• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 5,916 Views, 230 Comments

A Discorded Love (My Little Pony/Discord) - JasminePosey

Maria was an average MLP fan, with an odd crush on the legendary Discord. When she is accidentally shoved into the portal between our world and theirs, she's gonna need more than her creative mind and new pyromanic powers to get back home. But will s

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CH-20: Long Goodbyes and Another Deal

The following morning, Maria packed what few belongings she had. She wasn't going to be a pony anymore, so she felt no need for any of her pony belongings. Instead, she settled for her sachels, the few journals she had written in over the course of the year, and the Fire Rose.

The rose she had picked so long ago had not yet even begun to wilt, it's sugary scent still as strong as the day she picked it. Her mind wandered back to Silver Knight at the castle. How has he been doing all these years? She hadn't seen him at the Gala, nor was he anywhere in the castle. She shrugged the colt out of her mind as she focused on what she was doing.

She was willingly giving herself up to live with Discord. It wouldn't be so bad, would it? At least he wasn't forcing her to marry him or anything. That was a whole nother ball game, right there.

But she wouldn't complain, for she had a plan. She would be able to sneak out of the castle and go back to her own world when the portal opened. She felt no remorse from this thought, since the little romantic feelings she had for him were dashed when he told her true identity. Plus he lied to her earlier. She was convinced that she wouldn't give in to her feelings. If her feelings were to return, she could simply put them out with the overwhelming distrust of the male draconequus.

She took one last look around her pony home before leaving. She walked right into her group of friends, who were waiting for her. The torches and decorations livened up the sorrowful and quiet atmosphere. A banner was put up, with words painted across it.

We'll Miss You Maria!

She fought back her tears. "You guys didn't have to-"

"It was Pinkie's idea," Rainbow Dash said.


"I thought that you'd like a party before you left," Pinkie Pie said cheerily, though it was clear she was fighting back tears of her own.

"I can't thank you enough, Pinkie," Maria said.

"Don't thank me yet,"she said. "You've barely had any fun!"

They all chuckled as she repeated the phrase she had said before her first party in Ponyville.

The party came to an end all too quickly for the Mane Six and her friends. It was mostly due to the fact that every pony was trying to avoid the painful goodbyes.

But Maria decided that she had to leave before any pony burst into tears. Mainly her.

"If that guy gives you any trouble, I'll give him the ol' 1-2," Rainbow Dash said, pulling her friend into a quick hug. "And I still want a rematch,"

Maria giggled, despite the solemn atmosphere. "I'm looking forward to it,"

"Be careful, sugar cube," Apple Jack warned. "Discord's a tricky fella, and there's no tellin' what his intention are,"

"I know," she said, pulling the country pony into a hug. Apple Jack gave her a small sack of apples.

"As a partin' gift," she insisted.

Next, was Fluttershy. "Are you sure about this?"

"It's our only hope," Maria said.

Fluttershy hugged her draconnequus friend. "You're the bravest draconequus I know," she said.

"Maria, are you really leaving?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I'm afraid so, Cutie Mark Crusaders," she said. Maria gave each of the young fillies a hug. "Let me know when you get your cutie marks, okay?"

They all nodded, stepping back and letting the next mare step up. It was Rarity.

"I...I wanted to give you these," she said, pushing a small sack Maria's way. It held a few hair accessories, along with some purple mane dye. "So your highlights won't fade,"

"Thank you Rarity," Maria said, hugging the white pony.

When Rarity stepped back with a sniff, Maria was bombarded by a pink blur.


"I won't ever forget you," Maria promised, returning the strong embrace. Pinkie Pie stayed hooked around Maria's neck until Big Mac came and pried her off. "Thanks, Big Mac,"

"Eeyup," he said, nodding.

The last pony to say goodbye to the female draconequus was Princess Luna.

"Maria Firestone, Princess Celestia will know of your brave sacrifice," she said. "I thank you."

Maria bowed to the night princess. "You're welcome, Princess Luna,"

When goodbyes were said and done, Maria gathered up her things. With a last glimpse at the ponies who had somehow become her family in the past year, she teleported herself to the castle in which Discord made his home in.

Which would be her new home very soon.

When she opened her eyes, she was greeted by a gloomy-looking castle. Cotton candy clouds hovered overhead, threatening to rain chocolate at any moment. After a quick survey of her new home, she sighed, approaching the front door.

She stood at the large, wooden door, unsure of her next move. Well aware of the fact that Discord must've known that she was there, she hesitated at knocking on the door.

A voice behind her made her jump. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

Maria yelped, whirling around to see Discord laying on a cotton candy cloud behind her, chin resting on the little bridge his fingers made. "Don't ever scare me like that!" she panted, trying to calm her racing heart.

"I have that effect on ponies," he said dismissively. "So...have you finally accepted my offer?"

"Tolerated is more like it," she said. "But I will live with you if it means that you'll free Princess Celestia,"

His grin disappeared, as well as the cloud underneath him. "Fine, I guess it's only fair," he snapped, and Maria knew that the sun princess had been released. "So, would you like to have a tour of your new home?"

"Might as well," she sighed.

"And this is your room," Discord said, opening a door to a fairly large room. It was a deep shade of violet, with crimson colored curtains hanging along the window. The bed was big enough for a person to have a lot of elbow room. The side of the room had an entire case of books. There was also a simple wooden desk with an endless supply of paper, with a quill with endless ink.

Maria's mouth opened slightly in awe.

"Is it too much?" Discord asked nervously. "Or is it not enough? I wasn't really sure what you wanted in your room, and I remembered that you liked to write and stuff, and so I just decided to go off that,"

"It's, dare I say, perfect!" Maria said, stepping forward and touching most everything in the room.

"You think so?" he asked. Though she couldn't see him, he watched her longingly. He wanted to make Maria happy in any reasonable way he could. She stopped her exploring to face him.

"It's amazing...I-I don't know what to say!" she exclaimed. "This is so awesome!"

"I'm glad you think so," he chuckled. "Now that we're done with the tour, would you care to join me for dinner?"

"Dinner?" she glanced at the clock, which showed that it was 6:30 in the evening. The tour must've gone on longer than she expected. "Sure, I guess,"

"Wonderful!" he said. He teleported the both of them into a dining room with a small, wooden table for them to eat on. "What would you like, m'dear?"

She thought for a moment. "Ehh, I guess I'll settle for a salad,"

"Excellent choice, I think I'll have one as well," he snapped, making a bowl of salad appear in front of her, as well as himself, though the contents of each bowl were entirely different.

After adding some ranch to the bowl, she began to chew silently. "So what book is that from?"

"It's one of those books from that vampony vs. werepony series," he said. "It's quite cheesy, if you ask me,"

Maria smiled, shaking her head. Her mind wandered to her plan to escape. It should be fairly easy, seeing as there's no force field keeping her in. The portal should be open in about a week, and if she timed things right, she could leave before Discord would notice that she left.

"You know, I can still hear your thoughts," he muttered. She choked on her salad. "I understand that you don't want to be here, and I know that you probably hate me, but...all I'm asking for is a chance,"

"A chance?" she asked.

"Tell you what," he said, appearing behind her. "I'll make a deal with you. The portal opens in a week, correct?"


"All I ask is that you give me that week to make you love me again," he said quickly. "If I fail, you can go through the portal and resume your life in your original world,"

"And if you somehow manage this?" Maria asked carefully.

"Then you'll stay with me," he finished. "Have we got a deal?" He held out his claw.

Maria hesitated. There was so many things that could happen in that week. She was afraid to admit it out loud, but she was truly afraid that Discord would succeed in this. Still, she didn't necessarily have a choice. She took his claw firmly and they shook on it.
