• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 5,915 Views, 230 Comments

A Discorded Love (My Little Pony/Discord) - JasminePosey

Maria was an average MLP fan, with an odd crush on the legendary Discord. When she is accidentally shoved into the portal between our world and theirs, she's gonna need more than her creative mind and new pyromanic powers to get back home. But will s

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CH-6: Off To Ponyville!

The next morning, I was up early. And I mean early. Like, early enough to watch Princess Celestia raise the sun.
Yeah, that early.
I was instructed by one of the royal guards to meet the princesses and Twilight at the main entrance of the castle. I knew I wouldn't be coming back to this room, so I made sure that I didn't leave anything behind.
While living at the castle in these past few months, I had received a few things from Princess Celestia. One of these things was a hair pin. Made of pure crystal, it had a red, rose-like gem encased into it. I had never worn anything like it before, but since it felt like a special day, I decided it wouldn't hurt to wear it.
I approached the mirror with the pin in hand. My once green eyes were now a pale yellow with red pupils; my messy reddish-brown curls were now unruly snowflake strands. I looked closer at my reflection. My pesky freckles were still present, but less noticeable. I frowned at this, as I always have. Even in this magical world, my peppered spots still haunt me. Rolling my eyes, I clipped the crystal in my hair. It might not have been my usual tangled mane, but it was still beautiful. I mean, it could be worse, right?
Though...I don't know how.
Sighing, I turned to the rose I kept on the dresser. It sat quietly in a violet vase with water. Although Silver Knight told me that the flower could survive without water, I chose to leave it in water anyway. What can I say? I'm a stubborn draconequus.
Carefully, I picked the rose daintily from its vase, bringing it to my nose to smell it. It smelled like vanilla, pink cotton candy, and sugar; three different smells in one flower. Amazing what you'll find here.
I set the flower back in its vase, trying to decide what to do with it. I could leave it here for the meantime, then summon it whenever I wanted when I reached Ponyville.
Listen to me; talking so casually about summoning things out of thin air, travelling to Ponyville, and meeting the Mane Six themselves! It's all still so strange, how real this all is. In the back of my mind, I still pass this off as some delusional dream.
Still, I'm going to take advantage of it in a heartbeat.
A sharp rap on the door shook my from my wandering thoughts. I left the vase with my rose and went to answer the door. When I opened the door, a set of guards greeted me kindly.
"Maria Firestone, come with us. You're late," the left pony sneered.
"I'm coming, I'm coming! Don't tangle your precious mane, Valiant," I retorted.
Valiant Soldier snorted. He was one of the many guards who despised my very being. The other guard, Brave Heart, stayed silent. He was the unlucky pony who I had accidentally injured with the banana peel. He was pretty neutral before the incident, but now I believe I was the last person he'd want to have lunch with.
"Just get a move on," Valiant spat. "Princess Celestia is waiting,"
"Fine," I groaned. After glancing around my temporary room one last time, I brushed past the guards. I strolled through the hallways casually, eventually glancing behind me. The rude guards were following me closely. I stopped.
"Don't you have something to do?" I asked, hinting at my irritation.
"Yes. We are escorting you to the main entrance," Valiant said, as if it was supposed to be obvious.
"I don't need you to escort me. I know my way around the castle perfectly." I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Perhaps, but we will be following you to make sure you get there without any incidents," Valiant said. He ruffled his wings impatiently. "Let's go,"
"Are you still weary of me? After all the special times we had together? I'm offended," I sighed as if he had hurt my feelings. "Besides, the Princesses trust me. You know, I highly doubt Princess Celestia even sent you to retrieve me," I spun around and turned my back to the pair of them.
"She didn't," a voice said. All three of us looked to see that Silver had stepped in. "She sent me. If you two are finished harassing our guest, be on your way, or else I'll let Chief be aware of your foolish antics,"
Valiant and Brave looked at each other worriedly, then Valiant spoke. "Very well. Take our...guest," he said with venom, "to Celestia quickly."
With a quick nod, the guards went their separate ways, with Silver leading me down the hallway and Valiant and Brave heading the opposite way.
"I apologize for their rudeness," he said when we were quite a distance away from them.
I sighed. "Don't be sorry, I know what I am. It's sad that my looks caused them to be so cautious, yet I can kinda understand. Still, Discord tried to take over Equestria, but is that really enough to make other ponies judge me because I resemble him? I have no intention of taking over Equestria,"
"I believe you. If Celestia believes you are trustworthy of living among Twilight and her friends in Ponyville, then you are able to do so," he gave me a little smile. I felt touched by his trust. "I do admit, it will be quiet without you,"
"Silver, I'm not even gone and you miss me already," I teased lightly. "I'm quite flattered,"
I glanced at him as we walked. His walk held pride and authority, yet was relaxed all the same. His navy blue eyes sparkled with excitement of the thought of any new adventure around any corner.
I recalled him telling me about why he and his older brother wanted to become soldiers for Princess Celestia. His love for adventure and excitement pushed him to strive to become better. Though he could be daring at times, he always kept a cool head at all times, thinking each step thoroughly. I have no doubts that he'll become chief of the royal guards in no time.
He ruffled his sea green wings under my gaze. Though he didn't see me watching him, he could feel my piercing gaze. His gold and blue armor clinked and clattered with every step he took.
"Miss you? Pshhht! No way!" he denied. "Maybe a little peace and quiet will be just what we needed,"
"Don't lie, Silver. I know you'll miss me, so stop denyin'," I giggled. I detected a slight hint of pink under his helmet, but pretended not to notice.
"Fine. Deep, deep, deep, WAY deep down, I'll miss you," he chuckled.
"Well, it's better than nothing," I laughed. We soon reached the main hallway, which lead to the entrance of the castle.
He cleared his throat. "I'll let you go down there by yourself. Celestia didn't really send me either to collect you, I just wanted to say a proper good bye,"
I did a fake sniff. "Oh Silver, you should know that I hate long goodbyes,"
"Oh. I'm sorry. Goodbye then," he said, turning from me.
"Wait a second," I said, confused. "You're joking right? This might be the last time we see each other until the portal opens again, and you don't even care enough to get a little emotional here? I, Sir Silver, am truly offended," I turned my back, posing in a dramatic way.
"Well, you hate long goodbyes, so I'll make this short," he laughed.
"Don't be so literal about it. You almost made me cry back there," I pretended to wipe tears from my eyes.
Silver turned back to me, holding back a smile. "My apologies, Lady Maria. It is unlike me, a gentlecolt, to make a lady like yourself cry,"
"Apology accepted, Silver. I might just start to miss you now," I joked. "After all, it is you and Dashing who have become my best friends. It would be rude of me not to miss you guys,"
"Yeah," he stared at the ground. "It's too bad that Dash couldn't be here to say goodbye," Dashing Knight was stationed in Fillydelphia to assist some of the other soldiers with a dispute that happened to occur at the worst possible moment for them. That's all I had been informed of about the situation.
"He gave me his farewell before he left," I assured him. Though Dashing and I were kinda distant compared to me and Silver, he was one of the closest things to a friend than I have had these past few months. I couldn't be more grateful.
"Maria," Celestia's voice came. "It is time to go,"
Silver looked at me sadly. "I guess this is really goodbye then?"
I looked away, the moment starting to take affect on me. "Yeah, I guess so."
"Well, good luck to you, Maria. I hope you have fun in Ponyville. Tell Twilight I said hello, okay?"
"Sure, Silver."
The green pony looked as if he wanted to say more, but instead, he just turned away. "Bye,"
"Bye," I said. I heard him trot away, and I glanced back at his figure. Then, I continued through the hall and finally met Celestia, Luna, and Twilight at the entrance.
"It has been a pleasure meeting you, Maria," Luna said with a smile.
I bowed my head, replying, "Same to you, Princess Luna." Turning to Princess Celestia, I began to bow once more. She stopped me by placing a golden hoof on my shoulder.
"I am pleased that you have made such great progress with your magic. You are a smart draconequus, Maria, and I hope that you will grow in not only magic, but with knowledge as well. I wish you the best in Ponyville,"
I smiled brightly, nodding. "I shall do my best, Princess Celestia,"
I reminded myself of Discord's escape, and suddenly felt guilty for lying to them. Still, I couldn't interfere with the story line. Discord would escape soon, and everything would go as planned.

"Oh! This is so exciting!" Twilight beamed. She gave me a "brief" introduction to Ponyville; brief concluding the history of Ponyville, most of the residents, popular hang out spots, and a short biography of each of the Mane Six. Though I knew all of what she was telling me, I let her speak, seeing as I had nothing to say at the time.
When the train reached the station, most of the passengers around us fled.
Does my breath stink, or did Twilight's nonstop talking scare them off? Oh that's right, I forgot; I'm a female look-a-like to the Spirit of Chaos.
Twilight lead us off the train, and was instantly tackled by five familiar ponies.
"Twilight, you're back! I thought you would have forgotten about us!" Pinkie Pie cried out.
"I only left a few hours ago, Pinkie," the purple pony gasped for air.
"We know, sugar," Applejack chuckled. "But you know how Pinkie Pie is,"
"Enough chit-chat!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly. "Where's that surprise you said you were bringing?"
"Oh yes, Twilight! " Rarity said. "We're simply dying to know!"
"Well, not really dying," Fluttershy corrected her. "Just curious,"
"Girls, I want you all to meet our new friend, Maria!" Twilight said, gesturing to me. The mares went silent for a second, and I feared that they would be weary of me as well.
"Oh!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "A newcomer! That means a Welcome Party!"
"Well would ya lookie here," Applejack whistled. "Ain't seen nothin' like you before, sugar cube. Mind if I asked ya what you are?"
"She's totally awesome, that's what she is!" Rainbow exclaimed. She flew a few circles around me, trying to get a good look at my physical attributes.
"Oh darling!" Rarity gasped. "You look terrible! I'll have to fix your glorious mane as soon as we get back to my parlor!"
I smiled at the ponies. I expected something like that from Rarity, but I didn't expect this kind welcome.
"Hi everypony! Twilight has told me so much about you all," I then addressed Applejack's question. "I'm a draconequus, a creature made of different types of animals as you can see," I gestured to myself.
"A draconequus?" Fluttershy gasped. "B-but those are so rare!" She approached me, her curiosity winning over her shyness as she examining me closely.
"Oh my! Such elegant features! Your fur is so smooth!" she said. I giggled, and she gasped, backing away as her shy nature took over again. "I'm sorry,"
"It's okay, Fluttershy. It must be fascinating to meet someone so rare," I said.
"Oh yes, very," she smiled a little from under her pink mane.
"Well, er-Maria, was it? I recon that you're pretty famished after that trip, huh?" Applejack asked. My stomach growled in agreement and I blushed, nodding. "I've got somethin' that's sure to fill ya up!"
I nodded, pretending that I had no clue she was talking about apples. "And what would that be?"
"Why, some homegrown apples picked from mah family's orchard. They're ripe and juicy for the takin'," she said proudly.
I nodded excitedly. "I'd be grateful to try some then!"
"But first," Rarity protested, "I must do something about your mane, Maria! It simply won't do!"
"Hold on!" Rainbow Dash said. "I have to see if she's a fast flyer!"
"But I want to throw her a party!" Pinkie cried.
"And I wanted to show her around Ponyville!" Twilight groaned.
I sighed. "And the chaos erupts," I muttered. I spoke louder so that everypony in the group could hear me. "There's still enough time today to do everything. Pinkie Pie can get the party ready, where Applejack can serve her apple treats, while Twilight gives me a tour of Ponyville. Before the party, Rarity can give me a makeover, and after the party, I'll race Rainbow Dash. How's that sound?"
They went silent for a moment, thinking it over. Then, they all broke out into an agreement.
I smiled. Now the issue was resolved, though there was no doubt that I was going to be busy...

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! I just want to say thanks to all that have given the story a thumbs up! ^^ I've been spending a bit more time editing the chapters so that there are less mistakes, and that it flows a bit more smoothly. I do admit, the first part of the story goes a bit fast, and I apologize for that. However, as it progresses, I can assure you that it will get a lot better. I shall try to post once every week, since I've gotten a bit more progress on editing the next few chapters, so you all can look forward to that. Thanks again to you guys, and make sure you comment your feedback! I really appreciate feedback, as it'll help me figure out what I need to do to keep your attention. That's all. Thanks for reading, and i hope you enjoyed this chapter!