• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 5,007 Views, 129 Comments

The Heart of A Soldier - Always Shipper6

John Morrison is your modern day sniper, that somehow makes his way into Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Chaos Begins

The town literally looked like it was hit by a tornado, but the tornado didn't destroy anything. Instead, it just threw everything around. Houses were upside down, there were pink clouds, the same ones we saw earlier flying around raining some kind of brown liquid. I saw ponies running around, panicking screaming something like "HE'S BACK! EVERYBODY RUN!" I didn't get it though. Who was back, why was everything strewn into chaos, and why is a pink cloud following me?

"Ok, why are you following me you pink cloud." It just floated above my head, and drenched me in the brown liquid.

"I swear if I die cause of this, I'm going to find a way to kill clouds, and I will track you down and kill you." I said as I shook off a bit of the brown liquid. 'What is this stuff?'

'Liquid shit?'

'No, then it would smell like shit...maybe I should try it?'

'I don't know if that is such a goo-' He was interrupted by me licking a bit of it off my arm, then I facepalmed.

'It's chocolate milk.'

'I like chocolate milk.' He said, sounding like a hyperactive kid.

'Seriously, you can't even taste let alone feel.'

'Dude, that's low. That hurt man.'

'Oh, I'm sorr-'

'It's fine, but lets try to find Twilight and the others.'

'Good idea.'

I began running through the town, looking for Twilight, or any of the others, but to no prevail. I looked everywhere too. I went into the building called Sugarcube Corner, but instead of looking like it was made out of pastries, it was just a giant block of tofu. I ran inside, and nopony was in there, so I walked back out. I went into a spa looking place, but instead of being neat and smelling of skin care products, it was dirty, filthy, and there were pigs everywhere.

"Okay, not even going in there. It smells bad enough." I stepped back outside, to see that the sky was just random colors, and I swore I could see a pony flying with her tail, and making weird noises as she did a weird thing her her hoof and mouth. 'Okay, awkward.'

'I've came up with two possibilities of what's wrong. One, we're high. Or two, we've finally lost it.'

'Or, it could be me.'

'What the fuck? Who are you?'

'My my, such a way with words. How about I limit you vocabulary a bit.'

'What do yo-shit....fuck....fucking fuck fuckity fuck?'

'Ha, now you can do nothing but cuss.'

'Well, now when I think about it. The people that are reading this probably don't like an excessive amount of cussing, so I think I'll change him back to normal. Still, he is going to be a problem. I wonder what I should do?'

'Ok, what was that? I tried to think, but all that came out were cuss words? Okay, never mind, too many crazy things going on at once. Why did that surprise me?'

'So I see you noticed my handy work.'

'Brain, who the hell is this guy?'

'I don't know...and how can he converse with us in your head?'

'I don't know.'

'I see you still don't know about me. Twilight, your slacking, tisk tisk. Anyways, I am Discord, the master of chaos and everything it brings. Everything you see around you was though up by, and done by me. It's wonderful isn't it.'

'Where are Twilight and the others!'

'My my, such hostility already. Their just fine, but they may be a bit...different so to speak.' He began to let out a laugh that echoed through my mind.

'Tell me where they are...now.' I said, my voice sounding madder and madder. Everyone that knows me, knows to not do one thing, and that's to make me mad. I let my anger fuel me, which turns me into another person entirely. My personality changes, my physical strength, stamina, skill with weapons, everything increases to incredibly high levels. However, I have no control over who I attack. I'm so lost within my anger and rage that I have no idea who is friend or foe, so that's why I had built a barrier to block back those feelings, but they were now quickly being tore down.

'Well, looks like you have a temper, and from what I see, when you get mad things aren't pretty. That means you could become a potential problem, but I can take care of that.'

'What do you mean.'

'Look in front of you.'

I did what Discord said, and there stood by far the weirdest creature I had ever seen. I'm not even going to describe what he looks like. Let's just say he's the definition of clusterfuck. Mostly because he's made of multiple animal's body parts. Now, he was just leaning up against a tree, one leg crossed over the other, his arms were crossed as well. He also seemed to have sunglasses on.

"Sweet shades." I said as I walked towards him.

He stood up from the tree and began to look at me. "Well, did my chaos turn you into what you are, or are you really a human? Also, I know, these shades are amazing."

"How do you know about humans? And yes, I am one."

"I know about everything. I don't only cause chaos in this world, but others as well. This one is just my favorite." He said as he pulled a lawn char out of nowhere and sat down drinking a glass of chocolate milk. After he was done drinking the glass, he grabbed the now solid chocolate milk.

"Hey human, catch."

"What do you mea- OH SHIT!" I yelled as I dodged the solid chocolate milk, hearing the explosion and feeling the chocolate hit my back and knock me to the ground. "...Ow."

'BAHAHA, you got owned by-.'

'Shut the fuck up brain.'


"Come on now, that's not a nice way to treat your brain now is it?" Discord said as he got up and started walking towards me.

"Get the hell away from me." I said backing up while putting my right hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Aww, you hate me already. I thought we were becoming pretty good friends. You and I, we're not that much different. Humans, they cause chaos, they cause death, war, and any other possible bad thing that could happen. Back on Earth, where you come from, they are now in a nuclear war thanks to you and your squads stupidity. Your squad got out safe, but since they couldn't find you, they went back in. This time though, they didn't come back. Instead, they were captured and tortured to death. The new recruit they got, let's see here....I think they called her...Oh yea, Shadow. You should remember her. She was the one that you were told to train." Memories flew through my mind, one of a twenty year old girl who had jet black hair, deep blue eyes, and a nice figure. It wasn't the type that was too big or too small, but just right. Considering that I was considerably younger than her and was better at shooting, it took her a long time to warm up to me. Once she did though, we became great friends. However, she was sent to a different base due to problems that happened. I haven't seen her since.

"Yes. I remember her, she was like the sister I never had." I said as anger began to rise.

"They took her very nice body, and did so many naughty things to it." I could see a smile appear on his face. "She tried to resist, but once they cut off her tongue, she shut up. However, the blood didn't really help. Still, after they were done with her they killed her. So, at least she had some fun before she died." He had a sick, sadistic smile on his face. I swear it felt like I was going to catch on fire out of pure rage. "And to think, if only you would've stayed on Earth and died in that blast like a good little boy, then you could have saved everyone's lives. But no, you had to come to Equestria instead. Now look what has happened." He said as he began to put a finger on my forehead.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me you sick sadistic son of a bitch." His finger kept getting closer and closer, and my right hand gripped the hilt of the sword more and more.

"Oh come on, I was just telling you what happened after you left. Besides, your too filled with anger, you need to calm down, way down." He said as I felt his finger touch my head. I swear I could feel something draining, but I didn't let it happen but for a few seconds. I withdrew my sword from it's sheath and cut his finger off. All he did was jump back in pain and began wrapping it up in medical supplies that seemed to appear out of nowhere. It felt like I had been drained of a little of my rage. The killing intent was there, but it just wasn't as strong as before.

"I am going to fucking KILL YOU!" I put myself in a stance, and charged at Discord.

"Nope, sorry. You've become too much of a problem. So this should take care of you for a while." He said as he sidestepped, dodging my charge. I fell into a hole, a deep one. Once I hit the bottom, face first, I felt something hitting the back of my head. That crazed laughter from Discord followed, which is all I heard as I slowly lost consciousness.

I was laying on something, something cold. My eyes were closed so I couldn't see around, but yet it felt like the room I was in was gigantic compared to the normal sized ones. I just could tell by how the constant humming and beeps echoed in the room. I could hear the faint beat of a heart monitor, and it felt like I was hooked up to something. I heard a hiss, and heard the sound of heavy metal hitting what sounded like a metal floor, so I acted like I was still out cold. I heard that they were talking, so I tried to listen in.

"..mus, but it doesn't seem to be made of what we are. It is all made of organic material, living tissue, so all I could do is try my best. I was hoping that it wasn't hurt, just knocked out. I mean, that thing landing on my console during the middle of a very important research project I was working on wasn't that pretty." I heard the metal footsteps get closer. "Besides, he doesn't even seem to be awake." I felt something cold, something that made me jump.

"FUCK THAT'S COLD!" I said as I flew up, ripping the cords that I had strapped to me. I looked around for a minute.

"Holy. Shit." I was in a giant room, completely made of metal. There were monitors all over the place, which described the constant beeping and buzzing I was hearing. What was in front of me though, got my attention. 'Brain...do you see this shit...please god tell me I'm dreaming, cause if I am I never want to wake up.'

'Yea...I see it.' I also don't think your dreaming either, cause your bleeding. Look at where you ripped out the cord.'

I looked down to see the level of sheer stupidity I just pulled. I seemed to have many wires attached to me, and they were all ripped out as I sat up, so now I was covered in tiny streams of blood.

"Oh now, look what you've done. It was so hard doing that. With these giant hands of mine it took forever to get the needles in the right spot. Now you've ruined it all." The robot said as he began to look at the one that was standing beside him. "Optimus, do we even know what this thing is?"

"I don't know Ratchet, but I intend to find out." He said as he walked forward and looked down on me. I swear, I felt like I was having the biggest fangasm of my life. I loved transformers as a child, and here I was, standing in front of Optimus Prime! I managed to hold back the giddy squeals and oh my god's.

"Hello, my name is Optimus Prime, and I would like to welcome you to Cybertron."

"U-Uh yea, glad to be here. My name is John Morrison, and how exactly did I get here."

"Let me tell him this Optimus, since he did interrupt my research." Ratchet said as he turned to me.

"You see, it was a normal day for me. Repairing systems, checking life support systems for the ones that were hurt, and I was helping out my pet and her litter of kittens. Don't ask how metal cheetahs are made, it's very...complicated. Anyways, I was helping them out in their habitat, and as I was pressing a few keys, I saw a portal open up in front of my face, dropping you onto the keyboard, releasing the baby cheetahs and their mother. The mother and three kittens went back in, but I can't find the last one. He's the type that likes to exp- oh never mind there he is." I looked to my right, and there was an almost fully grown cheetah. He let out a metallic purr, and began rubbing up against me. Optimus looked back to the cheetah and then back to me.

"Well, looks like you've found your first companion John, but Ratchet, you said a portal appeared out of nowhere." I tensed up, and the cheetah stopped purring up against me.

"You said portal? Knew it...Discord."

"Discord?" Ratchet asked.

"Yes, the ruler of chaos. He was back on Equestria, a planet that is inhabited by ponies who can talk, fly, and do magic. It's normal there, but it's not where I come from." I proceeded to tell them how I made it into Equestria, and how I came here.

"So your saying, is your an intelligent life form from a planet called Earth, and you somehow got teleported onto a planet the was inhabited by ponies?"

"Yea, that's exactly how it happened. If you don't believe me, check my iPod, I have songs and videos from my world on there." I said as I pulled out my iPod. I showed it to them, and Ratchet began to inspect it.

"It seems to be dead, it has no power."

"Oh, my bad. Ir must have died shortly after I entered Equestria, maybe after the first day." I reached out to get it back, but I heard the sound of transforming, and another newer, sleeker version fell into my hand.

"What the?"

"Are you sure you want to do this, won't your mother be mad?" Ratchet said pointing towards my iPod. I looked down and watched as it started transforming in my hand, I let go of it and saw the same cheetah standing before me. It simply let out a metallic meow and transformed back into my new iPod.

"Well, looks like you've got yourself a new pet John." Ratchet said as he began to laugh. Optimus was just standing there being quiet. I checked the iPod and to find out, it had everything I had on my old one! Also, this one looked like it was constantly on charge, so it would never die. This, Cibertron, and meeting Optimus Prime has made my day.

"So, John,do you mind if i get some scans of you? We've never seen a species like you before, and I'd like to record some things if you don't mind."

"Sure, I don't mind as long as it's nothing painful or weird."

"Oh no, it's perfectly safe." Ratchet said as he grabbed something and began scanning my body with it. It emitted a red light, which proceeded to move up and down my body while making a buzzing noise. After it was done it made one more run through, this time it was fast, and green.

"So Optimus, do you know any wa-" I was interrupted by the opening and closing sound of another door. I heard another robot run up in a panic-like manner.

"Optimus, Decepticons are attacking!" An explosion rang out through the building we were in, shaking it to where a little debris fell from the roof.

"Ratchet, go help out the others our front! I'll try to help John here." He instantly changed figure. Before he was relaxed, calm, and cool to be around. Now he acted stern, in control, and still cool to be around.

"John, do you know how to get back? Cause I need to get out there and help defend the base." Optimus calmly said as he lowered himself down on one knee and looked at me.

"I have no idea, but can I help!" I swear I sounded like a child who wanted to do something, but their parent's wouldn't let them.

"No, you just stay here, and don't think about coming out to watch." Optimus said as he began running out of the door.

'Hey brain you think?'


'Alright, let's do this. LEEEERRROYYY JENNNNNKIIINS!' I thought as I ran at the giant metal door, but was stopped when it didn't open.

"Oh, come on! Just op- is that an open switch?" I looked beside the door, and there was a switch that had a green button on top and a red button on bottom. I walked over and hit the green button, opening the door I couldn't get through.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" I said as I ran through the doorway. I ran towards the sounds of explosions, clashing metal, and laser fire. Once I got out, I saw that Optimus and the rest of the Autobots that were there were being pinned down. I saw Optimus touch the side of his head with his hand.

"Roadblock, you to your position?" I heard Optimus say, and all I heard were three loud shots coming from somewhere, and I saw three Decepticons fall. I walked up to Optimus, who looked pissed when he saw me.

"I thought I told you to stay inside." He didn't sound mad, but he made it clear that he did NOT want me coming out there, and I see why. The Autobots were being overrun by the sheer number of Decepticons. I pulled out my iPod to take a picture of this, so I could remember it forever, but I was interrupted by the cheetah transforming and letting out a growl at something.

'How do cheetah's growl?'

'Well, it is a robot cheetah, so I'm not surprised it can talk or anything. However, it is weird though. I'm guessing it's sound box is a mix between a cat and dog, as in he can sound like both.'

'That's crazy!'

'I know right?'

The cheetah jumped up towards something flying through the sky, and dragging it towards the ground with a loud thud, then I saw a ball of metal battling between each other. I saw that the thing that the cheetah was fighting was in fact a bird.


'Looks like it.'

I watched as laserbeak shot through the cheetah, and I looked at Ratchet who tossed something to me.

"Here, I made this in time before the fight got serious." It was just a thin glove that went on my left hand, and once I put it on I saw a little green laser start shooting towards the cheetah, who I think I'll name Gizmo. It began to heal Gizmo, gradually fixing the wound, reattaching the sparking wires, and after it was finished he looked as good as new. He transformed and leaped back into my hand. I put him into my pocket, patting the pocket.

"Good job buddy."

The fight was almost over, but it was still pretty crazy. I swear it looked like a light show that went on forever, and I was amazed by it, that is until one laser hit the wall I was hiding behind.

"Oh shit!" I hid behind the wall more, and heard a familiar sound of a rocket launching. I didn't even have time to think before I was blown back. I hit the ground, hard, but I heard a voice.

"It's not your time yet young one. You still have much to do. For now, we shall help you in your time of need, however, after this all we can do is supervise."

I felt the ground disappear below me. I was falling, falling fast. I felt the wind flow through my hair, and I could tell the ground was getting closer and closer. I was relieved when I hit water, still feeling a ton of pain. I crawled out after swimming to what I think was the edge, and as I began to lose consciousness I saw a human-like figure walk up to me. However, it was covered in armor from the looks of it. It also looked like it was covered in dust, and had a weird weapon on it's back. It walked up to me and bent down, staring at me. I saw yellow lenses that seemed to be dirty from dirt, blood, and other things.

"Better get you some help. There's a clinic near here. They should be able to patch you up." I believe the damage from that rocket followed me this time as I felt pain go throughout my entire body. As I lost consciousness, I let out two words.

"T-Thank.....y-you." With that, I passed out, again.

A/N: Well, seems I've done pretty good so far without an editor or pre-reader. I know these are some weird crossovers, but the finale shouldn't take more than two or three more chapters (Not the end of the story)...so yea, no ponies sadly, but awesome adventures. Don't worry though, ponies will be back...soon..(Insert author's weird/ creepy smile here)....also, early update BOO YAH!..I worked ahead for you guys, who knows...I may have another one up by Sunday...besides...this next crossover is going to be my favorite. =D