• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 5,915 Views, 230 Comments

A Discorded Love (My Little Pony/Discord) - JasminePosey

Maria was an average MLP fan, with an odd crush on the legendary Discord. When she is accidentally shoved into the portal between our world and theirs, she's gonna need more than her creative mind and new pyromanic powers to get back home. But will s

  • ...

CH-7: A Day of Fun

"And to your left is SugarCube Corner," Twilight said, trotting along the dirt road. It was decided that while Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack were to prepare my party, while Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were to give me a quick tour of Ponyville. The ponies around us regarded me as if I were another pony citizen.
Which I wasn't, in case anypony noticed. Still, it was nice to not be cast away because of my looks.
Anyway, we continued on, with Twilight stopping to talk about Rarity's boutique. I found everything absolutely amazing, considering again of how unreal all of this was. I was actually in Ponyville, talking to a majority of the Mane Six! How crazy could this get?!
"And this," Twilight spoke as we approached a great tree. It took me a moment to figure out that this was Twilight's library. "is my home,"
"It's amazing!" I breathed. She used her magic to open the door for each of us. Fluttershy mumbled a quiet "Thank you."
Rainbow Dash hovered in the air comfortably. "You think this is cool? Wait to you see Cloudsdale!" she went on. "Have you ever took a nap on a cumulus cloud?"
"I can't say that I have," I said. "In fact, I've never even touched a cloud before. Aren't they just condensed water and dirt?" Rainbow looked at me dumbly.
Twilight sighed. "The clouds here are not like that," she explained in a matter-of-fact way. "The clouds here are able to be handled, but only the weather pegasi are the ones able to handle the clouds,"
"Like me!" Rainbow said proudly.
"Oh okay," I said, nodding slowly. Honestly, I was still clueless of how everything with pegasi worked, especially how they were the only ones able to touch clouds without falling through them. Maybe it was some sort of physical specialization, like birds have?
"So now that we finished the tour..." Dash said, "How 'bout that race?"
"What about the party?" Twilight reminded her. "Pinkie and Apple Jack must be done with the party decor. You know how Pinkie has her party cannon at all times..."
"That's right!" a cheery voice spoke. Fluttershy, Twilight, and I squeaked in surprise, turning to face the pony who surprised us. It was Pinkie Pie, bouncing around the room excitedly. "The party is done! All we need is our guest!"
"Oh...well...thanks, Pinkie Pie!" I smiled.
"Don't thank me yet! You haven't had fun yet!" She giggled, a bright smile on her face.
"Uh...Pinkie?" Apple Jack asked. "Wasn't the party supposed to be a surprise?"
"It still is! Maria doesn't know where the party is!" Pinkie continued to bounce in one place, her excited demeanor never fading.
"She's right," I said. "I have no idea. So, you'll just have to blindfold me and take me there,"
"Oh! That's a great idea!" she stopped bouncing for a moment, reaching behind her. "I have a blindfold right here!"
"Why do you have a blindfold with you, Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"For 'Pin the Tail on The Pony', silly!" Pinkie Pie giggled again, as if it was obvious. She then placed a hoof over her mouth. "Aw man! I gave away one of the party games!"
"It's at every party you plan, Pinkie Pie," Rarity spoke delicately as she entered the tree house. She had a white saddle bag with her cutie mark on her back. "Now, I believe that I have a makeover to do,"
Everypony looked at me. "Now?" I asked.
"Of course, darling!" she laughed. "You can't possibly go to your party looking like that!" I looked myself over, seeing nothing wrong with myself. Still, Rarity wasn't going to take no for an answer.
Refusing was not a choice.
"Very well," I sighed.

"There!" she said. "Perfect! You can look now, Maria."
I opened my eyes. She had been at this for almost half an hour. I'm sure my hair wasn't that bad. Still, I was excited. It had been a while since I've had my last makeover. I opened my eyes and peered into the mirror she had levitated with her magic.
My hair was incredibly different. The snow white strands were curled, and I had a few purple highlights that stood out. But in a good way. The pin that Princess Celestia gave to me was pinned in a different area, holding back some of my curls so that they wouldn't hide my face.
"What do you think?" Rarity asked.
"It's...lovely," I said, smiling a little. "Though it's a little fancy for a Welcome Party, don'cha think?"
"Nonsense!" she said. "A lady must always look her best!"
I smiled wider, rolling my eyes. Rarity was Rarity, whether she was just a character or as real as the ground we walked on. I stood from the chair that I had summoned and snapped, making it vanish.
"That is an incredible magic that you've got," she mused, placing the hair items back where they belonged.
"It is special," I said. "I'm still having trouble with some of my powers, though,"
"Really? How so?"
"Well, I have some sort of fire magic, but it's more accidental than anything. Like if I sneeze, there's a gush of fire. It's not a big deal, considering I'm not allergic to many things, but it's still difficult to control,"
Rarity's blue orbs widened. "That's terrible!" she exclaimed. "It took me a while to control my magic. I can only imagine how hard it's gonna be for you. You have nopony to help you, since nopony has your type of magic,"
I almost told her about Discord, but quickly decided against it. She and the rest of them will find out about him soon enough.
I watched her as she organized her things quickly, then glanced around the room. My eyes fell on a formal gown, too formal for any day, even for Rarity.
"Rarity? What's that dress for?" i asked.
She looked up for a second. "Oh, that was my dress for the Grand Galloping Gala," she explained. "We all got to go, thanks to Princess Celestia and Twilight. Though it wasn't everything we dreamed of, we ended up having a grand time," she smiled fondly before returning to organizing her things.
Wait...if the Gala already happened, then that means that we're slowly making progress to the beginning of the second season, which was...
Discord's escape.
I choked on my own spit, coughing a little bit. Rarity looked up, alarmed.
"You alright, Maria?" she asked, her eyes glancing around the parlor for anything on fire.
"I'm fine, just...some of the dust in the air," I brushed off her concern.
She relaxed a bit. "Okay. I'm finished with putting everything away, so now we can head to your party,"
"Does everypony get a party?" I wondered aloud as we walked along the road.
"Well, Pinkie Pie is Ponyville's party planner. She finds any sort of occasion, whether it be a new pony, a birthday, or a simple newborn; and do all she can to make it a party. When Twilight first arrived here from Canterlot, Pinkie was quick to throw her a surprise 'Welcome to Ponyville' party. Though, your party isn't so much of a surprise as hers was,"
I shrugged. "A party is a party. Twilight told me a lot about Pinkie's parties, and I'm kinda excited to attend one for myself. They sound so fun!"
"Well, they are fun, though sometimes Pinkie Pie and the others can get a bit...messy," her flawless mussel scrunched up in a cringe that only she could make. "Last time we had a party for a new pony, a cake fight broke out. I was picking icing out of my mane for hours!" she moaned.
I giggled. "Sounds awesome!"
She shook her head with a small smile. "If you say so. But if another cake fight happens, I am leaving,"
I was about to comment when a speeding pegasus flashed across the sky. Rainbow Dash lowered herself down to meet us.
"You guys are taking so long!" she groaned. "Hurry up!"
"We're coming, Rainbow," I said.
"Oh, and you need to put this on," the cyan pegasus handed me a pink blindfold.
"Wait, now?" I asked, holding the piece of cloth.
Rainbow sighed. "Of course, now! Pinkie Pie's getting a little too excited and Apple Jack and Twilight can only keep her calm for so long," she flew behind me, taking the blindfold. "Here, I'll put it on for you!"
My sight was cut off, and I stood there as Rainbow Dash tried to tie it around my head.
"Not her precious mane!" Rarity squealed. "I just finished it!!"
"Relax, Rarity. It won't look like this when we race!" Rainbow said. A moment of silence, then the slight tug on my blindfold went away. "Finished. Now let's go!"

"Are we there yet?" I groaned. "We've been walking forever!"
"Chill, Maria," Rainbow Dash said from above me. "We're here,"
"Can I take my blindfold off now?" I asked.
"Not yet," she said. "We aren't inside,"
"Inside? What do you mean?" I didn't get an answer, so I continued to follow the tug of the rope I was holding. Rarity held the other one in her mouth. I heard large door open, and I was lead inside. I felt the blindfold come off, and I opened my eyes.
"SURPRISE!!!" Everypony yelled. I jumped back a little, startled, then began to chuckle. We were in the Apple Family's barn, the entire place decorated with balloons of different colors, streamers hanging from the ceiling, and a giant buffet table. In the corner, Vinyl Scratch, or DJ PON3 as she was often called by her stage name, sat at a DJ booth, polishing some records.
"This is incredible!" I said. "Thank you guys so much!"
"Don't thank us yet!" Pinkie beamed, practically buzzing with excitement. "You still haven't had any fun!!"
i rolled my eyes. "Then what are we waiting for?"
"YAY!" Pinkie said. "LET'S PARTY!!!"
"Hit it, Vinyl!" Apple Jack whooped. Vinyl Scratch nodded, flipping a record with her magic, then played it. A song boomed from the speakers, and some ponies started to dance. I walked around with Apple Jack.
"So how ya feelin'?" she asked me.
I thought for a moment. "I don't really know," I admitted. "It's just a bunch of emotions. Exhilerated, for the most part,"
"I thought so," she nodded. "Must be different from them fancy folk up in Canterlot, huh?"
"Oh yeah," I said. "Most ponies there are so rude,"
Apple Jack was about to comment when a young, southern accented voice called for her. "Apple Jack!"
"Well, hey there, Apple Bloom," Apple Jack said.
"We heard that there was a new pony in town!" she said excitedly. "Who is it?"
Apple Jack stepped aside to let Apple Bloom see me. The young filly looked me over with curiousity. "Apple Bloom, I'd like ya to meet Maria," she said.
Apple Bloom circled me a few times, and I turned my neck a bit to watch her. When she finally settled back in front of me, she smiled brightly. "Hey'a Maria! I'm Apple Bloom!"
"Hi, Apple Bloom," I smiled at Apple Jack's younger sister.
"Hey Apple Bloom," Apple Jack started. "Why dont'cha gather up the CMC and introduce Maria to the other ponies? I'm gonna go help Big Macintosh with the buffet table,"
"I'm on it, big sis!" Apple Bloom said. She took a deep breath and hollered, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, FRONT AND CENTER!"
The ponies who were dancing stilled so that two other fillies could walk across the dance floor.
"Scootaloo, Maria," Apple Bloom said, pointing to a dark orange pegasi filly with a deep pink mane. "Sweetie Belle, Maria," This time, she pointed from me to a white unicorn filly with a purple and pink mane.
"Maria, Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo. Maria, Scootaloo. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom." she finished with a giggle. "And we are..."
"THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" they yelled together. I chuckled at the filliies. They were incredibly cute, and I wanted to take them home with me. Only, the portal to home was closed for another year and a half.
Oh, and I don't think Rarity or Apple Jack would appreciiate me foalnapping their little sisters...
"It's nice to meet you all," I said, smiling at them.
"I'm honored that you think so," Scootaloo said proudly. "I am the most awesomest,"
"She meant me, Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said.
"No, me," Scootaloo said.
"No, Me!"
"Girls!" Apple Bloom interupted. "Apple Jack asked us to introduce Maria to the ponies here,"
"Maybe we can earn our cutie marks?" Sweetie Belle offered.
"An 'introducing new ponies to other ponies' cutie mark? I don't think there is such a thing," Scootaloo said.
"It could be," Sweetie Belle shot back.
"We won't know until we try," Apple Bloom said.
"If you don't mind me asking, Maria, what are you?" Scootaloo said suddenly.
"I'm a draconnequus," I answered. "A mythical being made up of different animals,"
"A dragoneqwus?" she asked.
"No, draconequus," i repeated.
"A droconebus?" Sweetie Belle inquired.
"A draghonebuscus?" Apple Bloom asked.
"I don't even know what you just said,"
"Me neither," she admited. The three young fillies went into a giggle fit. Then she went serious. "Alright, CMC, let's move out. We've got a lot of ponies to introduce!"

"Oh wow," I sighed. "That was a lot of ponies,"
"And there's LOT'S more you haven't met yet!" Sweetie Belle replied excitedly.
I groaned. "Aren't any of you tired?" The three of them looked at one another before shaking their heads. I moaned, leaning against the wall.
"Maybe you should get somethin' ta eat?" Apple Bloom suggested. "Ya look famished,"
I glanced at the buffet table, which still had some food on it. The party itself was over, and some of the ponies were leaving. Pinkie Pie, however, was far from done. She bounced around in a polka dotted party hat with a noise maker in her mouth.
I took Apple Bloom's suggestion and walked over to the buffet table. My eyes wandered around the table; apples, apple fritters, apple pie, apple sauce, and apple cider.
"Y'all should try Granny Smith's homemade apple fritters," Apple Jack said. I looked at her, then at the tray filled with warm apple fritters. "We just finished them about 15 minutes ago,"
I took one of the fritters delicately in my claw. It's heavenly aroma made my mouth water, and I brought it up and took a big bite from it. Instantly, a sweet, juicy explosion filled my mouth. I stuffed the remainder into my mouth greedily.
Apple Jack chuckled. "Hungry ain't ya?" she asked. "Didn't they feed ya at the castle?"
"Oats and honey every morning, a plain salad for lunch, and fruit soup for dinner," I said. "No offense to Princess Celestia, but that's not enough to live on!"
Apple Jack laughed. "Terrible," she joked. "Celestia must not eat very much then. Ya seem to like food, though,"
My mouth was full of deliciousness, and I was unable to answer, so I nodded furiously. The light-orange pony slid a tall glass of cold apple cider towards me. The ice cubes jingled merrily before floating peacefully once more. "Big Mac and I made some earlier for the party. Try it,"
I swallowed, putting the cool glass against my lips. The sweet cidar was like nectar going down my throat. I chugged the entire thing down within five seconds.
"That was amazing!" I said. The food in this world made the food I was used to eating back at home seem bland and flavorless.
"I'll let 'em know you said so," Apple Jack said. She turned and trotted away. I ate a few more apple fritters before a cyan pegasus flew to me.
"So how 'bout that race?" she asked.
"Race?" I asked. "Now?"
"Of course!" she said. "I race all the new ponies with wings."
"And I beat them all," she bragged.
I set my glass down and turned to her. "You sure you wanna race me?" i asked, opening my mismatched wings. They were each three feet wide, large compared to Rainbow's measly two feet.
"Why? You scared?" she challenged.
"Not at all," I fibbed. Truth was, I was nervous. I had no doubts that Rainbow would beat me, but it wouldn't hurt anypony to try, right? Just me and my pride...
"I put two bits on Rainbow Dash!" called out Scootaloo.
"Gee, thanks, kid," Dash said, smirking. "I won't let you down,"
"I put three bits on Maria!" Sweetie Belle said.
"A gajillion bits on Maria!" Pinkie Pie said happily. Everypony turned to look at her.
"A gajillion?" Twilight asked skeptically. "Nopony has that many bits,"
"I know," she smiled. "I just wanted to join in!"
I smiled. "Thanks for the encouragement anyway, Pinkie Pie," I said.
"No problem, Maria!" she continued to bounce around.
"Twenty bits on Maria," a familiar southern voice said. i turned and faced Apple Jack.
"That's an awful lot of bits, Apple Jack," I said.
"I know," she said. "But I have a lot of faith in ya. I know you can do it, y'all just gotta believe in yerself,"
I smiled at the country pony. "Now go and win," she said. "Y'all are the only one with a chance of shutting her up about that racin' stuff," she muttered under her breath.
I nodded. "I will," she tipped her hat at me.
I turned back to bragging pegasus. "Let's race,"
She smiled tauntiongly. "You're goin' down," she said.

Rainbow and I stood in our ready stance as a few pegasi cleared the sky for us. We were silent, focusing our heart and mind on the race. We both wanted to win, but there could only be one victor.
Me -- or Rainbow Dash.
The track was clear, and my heart raced with both excitement and fear. I focused on winning.
Only winning.
A green pegasus flew in front of us. "Alright, Rainbow Dash and Maria -- the rules of this race are as all the other races. No assisting spells, no sumoning obsticles, and no cheating!" she said. "And have fun. This is a friendly competition,"
I shuffled my wings slightly. My heart rate was fast paced, and I took a few deep breaths to calm myself.
"Follow the clouds to reach the finish line," the pegasus flew to the sideline, and motioned for another pegasus to blow the whiistle on a signal. "Three....two..."
I took another deep breath. I'm gonna win...
Rainbow Dash and I took off. I batted my wings furiously, trying to gain speed. Rainbow easily glided past me. I became furious; why wasn't I going fast?
"Try doing easy strokes, like Ms. Loyalty here?" a familiar voice suggested. I was immediately caught off guard.
"DIscord?" I breathed. It was difficult to focus on the current conversation, and fly at the same time.
"Who else would it be? Unless you have another voice talking to you?"
"Nope. Last time I checked, you were the only one," i smiled.
"I feel so special,"
"I bet you do," i tried to gain speed, but I was failing. Rainbow Dash was far ahead, and I wouldn't come close to beating her if I continued like this.
"As i was trying to say, you need to add more power to your wing speed if you want to beat her," he said. "Look at how she's flying? Mimic her,"
I nodded. I slowly spread my wings, beating them a bit stronger. Though it was a slow progression, I was beginning to catch up.
"That's it," he urged me. "Just like that,"
I breathed, bringing my wings up and beating them down with powerful strokes. I quickly gained speed, and became neck and neck with the pegasus. She clenched her teeth and batted her wings fast and powerful.
"If you want to beat her, you need to beat your wings faster,"
"Why exactly are you helping me?" I asked. Rainbow couldn't hear me because the wind whipped my words from my mouth as soon as I said them. I blinked my eyes furiously to keep them from drying out.
"No real reason, really. I'm just bored out of my mind,"
"I only left just this morning," I said. "You miss me already?"
"Pshht! I don't miss you. You're just...my only source of communication........"
"I knew it," I beat my wings faster and stronger. I was neck and neck with Rainbow. Sweat poured down her forehead, and I focused on my wings and my breathing.
"...And Maria is neck and neck with Rainbow Dash," Pinkie announced from her hot air balloon. "They're closing in on the finish line. It's Rainbow -- No! It's Maria -- Wait! It's Rainbow again!"
My heart beat wildly in my ears. Discord had gone quiet as I focused on my goal.
"It's Rainbow -- It's Maria -- It's......."
We both past the line.
"IT"S MARIA!!!!!!"