• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 5,916 Views, 230 Comments

A Discorded Love (My Little Pony/Discord) - JasminePosey

Maria was an average MLP fan, with an odd crush on the legendary Discord. When she is accidentally shoved into the portal between our world and theirs, she's gonna need more than her creative mind and new pyromanic powers to get back home. But will s

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CH-30: Deliverance

Maria sat on the window sill of her and Discord's bedroom, staring out at the beautiful forest below. The tops of the trees barely touched the window, and she had a clear view of the sky. It was strange how the castle functioned. It didn't look like it was so tall when you were on the front lawn, but inside, it was like the castle was floating.

It probably was, knowing Discord.

Maria leaned her forehead against the cool glass, her arms resting on her swollen belly. It had been a few months since she found out she was pregnant, and her stomach had practically inflated over the short amount of time. The filly's magic field grew stronger, and Discord was certain now she had inherited their magic. Discord was concerned; however, with his wife's health.

The filly would have random spurts of magical energy, usually whenever she would get excited. The energy would shock Maria, sometimes even paralyzing her for a few minutes. Every time, her husband would be by her side, calming his unborn daughter down. Maria would insist she was fine afterward, though she developed a slight twitch from all the shocks. In total, there had been about twelve and counting.

Maria shivered slightly, feeling her daughter squirm restlessly inside of her. She placed a hand firmly over her bellybutton. "Shh, little one. Just rest," she cast a temporary calming spell on herself, affecting her child as well. She sighed as the filly stilled. For a moment, she closed her eyes, listening to their hearts beat in sync, creating a peaceful lullaby.

She almost dozed off when she felt someone pick her up. She was awake immediately, seeing that Discord was trying to carry her to bed. Her eyes glanced towards the window, seeing that the sun was setting behind the horizon, turning the sky a light oranges color.

She let a sigh escape her lips as her husband laid her on the bed, planting a soft kiss on her forehead as he pulled the blanket over her. He, too, slipped beneath the sheets, and Maria curled up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. The two fell asleep rather quickly.

2:45 AM

Maria was the first to shift in her sleep, feeling a painful pressure in her abdomen. Her bleary eyes struggled to focus in the dark, and her mind barely processed the pain growing stronger. A sudden shock racked her body and she yelped.

Discord was conscious immediately, feeling a great disturbance in the magic field around them. He sat up, seeing that Maria's face was contorted with agony.

His first reaction was to panic. The thoughts in his mind became jumbled, and his chest heaved with heavy breaths.

"Discord," she groaned, "get me to...the hospital,"

Discord took a breath to calm himself, enabling him to think clearly. Carefully, he took his wife in his arms, teleporting them to the hospital. The receptionist was used to Discord and Maria popping in to check in with Dr. Doctor, but as soon as her crystal blue eyes caught onto Maria, she jumped into action.

"Some pony contact the Dr. immediately," she ordered one of the nurses. Another nurse rolled in a wheelchair, having Discord sit Maria down in it. She leaned to one side, slouching slightly in the chair. Her eyes were squeezed shut as another wave of pain washed over her.

"What's going on?" Discord asked in worry. The mare glanced between Maria and Discord, sighing.

"She's having contractions," the nurse explained, beginning to roll Maria down the hall quickly. Discord followed.

"And that means..?"

"Maria is about to give birth," she finished, taking a sharp turn down a hallway, entering an elevator.

Discord's heart almost stopped as he processed this information. His wife was about to give birth to his daughter. Suddenly, he felt unprepared. He shook visibly with nervousness as he climbed into the elevator with them.

"Alright, I need you to breathe, Maria," the mare said, an authoritative tone in her voice. Maria opened her eyes slightly, looking at Discord. Fright was visible underneath the pain.

Discord took hold of her claw, which had clamped down onto the armrest of the wheelchair. She relaxed slightly as he gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"Just breathe, my dear," he repeated the nurses orders. She swallowed, nodding. She began to breathe in slowly, pushing the urge to panic down. She had to calm herself down. She gasped as another contraction hit her. She bit her bottom lip in an effort to keep her from screaming out.

The elevator door opened on the Delivery Floor, and Maria was wheeled out and into a room. Maria was lifted onto the bed. Her hands found the bars on either side of her bed and gripped them tightly, her knuckles paling at the force. Her bottom lip was bleeding slightly from her teeth.

She felt a contraction hit her, and she groaned loudly. After a few minutes, a small team of nurses walked in, lead by none other than Doc.

He looked at Maria, who was struggling to keep her breath even and calm, and turned to the nurse who brought them here. "What's her status?"

"Her contractions are close, and labor is moving along faster than normal, should we be worried?" the nurse asked.

"The only thing we have to worry about is keeping Maria calm so she can deliver her filly," he said, walking over to Maria. Discord had her paw in his hands, effectively calming her down, though she still gripped the sidebar rather tightly. He examined her quickly, coming to the conclusion that she was ready to give birth. A question burned in the back of his mind at how fast this was happening. Only a few months had passed, and suddenly the filly was fully developed as a newborn could be. Now, the child was being delivered, and at an alarmingly fast rate. He kept his observations to himself, though, as he prepared himself for delivering her baby.

After being sanitized and put into light blue scrubs, he and the other nurses got into their positions around the bed, with Doc standing at the front of the bed. Making sure everyone was ready, Doc began to instruct Maria to push.

Total agony filled her mind, and she fought to concentrate on Doc's instructions. She did a test push, practically screeching when more pain was added. She stopped, breathing heavily. Already, her forehead was soaked with sweat.

Discord sensed that Maria was suffering, and he looked to Doc. "Can I cast a relieving spell on her?" he asked quickly.

Doc shook his head sharply. "That wouldn't be wise. The risk of it affecting the child is highly likely, since we've never had any case as such, and the child is coming too quickly for us to prepare her with the proper medications" Doc explained.

Discord growled, feeling helpless to do anything about his wife's pain. He glanced at her, seeing that she was attempting to push again. She held his hand tighter, practically cutting off blood circulation. He didn't pay any attention to it, though.

He made his mind up immediately, casting a small relieving spell, making it travel through his hand to hers. Instantly, her face relaxed slightly, and her breathing became less labored. The spell wasn't strong enough to get rid of all the pain, but just enough that she wouldn't feel as much pain. He felt better now, urging her to push.

Maria groaned as she pushed slightly. A few moments ago, it seemed that most of the pain had gone away. She dared to push harder, a slight throbbing pain resulting in it. She almost sighed in relief, but instead focused on breathing and pushing.

"I see the head," Doc said through his mask. "You're doing good, Maria. Just a few more big pushes, okay?"

Maria grunted as she pushed, nodding. After a few more mighty pushes, a sharp cry pierced the air. She sighed in relief, most of the pressure in her abdomen gone.

Discord looked up from Maria, seeing that the doctor was holding a small filly, with a coat the color of lavender, and a purple curly mane with white stripes. His eyes began to glaze over with tears as he smiled at the sight of his daughter.

Maria opened her eyes to see her daughter being cleaned off by Doc. Wordlessly, he gave the filly to her mother. She looked down at her daughter, tears pricking at her eyes. She felt an unimaginable joy fill her, and she began to beam as she held the filly. The baby whimpered slightly, moving about. Her mouth opened and closed, little squeaks coming from it. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, staring up at her parents.

Maria and Discord couldn't help but stare at their daughter's eyes. Instead of solid-colored orbs, her eyes were violet swirls that moved whenever she would shift her gaze to something else.

"Screwball..." Maria whispered in disbelief.

"Screwball?" Discord repeated thoughtfully. "I do believe that name fits her perfectly!"

Screwball giggled at the sound of her father's voice, the sound making their hearts swell. Maria smiled, kissing her on her forehead. Discord wrapped an arm around his wife, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Doc smiled at the three of them. This was the part that made him love what he did. As he stripped himself of his scrubs, he vaguely recalled his own family that he left in Manehattan, making a mental note to take a vacation to visit them.

Maria leaning into her husband as Screwball took in the world around her. She mentally vowed to keep her daughter safe from harm.

"And I shall make sure the both of you are safe," Discord said. Maria chuckled quietly. "I love you, Maria,"

"I love you, too, Discord."

Author's Note:

Yes, the baby is Screwball. Not sure if anyone was really surprised there, but jic, I hope it's not a big deal....