• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 5,007 Views, 129 Comments

The Heart of A Soldier - Always Shipper6

John Morrison is your modern day sniper, that somehow makes his way into Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Getting Settled

I stood up against the tree for a minute, slowly catching my breath. It usually wasn't easy to scare me, but since I let my guard down it was a different story. I was staring into the eyes of another unicorn/ pegasus pony. I really need to find out what those are called. Still, I don't want to be rude though. She was dark blue, and her mane and tail seemed to be flowing freely, just like Celestia's, and they resembled the night sky. She had an imprint of the moon on her flank, guessing night was her time of day. I calmed down a bit, and began to speak.

"Phew, don't do that. That's the first time I've been scared since I was 14." I said, sitting down again. The pony stood beside me, and sat down, looking up at the night sky.

"Do you really think of our night sky like you said?" She said.

"Yes, I do. The night is where someone like me thrives. The day is too noisy, too warm, too bright. The night however, is the perfect temperature if you ask me. It's quiet, the only sounds you hear are the chirping of the crickets and the rustling of the leaves as the wind flows through them. The night is wonderful, and I love every second I can bask in it's glory." I said this while closing my eyes, imagining the image in my head. I was laying in a field, no forest or anything around. I was just in an endless sea of green. I was staring up at the night sky, watching the moon scoot it's way across it. Every now and then a gust of wind would go by, making me shiver a bit. I would watch the night sky until I fell asleep, knowing I would be awoken by the warm rays of the sun the next morning. I reopened my eyes after viewing the image in my head. I saw the unicorn/ pegasus pony stand up out of my peripheral vision as she trotted over to me and looked me in the eyes again. She started moving closer, uncomfortably close. I was still up against the tree, so I had nowhere to go. I tried to flatten myself up against it, but to no prevail.

"Finally, somepony who appreciates our work." She said as she hugged me. 'Our work? What does she mean by that?"

'I don't know. Wait, did you see what was on Celestia's flank earlier today?'

'Yea, a sun...why?'

'Think about it.'

'Well, Celestia has the sun, and this one has the moon...so that means.....OH!'

'What, did you get it?'

'They must be mortal enemies!...this isn't good...is it?'

'God, I'm your brain and I'm not even this dumb. Their sisters you idiot. The sun and moon go hand in hand...well, in this case hoof and hoof.'

'Oh, ok then..I feel stupid now, thanks a lot brain.'

'Your welcome!' I didn't feel like replying, so I just went back to the pony hugging me.

"Your work? What do you mean?" She let go, and rubbed her eyes a bit.

"You mean Celestia didn't tell you?"

"Um, tell me what?"

"Dear sister, why are you so forgetful." She said while facehoofing. 'So Celestia is her sister.'

'Brain: 1, John: 0'

'Shut up, before I have her read my mind.'

'Oh, your evil.'

'Bite me.'

"So, if your sister is Celestia, then who are you."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I introduced myself. I am Princess Luna, the one who controls the night here in Equestria."

"Controls the night?"

"Yes, my sister controls the day and raises and lowers the sun, while I control the night and raise and lower the moon."

"That's...awesome to say the least. Also, I like that name..Luna...It's very beautiful, much like the night." Luna blushed a bit. 'Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait...why did I say that'

'Trollface. jpg'

'Seriously brain, what the fuck.'

'Revenge for earlier, but that's only the beginning.'

'Still, when I think about it I really do like that name.'



'Your telling me...that after all these years of not going for a relationship with the girls you've slept with, which I must say, six is still your record. You decide to go for a PONY!'

'No..I just really like her....name.'

'Whatever, you're falling for a pony at first sigh-'

'NO! Fuck you! I'm not falling for a pony! I prefer human...HUMAN women!

'Whatever you say...Pony fu-


'Gees, fine, whatever. I have better stuff to do.'

"Do you really think that." She said, still blushing, and slightly looking away.

'Damn you brain.'


"If you want me to be honest, yes I do. I love anything that relates to the night." She blushed even more, turning around to try and hide it.

"W-Well, it's nice to know there's one person who appreciates the hard work we go through." She said, probably trying to get her mind off what I just said I guess.

"Yes, it surely is magnificent." I said as I let out a yawn. "How late is it?" I looked over to Fluttershy's house, and noticed all but one light was turned off.

"It's about 12:00 why?" Damn, spent more time out here than I thought.

"Wow, that's pretty late. I guess I'm going to head back in and get some shut eye." I said, letting out another yawn.

"Well, I guess we will see you later..um..what is your name?" She said, blushing again. I managed to hold back my laugh.

"My name is John, John Morrison, and it's nice to meet you Princess Luna."

"Oh, no need to call me Princess Luna, Luna is fine."

"You sure, I don't want to be rude."

"No, it's perfectly fine. Besides, you've been the only one to comment on my wonderful night."

"O-Okay then. I guess it's farewell for now Luna, goodnight." I said, letting out yet again another yawn.

"Yes, farewell John. Until we meet again." She said as she flew off into the night. 'Well, that was beyond awkward.'

'You don't say?'

'Shut up, your not helping.'

'Hahaha, I know right?'

'You know, for a brain you really are a dick sometimes.'

'No, it's the dicks job to be a dick.'


'Oh, hell no.'

'Trololol. Just kidding.'

'I. hate. you. Even though you are my brain.'

'Yea, well look who I've got to deal with.'

'Meh, can't get along with everyone now can we?'


'There, problem solved. Now, can I go get some sleep without being disturbed by you.'

'Don't forget about me!'

'Brain...quit trolling, or I will purposely give myself a concussion.'

'Fine fine. Go get some sleep, besides...I need it too. I am part of you, you know,'

'Yea, don't remind me.'

'Chuckle chuckle'

'Did you just chuckle at me?'


'If I ever get the chance to physically come into my mind, I'm kicking your ass.'

'Come at me bro.'

'Just wait, you won't even have time to say that once I get a hold on you.' I ignored his reply, and walked back into the house. I saw that everypony was waiting for me, except they were all asleep. I woke them up one by one, and they all said their goodbyes and went home. So now it was just me and Fluttershy left.

"So, I guess that means I'm staying here?" I said, looking over to Fluttershy, who squeaked and hid behind her mane.

"U-u-um, y-yea. I guess so."

"I'll take the couch!" I said, trying not to crush the couch as I jumped on it.

"O-oh no, t-there's a spare room upstairs you can use. If you want to, that is."

"You sure, I don't mind taking the couch down here."

"No, i-it's fine...really. No one uses the room anyways." She began walking up the stairs. "H-Here, I'll show you w-where it is."

"Ok, lead the way." I started following her up the stairs. As I began to put my foot down, the stair creaked loudly.

'Must not be able to hold much weight.'

'Either that or your a fatass.'

'I thought I told you to shut it.'


'Well I am now, shut it.'

'Fine fine. I'll leave you alone this time.'

'Thank you.'

Once I got upstairs, Fluttershy lead me to a door that had was just like the rest of the doors in the house. It had a heart shape cut out of it in the center, and had designs of flowers and vines carved into the door. As she opened the door, wanting me to go in. The gentleman side of me however, wouldn't let that happen.

"You go on in Fluttershy, I'll be right behind you." I put on an assuring, well, the best assuring half smile I could.

"N-no, y-you can go in first." She said, blushing while hiding behind her mane again.

"I will argue all night if I have too. Either you go first, or I'm not taking a step inside. I'm sorry, it's just I like to be a gentleman, and the wom-erm mare enters first." She didn't reply, she just nodded and walked in.

'Good, I don't like to argue.'

'Seems like to me you do'

'Leave. Me. Alone. Now.'

'Alright, Alright. I'm done...for the rest of the night anyways.'


I walked into the room and noticed that it was normal, but much smaller than the usual room back on Earth. There was a bed, maybe just a bit smaller than the average sized kids bed. Still, I wasn't arguing. I haven't slept in a soft bed in years. It had just one pillow, and had a green sheet covering it. Still, in all its simplicity, it was still very, very inviting. I ignored the bed, and started looking at my surroundings a bit more. I saw one glass door to the right that seemed to lead out to a small balcony. There was a curtain covering the glass door, hopefully blocking out the rising sun in the morning. I saw that there was a small desk beside the bed, just big enough to hold all of my belongings, except for my weapons that is. They were all still in the chest downstairs, except for the sword which was neatly leaning against it. I sat down on the bed, feeling the mattress sink a bit under my weight. I saw Fluttershy beginning to walk out.

"Hey Fluttershy." I said while looking from the bed and back to her.

"Y-Yes John?" She said turning around, hiding behind her mane again.

"Thanks for letting me stay here. It means a lot, knowing I'm completely new to this world and have nowhere to live or stay. Still, except for all the weirdness that has gone on tonight, I'm glad to be welcomed here. I've finally found someplace where I can change my life. I'm glad I met you ponies, I hope I never leave you girls." That was by far the most touching thing I have ever said if I do say so myself.

"Y-Your welcome John." She said while giving me a smile. I tried to smile back, but all I got was that weird half smile.

"I really have to work on that." I said, letting out an annoyed sigh.

"W-Who knows, it may straighten itself out. I mean, it's not bad or anything its just....I'm sorry." She said, blushing and hiding behind her mane again.

"It's fine Fluttershy," I said while laughing a bit "Your right though. I may truly smile for the first time, and me not even know it. Still, the way I do that half smile sometimes is just plain creepy." I said, laughing at myself.

"O-Ok then. I-I guess I'll let you sleep. Goodnight Jonh." She said as she turned around and began to walk out the door.

"Goodnight to you too Fluttershy. Sweet dreams." I heard a squeak, the trotting of hooves, and another door open and shut down the hall.

"Well John, what have you gotten yourself into. Your life has been flipped upside down. You now have friends, people to care about and protect, a place that is peaceful...well, slightly. Just make a mental note of not going into the forests around here. Also, keep mind from wandering into thoughts that aren't supposed to be thought of. If I can do that, and keep my self control, I should be just fine here...I hope. Anyways, time to get some sleep. I have to find a job tomorrow...well...we will have to wait and see." I said as I pulled the covers up to the bottom of my neck, my head laying on the soft pillow. I sleep on my side, arm under the pillow and angled at 90 degrees, arm coming out of the right side of the pillow, same way my head is facing. My other arm goes under the pillow, resting on the other arm's elbow. That was the only position that I could sleep comfortably in. I tried others, but they just didn't feel as relaxing. Eventually I fell asleep, waiting for the day to arrive.





I was awoken by the smell of food. "Mmmm...food." Was all I could get out before I got up, got dressed, and went downstairs to see what was up. I was never the morning type of guy, I hated them. I was always so groggy, so slow, so hungry. Also, seeing as all I seemed to have eaten yesterday was an apple, I was starving. I made my way down the stairs, trying not to fall down them since they were about half the size of normal stairs width wise. Once I got down them, I made way towards the smell, only thinking of one thing.


'Food.' He said in a question like tone.

'Food.' I replied, sounding groggy.

Even brain was thinking of food, which I find oddly weird. I apparently found myself standing in the kitchen, looking at Fluttershy cook. Wondering how hard it was to cook with hooves, I walked closer to her, and began to observe how she did it. As I watched, I got closer, and closer, and closer. Till eventually she bumped into me. She let out a yelp, and flew under the table and looked around. Once she saw it was me, she got out from under the table.

"D-Don't do that John, you scared me." She said before she went back to work on the delicious smelling food.

"Hmm, oh yea, sorry." I said, still groggy from sleep.

"U-Um, how do you like your eggs and toast?" She said, turning to me.

"Eggs, scrambled. Toast, crispy, no butter." I said, not caring about anything but eating some food.

"O-Okay, here, let me get you a glass of milk. Y-You do like milk don't you?"

"Hmm, ohh, yea. I love milk!" It's been so long since I've had a nice cold glass of milk. All I've had is lukewarm, or hot water. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a jug of milk. She sat the milk jug on the marbled counter, and went to the cabinets above the sink and pulled out two glasses. She poured the milk into the glass and handed it to me. I instantly drank the whole glass, which woke me up instantly.

"Phew, that was great Fluttershy. Care if I get another glass?" I said, trying to get that little bit of milk that's always left in the bottom of the glass.

"O-Oh, s-sure." She said, going towards the refrigerator again. After she poured me another glass, which I didn't chug, she brought me my food.

"What? No bacon?" I said, stupidly.

'Dude, their ponies, they don't eat meat.'

'Oh yea....fuck.'

'Fuck is right.'

"Y-You e-e-eat meat?" Fluttershy said, giving me a strange look. I just simply opened my mouth, and pointed towards my canines.

"See, I have canines, meat eating teeth. However, I don't necessarily need to eat meat. I can get all other necessities I need from fruits, vegetables, and so on. So, I can live without meat, besides, it would be more healthy anyways." I said, shrugging while stating what I was going to about the food situation.

"O-Oh, alright then." She said while taking a seat at the table. I proceeded to eat my food, which was amazing by the way. So much better than the military stuff I used to eat. Feels good having a home cooked meal again. As we finished, she put the dishes in the sink, and began to wash them.

"Here," I said as walking towards the sink. "Let me do the dishes."

"Oh, no. I'll do them. Besides, you need to rest and let that wound heal."

"No, the wound is doing just fine. So here, let me at least help clean them. It's the least I could do for the pony that let me stay the night, and fixed me breakfast." All she could do was nod, letting me know I could help. Thankfully, brain didn't have anything to say, so it went pretty well. After that, she said that she would show me around town, so we stepped outside and made our way towards Ponyville? I think that's what she called the town anyways.

As we entered the town, I noticed something. Almost all the buildings were alike, until we got to one that had a sign that said Sugarcube Corner. That reminded me of something, I needed a job, but I didn't know where.

"Hey, know where I could possibly get a job Fluttershy?" I said while walking into the town with her.

"Y-You s-sure you need a job John? I mean, you r-really haven't been here long."

"Yes, I'm sure. I may be new here, but I'm wanting to get settled in my own place, and have a steady income as fast as possible. That means first thing, getting a job."

"W-Well, can w-we wait t-till everyone else has t-time? That is, if you don't mind." She said quietly.

"Sure, but isn't everyone available today?"

"N-No, today is the first day of the week, s-so everypony has to work."

"Oh, well then, what should we do?" I said as we entered the town. The first think that happened was probably the funniest thing I'd ever seen, even though I felt bad for it. Everypony that was in the town looked at me, and got the widest eyes I have ever seen. What happened next though, made me cringe.

"MONSTER! EVERYBODY RUN!" Yelled somepony as she ran inside the nearest house. I heard the locking of doors, closing of windows, and someone apparently dragged Fluttershy off because all I saw was a pink and yellow blur fly somewhere to my right, either that or she flew off at the mention of monster.

'Well, that was a warm welcome.'

'I know right?'

'Your not helping brain.'

'I know, but you know what?'


'Apparently Celestia likes bananas.'

'What. The. Fuck. Brain.'

'I don't know where I got that, and I don't know why either...I just have the odd feeling that she really li-'

'Ok, stop there, please, before you make it sound any worse than it already is.'

'What do you mean>'

'I don't know. Still, might as well leave since I'm not welcome here.'

'Meh, they'll come around eventually. Who knows, something may....is it raining?'

'More of a sprinkle, but are the clouds usually-

'I don't know...I think we better go grab our gear.

'Good idea.'

Thus, I start walking back to Fluttershy's, hopefully remembering the way there. I got lost here and there, but I somehow managed to find my way back. As I walked in, I saw that nopony was home.

"Hm, wonder where Fluttershy is?" I began to talk to myself. I really need to break myself of that, because apparently it leads to insanity? Still, oh well, what do I care. I'm in a world full of talking ponies, I have a brain that I can converse with, so what does it matter if I go insane? I ignored the questions I asked myself as I grabbed my sword and tried to open the chest, but it was locked.

"Damn, locked. Oh well, guess the sword will have to do." I pulled the sword out of its sheath, and it still gave off that golden glow as always. "Yep, still looks sharp. Still, quick test to see if it is." I said as I ran outside and sliced a giant cut in a tree. "Well, at least the guy was right about one thing, this sword doesn't go dull at all. I re-sheathed the sword and started walking back into Ponyville, but something was different.

"What the?"

A/N: Ok, this was kind of rushed. However, I'm sorry if this chapter is worse than the others. I tried to make it a good read, but I'm positive the next one will be better. (May be shorter though, depends). Also..seriously...what is with Celestia and bananas? Remember, I'm always open to criticism, so comment away. I always take criticism, good or bad. See you guy's next time. one other thing. I tried making Luna talk like the old English ways, but I just couldn't get it down right. Too may thous, doths, etc... (English really is NOT my best subject...Period).