• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 5,004 Views, 129 Comments

The Heart of A Soldier - Always Shipper6

John Morrison is your modern day sniper, that somehow makes his way into Equestria.

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Chapter 8: What Happened Last Night?

I awoke in a bed in the castle, but I don't know how. I began looking around at my surroundings. I was on a nice red round bed, had a few things scattered around. Mostly clothes and such. I lifted up the covers to see I was just in my boxers, then I heard it. I heard snoring coming from my left and right, so I looked. I about shit myself at what I saw. To my left and right, sleeping soundly, were none other than Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I began to panic.

'Oh man, ohhhhh shit. Brain, what happened last night?' I didn't get a response. 'Brain? You there.'

'Oh man, don't bother me please. Your stupidity killed me last night. Plus, I am hurting so bad right now. Why did you have to participate in the drinking contest. Why! I began to think why. There was no real reason why, so I didn't know.

'I don't know?

'Well, thanks for putting me in a lot of pain jackass. I think I lost some brain cells. I don't feel...here right now.'

'Sorry man, maybe the princesses know something that can help with that.' I scooted myself off the bed and grabbed my clothes off the floor. I began to get dressed when I saw the most adorable thing ever. I looked back to the bed, and saw Applejack and RD just sprawled out on the bed snoring away. RD was kicking her legs, don't know why, and Applejack was trying to blow some hair out of her eye while asleep. I swear, if I wasn't panicking about last night right about now, I would've died of a heart attack. Anyways, I finished getting dressed and quickly started roaming through the halls. I heard a lot of chatter coming from the room to my left, so I opened the door. The door happened to be the door to the maids dressing room. Of course, a lot of them were changing, but some were undressed. I stared, and they stared back as I walked inside the room.

"Hey, you guy- oh crap." Apparently changing rooms have the same effect here. I was currently dodging cleaning supplies and other stuff trying to get out. All the while I'm yelling sorry, which really wasn't helping. I ran out of the room and down the hall, still being chased by mares.

"Oh come on! Give me a break people!" It's final, the world hates me. Eventually the mares ran me into the throne room, where Luna and Celestia was having a conversation with Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie. I ran through the room.

"HELP ME! I'm being chased by crazy maids!" I said as I ran by Celestia and Luna. "Somepony please tell them to stop!" I said running by Luna's chair. Celestia's horn glowed, then I felt myself being lifted off the ground. "Woah, wait, what the? Why am I being lifted off the ground?" I looked back to Celestia. "Oh, that's why." I sighed in defeat. The mares who were chasing me now backed off and went back to the changing room, thinking I was in big trouble.

"Well, you seem to be causing quite the ruckus today." I sighed, and Celestia laughed a bit. "Now, how are you feeling after last nights...events." She put me down, and I grabbed my head and moaned.

"Well, now I feel even worse thanks to the adrenaline rush, alongside the yelling, screaming, and other stuff that made it worse." I said, still grabbing onto my head.

"Do you not remember anything that happened last night?" Celestia said. I shook my head no. "Well, I guess it's good you didn't. It would be really embarrassing if you did." I stumbled a bit.

"What did I do last night?" I said looking at Celestia and Luna. They all looked at me and laughed. "What? Was it really that bad?" I began looking at them.

"Well," Celestia said through chuckles, "I really don't want to say anything. You embarrassed Rainbow Dash and Applejack more than anything. Who knew you had a side like that to you John, I'm surprised." Celestia and Luna laughed, and the other mares in the room blushed.

"W-Wait what, what did I do?" I looked to the door, which happened to open at the time I did. In walked RD and Applejack, who still had a bad case of bed mane. They looked to me and blushed.

"G-Good mornin' John." Applejack said as she sheepishly stood beside me.

"Y-Yea, what she said." RD said as she walked to my other side. They both had giant blushes on their face, and I was lost in the whole thing.

"Morning girls, do you have any idea what happened last night?" They both looked at me and then looked away blushing again. Celestia sighed.

"Okay John, if you really want to know what happened last night, then come up here and I will tell you." Celestia said as I began to walk up to her throne. She bent down and began to whisper into my ear. After a while, my eyes widened, and I began to look at my hands. When she finished I had the biggest blush I believe I've ever had, and Applejack and RD did as well. I turned to look at Celestia.

"You mean I-" Celestia nodded. "With them-" She nodded again. "In your bed-" She nodded again. "And that long-" She nodded again. "With my hands-" She nodded again. I stood there, blown out of my mind. I began to think.

'Hey brain?'


'Fine fine, just give me a minute. I looked back to Celestia.

"Hey, think you could use a spell to fix my hangover?" She nodded, and her horn began to glow. I felt a warmness overcome me, then the pain in my head was gone. "Okay, thanks." She smiled.

'Anyways, think I should do it again? In front of her friends?'

'Oh man, that's better. Anyways. Do it man, do it! I want to see this for myself, since I was currently incapacitated the last time.'

'Alright man, you got it.' I smiled as I walked over to Applejack and RD. I stood in between them again.

"Hey girls, you know what?" I said as they both looked at me. I smiled. "This." I said as I put my hand behind their ears and began to scratch. They sat on their haunches immediately, and proceeded to lean into me. I laughed, then smiled. They both stopped, opened their eyes, then backed away. Everyone else in the room laughed as RD and Applejack sheepishly looked away. Twilight looked to me.

"John, was it just that you did last night?" She said. I nodded.

"Yea, Celestia told me when she started whispering to me to have that reaction, that way to fool you guys into thinking it was something bad." I looked to Celestia and we both laughed. "We got them good didn't we Celestia." She nodded.

"Yes John, we sure did." We both proceeded to laugh again. The mane 6 just had blank looks on their faces, and Luna wasn't even paying attention. She was currently trying to get her mane out of her face because the wind changed directions in the room. I walked over to Applejack and RD and got down to their level.

"It's okay girls, I don't mind scratching you two, or any of you guys," I looked back to the rest of them. "behind the ears. Besides, hands are a big help getting to areas you can't scratch. Mainly because we have nails, but whatever." I shrugged as I stood up. They all nodded, along with RD and Applejack. Celestia stood up from her throne.

"I forgot to tell you all. You all shall be heading back to Ponyville today. Besides, I think it's time you guys get away from the bustling city." Rarity sighed. "I know Rarity, you like it here, but face it. You all belong in Ponyville, you too John." I looked to her. "Now, how about you all go gather your stuff and I'll see you off within the hour." They all nodded and walked off.

I entered the room I woke up in, which was supposedly Celestia's. I gathered my armor, weapons, and anything else I could think of. After a while of double checking my stuff, I was ready to go. I walked back into the throne room and saw that everyone else was ready to go as well. Celestia looked around at us, then nodded.

"I see that everyone is ready to go." She walked over to Twilight. "Are you ready to leave my faithful student?" Twilight nodded, then nuzzled Celestia's neck. Celestia nuzzled her back. "Very well, I shall teleport you all to the train station." Celestia's horn glowed, then I felt the feeling of being thrown really fucking hard, then I felt something that made me feel like I hit a brick wall. I looked around and noticed we were at the train station. I instantly dropped to me knees. The girls all looked at me.

"John, are you okay?" Fluttershy said as she hovered over to me. I nodded the best I could.

"Yea, just give me a minute. My stomachs still back at the castle." I burped and covered my mouth. "Nevermind, it caught up. Um, Twilight, where's the nearest trashcan?" She pointed to one over near a corner. I nodded and ran over to it, then proceeded to puke my guts out. After I was done, I walked back over to the girls and looked at Twilight.

"Thanks. Does that happen to everyone, or just me?" She laughed.

"No, it usually only happens the first time and that's it." I sighed in relief, and Twilight giggled. Eventually the train pulled up, and we all got on. The train was simple. Just a few cars on it, and a steam engine in the front, pulled by stallions. It made no sense to me. Why would they have stallions pull a steam powered train? Oh well, this is Equestria. Shit happens here that doesn't happen back on Earth. After a few hours on the train, we arrived at Ponyville. I got off and was greeted by the whole town. Apparently I was accepted here now due to the whole Discord thing. The girls and I walked through the streets of Ponyville to Twilight's library, looking at all the celebrating that was going on.

"And here I thought Canterlot knew how to Celebrate." I laughed as I looked around. It was pretty crazy. Confetti everywhere, drinking games happening out in the open, constant dancing and partying everywhere. This town was more active than Canterlot was when we celebrated. Pinkie hopped up beside me.

"Well DUH! This is my home town! You'd think they'd learn a thing or two from me." She said as she bounced alongside me. "I guess they paid attention to my lessons." I smiled.

"O-kay then?" They learnt how to party from Pinkie. Seems legit. I shook my head, putting everything back in order. "Anyways, when are we going to be bac-"

"We're here." Twilight said as we all began to walk into her library. I sat down on the floor as everyone else greeted Spike. He looked to me.

"Hey John, congrats on beating Discord. Don't know what we would've done if you hadn't shown up." He walked up, and we brohooved.

"No prob man. I mean, some crazy stuff went down, but I pulled through." What can I say. I like to brag every now and then. "Anyways, looks like that train ride took quite a while. It's already getting dark. Hey Twi?" She looked over at me. "You don't mind if I call you that do you?"

"No John, most of my friends call me that." Everyone else shook their heads. "But what were you saying?"

"I was wondering where I was going to stay tonight?" I looked around to everyone. The last place I stayed at was Fluttershy's, but that was kind of awkward. Twilight looked around at everyone, until Applejack finally spoke up.

"Well, ah do have a guest bed you can use. That is if ya want to." She looked away, blushing. I smiled at her.

"Of course, I don't mind." She smiled at me.

"Okay then. Twi, I guess I better go ahead an' leave. Big Mac is probably wantin' help on the farm tomorrow. So that means ah gotta get up early." Twilight just nodded. "Goodnight everypony, come on John." I grabbed my stuff and followed her out the door, waving goodbye to the others.

It was a nice, calm night out. The partying ended before the sun went down, which was surprising. Now the streets were covered in confetti, there were drunk ponies stumbling around everywhere, but the night is what made it beautiful. The night sky, the full moon, the starts, it was just perfect. Applejack was trotting along beside me. Every now and then I'd catch her looking at me, but when I looked back, she'd look away blushing. Eventually, after our silent walk to Sweet Apple Acres, we made it there. She showed me inside her house and then introduced me to everyone. Big Mac, he lived up to his name. He was definitely the most built stallion in the town, probably the most built one I've seen yet. He looked like he could break my back with just one buck to it, or probably completely knock a tree over. Applebloom, probably the cutest filly I've seen yet, and finally Granny Smith, who was asleep in her rocking chair. Applejack led me upstairs to the guest room and opened the door. It was a very simple room. A decently sized bed, a dresser near the other end of the wall, a window right by the bed, and a desk to the other side of the bed.

"Here's were you'll be stayin'." I looked over to her.

"Thanks." I said as I walked into the room and sat my stuff on the dresser.

"Now, we all wake up early round here, so be prepared to be woken up early. Big Mac is usually the first one up, but we all get up somewhere close near sunrise." I nodded as I sat on the bed and pulled my boots off, along with my socks. "Also, ah hope you like apples. Cause that's mainly what we have round here." I nodded as I pulled my shirt off. Applejack went silent. I turned around and looked at her.

"Uh, Applejack, you okay?" She shook her head.

"Uh yea, sorry, Ah got distracted." I laughed a bit. "As Ah was sayin'. Be prepared to wake up early." I nodded and layed down.

"Well, I guess that means I should get to sleep shouldn't I?" I heard Applejack sigh.

"Yea, Ah guess so. Goodnight Jonh." She said as she began to close the door.

"Goodnight Applejack." I managed to say before the door closed.

'Dude, are you blind?' So, he finally decides to talk.

'Uh, no. I have perfectly fine vision if that's what you're asking.'

'No idiot, can't you tell that- He was interrupted by my snoring. 'Jackass fell asleep. Now, what to make him dream about. Ah, there we go. That's an idea.'

Well, that's the end of the first arc people! I hope you liked it. The chapters for this story will be coming out a bit slower due to my other story The Tale Of Colossus. Don't worry, chapters will still be coming out. You all know why? Because the writers block is gone! Oh yea, I'm back baby. XD

Comments ( 19 )

good i thought this story was dead *puts away defibrillator* now the reading can continue

Yea, this story won't end anytime soon. Chapters and arcs yes, but the story...nope XD


Yea, sorry about taking so long. :twilightblush: I got caught up in many, many things over the last few weeks XD

This is my fav chapter so far, it's hilarious :pinkiehappy:

nice maybe i should ask for a chapter evey time a story seems to take to long it worked here jk

I felt like it was taking a while as well. :facehoof: I've been doing a lot lately. Vacation with the family, band practice, and even more band practice, and band practice, and mini camp/ band camp (in other words my next two weeks are filled -_-). I'll try to get another chapter out soon. Hopefully I will, but Colossus is the main one right now. I still have to work my way into Gallopoli XD

hey while i have you here what would you think of a story of a child age 6-8 sent to equstria and getting adopted the story would be over how he first reacted to the ponies to lrading up to him getting adopted and then it would be going over his life growing up this would be a very long story so i am trying to get peoples oppinions on it before i put any time to it oh and be honest is it good bad or has someone done this already

I haven't seen anyone do that yet. But an average kid 6-8 years old gets sent to Equestria, obviously turned into a pony correct? Then, proceeds to be adopted by a family. First of all, (There's many ways the reaction could go, so I'm just putting this here). Next would be what town he'd be in, then what family would adopt him, what type of pony he'd be, and other things. If done right, then yes it'd be a pretty good idea. I could also see a romance tag if you wanted (Cutie Mark Crusaders are ages 7-9...or is it 8-10?...I don't know XD)

If he doesn't get turned into a pony though, then he'd first have to let the ponies get used to him. If it's anything like the ponies in Ponyville and the situation with Zecora, then it'll take forever, unless he somehow saves the village from something. However, I don't really see this happening. He's a 6-8 year old kid, probably doesn't know how to fight, so eventually he'd grow into his teens, get to know the ponies around town (I believe the first would be Twilight due to her natural curiosity). Then from there on out, it's your move. Still, I like the concept of it.

thanks for the feed back also if he were to stay human it would take a while for ponies to get used to him unless twilight and co. find him crying in the everefree forest scared and possibly being attacked by a insert greek mythological (spelled that wrong) creature dont you think that it would be the other way around the kid would be scared of the ponies and would try to hide from them


finally, one of the rare romance fics that doesn't immediately ship with one of The Big Three
:fluttershyouch: :rainbowderp: :facehoof:


OP is this thread dead or on hiatus ?_? seriously..no update in 49 weeks WTF :fluttercry:

Oh and ?_? <its a face..with ears.

Please tell me this story isn't dead.

5524099 its dead af up in here

8092205 What makes you think that? It's only been 116 weeks since I last checked this story.

8093958 right, lets wait at least about... 40 more to say its dead

*looks at the fact the comment you replied to was from when I was still in highschool.* This comment was made by someone who at that point in time had only 2 friends and who also STRUGGLED to make those friends up until he was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome 2 years later and received training on how to people.

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