• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 5,916 Views, 230 Comments

A Discorded Love (My Little Pony/Discord) - JasminePosey

Maria was an average MLP fan, with an odd crush on the legendary Discord. When she is accidentally shoved into the portal between our world and theirs, she's gonna need more than her creative mind and new pyromanic powers to get back home. But will s

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CH-14: Ponynapped and Betrayal

((Warning: Discord OOC!!))

When I found myself drifting towards consciousness, the first thing I noticed was that I was handcuffed. My mind panicked, although my senses were not yet together. Why was I handcuffed? Did I do something wrong?

Where am I?

I took a deep breath from my nose, and instantly regretted it. It smelled of urine and other body fluids, as well as an old moldy smell. I gagged, now breathing through my mouth. I tried to concentrate on the reason I was here. I tried to remember what happened before I passed out. Discord was playing with Twilight, who was the last to turn into her opposite personality. I was laying on a cloud, watching everything happen, then...somepony forced a gag over me...and I passed out.

My stomach felt queasy. I was kidnapped! Or rather, ponynapped.

Either way, somepony took me away from Discord.

I looked around, my vision a bit blurry. Blinking to clear my sight, I could make sense of my surroundings; I was in a dungeon cell. Once more, my panic button was pushed. I tried to stand, but I became dizzy almost immediately. I groaned, screwing my eyes shut at the uncomfortable sensation.

For a few seconds, I could barely think straight. When the feeling passed, I thought about escape immediately. Then I realized, I could simply use my chaotic magic to aid in my escape!

I grinned, thinking how foolish my captor was to let this fact slip their minds. I focused on getting out of these uncomfortable handcuffs. I snapped.

The handcuffs didn't go away. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I tried again.




I couldn't use my magic! That must've meant the pony who captured me knew of my powers, and cast some sort of anti-magic spell on the handcuffs, or even the cell itself. I began to worry, wondering who exactly had imprisoned me.

Several groups of hooves drew my attention away from my serious predicament. Could these ponies be my captors?

My ears focused in on the sounds as they echoed through the cell rooms. Apparently, I was the only one occupying one. The steps came closer, and my breath hitched in my throat as I saw who it was.

"P-Princess Celestia?!" I stuttered in shock.

"Maria Firestone," she said, her voice stern and void of emotion. It was if she was displeased to see me. Gee, I wonder why? "I'm sure you're wondering why you are here, yes?"

I nodded mutely. My eyes glanced over to the two guards who accompanied the princess of Equestria. Their eyes stared at me in disgust, and I cowered from Princess Celestia's disappointed tone.

"You were trusted to assist my student and her friends to defeat Discord, and you betrayed them," she said. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

I couldn't find the words. What do you say in situations like this? I couldn't be a sarcastic little troublemaker when I sat right in front of the Princess herself. My heart pounded loudly in my ears and I gulped, hoping they couldn't hear it. I thought about what Discord would want me to do.

I decided to play dumb.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I asked quietly, my voice shaking. Her eyes glanced over me, and I tried to make it appear that I was weak and helpless. In fact, I was scared for my life at that moment. They couldn't send me back for almost another year!

"It would make things go faster if you cooperate. If you chose to be difficult, your punishment will be imprisonment. Until the portal opens in another year, of course," she said. "Please don't make it come to that,"

"What do I have to do?" I murmured, barely loud enough for her to hear me.

"You are the lone pony who can give us the key to Discord's defeat. Tell us what we have to do, and you will be set free. After he is captured,"

I debated with myself. If I don't I'll surely be locked in this cell forever. Well, a year to be specific. Along with that, I would mess the story line up, BIG TIME. And if I did...

I'd betray Discord. He trusted me. I gave my word that he wouldn't be set in stone again! He kissed me! How could I go against him?!


I sighed in defeat. I had to. There was no other choice. "To get the Elements to work, the Mane 6 must be reversed back to their original personalities, otherwise, they won't work?"

My answer seemed to please the sun princess. "How might we be able to do that?"

I hesitated, knowing that I was saying more than necessary. Princess Celestia waited for me to keep speaking, but I clamped my mouth shut, showing her that I refused to give away anymore details.

She approached me, soon towering over me, her flowing memory was as a sight to behold this close. I became frightened of her then, not knowing what she was plotting to do. She knelt her head down. "I apologize, Maria, but I have no choice but to use a memory spell to see the upcoming events," Her long white horn began to glow, and I tried to struggle, but knew it was no use. Her horn touched my forehead and both our eyes began to glow a blinding white as our minds merged into one to view the memory as it had happened in the episode.

Twilight, her bright purple coat now a dull gray, slowly climbed the stairs in her tree house. She entered her bedroom to find Spike laying in his bed amongst a large pile of scrolls. She ignored them in her state of depression.

"Spike, gather your things," she spoke quietly, pulling out a suitcase. "Don't ask where we're going, because I don't know,"

"Can't....move..." he groaned, belching up another letter. "Princess has been sending...these since I came up *belch* stairs....make it stop!"

Her curiosity peaking, Twilight picked up one of the scrolls and began to read from it. It was in Spike's handwriting, and she realized that all the letters of friendship she sent to Princess Celestia were being returned to her. "These are all the letters I've written the princess since I've moved to Ponyville...why is she sending them back?" she asked herself.

Her eyes glanced over the pages as she reread the lessons of friendship that she's learned throughout the time she spent in her new home. Her eyes began to well up with tears as she recalled a happier time, when her pony friends weren't acting like total jerks. Suddenly, she realized the answer to their problem.

Her color came back with a flash as she spoke her thoughts aloud. "I've figured it out! Discord's been trying to distract us from what's important; our friendship -- the foundation on which the Elements of Harmony rely on! He knew how important it was, so he created this whole plot to make sure that our friendship wasn't so powerful. Can't you see, Spike? The friendships I've made here at Ponyville are what's going to save Equestria, just like it did when Nightmare Moon threatened us! And now, it's going to save our home from Discord!" she exclaimed happily. "How could I have not seen this before?"

Spike moaned and Twilight nodded in agreement to his unspoken words. "You're right, Spike. I've got to fight for my friendships! For them. For me. For Equestria!" he moaned again. She turned to face him, he face suddenly contorted with sympathy for the sick baby dragon. "Oh, erm, why don't you just lay there, and I'll go take care of the whole fighting for my friendships thing myself, okay?"

Spike laid on his little bed with a purple claw over his eyes. He moaned once more and belched up another scroll.

The memory of the episode depleted. Celestia jumped up quickly, turning to the guards. "Retrieve all the letters my student has sent me and send them back to her immediately. We might still be able to defeat this being!"

The soldiers saluted, running off in the direction from which they came. Celestia turned back to me, a solemn look replacing her joyful features. "I'm disappointed in you Maria. Turning against us was an unwise thing to do. But I'm willing to overlook that detail if you are willing to turn against Discord, and fight back against him on our side once again."

I kept my eyes down. I was ashamed of my actions, and wanted to right them, but I couldn't bring myself to do that. Discord was more than a friend to me now, and I couldn't throw that away just because I wanted to get out of trouble. "I...I.." I couldn't bring myself to reject her offer politely.

A hidden voice chimed in from the shadows. "I'm surprised at you, Celestia," he said. "I never thought you were one to go as low as to kidnap somepony,"

"Discord!" she growled. A dark chuckle echoed, and I felt someone behind me.

"Correct," Discord said. "Now, if you don't mind, Princess, I'll be leaving now with what's mine,"

A sudden wave of dizziness hit me, my skin heated and cooled quickly, and when I opened my eyes, I was in the tiny shack that I had made my home in not so long ago. I felt like I was going to pass out. I felt the handcuffs disappear and I rubbed my aching wrists.

"What did you tell her?" he suddenly demanded. I looked at him questionably.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about," he said. "What did you tell her?"

"I didn't tell her anything," I said. "She used some sort of spell to look into my mind. I didn't tell her anything!"

He looked at me suspiciously. "Then why was she trying to get you to turn against me?" he asked.

"I...well you see...they were going to.." I stuttered. "I swear, I wasn't going to!"

"Don't lie to me," he said, turning from me. "You were going to betray me. You were going to go against the one who brought you here. The one who made you happy. The one who was stupid enough to fall in love with you."

I took a few steps back, tears stinging my eyes. "What are you saying? You don't...love me anymore?"

His mood changed drastically, his mouth curled up into a smile. "Not at all, my dear! You simply forgot who I was. But don't worry. Once I get rid of those pesky ponies, we can rule Equestria together!"

I kept stepping back, more afraid than I was in the cell. Discord approached me, wrapping me in loose hug. He murmured things as he stroked my mane possessively. "Don't worry," he kept repeating. I shuddered. This wasn't Discord...well it was, but he wasn't in his right mind.

I pushed him away, and his crazy smile disappeared into a look of hurt. "What's wrong? Don't you want to be the Queen of Chaos?" I stared at him with wide, frightened eyes. He grew angry. "Why? Why don't you love me? Why would you betray me?!" He grabbed my shoulders with great force and I winced in pain. I dared not say anything for fear of making his drastic mood changes any worse.

"I know...it's because you think you're more powerful than me," he said. His mood changed again as an idea hit him. "Perhaps if I take all your magic away, you'll love me again!"

"But...you promised you wouldn't!" I stuttered, tears building up behind my eyes.

He paused a moment. "Hmm, I don't remember promising such a thing," he lied. "Now then," he snapped, letting all the power drain from my body. I collapsed almost instantly to the ground, a pained grunt passing through my lips. The weak feeling over whelmed me, and I felt like I was going to pass out. Discord picked me up bridal-style, nuzzling my cheek. My head lolled weakly to the side.

"There we go! Now you're just as weak and helpless as an ordinary earth pony," he said cheerily. "Let's go, for we have some ponies to take care of!"