• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 5,004 Views, 129 Comments

The Heart of A Soldier - Always Shipper6

John Morrison is your modern day sniper, that somehow makes his way into Equestria.

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Chapter 7: Party Time!

The next morning I awoke with a surprise. I was just laying in the bed like I always do. I usually act like I'm asleep, then get up maybe 30 - 40 minutes later. However, today was not the case. It all started when I heard the door open to my room.

"Hey silly, Princess Celestia told me to get you up!" Pinkie said while hopping into the room. I just rolled over in the bed and rolled up into a little cocoon. "Mmmmm, na, don't wanna." I said while motioning her to go away.

"Well, I know one way to wake you up." She said while going out the door. After a few minutes I heard her come back in. I was a bit more awake now, but still didn't feel like getting up. "Pinkie, if it's the old ice cold rag trick, it doesn't work on me."

"Nope, now set up please." She said while walking up beside the bed. I opened one eye, and all I saw was one giant blue eye staring back at me. "Mmmm, fine, might as well. Besides, can't go back to sleep now." I threw the covers off, revealing the pajamas I wore underneath the covers. (a/n: Yes, real men wear pajamas!) They were just a simple red and black pair, nothing big. Still, the silk that they were made out of was so smooth and comfortable, and I loved it. I rubbed my eyes, and eventually opened them to see Pinkie sitting on her haunches staring at me.

"What." I plainly said as I got out of bed. She smiled and began walking beside me.

"Oh, nothing...just." She stopped talking.

"Just what Pink-" I said looking at her.

"PIE TO THE FACE!" Well, that was unexpected. Wake up, and first thing that happens is a pie to the face? Oh well, it's Pinkie. What's not to expect.

"Where. did. that. come. from." I said while wiping the whipped cream off my face.

"Oh, I have them hidden all around Equestria just in case somepony has been bad and needs a pie to the face." She said happily bouncing towards the door way. "Now come on and get ready silly, breakfast is almost ready."

"Alright, let me get a shower and everything first." I said while walking towards the bathroom. The bathroom was anything but normal. The tub was too small, the shower head hung too low, and the toilet was too small. "Well now, what a great way to start off the day. First a rude, but random awakening, and now this." I said while throwing my hands into the air. "How could this possible get any worse."

'Goodmorning!' Came the cheery yet annoying voice in my head. I facepalmed.

"I just had to say it didn't I?"

'Yep. By the way, you know what today is right?'

"Uh, no. I can't remember." I said while beginning to take my clothes off.

'Today's the giant celebration that Celestia told you about yesterday. Remember?'

"I said a small Celebration, nothing big." I began to turn on the water. I turned the knobs, and felt the water. "Ow, too hot. Let's see here." I turned the cold knob more and felt again. "Okay, this will do." I stepped in, and the shower head went to about my shoulders, so it was annoying to wash my hair. Still, I got it done, got out, dried off, got dressed, and went to see Celestia in the dining hall for breakfast.

"Wait a minute...where are we in the castle?" I said, talking to myself. "....fuck." I was lost, and had to find my way to the dining hall. I walked to the nearest guard. He gave me a cold stare that sent shivers down my spine. "U-um excuse me sir?" I said while looking at the pearl white unicorn stallion with a blue mane. He had a shield with a giant pink star in it, and had three smaller stars above it. "Yes?" He said while staring daggers at me. "Do you happen to know where the dining hall is." I shuffled a bit in my position. "Of course, follow me." He led me down the hallway we were currently in, went down a set of stairs, and made a left. We stood in front of two giant white and golden doors. He looked at me again. "Now listen here," He said, yet again staring daggers at me. "If I even hear of you hurting my Twily, or any of her friends, your dead. Got it."

"Y-yes sir, I wouldn't even think of it." I began sweating a bit. This guy, he seems like the kind you don't want to mess with. Still, I killed Discord, and all of those Deathclaws, and a few Legionare's with the Courier, so I was a force to be reckoned with as well. However, this guy was a unicorn, and I know not to mess with those. Magic, you don't want to mess with it.

"Good, but you've been warned. If it does happen, you don't want to know the consequences. Now, I believe this is the room you were looking for. He said opening the doors with his magic. He and I walked in, and saw the mane 6 along with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sitting at a table waiting for me.

"Ah John, we've been waiting for your arrival." Celestia said, motioning me to sit down by pulling out a chair with her magic. "Here, have a seat."

"O-Oh, thank you Cele-"

"That's Princess Celestia to you." The unicorn said beside me.

"Now Shining. There's no need for formalities between friends is there?"

"B-But Princess." Shining said, most likely not believing what he was hearing.

"It's okay Shining. John, you can call me Celestia from now on, ok?" She looked over to me.

"O-Okay, thank you Celestia." I sat down in the seat, however the table was too low so when I scooted in I hit my knee on it. The table jumped, and it was a pretty big table too. All the food slid across to the other side, and some food even fell off the table. "Ow. Oh, I'm sorry, here, let me get the food that fell off." I stood back up and walked over the the other side. I began to pick up the food, but it was soon surrounded by a purple aura and was put into the trashcan across the room.

"There, now sit down. Before you make another mess, and try not to hit your knee this time." I looked over to Twilight who began to lightly giggle. "Yea, I'll keep that in mind." I walked back over to my seat, and carefully scooted to the table.

"Now that that's over, how have the preparations been going for the party Pinkie?" Celestia looked over to Pinkie, who was currently stuffing her face full of lettuce, tomato, and anything else they had there. "Mmmmph mmmmph." She said while having a mouthful of food. "Pinkie darling, have some manners please. Learn to chew and swallow before you speak." Rarity said while graciously eating a piece of lettuce. Pinkie ignored the chewing part, and just swallowed everything whole. "It's going great! The stage is already set up, the DJ has been picked, and the whole towns of Cloudsdale, Las Pegasus, Salliongrad, Appleloosa, Ponyville, and Canterlot have been invited to it." I abruptly stopped drinking my milk from the glass it was in, spewed it all over the place, and began coughing. After my coughing fit, I looked over to Pinkie. "What?"

"I invited everypony that could fit in Canterlot to attend! Sadly, I wish I could invite everypony, but the town just isn't big enough." Pinkie's mane deflated after saying that.

"Don't worry Pinkie, I'm sure everypony that won't be able to come will forgive you Pinkie." Fluttershy said, finishing her meal first.

"Pinkie promise?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She did all the movements while saying the words. Pinkie instantly cheered up and finished her meal. "Okey dokey lokey." She began to go for more food, until she got wide eyed. "Oh my gosh! I almost forgot, I have to get the strobe lights in place!" Pinkie dashed out of the dining hall, and was never heard for the rest of the breakfast.

"Well, now I'm nervous." I said while finishing up my meal.

"Why? I would love to be in your spot now. Just in front of everypony, getting awarded for you heroism and maybe even get a-" Spike just got quiet, and just began to stare off into space. "Um Spike?" I said. He shook his head, getting him out of whatever he was doing. "Sorry, zoned out, but you get my point." By this time everyone was finished eating.

"Well, guess it's time everyone got ready for tonight." Celestia said while getting up out of her chair. Everypony else got out of there's as well. "Now John, I expect you to look your best for everyone." She said looking over to me.

"Will do." I said while giving her a salute. She laughed a bit. "Well, I guess I'll see everypony later tonight!" I ran back to my room, and didn't manage to get lost. I opened the door to my room, and looked at what was sitting on the dresser. I picked it up and looked it over. "Perfect, tonight's going to be interesting. I feel bad for doing this to Celestia, but it's going to be great." I said while putting it all on. I walked to the nearest mirror. Looking through the yellow eyes in my Remnant's suit. I looked at the emblem, and began to think. 'I think it's high time I do something to this suit, but what?'

'I have an idea, if you'll listen to me for once that is.'

'Alright, fire away.'

'Okay, here's what you do...' He put a mental image into my head. A smile grew onto my face.

'Not bad, I like it. You know, maybe your not as bad as I originally thought.'

'Meh, every now and then I like to do something out of the ordinary, and this is one of those times.'

'Okay, that works.' I decided to wait until after the party to initiate the plan. Until then I guess I'll just do something to keep me amused. Of course, the only thing that came to my mind was to clean my guns, so that's what I did.

It's almost time for the party, and I am nervous as can be. I was sitting on my bed, preparing for the walk onto a stage, and in front of thousands of ponies as well. After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door.

"Sir, the Princess is asking for you to come to the stage now." The guard said through the door. "Okay, I'll be out in a minute." I stood up, took one more look at myself and my armor, checked to see if everything was in order, and made my way to the stage. I was surprised I didn't get lost, all I did was follow all the cheering, and I soon found it. I must say, pinkie did a great job setting up the party. There were streamers all throughout the town, and to one side was a gigantic stage with a red curtain behind it. It looked like Celestia was giving a speech, and she saw me, grimaced, and went back to giving her speech. I avoided all ponies, which meant taking back alleyways towards the stage. I eventually there, and not a moment to soon.

"This person isn't a pony. So, my loyal subjects, don't be frightened when you see him. He may look scary, but he is in no way going to harm you. So there's no need to fear him. Now, welcome the Hero of Equestria, John Morrison! She motioned me to go onto the stage. 'Alright, it's now or never.' I walked out, and the cheering and shouting instantly stopped. I have to admit, I almost laughed when I looked at them. Everypony had the 'deer in headlights look', and I just sighed and took off my helmet. I saw a few faces calm down, but some still look scared. I breathed in, and slowly calmed myself down as I let the breath out slowly. "Hello everypony, my name is John Morrison, but you all can call me John. I know I'm different than you ponies, but I in no way mean any harm at all. In fact, if Celestia will allow me, I'd like to become the protector of Equestria." A few ponies gasped. I looked over to Celestia, who just calmly nodded. "I am someone who lives to protect others, one who puts their life on the line every day for somepony, somewhere who is in trouble. I will help them in any way possible, and in any way I can. Still, I live, breathe, and think just like all you ponies out there. So when I say I'm just like you, I am. I'm just in a different body, and don't have the use of magic. My race, they are more for technology than magic, so we don't have it where I'm from. So, don't treat me as a stranger. I am a friend, protector, or just the guy that lives next door whom can help you with a problem. Whether it be a physical, mental, or any other kind of problem, I'm always here to help. Now that the introductions are over, how about we get this party started." I pulled off the rest of my armor to reveal just simple clothes underneath. The rest of the ponies just stared, and some got more relaxed. I looked over to Pinkie, who just nodded. "Alright DJ, HIT IT!" The DJ just nodded, and began playing music. I have to admit, it was pretty good. Still, nothing compared to what I listen to.

It was a few hours into the party, and it was crazy. There were ponies on rooftops cheering and dancing, and I saw a few were drunk and having simple fun. I saw the DJ just relaxing in a chair while the music played, so I decided to go and ask to see if she would let me play some of my music. I walked up two or three steps and walked over to her.

"Sup, I like the music your playing." She pulled down her sunglasses and looked at me with red eyes.

"Thanks man. Made this music myself." She said proudly.

"Hey you mind after this song if I play something from where I'm from." I say pulling out Gizmo, who is currently transformed.

"Sure, I don't mind. where are you from anyways?" She asked.

"It's...a long story. You don't want to hear it, trust me. Alright Gizmo, you want to party too?" the iPod transformed into my cybernetic pet, who let out a meow and nodded. "Alright, but first you mind playing a song." I pulled up a cord, and Gizmo nodded, and I plugged the cord in. "Alright, lets see here, what should I pick." I was scrolling through my songs on a small side panel on Gizmo's side. "Ah, here we go. This will do." It was one of my favorite songs that a good friend of mine introduced me to a bit before I came here. I don't have much, but this one was good. Also, it kind of fit the theme of the party, sense everypony was going crazy. I mean one it started playing, the party got even crazier, even the DJ started bobbing her head and dancing a little to the beat.

"Hey, this is pretty good, where'd you get it?" She looked back over to me.

"Oh, this is a band back from where I'm from. Good friend of mine told me about it, and by the way, I didn't get your name." I said while bobbing my head to the music. If there's one thing I can't and won't do, is dance. I can't dance, and don't want to.

"It's Vinyl, Vinyl Scratch." She said, still bobbing and dancing to the music.

"Mines John, nice to meet you Vinyl." She looked at me. "I know, I heard the speech. Why were you wearing that armor, it actually made you look kind of scary if you ask me."

"I don't know," I shrugged, "just felt like wearing it." She laughed. "Good enough for me. Say, how about we go get a drink. Besides, I have a disc set up for the rest of the party. I'm done being a DJ for right now." She said as she put a disk in a CD player.

"Sounds good to me, you lead the way."

"Aright, follow me, and don't fall behind."

"Trust me, It'll be hard for me to find you if I do." I smirked a bit. "Besides, you'll have to be the one to find me. I stick out like a sore thumb here."

"Well, I guess that makes sense." She led me through the crowd. Some cheered for me, some gave me weird looks, and others didn't care, they were all just having a fun time. We eventually arrived to an old school looking tavern. She opened the door with her magic, and I followed in behind her. I was surprised at what I saw. I saw the mane 6 sitting at a table. They saw me and waved, and I waved back. "Hey Vinyl, mind if we go sit with my friends over there?" I said while gesturing towards the mane 6. "Sure, I don't mind, lets go." We walked over to the table and sat down. I looked around the place, and it looked pretty old as well. There was the usual bar in the middle, and a few tables scattered throughout the place. Some were filled with ponies, others had a few drunken buddies at the tables that were just having a good time. Others were just casually talking, laughing the night away. Me, I was just glad I didn't decide on getting drunk. It's not a good thing when I do. Last time was a big mistake, and I don't want a repeat. 'Yes you do.'

'Shut up, and let me have at least one good night with my friends without you interrupting.'

'Fine, I'll just you know, be here when you need me.'

"So John, how are you liking Canterlot." Twilight asked from across the table.

"It's nice. I bet it's pretty boring when there's not a party going on though."

"No, it's actually quite the busy city, being Equestria's capitol and all." Rarity stated.

"Well, how about some drinks. Anypony thirsty?" Applejack said.

"I'm up for one, anypony else." I said, and everyone else nodded. Applejack raised her hand. "Round of cider over here fer mah friends please!"

"Alright, coming right up!" Said a bartender behind the counter. He soon brought out 8 giant glasses of cider. "Alright, 8 cups of cider. 7 for the lovely mares, and one for the Hero." We all nodded and thanked him, and he went back to serving orders to the other ponies.

"Well, let's try it." I said picking while picking up the glass.

"Now John, ya know this is alcoholic right?" I stopped bringing it up to my mouth.

"How bad?" I sat the cup back down on the table.

"Well, Ah don't know bout you, but tha rest of us can handle one or two before any of us has to go back, except for me and Rainbow that is. We usually have a drinkin' contest whenever we do. Ah usually win though."

"DO NOT!" Dash said.

"Really, since when have you won one?" Applejack said, glaring daggers at Rainbow, who was returning the stare.

"I don't know, too many times to count?" I swear I saw a spark run between the mares eyes.

"Well, want ta see who wins tonight then?"

"Your on!" Rainbow lifted up her glass and began to chug it, Applejack not far behind. Once they finished, they sad the glasses down, and let out a sigh.

"Nother round bartender!" Applejack said.

"Comin' right up!"

"Oh brother, this is going to be a long night." I brought the glass up to drink it, and when I did I barely tasted any alcohol at all. "Are you kidding me? I used to drink stuff ten times stronger than this." I said while staring into the glass again.

"Want ta prove it?" Applejack stared at me.

I sighed. "Might as well." I chugged the rest of the cider.

'This is going to be a long night ahead of me.'

I am SO sorry I didn't get this chapter out sooner. I haven't been able to do anything for BOTH of my stories...Fucking writers block -_-. First time I've ever got it, and I absolutely hate it. I managed to get this chapter out through it, and I think it's beginning to clear up as well, thank god. Still, sorry about the delay. However, if you see any mistakes, grammatical errors, or anything else, please tell. So, see everyone next time!