• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 16,141 Views, 288 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight - PurpleProse

Magical Girls With Wave-Motion Cannons Meets My Little Pony! What if Twilight became Nanoha?

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Chapter 12: Twilight in the Garden of Time

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Fate’s vision was hazy as she opened her eyes, the sudden bright light sending spikes of pain into her head. The soft, chirping beep wasn’t helping matters much either.

“…like she’s coming around, Miss Sparkle. You may see her for a few minutes.”

“Thanks doctor…” Fate’s vision resolved as she saw a familiar-looking purple face fill her vision, lips pouted in worry, purple and pink hair slightly mussed up over her horn.

“Fate?” Twilight said quietly. “Can you hear me?”

“Nnngh… Twilight?” Fate rubbed her eyes as best she could. It was a struggle even to lift her limbs.

“Oh thank goodness.” The unicorn exhaled in relief. “I was so worried…”

“Where…where am I?”

“You’re on board the Arthra, in the ship’s medical bay.” Twilight pulled back slightly, sitting beside the bed Fate was laying on. “You’ve been unconscious for a while now.”

“How long?”

“About six hours.” Twilight glanced off to the side, her horn lighting up as she levitated a pitcher of water and glass over to her. “We got you up here as soon as we could after what happened. How do you feel.”

“Weak… really…“ Fate’s eyes went wide. “Did-”

“Everyone’s fine, Fate. Your mother got away with some of the Jewel Seeds, but she didn’t seem to be in very good health. Here, you’re probably thirsty.” Twilight floated the cup over to her lips. “Don’t use your magic just yet. You took quite a shock.”

Fate sighed and drank deep, swallowing the cup’s contents in one gulp. “I… I’m sorry. Maybe if-”

She paused as Twilight leaned in, nuzzling her gently. Her eyes closed slightly as she leaned into the nuzzle.

“What you did was very brave, Fate.” Twilight leaned back, resting her forearms on the bed, her chin on top of them as she looked Fate in the eye. “You stood up to Presea. You stood up to her, after all she did to you. I’m impressed.”

“Don’t be.” Fate sighed, glancing away. “I didn’t do it on my own. I had you and Yuuno and Chrono and Arf and… you know… them, with me.”


“The Princesses.” Fate smiled weakly. “I mean…I swear I felt one of them with me. Or at least, I think I did. If it had just been me though, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. I just barely managed it with all that help…”

“I think you sell yourself short, Fate.” Twilight tilted her head to the side. “I would have probably been the same way in your position.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah.” Twilight smiled. “There’s nothing wrong with needing help or support. Nopony-”

“-deserves to be alone.“ Fate exhaled and felt the corners of her mouth turn up slightly in return. “Thank you, Twilight, for being there.”

“It’s no problem. After all, that’s what friends are for.” Twilight paused. “Oh! Um… your Device.”


“Yeah, Bardiche. Um… here.”

Fate frowned as Twilight lifted Bardiche up from below her eye level. The Device had seen better days: a wide web of cracks ran up and down its entire length, the shaft chipped and the blade ragged along its cutting edge. Its head was stuck half-way between Regular and Scythe Form, its rotating mechanism frozen.

“Oh Bardiche…” Fate wrapped her arms around the shaft, holding the Device against her like a teddy bear.

“He got pretty banged up trying to resist that copy Presea made…” Twilight glanced at the Device.

“He’ll be fine.” Fate nuzzled the pulsing core gently. “Won’t you, Bardiche?”

“GET SET.” There was a loud crack, followed by a soft hiss of steam as the axe-head rotated to its regular position.

“Excuse me, Miss Twilight?”

The two of them looked up as the nurse approached. “We need to give Fate a check-over now that she’s awake. If you could excuse us?”

“Oh! Sure. I should tell Arf and the others that she’s awake.” Twilight pulled her forearms from the bed and stood, shaking her mane before turning back to Fate. “You rest up, alright? I can come back later if you want.”

“I think I’d like that.”

Fate blushed slightly as Twilight left the room, letting go of Bardiche as the nurse checked the readouts by her bed.

Nopony deserves to be alone. I’m not alone anymore. Not like I used to be…


“How is she?”

Twilight took a seat at the briefing room table, glancing around at the others as she did so. Arf was leaning across the table, looking at her expectantly, while Chrono and Yuuno flanked her. Lindy, as usual, sat at the head of the table in her captain’s chair.

“She just woke up, but she‘s still weak. The doctors are going to give her a quick check-up, so I decided to let them do their business. It shouldn’t take long, though.”

Yuuno let out his breath. “Thank goodness.”

Arf whined softly, glancing at Lindy. “Ma’am, can I go…”

“Yes, please, go on ahead.” Lindy waved one hand. “I’ll have one of the others fill you in when you return.”

Arf quickly scrambled to her feet, dashing out of the room. Amy managed to side-step out of the way of the Familiar as she fled. “Looks like someone’s in a hurry…”

“Can you blame her?” Twilight shook her head.

“Not really,” Lindy replied before clapping her hands. “Alright, I know that you’re all likely still tired, so I’ll keep this brief. Right now, Presea has twelve of the Jewel Seeds, assuming she has the ones that Fate captured. This, obviously, isn’t good.”

“Not in the least,” Chrono added. “She doesn’t have all twenty-one, but she has more than half of the Seeds, which is more than enough to cause massive problems.”

“We already know her stated objective; she intends to use the Seeds to reach Al-Hazard, the long-lost world where magic originated from,” Yuuno spoke up, crossing his arms, “even though it’s believed to be just a myth.”

“I’m more worried about the side effects of her attempt,” Lindy steepled her fingers, resting her elbows on the surface of the table’s surface. “Twelve Seeds resonating would provide an incredible amount of power. If something were to go wrong, the resulting catastrophe would likely rip a hole in the fabric of D-Space, possibly wiping out any nearby dimension.”

Amy raised her hand as she stopped at the end of the table. “Captain, we have a bigger problem than just that.”

Lindy glanced down the table at her. “What?”

Amy produced her data pad and tapped on it. “I took the energy scans I got off of Presea during the fight earlier and compared them to the general database. I figured it’d help if I could identify Preseas power source. I found a match, or at least something very, very close.” There was a soft hum as the table’s projector lit up showing two matching graphs.

“As you can see,” Amy‘s face was neutral as the two graphs slid together and overlapped, “the energy signature Presea was giving off was a very close match to the energy readings taken from the disaster site at the Dimensional Reactor Incident twenty-six years ago. Which means…”

“Which means that Presea rebuilt her reactor.” Chrono stared at the graphs. “Are you sure that this is accurate, Amy?”

“Positive. The sensors were calibrated so that Equestria’s natural ’noise’ was filtered out, so to speak. Sure, the energy signature is a bit cleaner than the older sample, but they’re only a few tenths of a point off.”

“But how?” Twilight rubbed her hoof against her chin. “How could someone just build something like this in secret?”

“Black market equipment, illegal magic, theft…a lot can be done in two and a half decades, especially by someone as insane and driven as Presea.” Chrono shook his head. “We need to move fast. The last thing we need is to leave Presea alone with that much power. For all we know, Presea could be activating the Seeds as we speak.”

“I don’t think so.” Yuuno glanced over at the Enforcer. “You saw the state she was in. She’s all but ruined her body with that assault earlier…”

“Be that as it may, Mister Scrya,” Lindy stood from her seat, “Chrono is right. We need to intervene soon, if not right now. The Arthra’s dimensional drive is fully functional, so we should make good time.” Lindy turned to glance at Twilight. “I’m assuming you’re going to insist on joining us?”

“What better way to show cooperation between our respective governments than by engaging in a joint peacekeeping mission?” Twilight smiled serenely.

“My thoughts exactly.” Lindy inhaled. “I’ll have to speak with your Princess, of course.”

“Of course.” Twilight glanced at Chrono. “Any objections?”

“No, Twilight, no objections.” Chrono rose from his seat. “I just hope your Princess doesn’t mind working with us. Or borrowing you, for that matter.”

“You’ll have to talk to them about that. But if all else fails,” Twilight rose as well, “my friends and I will be happy to stand with you.”


“Where have you been?!”

Twilight didn’t expect six different voices to shout at her the second she and Yuuno stepped into the library. And yet, all five of her friends plus Spike had clustered around her, their voices raising in a cacophony.

“What in tha’ hay were ya’ll doin’ out there sugarcube?! We saw tha light…”

“I can’t believe you went out there and fought something without me! I could’ve…”

“Darling, where’s Fate!? Is she hurt? Did something…”

“…And there was this huge beam of light like SHOOM and then…”

“…and all of the animals got really scared…”

“…and they all came here looking for you, and I had to tell everypony…”

“QUIET!” Twilight shouted over the din, flailing her arms.

“…and I was like, duh, rave party!” Pinkie paused, then grinned playfully as the others glanced at her.

“Look, if everypony would calm down for just a minute, I’ll explain everything.” Twilight exhaled loudly. “I’m sorry I worried everypony, but things got a little out of hoof. Spike, would you mind getting us something to drink real quick?”

“Looks to me you need something a little stronger than tea.”

“I’m fine. Worn out, but fine. Get me some of that herbal stuff Zecora always gives me.”


“What happened Twilight?” Rarity trotted over to Twilight as the purple unicorn had a seat. “Was it another incident with the Jewel Seeds?”

“Sort of…”


The evening sun glittered across the gold-tipped spires of Canterlot, making the minarets look like they were on fire. Lindy had to admit, the effect was rather stunning. For all she liked Mid-Childa, she had to admit that Equestria’s capital did have Cranagan beaten in terms of aesthetics.

The doors opened to the private chambers, allowing the two Princesses entry into the room. Lindy bowed politely to the two alicorns, partly out of respect, and partly out of the sheer weight of their presence. “Your majesties, thank you for seeing me on such short notice.”

“It was no trouble at all, really.” Celestia smiled as she and her sister took their seats. “Though I have to admit, we’ve been a bit busy today. After my student’s little light show in the desert, there have been murmurings of concern among our subjects.”

“Yes. That’s part of the reason why I’m here.” Lindy took a seat on her cushion as well as the guards shut the door. “I’m sure you’re aware of what happened?”

“We are aware of what has transpired.” Luna fixed her sister with an irritated look before turning back to Lindy. A thrill of fear ran up Lindy’s back as Luna looked her dead in the eye. “We know of the circumstances of the event, of the foul one who invaded our territory to conduct her brief and ill-fated interdiction.”

“Um… yes.” Lindy swallowed, trying not to look nervous. “That’s why I’m here. We’re about to arrest her. Twilight has asked to join in on the operation. Now, seeing as she’s your subject and we have yet to finalize diplomatic relations, I thought it best I ask your permission if I could…ahem… borrow Twilight for a bit. A joint mission between the Bureau and a possible new ally, as it were.”

“I don’t see why not.” Celestia nodded gently. “By all means. Though I’d imagine Twilight won’t be the only one going.”

“Thank you, your Majesty,” Lindy began.

“Pardon us, Captain Harlaown.” Luna interrupted, “but we wish to add an additional caveat.”


Luna smiled thinly, “Long has it been since our subjects have stepped beyond the shields of this world. If it should so occur again, t’would be best if somepony were to accompany them into the void. We request that we also assist in this military operation.”

“By we…”

“She means herself.” Celestia spared a glance at Luna and a small smile. “My sister is getting a little antsy, it seems.”

“We have merely become rankled from our constant restraint, sister mine.” Luna drew her head up regally and sniffed. “We have sat by and observed from a distance, but no longer. We thirst for action. We wish to spread forth our wings and strike down upon those who would threaten our beloved subjects with swift and righteous fury.”

Luna opened one eye as Celestia giggled behind one hoof, then huffed and crossed her forelimbs at the fetlocks. “Must you laugh so, sister?”

“Sorry. I just love it when you get so serious, Luna.” Celestia giggled again as Luna snorted, shaking her head.

“Um…I didn’t expect we’d have a head of state aboard our ship…” Lindy started cautiously. “Are you sure that’s alright? I mean, given your duties?”

“I can handle Luna’s work load, Captain,” Celestia smiled, “I’ve done it for quite a while.”

“I…see.” Lindy glanced over at Luna.

I don’t think telling her that it’s dangerous would change her mind. There’s something decidedly…martial about her.

“Alright then, Princess Luna. You’re welcome aboard our ship.”

“Should I prepare an honor guard, Luna?” Celestia turned back to her sister.

“Nay.” Luna returned the look with one of her own, brows furrowed and slightly…irritated. “We would not want the guard to be so endangered, would we, oh sister mine?”

There was a pause, then Celestia sighed. “Alright. No honor guard then.”

“Then we shall depart to prepare ourselves for the journey. Pardon us.” Luna rose from her seat and, with an imperious nod and a flick of her wings, left the room.

Lindy watched her go. “Is she always like that?”

Celestia sighed wistfully. “She is. I keep telling her to loosen up, but… well, we all have our own little quirks. She’ll work through them eventually, I hope.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea, though?” Lindy glanced at Celestia. “What if she were to get hurt?”

Celestia arched an eyebrow, then laughed. “Captain, I’m not sure that anyone could hurt either of us, unless we wanted it to happen. We’re a bit… special, as you’ve gathered.”

Special isn’t the word I’d use. Lindy thought to herself.


“…and that’s the situation right now.” Twilight exhaled. “I’m going with Lindy and the others to capture Presea and put an end to all of this.”

There was a brief moment of silence before Rainbow Dash spoke up.

“Count me in.”

“Me too.” Applejack nodded in agreement.

“I’ll be going as well.” Rarity flicked her hair.

“And where Rarity goes, I’m going too.” Spike punched one clawed hand into the other.

“No way we’re gonna miss this!” Pinkie Pie grinned as she pulled Fluttershy over, eliciting a small squeak from the pegasus.

Twilight smiled faintly as she glanced up at Yuuno. “I suppose this is the point where I tell them it’s too dangerous for them to come along?”

“Of course.” Yuuno nodded sagely, though the strain of keeping a straight face was obvious. “As we all know, the others would have a difficult time with all the fighting…”

“That’s right.” Twilight snickered. “Because… because… I can’t do this. Alright girls, I’d go and get whatever it is you need to get, because I don’t think the Captain wants to wait too long to get under way.”


“We are surprised that you’re allowing us this point, sister.” Luna flicked her mane as Celestia entered her quarters, an ivory brush running along the ever-coiling misty blue length as she sat before her mirror. “After all, was it not your idea to restrain ourselves from such ostentatious shows of power such as combat?”

Celestia sighed. “You’re upset that I didn’t let you go after Presea when she attacked. I figured this would be the best way to make up for it.”

Luna snorted. “Is that so?”

“It is.”

Luna turned to face her sister. “And?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “And?”

“Is this not where you reveal what other plans you have, sister? Surely you have some other machination in mind. Otherwise, you’d not carry a box behind you upon your back, with wings folded so as to obscure it.”

Celestia sighed, her horn lighting up as she hovered the black box up from behind her. “I just want you to deliver these to Twilight and her friends. They’ll know when to use them.”

Luna paused, her eyes focused on the unassuming parcel. “Are those what we believe them to be?”

“They are.” Celestia approached Luna, taking a seat beside her. “Luna, I…”


Celestia lowered her eyes. “I know I’m hard to deal with sometimes. I’m sorry if I’m always scheming or trying to be… well… you know…”


“That works. You know Honesty was never one of my defining elements.” Celestia smiled. “That was more your expertise.”

“Forthright and direct in word and deed.” Luna rolled her eyes, but leaned against her sister.

“I’m sorry if I’ve upset you Luna. I really do have our world’s best interests at heart. It’s just after a couple of centuries, habits tend to get hard to break.”

Celestia blinked as Luna leaned up, pecking her gently on the cheek.

“Apology accepted, sister mine.” Luna sighed, nuzzling against her. “It would be nigh unto impossible for me to maintain true hostility towards you. I only ask that you simply allow me into your schemes, that is all. I am not another chess piece to be moved about the board.”

“Alright. I promise.”

“You promise what?”

“If I ever start plotting or planning something devious, I’ll let you know.” Celestia glanced at her sister, who nodded in satisfaction.

“Good.” Luna smiled. “It has been ever so long since I’ve fought. Not since…”

“I know.” Celestia grinned. “Just try not to go overboard, Luna. You do tend to get enthusiastic about these things.”

“I shall make no promises on that, sister.” Luna smirked as she broke from the embrace, raising to her feet. “Now I must depart to raise the moon. I shall see the anon, when the human witch’s forces have been routed.”

Celestia could only shake her head as Luna made her way out onto the balcony.


“This ain’t like no boat ah’ve ever been on.”

Twilight glanced over her shoulder at her friends as they exited the transit room, the lot of them looking around in a mix of fear, wonder and curiosity. “That’s because it’s not a regular ship, Applejack. It’s a special ship that the humans use to travel between worlds.”

“Ain’t that somethin.’”

“You would think that they’d do something about the color palette.” Rarity noted as she looked around, a clinical expression of distaste on her face. “I’m all for clean and modern, but nothing but white makes everything look antiseptic and sterile.”

“Considering it’s a military ship, I don’t think that style really matters much.” Yuuno chuckled.

“Of course style matters. If nothing else, a bit of decoration would make things seem a lot friendlier.”

“Not everything is solid white Rarity. We’re just in one of the hallways.” Twilight glanced around. “If I remember correctly, we were supposed to meet the Captaiin at the bridge. This way, everypony.”

The collection of ponies made their way down the hall, most of them talking in quiet voices until they reached the door to the bridge. There was a soft hiss as the door slid open, admitting them inside.

“Woah! This is pretty impressive.” Rainbow Dash fluttered over the group and landed near the captain’s chair, then flopped onto it with a grin.

“Um, Dash?” Fluttershy floated over beside her. “I don’t think you’re supposed to sit there.”

“Relax Fluttershy, it’s just a chair!”

“Actually,” Chrono glanced over at the pegasus with an irritated look, “that’s the captain’s seat. Please get out of it.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and climbed out of the chair. “Fine. Party pooper.”

“I’m actually surprised the Captain’s not here.” Twilight looked at Chrono. “Where is she, anyway?”

“She’s doing a check-in with HQ. I’ve been busy giving the other Enforcers a briefing on what to expect at the Garden of Time. Not much a briefing, but enough to get everyone prepared.” Chrono looked over the assembled ponies. “I assume you’ve all come prepared for a fight?”

“Yer’ darn tootin’ we did.” Applejack pushed her hat up and smiled smugly.

“I can’t wait to deck that Presea lady for everything she’s done.” Rainbow punched the air demonstratively. “This is going to be so awesome.”

The door hissed open behind them. “Let’s hope that you’re right about that, Miss Dash.” Lindy replied as she entered, followed closely by a familiar, shadowy alicorn.

“Hello Cap- Princess Luna?!” Twilight squeaked mid-sentence as the other ponies bowed. “What’re you doing here?”

“Greetings, oh Elements.” Luna replied, her voice taking on a faintly ethereal quality to it. “We have come to join you in this endeavor, as a proper leader should!”

“Join us?”

“Indeed. Is it not still customary for a force to be lead from the front lines? We shall force the fool Presea Testarossa to pay for her insolence and misdeeds against our land and subjects!”

Rainbow leaned in to whisper to Twilight. “I dunno about you, but I’m kinda digging this now.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, then turned back to Luna. “I wouldn’t know anything about military protocol, but I’m glad you’re with us, Princess.”

“Indeed. Though we also come bearing gifts from our sister.” There was a flicker as Luna drew a slender black box from the ether, the case hovering over to Twilight before landing at her feet. “Our sister said that you and your friends would know the proper occasion of their use.”

Twilight paused and opened the case. The lights of the bridge glittered across the six gems inside, five of them set into delicate golden collars and one in a bejeweled crown.

“T…the Elements of Harmony!?”

“Wow. The Princess must be serious if she wants us using those.” Rarity peered into the case. “Still as dazzling as always.”

“So these are the Element’s I’ve heard about.” Yuuno whispered softly as he looked at the jewels. “Amazing…”

“I hate to interrupt,” Lindy said aloud as she took her seat at the captain’s chair, “but we really should get underway. I suggest you all use this time to rest up and prepare for the coming assault. It should take a few hours before we arrive at the Garden of Time. Your majesty, feel free to use my quarters if you wish.”

“We shall. Thank you.”

“Um,” Fluttershy raised a hoof, “if you don’t mind, I think I’ll go visit Fate.”

“Alright. She’s in the medical bay.”

“I’m coming with you,” Rainbow landed beside Fluttershy. “We oughta see how the pipsqueak’s doing.”

“I think I’ll join you,” Rarity glanced over at Twilight and the others. “What about you?”

“I think I’ll wait until you’re all done. Besides, I need to get something to eat. I’m starving.”

“Me too. Didn’t have time to get any dinner before all this here excitement.” Applejack felt her stomach grumble.

“You and me both.” Spike grumbled just as loudly as the earth pony’s midsection.

“Me three! I hope they have good stuff here. I’d be so super disappointed if they didn’t at least have cake. What sort of place doesn’t have cake?” Pinkie’s chattering continued even as the ponies left the bridge.


Pain. So much pain.

Presea’s body felt like it was on fire. The healing spells she had used had helped the outward damage, but her insides felt like they were boiling. If anything, the corrosion of her body was starting to show. Patches of her coat were gone when she removed her Barrier Jacket, replaced with thin, scratch-like scars that ached in time to her heartbeat. Her newly-grown horn was traced with glowing cracks, like a vase someone had carelessly put back together with super glue. Her nosebleed, though intermittent, was getting worse, and her lungs were so far gone that she had to breathe in the tiniest gasps of air.

The mage-turned-unicorn slowly limped into her inner sanctum. Dispite the fact that she despised her new form, she had to admit it had its uses; namely that she was less likely to collapse. She looked up at Alicia, her darling Alicia, and smiled as best she could.

“Alicia… Mother’s… here…” Presea leaned against the tube-shaped tank, thankful for the cool glass against her skin.

The tank bubbled softly.

“Yes… Mother looks… funny.” Her voice came out in a weak croak. “So funny… hah…”

Presea reached up with a hoof, stroking the glassy container lovingly. She felt her eyes grow wet as a warm stream of blood trickled from her nose again. Her other hoof pushed against her nostrils. “Mother’s… mother’s sorry Alicia… Mother has… been very bad recently. But she’ll be better. She…she won’t leave you Alicia. Together… forever… in Al-Hazard.”

Presea choked, slumping and laying on all fours beside the tank, her eyes half-closed. “Mother… mother’s dying Alicia. Mother is dying and she can’t stop it… but… she won’t have to. She’ll reach Al-Hazard, where there is no death, no sadness…”

Presea closed her eyes, wiping them and her nose, the blood and tears staining the sleeve of her Barrier Jacket.

“Mother…just needs to rest a bit. Then we’ll go.”


Twilight stood silently on the bridge, watching D-Space swirl around the ship like purple haze. Only the shifting hues that passed along the windows indicated that the ship was moving. The chatter of the bridge crew as they called out status reports to their fellows and the soft, distant hum of the engines were the only sounds that reached Twilight’s ears.

There was a soft hiss as the bridge door opened. “What’re you doing still up?”

Twilight turned to look at Lindy as the captain entered, walking around to take a seat at her chair. “I couldn’t sleep very well. Nerves.”

“More than that, from the looks of it.” Lindy leaned back in her chair, a cup of tea in one hand. “Penny for your thoughts?”

“I’m just… thinking about how things have gone so weird recently. More than a month ago, I was just another unicorn in Equestria, going about my daily life. Sure, I was the Princess’s personal student and things were always interesting around Ponyville, but never like this. Now I’m some sort of warrior-mage, I’ve made contact with an entirely new species, discovered that Ponies aren’t alone in the universe, and now I’m off to defeat another dangerous psychotic with vast magical power. It’s been a little overwhelming, to say the least.”

“Mm.” Lindy mumbled as she drank her tea.

“Captain…what happens after this?” Twilight looked over at her. “I mean, after we’ve captured Presea and brought her to justice?”

“Well,” Lindy set her cup down. “once we’ve apprehended Presea, we’ll likely take her to HQ for holding until her trial. After that, well, it’s a little more of a gray area. The higher-ups will likely convene and interview you and your friends, and likely Princess Luna before officially opening diplomatic channels with Equestria.”

“And what about Fate?”

“Fate… is an odd case. Being an artificially created mage, she technically doesn’t have any next of kin we can send her to live with. Until we can find a suitable place for her…”

“My family can take her.”

Lindy paused and hmmed. “Have you talked to Fate about that?”

Twilight nodded. “She said she’d think about it.”

“That might be best. The poor girl needs a proper family…”

Twilight nodded, then glanced at Lindy’s cup, making a nose as she caught a whiff of steam. “Can I ask you a question?”


“Green tea with milk and sugar? Seriously?”

“Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” Lindy smirked and lifted her cup, sipping it serenely.


Presea’s eyes opened as the alarm went off. The proximity alarm, the one she set up in case a traveling dimensional ship entered her little area of D-Space. She groaned as she rose to her feet, her muscles burning as she walked. It had been a brief few hours of pain-filled sleep. She still felt mostly drained, but at least she wasn’t delirious with agony.

She walked out of her inner sanctum slowly, her breathing short and strained as she passed through the bedroom and into the central throne room. The alarm hurt her ears; she felt them fold against her skull in reaction to the sound. There was a soft hum as she lowered herself onto her throne, propping herself against the back and trying to steady her heartbeat as the automated healing spells activated, giving her a brief moment of release.

A circle of glyphs appeared before her, resolving into a communications screen, the circle filled with the face of a young woman with green hair. “Presea Testarossa?” She sounded slightly shocked.

Presea didn’t reply.

The brief moment of surprise quickly passed as she took on a more professional tact. “I am Captain Lindy Harlaown of the Time-Space Administration Bureau patrol craft Arthra. I am here to notify you that you are under arrest for your crimes, including assaulting a Bureau Naval Vessel during a time of peace.”

“So…you’ve finally found me.”

“We have. We request that you surrender immediately, for your sake and the sake of any neighboring dimensional areas.”

Lindy blinked as Presea began to laugh. She managed a few guffaws before she had to inhale.

“You think I’ll just surrender, like that?” Presea hissed through her teeth. “You are mistaken, Captain Lindy Harlaown. I do not fear your Bureau or its laws or you, for that matter. Even if you do capture me, I will not last even the tiniest fraction of whatever sentence you’ll put to me. I have nothing left to lose.”

“Miss Testarossa, please. I read your file…”

Presea’s eyes narrowed. “Have you?”

“Yes. I know wh-”

“Have you ever lost someone, Captain Harlaown?” Presea interrupted tersely.

Lindy paused, then nodded. “Yes.”

“Someone you loved?”


“Someone precious to you?”


“Did you watch them die?”

Lindy inhaled slowly. “Yes.”

“Did you grieve? Did you weep?“

“I did.”

“Did you ever wish, deep in your heart, that you could bring them back?”

“Yes. More than anything.”

“Then you know why I must do this. I must have my Alicia back. I must… she was the only good thing I had in my life, the only thing that gave me a reason to go on...”

“That doesn’t mean what you’re doing is right.”

Presea frowned as Lindy fixed her with a stern look.

“You have my sympathies, Presea, but what you’re doing is insane. I understand your grief, but something like this…” Lindy shook her head. “How much are you willing to sacrifice for your own selfishness?”

Presea met Lindy‘s eyes and smiled weakly. “If I had to, I would sacrifice a dozen worlds and every person living on them if it would give me my Alicia back.”

“You would?”

“In a heartbeat.”

“Then I’m going to have to stop you.”

“You can try.” Presea waved a hoof, the communication window closing with a flicker of light. She rested her hoof on her throne and nudged one of the arm rests. There was a soft, distant rumble as she felt the HYDRA’s power permeate the Garden.

“This is it. Rise, my loyal guards. Keep the intruders from interfering in my quest. Kill all who enter this Garden.”

The throne sank into the wall with a rumble, a blast shield sliding down over where it once stood.


“That could have gone better.” Lindy sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

“I’m surprised that Presea was a pony.” Chrono rubbed his chin. “I didn’t expect that.”

“Given her condition after the battle, she likely had next to no energy to shield herself from the effects of the Equestrian barrier. Sensors!” Lindy shouted down to the lower deck of the bridge, “How’re the scans looking?”

“Deep-layer scan of the Garden is still processing,” came the reply. “We should have enough data to form a basic tactical map in a few minutes!”

“Ma’am, we’re getting some strange reactions throughout the area.”

“Dimensional disturbances?” Lindy frowned.

“No, not exactly. Wait, I’ll bring them up onto the monitor.”

The holographic monitor blinked into existence above Lindy’s station, showing the cathedral-like entrance to the Garden. As she watched, huge constructs four or five times taller than an average human and armed with swords, shields, lances, axes, and numerous other weapons seemed to emerge from the ground and the walls, taking up defensive positions as their eyes lit up.

“Automated defenses.” Lindy rubbed her forehead. “At least they look like they’re relatively low quality.”

“Quantity has its own type of quality. And there’s a lot of those robots there, and likely even more inside the citadel proper.” Chrono exhaled. “I just hope we’re ready. What I wouldn’t give for a battleship and a full ten squads of Enforcers right now.”

“It’d take too long for a battleship to arrive, and by then it’d be too late. Go and get the strike teams ready for transit. I’ll have Amy coordinate with me for the tactical planning.”

“Aye aye, ma’am.” Chrono saluted and jogged out the door as Lindy settled into the command chair.”


Fate hated feeling so weak. All she could do was lay on her side like a rag doll and, every so often, toddle to the lavatory with Arf’s help. She felt helpless.

Scratch that, she was helpless.

Fate sighed, glancing at Bardiche as she laid there. Her Device wasn’t much better. She couldn’t even draw up the strength to repair it with her magic. She felt pathetic. She’d given permission for Arf to join the others in the assault, but part of her wished that her Familiar was still there.

A great shadow fell across her, followed by a familiar coolness. “Frailty does not suit you, child of lightning.”

“Princess Luna?” Fate rolled over slowly, blinking up at the dark alicorn.

“Forgive us for not approaching you sooner. We have been most occupied.” Luna rested a hoof on the bed as she inspected her. “You are weak, yes?”

Fate nodded. “The doctors said it was due to me being linked to the Jewel Seeds like I was. It should go away eventually.”

The princess clicked her tongue. “That will not do.”

“What’re you…?” Fate froze as Luna leaned down, touching her horn to Fates s it began to glow a deep royal blue. Fate’s blood ran frigid for a brief moment, then began to warm as her muscles began to prickle, as though they’d been asleep.

“We have used some of our power to accelerate your healing. Though we are not as skilled in such arts as our sister, we do know ways to cure such grievous wounds. How fare you now, Fate?”

Fate winced as she lifted an arm. “I… feel better? At least I can move now.”

“The pain will likely subside soon. It is likely your presence will be needed in the coming battle. What say you to that, oh child of lightning?”

Fate frowned. “I…I’ll do what I can. I’m still scared of fighting my mother, but…”

“Thine fears are understandable. To raise ones hoof against one’s kin is an abhorrent thing, of this we know…” Luna’s voice trailed off.

“Is…that what you meant by your sins?”

“It is.” Luna looked away. “Our tongue is most traitorous, it seems. Our enthusiasm for the coming fight has made us careless.” The princess shook herself visibly, then glanced down at Bardiche. “This is your weapon, I presume?”

“Yes. His name is Bardiche.”

“An admirable tool. Though we prefer more graceful weapons, the axe is a weapon worthy of respect. Though it seems to us quite damaged.”

Fate watched as Luna leaned her head down, a steam of blue light leaping from Luna’s horn to Baridche’s core. Golden light flooded over the Device’s body, coating it in a thin layer of gilt before it shattered, its entire frame whole and unmarred.


“Thank you.” Fate smiled in gratitude, sliding over to Luna and embracing the alicorn, causing her to stiffen slightly.

“We…you are welcome, Fate Testarossa.”

Fate let go, blushing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“We understand. It is just that we are…unused to such shows of gratitude from our subjects.”

Fate blinked. “I’m one of your subjects?”

“We…suppose so?” Luna looked mildly confused.

“…Thank you.”

There was a pause, before Luna coughed abruptly. “We shall see you then on the field of honor, oh child of lightning. We must be off, to prepare.”

And without another word, Luna turned and swept from the room, leaving Fate alone. The filly closed her eyes and lifted Bardiche from its resting place, the Device’s core glittering brilliantly. She was still afraid, but there was a sense of calmness now that had replaced her fear.

“I am the child of lightning, Fate Testarossa,” she said quietly, “and from now on, I am my own person. No matter what mother says, I am her daughter. But I am not Alicia. I am myself, and I will walk forward…’

Fate smiled. Saying those words felt good. She climbed off the medical bed and swept Bardiche to her side, her Barrier Jacket springing into being around her body as her black cloak fluttered.

“I will walk forward,” she repeated, “with a fresh start.”


“Is everypony ready?”

Twilight glanced over her friends as they nodded. Everyone except Spike were wearing their respective Elements, while Spike was sharpening his claws with a horn file he had borrowed from Rarity. Pinkie, of course, had her saddlebags on her back, while Applejack had her lasso wound up on one side of her barrel. There was a faint air of nervousness in the air.

The humans weren’t much better. Everyone was crowded into the transporter room with them. There were about twenty Enforcers, all in black coats and holding staffs at the ready, quietly talking amongst themselves. Yuuno was busily pacing between the two groups, human and Equestrian. Arf was following a few steps behind him, her tail swishing.

“What’re we waiting for, anyway?” Rainbow Dash grumbled as she tapped her hoof on the floor. “We should be out there, kicking some serious-”

“We have to wait for Chrono and the Princess to arrive…” Twilight fell quiet as Chrono stepped into the room.

“Enforcers! Attention!” The young man stepped forwards, striking the butt of his Device against the floor. The Enforcers quickly drew themselves to attention, standing at parade rest with their staffs against their shoulders.

“As you’re all aware,” Chrono called out as he walked up and down the lines of Enforcers, “we are entering into a hostile area to arrest a dimensional-threat level criminal. Currently, our target is hidden in the depths of a large satellite, behind many layers of automated defense drones and possibly more. Thankfully, we are not alone in this endeavor, as we have assistance from a group of Equestrians, in addition to one of their leaders, all of whom are ready to fight.”

There was a soft mumble in response to that.

“We have three objectives. One: the capture of Presea Testarossa, alive if possible. Two: the deactivation and retrieval of the Lost Logia referred to as the Jewel Seeds, and three; the prevention of a large-scale dimensional catastrophe. You have been trained for this, you have been briefed. We are the only chance to stop this incident. Do you understand?”

“YES SIR!” The reply was loud as the Enforcers saluted.

“I must admit,” Rarity rubbed her chin as Chrono continued addressing the Enforcers, “he certainly does have the presence of someone in charge.”

“Ah still cain’t believe someone let someone that young get in charge.” Applejack snorted as she talked quietly. “That’d be like me puttin’ Apple Bloom in charge ah Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Or me putting Sweetie Belle in charge of the Boutique. But then again, maybe Chrono’s a special case. You know, a child prodigy.”

“Lindy did say he was talented for someone his age.” Twilight hmmed. “I guess the Bureau works off of merit…”

“Does everyone understand the plan?” Chrono called out, drawing Twilight’s attention back. There was an attack to get ready for, after all.”


Thunder rang out as lightning flickered among the many spires of the Garden of Time, the brilliant bolts providing short bursts of light in the gloom, glinting off the armor-clad automatons guarding the gate. The brief flashes were drowned out, however, by the glow of transit spells as the assembled mages and ponies appeared.

Twilight stared at the machines, Raising Heart floating just above her head. “There’s so many of them.”

“Yeah.” Chrono held his own Staff at the ready as the Enforcers moved up and formed ranks, the two squads bringing their staves into firing position. “Not exactly ideal circumstances. We really can’t afford to waste any time.”


The shadows grew longer and deeper, and the air grew cold. Twilight felt her hackles raise as a whirlwnd of navy blue light spun into existence, resolving itself into the shape of Princess Luna. The alicorn’s shadow writhed and twisted and her mane shone with brilliant stars.

“My god…” Chrono whispered as the Enforcers drew back.

“Oh my…” Twilight whispered as Luna flared her wings.

“Come, oh powers of darkness,” Luna’s voice boomed as the lightning crackled and streamed down to her, “my loyal shadows, my icy gales, my lightning in the gloaming, and all the magic of the majestic night! YOUR MISTRESS COMMANDS YOU TO RISE!”

Bolts of blue, indigo and violet lightning danced out from the dark alicorn‘s horn, wrapping around robots like tame snakes and searing through their armor. A chilling wind blew forth from Luna’s wings, and the hovering machines found their armor coated cap to wing in sheets of mother-of-pearl-hued ice. The shadows lengthened, forming black chains that tied up weapons and crushed armor like so much tissue paper. Luna’s tail twisted and reached into her shadow, the darkness coiling up into a pair of hovering, crescent-moon blades forged from moonlight and shadow, glinting in an iridescent array of colors, only slightly muted by the darkness.

A real and honest terror gripped Twilight’s heart. She had never seen the Princesses fight. Equestria had not had an actual large-scale conflict in decades, maybe centuries if her knowledge of history was correct. True, she knew that Celestia could get angry, or upset, but never violent.

Never like this.

If this is what Princess Luna’s really like, some tiny, rational part of Twilight’s brain noted, then I think I’ll stay in her good graces. Luna makes Nightmare Moon look like a half-trained foal.

“Kaiserfarbe,” Yuuno’s voice came out in a reverent whisper. “The color of kings… How..?”

Luna turned to regard the humans and Equestrians. “Come then, allies and subjects. We would have words with Presea!”

Luna paused, blinking at the shell-shocked stares she was getting from the others. “Why dost thou gawk?”

“I think we’re all…a bit intimidated.” Chrono managed, somehow, to keep his voice deadpan, even though his face had gone pale.

“Fear us not, for we art thine ally! Come, the way shall be cleared!” Luna flared her wings and pointed imperiously at the front door. A brilliant bolt of lightning flashed from above her crowned head, blasting the thick doors off their hinges. “FORWARD!”

Chrono coughed. “Change of plans everyone. Squads One and Two are with us. I think her Majesty can handle things.”

“That’s like sayin’ water’s wet, or tha’ sky’s blue,” Applejack choked out, hiding behind Twilight along with a quivering Fluttershy. Even Rainbow Dash seemed frozen in place.

Twilight shook herself, doing her best to ignore the coolness in the air, her Barrier Jacket fluttering as she did so. “C-come on. Let’s go girls, Presea’s waiting…”


“All teams have entered the Garden of Time!”

“Sending area data uplink to all teams via telepathic link!”

“Synchronization with satellite is stable! Defensive shields are at full power!”

Lindy listened to the chatter of the bridge crew from her seat above them, her fingers steepled before her as she watched the monitors. Luna’s demonstration of power had been quite impressive, to say the least.

Then again, I wouldn’t expect anything less from a being that predates the Belkan Empire. The sisters have a lot more secrets than they’re letting on, I wager.

She shook her head. No time for that, now. Focus Lindy.

“Sensors, any dimensional disturbances detected yet?”

“Negative Cap- wait…” There was a loud klaxon as a holographic map of the Garden blinked into existence, several brilliant red spheres blooming near the center of the mass. “We’re picking up a high-level dimensional reaction inside the Garden, rapidly increasing in size! At this rate, there will be a massive dimensional dislocation!”

“Time until dislocation?” Lindy stood up from her chair.

“Approximately thirty minutes!”



Spheres of pink light streaked out from around Twilight, hammering home into the golden-armored machines and blasting them into pieces. Rainbow Dash streaked by past the exploding hunks of metal, a well-placed flying kick knocking one robot’s head free before the pegasus darted off to another target.

“How’s everypony doing?” Twilight shouted over the din of combat.

“We’re holdin’ on sugarcube!” Applejack called out through her clenched teeth as she lassoed a flying robot, yanking it down to earth before she sent it flying into another target with a well-placed buck. Fluttershy, meanwhile, had fixed her Stare on a small cadre of the robots, her wings spread as the mechanical soldiers slowly backed away.

“I could use a little help here!” Rarity shrieked, her horn burning as she tried to hold back one robot’s massive axe.

“Hold on Rarity!”

The pale fashionista winced slightly as the axe’s shaft melted under a gout of Spike’s green fire, the small dragon landing beside Rarity as the unicorn grinned.

“Why thank you, spikey-wikey.” Rarity beamed and nonchalantly chucked the axe head into the now-disarmed robot, the heavy edged weapon burying itself into its mechanical cranium.


Twilight covered herself as several of the robots exploded into chunks of metal and flying confetti. Pinkie Pie grinned as she spun her party cannon around, searching for any remaining targets.

“I think that’s all for this area. Is anyone hurt?”

“Not really, but these things just keep coming.” Rainbow landed beside Twilight, folding her wings up as she did so.

“An’ this is jus’ the ones that ain’t goin’ after Princess Luna.” Applejack wound her lasso up carefully as the others trotted over to Twilight. “Ah hate tah think of how many we’d be fightan’ if it weren’t for her.”

“Me too,” Spike huffed as he rubbed his throat. “This is the first time I’ve used so much fire in a single day. I’m going to have a sore throat after this is done.”


Twilight zoned out slightly as she heard the telepathic message. Yuuno? What’s your status?

Me, Chrono, Arf and the others are making our way towards the upper floors. It seems that the higher we go, the lighter the defenses get. How’re you girls handling?

Running into some resistance, but nothing we can’t handle. Have you found Presea?

No. I think she might be down below you. Just be careful. Try not to engage her until we’ve got her reactor shut down.

Alright. Twilight inhaled. “Alright everyone, let’s keep-”

There was a distant rumble, then the ground violently shook, casing Twilight to stumble.

“Woah nelly, what was that?” Applejack glanced around as the ground slowed in its shaking.

“It sounded like it came from below…” Fluttershy glanced around cautiously.

“I think we should hurry.” Twilight started running as she heard a telepathic message echo in her head.

All units in combat, this is Captain Harlaown. It appears that Presea has initiated a dimensional dislocation.


Please complete your objectives as quickly as you can. Lindy opened her eyes and rose to her feet. “Helm, keep us within minimum transit range of the Garden. I’m going to prepare for transit.”


“I’m going to enter the Garden and assist in the operation myself. I’ll establish a dimensional stabilization field to buy our people as much time as we can. Teleport me to the safest area you can.”

Lindy turned and made her way off the bridge, making her way to the transit room. She closed her eyes as she felt the spell slide over her, before she was hit by a wave of bitter cold and the smell of ozone.

Lindy opened her eyes to a wasteland that could have once been a throne room. All around her lay piles of scrap metal and electronics. Chunks of robotic scrap hung in the air suspended by chains of shadow. The walls had been blown away, widening the area, while brilliant red glowing eyes loomed in the shadows.

In the center of it all stood Princess Luna, proud and stately, her mane and tail billowing like roiling storm clouds, her crescent-shaped sabers floating before her at the ready. “We see that you have deigned to join the fray as well, Captain Harlaown.”

“Not exactly. The surrounding area is going to start dislocating from the fabric of D-Space. I’m going to try to keep it stable with a distortion shield so that we can stop the process.”

“We see.” Luna nodded, turning to face the glowing eyes. “Then we shall guard you as you work. The machines seem quite happy to march to their death against my power.”

“It seems the machines are focusing on what’s considered to be the greatest threat. Clumsy, but logical.” Lindy extended her arms outwards, a pale green circle forming at her feet and expanding outwards. “Activating Distortion Stabilization Field. Crystal Wings, extend!”

There was sense of pressure as four transparent, elliptical wings spread from Lindy’s back, the circle stretching outwards in reply and starting to rotate. Her Crystal Wings flickered, bending outwards from her uniform’s back as it began to draw in ambient mana.

“A useful trick,” Luna smirked as she flung her swords out, dividing one of the approaching machines into chunks, even as she reached out with a telekinetic grasp and crushed another assailant like a tin can. “You use your barrier cloth as an energy sink, capturing energy in order to amplify your spell.”

“I’ll take that as a complement from a mage of your caliber.” Lindy opened one eye and returned the smirk with smile. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to focus.”

“Of course. We shall endeavor to keep you safe as quietly as possible.” Luna replied sardonically as she took wing, bolts of lightning dancing from her horn as wind whipped around the pair.


Yes? Lindy tilted her head slightly as she received the message from the bridge.

There’s been an unauthorized transit from the ship to the Garden…


“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Twilight glared from around her cover at the two massive machines guarding the large bronze stairwell. The two machines were easily twice the size of the others, with heavy crested helmets and two large cannons perched atop their shoulders. All four of those massive guns were aimed down the hall at the ponies position. The slightly-melted walls and floor were testament to the previous shots; not a single surface of the fifty-foot-long hallway was un-scarred.

“This is crazy,” Rainbow snarled, crouched behind the pillar with Twilight. “The second we so much as stick a hoof out, those things let rip with their cannons. There isn’t even enough room to dodge! Not. Cool.”

“And they’re too far away for me to teleport behind them. Not to mention those cannons will overwhelm any spell I shoot at them.” Twilight glanced across the hall at the others. “Any ideas?”

“None here.” Applejack shrugged, while the others shook their heads.

“Ooh! How about I make a bunch of decoys out of balloons, and- no, wait, they’d just blow those up. Stupid robots.” Pinkie huffed, resting her chin on one hoof.

“Well, we need to think of something, and soon. Otherwise-” Twilight stopped as she heard a familiar boom of thunder. Twilight peeked around her cover, staring as the two robots were struck by bolts of golden lightning She turned quickly, looking back down the corridor as Fate stepped out of the shadows, a golden Mid-Childan circle rotating under her hooves.


More bolts descended as Fate drove Bardiche into the circle beneath her. Golden lightning descended once again, dancing along the armored bodies of the machines, their limbs jerking violently as steam drifted up from their joints

“Fate!” Five voices cried out as Twilight stepped out from behind cover, Raising Heart’s head shifting into Shooting Mode as the familiar firing loops formed around its tip.

“Let’s go!” Twilight called out as a sphere of energy formed in front of her Device. “Divine Buster!”

“DIVINE BUSTER!” Raising Heart replied as the spell was let loose, the massive beam sheering down the hallway and hammering into the guard robots. A gigantic explosion tore through the hallway and the room beyond them, sending sprays of molten metal and wiring into the stairwell.

Twilight nodded, then turned and smiled as Fate approached, Bardiche venting steam as she walked.

“I’m glad to see you’re feeling better, Fate.” Twilight couldn’t help but grin as Fate blushed.

“Well, I couldn’t let you have all the fun-oof!” Fate stumbled as the other ponies rushed out, Pinkie Pie hugging her about the neck.

“That was AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash exulted as she slid an arm over Fate’s withers. “Never thought I’d see the day where I’d be glad somepony could fiddle with lightning like that.”

“Okay girls, enough. Let the poor dear have some room to breathe.” Rarity shooed Pinkie and Rainbow back gently, then stopped as she caught sight of Fate’s flank. “Fate, you… you’ve got a Cutie Mark!”

“I…what?” The golden filly craned her head back and blinked at the symbol; a trio of thin, whitish-gold lightning bolts outlined in black, connected together at the top like an arrow. “Huh… that’s new. I didn’t have that until now…”

“Lightning. Nice.” Rainbow grinned and tapped her own flank with one hoof. “Lightning’s always a good sign, pipsqueak.”

“I wonder what it means,” Fluttershy murmured, then squeaked at the ground shook again, this time much more violently than before. Thick cracks began to spread out along the ground and the walls.

“We can figure it out later! We need to hurry!” Twilight swung her staff up, her Flier Fin spell activating. Spike hopped atop her back and grabbed hold around her neck. “Come on everypony. Fate, do you think you can carry Pinkie?”

“I think so.” Fate concentrated. The earth pony wriggled slightly as they were lifted into the air by a golden nimbus of energy. “Hehe! Tingles!”

“I’ll carry Rarity and Applejack. Come on, we’ve got to hurry!”


“How’re we looking, Yuuno?”

The archeologist frowned in aggravation as Chrono floated up beside him. The massive generator he was floating above was a stunning piece of magical engineering, to be sure. The fact that the entire thing was glowing ominously, however, did not fill Yuuno with hope.

“I’m not sure what can be done, Chrono. I’m an archeologist, not an engineer. I’m not sure we can shut it down. There isn’t even a visible console or anything.”

“Can you try sealing it?” Chrono glanced down at the glowing reactor. “It should be running off the same power source as the Jewel Seeds…”

“I could give it a try. I’m going to need some help though.”

“The Captain’s generating an anti-distortion shield right now, so she’s out of the loop, and by now Twilight and her group are on the opposite side of the Garden.” Chrono hmmed, then looked over at Yuuno. “The other Enforcers and I can try to create a mana suppression field around the reactor while you seal it. How about that?”

“That’s better than nothing. Thanks.”

Chrono nodded and dove downwards to the other Enforcers. Arf floated up, her arms crossed as she glared at the reactor with distaste.

“What I wouldn’t give to smash this thing into tiny pieces.”

“I think it might be better to hold off on that until after we’ve shut it off.” Yuuno glanced at Arf. “You wouldn’t happen to know any sealing spells, would you?”

“I know the one my Master uses.”

“Alright, then you’re with me.” Yuuno turned to face Arf. “We’re going to try to seal the power source of this reactor like we do the Jewel Seeds. Try to time your spell with mine, alright?”

“I’ll do my best.”

Yuuno nodded in reply and floated up, getting a little more height on the device. Arf flew up beside him, popping her knuckles as she did so. As they rose, a large loop of blue light formed at the base of the reactor and rose upwards, glowing brilliantly as it sheathed the HYDRA in a thin sheet of energy.

“That would be the suppression field,” Yuuno noted as the loop reached the top of the reactor and snapped shut. “We’re only going to get one chance at this. Chrono! Are you ready!?”

“We’re ready down here,” came the reply shout.


“Ready.” The familiar extended her hand, an orange Mid-Childan circle rotating in front of her palm.

“Right. Ethereal echo, become light!” Yuuno raised both of his hands before him, his own circle winking into the air. “Forbidden monster, enter this seal! Lost Logia, SEAL!”

There was a flash of light as green and orange bands exploded as Arf and Yuuno shouted the last command in tandem. The suppression field buckled and warped as the sealing spell clashed against the burning energy of the reactor. Yuuno clenched his teeth, feeding more mana into the spell as quickly as he could manage.

Come on…come on…

There was a series of pulsing, strobing flashes until, finally, the reactor’s burning glow dimmed, the machinery whirring to a stop.

Yuuno slumped in mid air, exhaling. “We did it. I was worried there for a moment.”


“How disappointing.”

Luna snorted in irritation as the automated defense robots began to slump, their eyes dimming and their limbs going limp. The moon princess banished her blades, folding her wings against her back as she glanced at Lindy. “It seems that we are safe now.”

“Looks like my Chief Enforcer completed one of our objectives.” Lindy smiled. “I was starting to get worried there.”

Captain, this is Enforcer Chrono.

Go ahead, Chrono.

My team has successfully deactivated Presea’s magical reactor. However, we have not found any trace of Presea on the upper levels.

Suddenly, a new voice chimed in. This is Twilight Sparkle. I think we’ve found her!


Presea Testarossa glared downwards through the glassy bottom of her citadel. A wide disc of clashing colors hovered just below the foot-thick glass, shifting from pink to orange to black in wide, random splotches. It was her doorway, a schism in the fabric of dimensional space into Imaginary Space, the raw fabric of creation.

The disc pulsed in time to the glowing Jewel Seeds that hovered around her body. Her unicorn horn glowed with her concentration, the sheathe of energy incomplete and filled with particles of light. The thin cracks lining her horn glowed ominously with mana as she tried to focus. It was an effort to stand, much less do anything else.

“Just a… little more Alicia.” She glanced over at the hovering tube that float just beside her, looking like an oversized test-tube with at mechanical stopper. “Just a bit more power, and we’ll be ready.”

And then the familiar thrum of the HYDRA vanished, the schism warping and oscillating.

“No… NO!” Presea screamed, pressing her face into the glass as the portal twisted. “No, no, no, no, NO! What’s HAPPENING?!”

“Presea Testarossa!”

Presea slowly rose up, her gaze turning slowly as a motley collection of ponies entered the cavern, lead by a familiar purple unicorn in a white and purple Barrier Jacket.

“You…what did you do!?” Presea hissed. “Isn’t enough that you ruined my body? You have to ruin my plans as well?!”

“It’s over Presea.” Twilight replied calmly. “It’s all over. Your machines have been deactivated, your reactor has been disabled, and you’re probably not in any condition to fight. Please, surrender.”

“I… won’t…” Presea felt her legs give out as her body was wracked by spasms. Blood-flecked foam dribbled from her lips as her horn’s glow winked in and out.


Presea’s eyes widened as that shout. She struggled to look up as Fate pushed her way through the assembled ponies, rushing towards her.

“You…” Presea’s voice was choked as she glared at Fate, the filly slowing to a stop just a few feet away. “Why are… why are you here? Disappear. Go away. I no…no longer want you.”

Fate looked at her, and Presea winced. Those red eyes weren’t full of hate, or anger. They were filled with pity.

“I came here to tell you something, mother.”

“Don’t…call me that…I‘m…not…”

“Yes, you are.”

Presea stared at her.

“I’m not Alicia Testarossa.” Fate glanced down. “I’m not the daughter you lost. However, you are still my mother. I was born to you and raised by you. I am your daughter.”

Fate’s head rose as she fixed Presea with her stare. The larger unicorn recoiled slightly.

“I wish you had been kinder. Gentler. I wish you were the kind of mother to me that you were to Alicia. But even now, even with everything I’ve learned, I still want to protect you. I want to help you.” Fate glanced back at the other ponies and the dragon, then back to her. “I want to help you like they helped me. Please, mother. Let me help you.”

Fate took a few steps forward, crossing those last few feet of space to embrace Presea around the neck. Presea froze as Fate whispered something into her ear.

“Nopony deserves to be alone.”

“You can’t save me.”

Fate blinked as she felt a nimbus of power grab ahold of her. Presea let out a pained shriek as she flung Fate backwards. Her horn flickered violently, her hooves going to her head as the cracks spread and flashed, Presea’s horn crumbling and shattering into a bloody mess.

“I DON’T NEED TO BE SAVED! I’M GOING TO AL-HAZARD!” Presea shrieked as blood trickled down her muzzle, her eyes wide. “I CAN SEE IT ALICIA. I CAN SEE IT!”

The Jewel Seed began to glow ominously, thin rays of light connecting them together in a ring around Presea.


Presea turned her head downward to look at Twilight. The purple unicorn stepped forwards, her head now decorated with a jeweled crown.

“I’m going to grant Fate’s wish. I’m going to save you from yourself. Girls! Formation!”

The other five ponies stepped forwards, each one wearing a different jewel upon their chest. All of them glowed with a brilliance that dazzled Presea’s eyes.

“Elements of Harmony, hear me! Lend us your power once more!”

There was a brighter glow as the ponies began to lift off the ground, surrounded by a halo of light. Twilight’s eyes shut, then opened once again, her eyes radiant with power. A brilliant rainbow of light shot upwards, curling in mid-air before descending on Presea. Presea only had a few seconds to think before the beam struck.



Lindy Harlaown stood on the bridge, overlooking the now-crumbling Garden of Time. Without the power source holding it together, the satellite was reduced to so much debris in the dimensional vortex.

“We cut it pretty close, don’t you think?” Chrono said to her as he walked onto the bridge, his arms folded behind him.

“I’d say so. Have you submitted your findings to HQ?”

“The preliminaries, yes. They want a full report once we arrive with Presea. It could have been a lot worse, though.”

“Tell me about it. We’re lucky we arrived when we did. If Presea had been any further along, the entire thing might have been swallowed up by a dimensional disjunction.” Lindy glanced at Chrono. “Speaking of which, how is she?”

“Unconscious. The med team is giving her a check up. That’s the weird thing though. Aside from a shattered horn, she seems to be in perfect health.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Not in the least.” Chrono rubbed his hair and sighed. “Weirdest thing. I don’t know what those ponies did to her, but she’s clean. She probably won’t be using magic anytime soon given the state of her Linker Core, but other than that…”

“Mm. And the cargo?”

“Alicia Testarossa has been secured. We’ll see where it goes from there.”


Chrono sighed, looking at the fragmented Garden of Time. “Confound those ponies.”



Please stay tuned for the Epilogue and a special announcement from the author