." I reached out a hand, which he grasped and started to shake.

"Nice to meet you to John." He let go of my hand, letting me relax now that all introductions were accounted for.

"Well, now that everybody-" I was interrupted by Twilight.

"Don't you mean everypony?" She said.

"Um, well I guess it would make sense here. I mean, where I come from everyone and everybody was used to express multiple human beings. So I'm guessing you ponies use everypony for both?" I said while trying to figure out how I'd get used to their way of vocabulary here.

"Um, yea. That sounds just about right." Twilight said as she started to pull out a scroll and quill.

"Hey, what's with the quill and scroll?" She began writing a bit.

"Oh, I'm taking notes about where your from of course. Why?" She looked up while the quill kept writing surrounded by a purple aura.

"Oh, no simple reason. Haven't you ever seen a human before?" They all give me this quizzical look.

"No, we haven't your the first and only one Equestria has ever seen." Twilight said while studying me.

"Um..wow...so you mean I'm the only human here?" I said, hoping not to get an answer really.

"As far as we know yes, you are the only one in Equestria." said Twilight. 'Shit....well, might as well deal with it. I thought as I heard something appear outside. My military instincts kicking in, I grabbed for my Desert Eagle, but it wasn't there.

"Hey, why are you standing like that John? You look funny." Pinkie said as she proceeded to laugh at my weird stance.

"Who, or what is outside the door." I said in a serious tone. "Also, where are my weapons."

"Oh, don't worry. There all locked away in a chest over there." Rarity pointed towards a chest in the corner of the room. I walked over to open it, but I noticed my sword beside it.

"Why isn't my sword in the chest with the rest of my stuff as well?" I asked as I heard knocking on the door. I grabbed my sword, and took a stance.

"Here, let me get the door." Twilight walked over to the door and opened it. What I saw was a tall, white unicorn/ pegasus pony. Everypony bowed as the tall unicorn/ pegasus walked into the house. It eventually spoke up when it looked to me.

"So, this is the thing you messaged me about Twilight. I'm afraid I've never seen anything like him before. He is certainly...unique." She said while inspecting me. "And what is your name?"

"Oh, I'm John, John Morrison." I said while trying to dial in my brain. 'Am I seriously hearing a damned ring tone while trying to get my brains attention?' I seriously heard the ringing of a phone in my head. 'Fucking retarded brain.'

'What do you want. I was trying to get some rest and...oh shit...she, the unicorn/ pegasus...what is she?

'Your my brain, aren't you supposed to know?

'Well, I don't exactly know...so I'm no help here.'

'You know brain, your kind of stupid at times.'

'Look who's talking Mr. I-act-like-an-idiot-out-of-soldier-mode.'

'Touché Mr. brain. However, who's the one that makes me have stupid thoughts?

'Whatever, I'm out of here. Good luck dealing with the unicorn/ pegasus pony!'

'WAIT!...hello...brain? Wow...douche.'

"Well then John, sit down and put your sword back down as well." She said while giving me a warm smile. "My name is Celestia, and I want to welcome you to Equestria, wherever your from."

"Is it ok if keep my sword on me? I mean, I am in a new world, and you ponies are the only thing that I've seen that are friendly." I say while I put the sword on my back. 'I think it's best I put it on my back for now. It'd be hard sitting down with the sword on my left thigh.' I walked back over to the couch and sat down, a little pain running throughout my body from the hit I took fighting the Chimera.

"Well, you are safe where you are. However, I must know if you mean good intentions here in Equestria, and if you're a threat. So if you don't mind, may I look into your mind?" She said while walking towards me. 'Hey brain, you know what?'


'Revenge is a bitch.' I though while I nodded. "Sure, I don't mind. Just a warning though. You may see things you may not like. I haven't lived a very happy life." I said, an evil grin appearing on my face, knowing what was going to be happening to my brain.

"I'm pretty sure it's something I can deal with. I mean, I do have to rule over this land and provide law and punishment when needed." She put her horn to my head, and I watched as it started to glow. A warm feeling went throughout my body, and I felt sleepy all of a sudden. After a few minutes she took her horn away and backed up from me, giving me a horrified look.

"I told you it wouldn't be pretty in there. I will tell you I mean no harm here. I was born and raised to be a killer yes, but I'm actually a nice person. It's just sometimes I can be a bit...how should I put this?" I thought for a minute. "I guess I should say protective of the people I care about. So I'm not a mindless killer. and I don't like killing people. Back in the military I never showed this, I kept it all to myself. We were supposed to kill the enemy, and since that's the only choice I had, I chose to give them the quickest death possible....a .408 bullet to the head from my rifle. However, I hated doing it. Thoughts constantly ran through my mind like what if he had a family, and if he did what would they do without him. I never wanted to kill...honest...it was just my job." The other ponies gave me horrified looks in the beginning, but when they saw the tears start to appear in my eyes (Yea, I know. I'm a big softie.) they all calmed down.

"Well, I must say...your life back on where you came from was very...tragic. Where did you come from anyways?" Celestia asked while I cleared up my blurry eyes.

"I come from a place called Earth. The country started out good, based on freedom of religion and other good things. However, over the years, the country has become corrupt with power and money. There are good people on Earth. Kind, caring, and loving. However, those people are in a small numbers. Most people are greedy, selfish, and only care for themselves, and Earth is constantly being torn apart by wars. Giant fights in between two different countries over land, religion, terrorism, or just because of some stupid reason. War is awful because families get torn apart, people get killed because of religion, race, or beliefs. I hated it, even though I was one of the best at it." I looked down, trying to hold back the anger and tears I felt coming up. "I was a monster back on Earth, however, here I want to change it all. I want to be good, I want to do things right this time. Is it alright if I stay here? Well, not here, but somewhere's else. A place of my own, once I get the necessities that is." They all looked at me again, however they were showing looks of sympathy and sadness. Before I knew it I was being hugged by the six, and it was...nice.

"Were so sorry. It must have been horrible back on Earth." Fluttershy said, hugging me tighter. The others joined in as well.

"Really girls, it's ok. I'm glad to be away from that horrid place...and could you please let go...I...can't...breathe." They all let go, letting me get my breath.

"Well, it seems that you already made some friends here." Celestia let out a little laugh. "I guess since the heroes of Equestria have befriended you, i guess it will be ok for you to stay here."


"Congratulations John, I am making you a temporary civilian of Equestria."


"Yes, we must wait till everypony else gets used to you, then we will make you a permanent citizen of Equestria."

"Ok, thank you Celestia, I'll work hard to get everyponies trust and become a true citizen of Equestria."

'Why am I getting so used to this world so fast? This is just...odd...I don't know what it is, but I'm not on edge anymore. Also, I finally have friends after so long. They may be ponies, but their friends nonetheless.

'I feel violated.'

'HA! Serves you right for ditching me.'

'Yea, whatever. Let's see how you like it when you feel violated by some unknown force that seems to be studying every nook and cranny of your being.'

'Meh, can't be that bad can it?'

'You have no idea.'

'Well, I'll deal with it when the time comes. But for now, I need to use the bathroom.'

"Anypony know where the restroom is? Cause I really need to go." I said, sitting up on the couch. they all pointed to a door downstairs, apparently by the kitchen. I walked up to it and noticed that it was incredibly short. 'Only makes sense, I mean, I am the tallest one here, besides Celestia that is.' I opened the door, ducked, and walked inside. It was just like the bathrooms back on Earth, except just smaller, and shorter. After finishing my business I walk back out into the living room, being careful not to hit my head on the door leaving the bathroom.

"Well, it was nice meeting you John, but I must be going. I have some royal duties to do before nightfall." Celestia said as she began to walk towards the door.

"Nice meeting you too Celestia, and see ya later." Everyppony gave me a flabbergasted look.

"What? Did I say something?"

"Well, no one has ever responded to the Princess in that manner before." Twilight said.

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait....you mean Celestia is a PRINCESS!" I was never told none of this. I thought she was just a normal pony, or you know, the offspring of a pegasus and unicorn.

"Why yes, I rule this land with my sister, Princess Luna." She said turning around and looking at me.

"O-oh, I'm sorry for my disrespectful tone before Princess. I hope I didn't annoy or anger you."

"Oh no, you're fine. It's nice to see someone who isn't so uptight around me just because I'm royalty. I may be special, but I'm just like everypony else."

"O-oh...ok then, well...I guess this is goodbye for now?"

"Yes, bye for now John. Until next time." She says walking out of the door. She closes it with her magic before a bright light is seen outside. I run and open the door, but nothings there. 'Knowing she's the mix between a pegasus and unicorn. She could have done one of two things. Either fly away, or use some kind of teleportation spell.

'She teleported. Can't you see the scorch marks on the ground?' I looked around, and finally saw the burns that were burnt into the ground.

'Now I do, thanks for the info.'

'Yea yea, whatever. I walk back inside and continue having small talk with the other ponies there. 'You know, for me being in a new world. It's pretty great being here. I have six friends, a new life, and nothing could possibly go wrong as of right now.'

'Or so you think.'

'I swear to god if you make me have a what the fuck brain moment I'm going to make sure to put you in the weirdest position you've ever been in.'

'Oh, no...not now at least.'

'I swear you have a mind of your own.'

'Well, I am your brain, so it would only make sense.'

'Wait...so does that mean I have a brain, inside my brain. But wouldn't that make every brain have a brain. Then those brains would have a brain, then their brains would have a brain....I think I'm going to stop there.'

'I don't even know where you went with that, and I'm you brain.'

'We will continue this talk later. For now, it looks like it's night out, so I think I'll go lay outside for a bit.

The girls were still conversing with themselves about things they were going to do this week. I just listened, answered whatever questions came up about me, but I mostly nodded while I sat there quietly. I decided to interrupt them.

"Hey girls, do you mind if I go outside for a bit? I won't wander off or run away. You know, just find someplace to lay down and stare at the night sky."

"Oh no, we don't mind. Just don't go to far away ok?" Twilight said.

"Ok Twilight, I'll make sure not to." I said as I opened up the door into the night sky. I walked to a little hillside not far from the house. Thankfully, there wasn't a town nearby, so I wasn't seen walking towards it. I walked up the hill and sat under a tree. Every now and then a gust of wind would blow by, causing a few of the leaves to fall off the tree. I looked up to the night sky, and noticed that it was so much better than the Earth's.

"Ah, the night. Beautiful, yet so mysterious. Each star has a different story, some better than others. The moon, dimly lighting everything the darkness touches. Whenever it becomes night, I feel at ease, I feel calm, almost like there's no more troubles or war anymore. Just me, myself, and the beautiful night. Sometimes though, the night can be lonely and depressing, much like my life has been. The night has been a friend of mine for so long, almost my whole life. Night is when I thrive, and when I'm deadliest. So, night, as I head back inside I bid thee farewell. However, our friendship shall never end. The darkness shall, and will always be my friend." I didn't really think hard about saying that. I always suck at saying very touching things. I just said what felt natural. I decided to keep staring at the night sky and listen to some music on my iPod. I pulled it out of my pocket to see it unscathed from everything. 'Thank god, this thing is my life. I don't know what I'd do without my music.' I hit the shuffle button, and listened to the song that came on. It didn't seem very suitable for the situation, but a good song nonetheless. I have always been a fan of drum and bass, and Pendulum is a great band. I laid there for a while, then I started to doze off. I closed my eyes for what felt like a few minutes, but I felt the wind suddenly pick up. I ignored it and kept listening. I opened my eyes, and what I saw startled me.

"Woah!" I yelled, scooting back up against the tree while paying attention to the blue eyes that were staring at me.

A/N: I think that last line rhymed did it not? And sorry this took so long to get out. Tell me if I misspelled something, or messed up entirely. I'm trying my best to make this a good story. I'm still kind of new to this, so I plan on being much, much better soon.