• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 16,141 Views, 288 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight - PurpleProse

Magical Girls With Wave-Motion Cannons Meets My Little Pony! What if Twilight became Nanoha?

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Chapter 1: A Mysterious Beast? Raising Heart Awakens!

Yuuno Scrya was not having a good day, not in the least. The young archeologist crouched down amid the bushes he was hiding in, trying to catch his breath, one arm holding his wounded side. He tried to keep his breathing calm, trying to listen in case something started approaching him.

This was originally supposed to be a simple retrieval mission. A transport to a Time-Space Administration Bureau containment facility had been sent off-course over a non-administrated dimensional area, dropping its cargo of Lost Logia into what the TSAB’s bureaucracy viewed as a glorified nature preserve. It should have been a simple task; find the missing Jewel Seeds and return as soon as possible. Sure, the wildlife had been somewhat hostile, but Yuuno had expected that. Wildlife in magically active areas did tend to be on the aggressive side.

What he hadn’t expected was the Jewel Seeds to activate. Lost Logia were known to be quite dangerous when brought online, and the Seeds weren’t any different. What had started as a routine recovery mission had turned into a running battle against the Seed’s defense system. The fact that part of his energy was focused on maintaining a defensive ward against the apparent transmuting effects of this dimension wasn’t helping matters either. Energy he could have been using for defense was devoted to maintaining the ward. That was how he’d been injured in the first place.

Yuuno inhaled sharply, the pain in his side throbbing as he clenched a small, spherical red jewel in his hand. Here he was: alone, wounded, and up against a renegade Lost Logia with a poorly-attuned Device. He needed back-up, and quickly. If he was lucky, he’d be able to make it back to the transit point before something happened.

There was a rustle in the leaves.

He crouched down as he saw it emerge from the trees. The Seed‘s defense system wasn‘t exactly elaborate, but it was effective. The thing was a teardrop-shaped black blob of wildly whipping black ‘fur‘ and shadow about the size of a van. Its beady red eyes glowed with unfocused malice as it searched about.

Yuuno pulled himself closer to the ground. Please don’t see me, please don’t see me, he prayed silently.

No such luck. It turned right towards him, letting out a loud, angry growl. A pair of antenna-like tentacles snapped towards Yuuno’s hiding place like spears, only to collide with Yuuno’s barrier, pushing the young man backwards.

Not good! Yuuno thought to himself, the circular ring of runes holding off the slashing tendrils, if only just. Yuuno prided himself on his defensive magic, but even it was being crippled by his wound and the constant draw of power. The magical energy of this dimension seems to be increasing the seed’s power. I need to try to seal it before it gets any stronger!

“Ethereal echo, become light!” A pale green circle formed in front of him as he brandished the jewel, filling rapidly with Midchildian runes and the traditional interlocking squares as Yuuno recited the incantation. The beast growled, its red eyes growing wide as it began to charge towards Yuuno.

“Forbidden monster, enter this seal! Jewel Seed Serial Twenty-One, SEAL!”

Yuuno braced himself. He had little energy left; if the spell didn’t work, he wouldn’t even have enough power to throw up a shield. Oh please, Raising Heart, he thought desperately, his eyes focused on the marble-sized jewel in his fingers. Please, work for just this once!

There was a flash as the monster collided with the circle, the force of the impact throwing both Yuuno and it away from each other. Purple-red goop splattered in small pools on the ground as the beast landed, then crawled sluggishly away into the undergrowth.

Yuuno wasn’t much better. He landed with a slam on the hard ground, groaning as he tried to push himself back up. The young human glared at the monster, his vision growing hazy as the strain caught up with him. He was on his last legs as far as power went.

He whimpered, feeling his arms wobble. “I can’t… let it get away. I have to…go…ugh.” He slumped, face-first onto the ground, any remaining physical strength he had melting away.

It’s wounded. The seal didn’t work. I’m going to need help… Yuuno gritted his teeth, concentrating on sending out a message even as a familiar light-green glow flowed over him. With a strain, he sent the telepathic message out as he fell unconscious, the emergency transformation taking hold of his body.

If there’s anyone out there, please, help me…

“I swear Spike, we need to work on your table manners.”

Twilight Sparkle shook her head as she trotted along, a very sated and content Spike lying on her back like a limp purple balloon. An audible slosh came from his belly as he bounced.

“Oh come on Twi, I couldn’t let it go to waste.” Spike managed to suppress a belch as he rolled over slightly, ”Besides, there‘s nothing wrong with enjoying good cooking.”

“There‘s enjoying good cooking, and then there‘s climbing into the pot. Next time, I should let Zecora cook you up in her stew.”

“I told you, I fell in! It was an honest mistake. Besides, I apologized.”

Twilight shook her head, rolling her eyes slightly as Spike sat up properly. This recent trip to Zecora’s had been quite pleasant, aside from Spike eating the zebra nearly out of house and home.

Still, there was something bothering her. The Everfree forest seemed a bit quieter this evening. Usually there were insects buzzing around or the distant growls of other creatures. But this time around things were quieter. It was like the forest knew that something wasn’t right.

Then a thought echoed in Twilight’s head. A thought that wasn’t her own.

If there’s anyone out there, please, help me…

“What’s up Twilight? Why’d you stop?”

“Shhh!” Twilight’s ears perked slightly as she looked around. “Did you hear something?”

“Hear what?” Spike stood, peering around on Twilight’s back with one hand shading his eyes. “I didn’t hear anything.”

“It sounded like somepony was calling out for help.” Twilight looked around, her horn lighting up as she tried to find the source of the message. Somepony had tried to call her with some form of magic. How else could she hear the message when Spike couldn’t? Twilight paused and concentrated, a small spray of sparks cascaded from her horn to form a tracking spell.

“This way!” The purple unicorn dashed off, causing Spike to lose his balance.

“Woah! Twilight, wait up!” Spike climbed to his feet and chased after Twilight as she dashed through the undergrowth, ducking underneath tree branches as she galloped.

It didn’t take long for her to arrive at her destination. Something had torn through the forest, tearing up the ground and turning it into a shallow clearing. Blackish stains marred the natural brown soil. In the center of carnage lay a small animal, a ferret with gold-colored fur that stood out against the dark brown of the dirt. Twilight slowly approached the wounded animal, the sparks from her tracking spell still crackling gently. She could see a faint hint of greenish light reflecting in the air around it.

“A ferret?” She looked around slowly. There’s nopony here. I could have sworn there was something here. I can feel a lot of magic in this area…

Twilight leaned down, sniffing the unconscious animal. The ferret uncoiled slightly, revealing a marble-sized jewel hanging from its neck on a thin chain. The reddish stain on the creatures side suggested it was wounded.

“Twilight!” Spike crashed through a bush, panting as he ran up beside her. “Sheesh, don’t run off without me like that.”

“Sorry Spike, it’s just I thought somepony had sent out some sort of distress call.”

"Distress call?"

"Yes. I heard a mental call for help. A message. It's not a very common type of magic but..."

“You’d think that they’d just yell really loud.” Spike scratched one of his ear frills as he looked around, then over at what Twilight was staring at “Anyway, what’s with this ferret?”

“Don’t touch it! It looks like it’s hurt…”

“I’m not. You’re looking a little freaked out Twilight.”

“I’m not. I just thought that…never mind.”

“Ooooh-kay, duly noted.“ Spike leaned over and peered at the ferret as well. “Why’s it got a gem around it’s neck? Did somepony lose a pet or something?”

“I don’t know. Come on Spike.” Twilight levitated the ferret’s limp form to Spike’s hands.

“Where’re we going?” The young dragon glanced nervously at the unconscious mustelid.

“Fluttershy’s house, of course. Come on…” Twilight gave a final glance, her lips creased with a worried frown as she trotted off, Spike hot on her heels.


Yuuno’s head hurt, his brain throbbing gently in his skull as he swam back to consciousness. What a disaster. He’d been lucky to get off the message before his shape-shifting triggered. But from what he could tell, he wasn’t in the forest anymore. The bright pink blanket he was laying on was proof enough of that. Squinting, he could see the thatch work of what looked like a basket.

Did someone find me? He blinked at the light above him. Did someone from the TSAB get my distress message?

Unlikely. If they did he’d probably be in an infirmary. He could hear voices though.

“So he’s not one of your animals?” Female, assertive.

“Oh no Twilight. I’ve never seen a ferret this color before. Besides, I wouldn’t put a collar on an animal.” Also female, softer, gentler. “Not to mention most pets wouldn’t go that far into the Everfree Forest.”

“Well, maybe he’s not a normal animal then. Most animals I’ve seen don’t wear jewelry, except for Opalescence.” The first voice. Twilight. “But still, I’m glad he’s going to be okay. You’re sure he’s not to badly hurt Fluttershy?”

Yuuno paused at that. Fluttershy? That’s an odd name.

“Oh no. He’s scratched up some, and he’s awfully tired, but he’ll be fine with some tender loving care…”

Yuuno slowly pushed himself up, his little paws grabbing on the lip of the basket, just as a head popped over the rim. Yuuno stared up at the head: purple scales, large and bright green eyes, ear frills…

A dragon? Yuuno froze as the purple dragon turned to look away.

“Hey, I think he’s awake!”

“Spike, not so loud. You might scare him.” Fluttershy called. Yuuno blinked wearily as he heard what sounded like hooves approaching, before two equine faces peeked into his basket, one a buttery yellow color with flowing pink hair, the other a shade of light purple with a horn poking out of straight violet-and-pink hair.

“Hello there little one. Don’t worry, you’re safe and sound.”

I’m dreaming. Or something. Yuuno stared up at the two horses. Talking horses? Maybe they’re Familiars…

“I still wonder what he was doing out in the Everfree Forest. I don’t remember anypony in Ponyville having a ferret for a pet.” The purple one said. That one must be Twilight.

“Neither do I,” replied the yellow. That one must be Fluttershy. “Maybe we should check around town. Whoever his owner is, they must be so worried.”

“Maybe. I just wished this collar had a name on it.”

Yuuno’s eyes widened as the red jewel core of Raising Heart floated into view, suspended in a glowing haze of purple light; light that matched the purple pony’s glowing horn.

These have to be Familiars. I didn’t know this dimension was inhabited though. The TSAB records of this area must have been out of date. Yuuno whimpered, reaching a paw up at the floating jewel.

“Ah ah ah.” The yellow horse scolded gingerly. Not horse. Pegasus. The fluttering wings became obvious as she trotted away, then returned with a small cup of soup in her teeth, setting it down next to the bed. “No running around for you silly. You need to rest up and get your strength back. Now, why don’t you drink some soup?”

Do they know? Yuuno sniffed the broth, then gave it an experimental lap. Not bad, certainly palatable. Do they know I’m sapient? He glanced up at the yellow pony, who was giving him a reassuring smile. Probably not.

“Go on. It’s good for you.”

“If you need me Fluttershy, I’ll be at the Library. Come on Spike.”

Yuuno stared at the purple unicorn as she trotted out, Raising Heart still hovering along beside her. Admittedly, the archeologist-turned-ferret had been in stranger situations, but this was at the top of the list. Looking back at the yellow pegasus, he sighed and began lapping up the soup. The quicker he could regain his strength, the better.


“Hey Twilight, I thought we were going to ask around Ponyville to see if that ferret belonged to somepony.” Spike climbed down the ladder, a heavy red book under one arm. “Why’re we back here?”

“I am going to ask around Spike, but something’s bugging me about all this.” Twilight peered through the floating magnifying glass at the small round jewel, a dozen small tools and material samples laid out on the table “Did you find the book I asked for?”

“Yup, Treasures and Trinkets: A Pony’s Guide to Gems and Jewels. But why do you need a book on jewels?”

“Because I’ve never seen a gem like this Spike. I mean, look at it.” Twilight floated the crystal over to Spike. “It’s perfectly round and flawlessly cut, but it doesn’t seem to have any of the regular traits of most red gemstones. It’s as hard as a diamond, but its coloration is similar to a ruby. Not to mention it’s giving off a really weird magical signature.”

“So it’s some kind of weird gemstone.” Spike held the sphere between his claws, peering into it, holding it up to the light. “So what?”

“So why would somepony put something like that on a pet? A pet with no tags or name? Then there’s the voice I heard calling me.”

“You mean that weird voice that only you heard? What did Zecora put in that stew again?”

“Be serious Spike!” Twilight plucked the gem out of Spike’s grasp, then turned to the book as she flipped through the pages to the tables. “I’m not crazy. Something really funny is going on and I don’t like it.”

“Well, why don’t you ask the ferret then? I mean, maybe he has something to say?” Spike chuckled softly, causing Twilight to roll her eyes.

“Ha ha ha. Look, there has to be a reasonable explanation to all this…”

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Twilight stared at the gem, slowly rotating it in her telekinetic grip.


Night came quietly on Ponyville, with stars gleaming in the black-purple velvet sky, the white moon full and bright. Fluttershy had already turned in for the night, having said goodnight to all her animal friends.

Yuuno, however, was restless. The high amount of magic in the area meant that his wounds had recovered surprisingly fast. Even his personal energy store, though diminished, was recharging faster than normal. The ferret shifted in his small sickbed, unable to sleep. The Jewel Seed was still out there, still active and dangerous and probably regenerated from its clash earlier. And that was only one of the missing Lost Logia. He had to hurry. He had to find Raising Heart and get a message to the TSAB to send support.

Yuuno slowly opened his eyes, then crawled out of his basket. He felt well enough to move about at least. He had to admit, Fluttershy was good at taking care of his needs. A bit smothering perhaps, but she obviously meant well.

Then he looked up. A pair of glowing red eyes were glaring down through the window. Fear shot up Yuuno’s spine like a bolt of lightning.

It followed me!?

Yuuno was able to get that thought out before the window shattered under the weight of the black mass, soon followed by the wall. There was a loud thudding and a scream from upstairs as Fluttershy peered down the staircase.

“Ohmigosh, what’s happening? I heard a crash and…”

Yuuno scurried up the stairwell towards Fluttershy, who stared in horror at the massive black blob sitting in her living room. The ferret clung to the pegasus’s tail as she screamed and fled, her wings flapping furiously as she dived out the window. The beast followed, growling as it gave chase to the panicking Fluttershy.

It was all Yuuno could do to hang onto the pony’s tail as she flew, doing his best to concentrate, to send out a panicked thought message.

You they call Twilight, if you can hear my voice, please listen! Your friend is in danger! Your town is in terrible danger! I need your power to stop this!


Twilight sat up with a start, her eyes wide. There was no mistaking it for a dream.

That voice… It has to be the same voice from this afternoon!

Twilight stumbled out of bed, quickly trotting down the stairs. Who was talking to her in her head? It couldn’t be someone from Ponyville. Curiously, she walked over to the table and floated the jewel up to her eye level. Maybe it was the gem? But gems didn’t talk.

The rumbling noise was what caught her attention, right as her door slammed open, a panicked Fluttershy landing ungracefully on the floor.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight ran over, dropping the gem and turning on the lights with a flick of magic. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

“Twi-twi-twi-twilight, m-m-m-monster,” Fluttershy stammered out between rapid gasps, “chasing m-m-me!”

“Monster? What’re you talking about Fluttershy?”

The rumbling noise grew louder. Light in houses came on as formerly sleeping ponies peeked out the windows. Twilight galloped out of the door, then stopped as a large black mass descended from the air, landing with a loud crash and cratering the ground.

“What in the name of Equestria is that thing?!” Twilight swallowed as the mass slowly opened its eyes, ponies screaming in panic as they hid in their houses, doors and windows slamming shut. The…thing turned its gaze towards her and the quivering Fluttershy behind her, a pair of long whisker-like tentacles whipping around.

“Look, I’m sure we can come to a reasonable agreement, like two rational ponies…well, pony and black…thing. Just, s-stay back alright?” Twilight backed up slightly at the thing gave a low moaning noise, slowly advancing towards her. The thing didn’t look anything like she’d seen in her books. Celestia only knew what it was.

“No! Mr. Ferret!”

Twilight looked back at Fluttershy as the golden-furred ferret from earlier climbed out of her tail, dashing out and between Twilight’s legs, the strap leading to a familiar red jewel clasped in its jaws. The monster’s eyes focused on the small animal as it ran, then gave chase, whipping at the small creature, slashing lines in the ground with each attack.

It’s after the ferret? Why in Celestia’s name is it after the ferret!? Twilight stared at the display, the small mustelid only barely dodging the whip-blows. One strike, however, knocked the little creature into the air.

The only thing that prevented him from being slashed by the back stroke was a quick telekinetic yank from Twilight, the animal landing on her back before she took off running. The monster gave a loud growl as it began to give chase.

I’ve got to get this monster away from Ponyville, before anypony gets hurt!

“You…you’re the one…”

That voice interrupted her thoughts again. This time, however, it was audible. And coming from her back. Twilight chanced a look back as the golden ferret held onto her mane, staring back with its big green eyes.

“Wait… you can talk!?”

“Y-yes. You’re the one my message reached…you must be...”

“Kind of busy right now! Why is that thing after you!? What‘s going on!?” The black mass was following her, rolling along like an angry black balloon as it gave chase.

“Look, your village, your friend," the ferret clung for dear life to her mane, shouting over the ruhing air and the rumbling, "everyone here’s in terrible danger until we can beat that thing. I don’t have much time to explain right now, but I need you to lend me your power. You must be of the right type, I can feel it...”

“Right type!?”

“Yes. Please, I’ll repay you as best I can, but you have to trust me!The only way you can beat this thing is if you have my help!”

Twilight skidded to a halt with a scream as the black monster crash-landed in her path, shattering the ground around it.

If this keeps up… Twilight panted, backing away from the beast. “Alright, let's say... I believe you… what… what do I do?”

“Take this!” The ferret held the jewel up to Twilight. The small sphere was glowing softly with a brilliant light. She could feel a gentle warmth flowing out of it as she floated the jewel out of the little creature’s paws with her telekinesis.

“Okay, what do I do now?” Twilight was still backing away as the beast slowly advanced on her.

“Close your eyes, focus your mind on the jewel, and repeat what I say.” The ferret clenched her mane tightly in his paws as Twilight stopped, clenching her teeth as she focused herself. This was crazy. She couldn’t help but tremble slightly as she heard the monster approach.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“I know this seems weird, but please, just go along with it!”

Twilight couldn’t help but nod slowly. She slowly backed up as the creature advanced, trying to concentrate on the floating gem.

She heard the voice in her head again.

I, who accept this mission…

“I, who accept this mission…”

By the ancient contract, order you to release your power.

“By the ancient contract, order you to release your power.”

The winds blow in the sky, the stars are in the heavens…

“The winds blow in the sky, the stars are in the heavens…”

And a resolute heart beats in my chest!

“And a resolute heart beats in my chest.”

There was a gentle pulse in her body now. Twilight cracked one eye, then clenched it tight again. The gem was glowing bright, like a small captured star.

This magic in my hand, I call you forth.

“This magic in my hoof, I call you forth.”

Twilight shuddered, feeling another presence enter her mind as she and the voice said he last words in tandem.


There was a brief pause, then a different voice, mechanical, female and calm, spoke from the jewel.



Celestia blinked sleepily as the door to her chambers slammed open, jolting her awake. She yawned sleepily, slowly climbing from her bed as one of her guard rushed to her side. "Your majesty!"

“What is it?”

“Princess, something’s happening!”

“What, what is it?” A hint of irritation crept into her voice. This had better be important.

“There appears to be a pillar of light coming from Ponyville.”

Those words shocked the sleep from the princess’s mind. “What color is the light?”

“Purple, your majesty.”

Twilight! Images of her first encounter with her student came back quickly as Celestia rose to her full stature. “Gather the royal unicorn guard, quickly. Have them in full gear and meet me in the courtyard as soon as possible. Go!.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The guard galloped out as Celestia floated her regalia over from its storage.

If something’s happened to Twilight, something to make her lose control of her power, then I must act quickly. Please, oh please let me be in time.


Luna stood on her balcony, staring out into the night as the pillar of light erupted from the ground below. The princess of the night frowned slightly at the display of raw power.

“Your Majesty.” Vengeance, one of her night guards, approached, his amber eyes glinting in the light. “Your sister Celestia has awoken and is making ready. Should we accompany her as well?”

“No need.” Luna flicked her mane slightly. “Our sister is concerned for her protégé. It is best we not interfere.”

“Very well, your majesty.” Vengeance knelt slightly as Luna watched the display.

It’s been such a long time since I have seen such a thing, Luna mused, a mysterious smile playing over her lips. Not for a thousand years has such magic touched Equestria.


A brilliant column of purple light burned bright in the sky, stretching upwards and illuminating the darkness. The clouds above were split open and the beast recoiled in apparent fear. Twilight Sparkle stared, dazzled and stunned, at the beam emanating from the jewel.

Yuuno was just as stunned, his mouth slightly agape. So much magical power, he thought to himself. I’ve never seen such a reaction from a device before!

“Miss Twilight!” Yuuno shouted over the ringing sound of the jewel. Twilight blinked, looking down at the ferret.

“Miss! Focus yourself! Raising Heart is going to provide you with a staff and armor! You need to focus though!”

A staff and clothing? Is he kidding? Twilight frowned. A brief image flashed in her mind from the jewel, an image she focused on, concentrated on. Admittedly, she didn’t have a very large pool of ideas to draw on at short notice, so it would have to do.

Slowly, energy took shape. Matter coalesced from nothing, forming itself into a short, slender-shafted staff, white with purple tips. The gem that made up Raising Heart’s core grew to the size of a small apple, then was contained by a nearly-complete loop of golden metal, flanked on either side by cylindrical exhaust nozzles. Energy flowed over Twilight’s form, crafting itself into a dress, white with dark purple highlights and clusters of five-pointed stars, much like her Gala dress but made of sterner cloth. The boots were metallic tipped, comfortable but protective. With a firm telekinetic grip, the staff whirled around Twilight as the defensive aura faded, leaving the unicorn standing there rather confused.

It worked! Yuuno stared. Raising Heart accepted her!

“What the hay is with this outfit? And this staff? What‘s going ONNNN!?” Twilight looked at herself, then looked up and cried out as the monster lunged towards her.

The staff, however, seemed to have other ideas. The mechanical voice rang out again; “PROTECTION.”

The monster collided bodily with a glowing purple hemisphere that appeared above Twilight, energy radiating out from a central point as the monster clashed with the shield. For a few brief seconds, the monster and the shield clashed, Twilight clenching her eyes shut from the brightness. Then, the shield flashed, sending the monster flying backwards with a crash, splattering into a dozen pieces from the shock.

Twilight cracked one eye open and stared. “What…what just happened?”

“That’s the power of Raising Heart.” Yuuno climbed up her dress, having a seat.

“Raising Heart? I don’t get it. Explain ferret, explain fast.

“Okay, okay. The staff that you’re, um, ‘carrying’ is a device that channels magical power…”

Twilight nodded. It’s like the Elements of Harmony. “I get it.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, now what in Celestia’s name is THAT THING!?” She nodded, pointing her staff at the puddles of black goop, which were slowly starting to recombine with a wet, slurping noise.

“That thing is a source of magical power. Terrible, abominable power. The shape you’re seeing is a defense mechanism, designed to protect it.”

“Okay, big scary monster, got it. Now how do I stop it before it tears me and Ponyville apart?”

Yuuno pointed towards the staff. “Raising Heart has a built in sealing spell. In order to stop it completely you need to use the spell to force it into its original form.”

“And how do I do that?” Twilight was starting to get nervous. The creature was already almost re-formed.

“You need to call out the command. The one I use is ‘Jewel Seed, Seal…’”

“Jewel Seed, Seal, got it.”

“INCOMING!” Yuuno crouched slightly as the beast howled, lashing its tendrils towards the pony and the ferret.

And hit nothing but empty air and a flicker of light.

“Hey! Monster!”

The creature swerved around as Twilight reappeared, a slightly singed Yuuno blinking in amazement on her back.

“You think you’re the first oversized creature I’ve handled?” Twilight leveled the staff at the monster, eyes narrowed threateningly.

The beast howled and lunged again, only to collide once again with the wall of protective energy. This time, however, an aura of purple light surrounded the monster, clenching it tight before pulling it bodily away from the shield as Twilight clenched her teeth. The last time she lifted something so heavy was when the Ursa Minor had attacked Ponyville. At least this thing was smaller and not as dense. The Ursa, however, wasn't trying to fight its way free.

"Now Miss Sparkle! Seal it!"

“Alright, alright! Um, Raising Heart? Jewel Seed, Seal!”

The core responded with a chime. This time, Twilight noticed what looked like text play across the jewel’s surface in letters of light.


There was a loud hiss as the shaft stretched out, three pylons extending and expelling wings of purple light and stardust. Suddenly, ribbons of purple energy swirled around the glob of darkness, causing it to writhe and howl. The symbol XXI appeared in red light between its red eyes.

“That’s it Twilight! Call out its Serial Number Twenty One and seal it!”

“Don‘t rush me!” Twilight grimaced, focusing her power into the staff.

“STANDBY. READY,” Raising Heart called out, the text mirroring the Device’s command.

Twilight arched her neck, bringing the staff up and pointing it sky ward. “Jewel Seed, Serial Number Twenty One, SEAL!” She shouted , then swung the staff downwards. The ribbons tightened, energy penetrating the surface of the creature’s body.

There was a flash of light and a loud, hollow boom as the creature collapsed inwards, a diamond-shaped blue jewel no bigger than a grape landing on the ground.

Yuuno darted off of Twilight’s back, picking up the gem and bringing it back. “Here. Quickly. Touch Raising Heart’s core to it.”

Twilight nodded, doing as she was asked. There was a hum and a ripple in the air as the blue diamond was absorbed into Raising Heart’s core. “RECEIPT NUMBER TWENTY ONE, CONFIRMED.”

“There, that’s finally over…” Twilight sighed, the staff floating over to her and resting against her neck… right before she lifted the ferret off the ground telekinetically. “Alright buster, I think you owe me a very, very thorough explanation…”


Twilight perked up, then slowly turned around. There was a crowd, to put it lightly, behind her, headed by Fluttershy, Spike, the Mayor, and nearly everypony else she knew.

How long have they been standing there? Twilight smiled nervously and widely, trying to resist the urge to run away.

There was a pregnant pause…before the crowd erupted into cheers.