• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 5,916 Views, 230 Comments

A Discorded Love (My Little Pony/Discord) - JasminePosey

Maria was an average MLP fan, with an odd crush on the legendary Discord. When she is accidentally shoved into the portal between our world and theirs, she's gonna need more than her creative mind and new pyromanic powers to get back home. But will s

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CH-11: Temporary Victory

"Maria?" a voice asked.

"...huh?" I murmured.


I snapped from my daze. "What?" I snapped, irritated. I focused, seeing it was Discord who was aiming to get my attention.

"Are you feeling alright, my dear?" he asked, tilting his head curiously.

"Oh! I'm fine," I said, smiling. I tried to keep myself from blushing. Just several minutes ago, the Master of Chaos had kissed me. Granted, it was on my forehead, but it was a kiss nonetheless. I was way too close from fangirling, and Lord knows what I'll do when I reach that point...

Discord looked at me skeptically, frowning. Then suddenly, he broke into a toothy grin.

"I know why you're like this," he said.

I didn't know what to think at that moment. Should I be happy that he knew that I liked him? Or nervous because he might reject my affections?

"You're so excited for our victory that you're daydreaming about it!" he said gleefully. I stared at him. "Am I right?"

I didn't say anything. Was this guy really that oblivious?! I couldn't help but feel disappointed. He kissed me, then acted like nothing happened.

The draconequus frowned. "Was that not it?" he asked.

"Erm...no! You were spot on!" I lied, pinning a smile to my cheeks. "I was just shocked at how well you guessed what I was thinking about,"

His smile brightened once more. "Delightful! Now, we must confront the ponies for their little cheater friend,"

I smiled, nodding. "I'll go take my place," I said. I teleported to a higher cloud, where I sat comfortably.

Twilight and her alter ego friends watched the hedge walls crumble, eyes then glued to Discord, who cackled.

"Looks like somepony broke the 'No wings, no magic' rule," he said. "Game's over my little ponies! You didn't find your precious elements,"

Twilight's eyes widened as the sky darkened, and the extent of Discord's chaos started up. The Lord of Chaos summoned an upside down umbrella, chuckling.

"It looks like we're due for a big old storm of chaos,"

"Stop it, Discord!" Twilight snorted angrily. "You're not playing fair!"

"I'm not playing fair? Perhaps we haven't met," he suddenly appeared in front of the purple pony, shaking her hoof. "I'm Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony,"

She yanked her hoof away, and Discord shrugged, turning so his back faced the ponies. "I'll be going now, I have some chaos to cause,"

"Wait!" she stopped him, counting how many ponies surrounding her. "What did you do to Maria?"

He smirked, turning back to her.

"You mean my new partner?" he asked.

Twilight gasped. "Y-your partner?"

"Well, you see, I'm still trying to convince her to accept my offer," he mused. "See for yourself, "

With a snap of his fingers, I appeared beside him, sitting on a cloud. My arms and legs were bound, and there was a gag over my mouth.

Twilight stared at me in horror. "Maria! What has he done to you?!"

"I haven't done anything...yet," Discord said. He turned to me. "I'll ask but once more, Ms. Firestone. Will you assist me in my takeover?"

With a snap, my gag disappeared. "No!" I shouted, making my voice sound angry and weary. "I will never join you-" The gag appeared in my mouth again, and I was silenced.

"Let her go, Discord!" Twilight demanded.

"Let it go, Twilight," Fluttershy said. "Maria was a traitor to begin with,"

The comment stung.

"No!" Twilight cried. "She's our friend! She'd never betray us!"

"I'd say otherwise. She might not betray you of her own free will, but perhaps with a bit of convincing, she'll change her mind..." Discord ran a gentle finger down the side of my face. I clenched my eyes shut and flinched away. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. My eyes met his. His red orbs began to swirl like the last few times, and mine began to look similiar. I struggled to pull my gaze away, not so much an act anymore. A sudden fatigue hit me, and I collapsed, everything going dark.

When my eyes flicked open, it was dark. My head throbbed a bit, and I groaned. I shut my eyes once more, waiting for the feeling to subside. When it did, I opened them again.

It was night time, and I was laying on a pink cloud. The sugary smell filled my nose, and I tried to sit up, since I was laying on my stomach.

Keyword; tried.

Something was curled around my body snugly, and I heard soft snores in front of me. I squinted, making out Discord's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful, and his breathing indicated that he was in a blissful sleep. I looked around, seeing that my body was tucked into the curve of his stomach, like a puzzle piece. I smiled at this. I debated on whether or not I should go back to sleep or try to get up. Not wanting to disrupt him, I made myself comfortable, laying my head almost a foot away. I kept my eyes half lidded, watching him sleep.

After about five minutes, his eyes opened, and he stared directly at me.

"So you were faking," I murmered, smiling and opening my eyes.

"So were you," he countered.

"I just wanted to catch you in the act," I yawned slightly, and he chuckled. "What?"

"Nothing," he said quickly. "Are you still tired?"

"Nope. What happened after you cast that sleep spell on me?"

"Well, Twilight tried to attack me, but I disappeared before she could land a hit on me," he chuckled. "Then the others turned on each other,"

"Have they found the Elements of Harmony yet?" I asked, leaning my cheek on my hand.

"Not that I know," he said. "Even if they do, they won't be able to use them, right?"

"Not at first," I said. "But they'll succeed in reversing that spell,"

"Impossible! They can't even look at one another without breaking into a fight,"

"Have you forgotten that I already know what will happen?"

He went silent, giving me my answer. "Either way, they won't succeed," he said. "I refuse to be turned back to stone," His eyebrows furrowed and his mouth curled into a scowl. Desperate to comfort him, I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You won't be," I said.