• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 16,141 Views, 288 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight - PurpleProse

Magical Girls With Wave-Motion Cannons Meets My Little Pony! What if Twilight became Nanoha?

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Epilogue: Nopony Deserves To Be Alone

Dear Princess Celestia,

Sorry about the lack of letters recently. I did plan on sending you something, but it’s been a rather busy two weeks. Besides, Spike’s transporting breath doesn’t seem to work across dimensions.

No doubt you’ve already heard by now from Princess Luna, but Presea Testarossa’s been defeated. Your gift certainly helped with that, though I’m surprised at the results. The Elements healed her, restoring her broken body and fractured psyche. I’m not sure if that was such a good thing, though…


“She‘s that bad, huh?”

Twilight glanced at Chrono as she approached the brig station. Two guards were posted at Presea’s door. The young Enforcer nodded to them, causing them to step aside.

“Yeah. She’s on suicide watch right now. I’m pretty sure she’s been refusing food, so we have to drug her to get anything solid in her stomach.” Chrono tapped on the holographic keypad, causing the door to slide open. “Be gentle, alright. And try not to get too close.”

Twilight nodded and stepped inside. Presea looked haggard, her eyes red as she lay on the padded cell floor. Her forelegs were bound together in a pair of manacles, and she was without any clothing. Her blank flank made Twilight feel a little sorry for her; to see an adult pony without a Cutie Mark was a little distressing.

Not much more distressing than Presea’s empty stare.


The broken unicorn shifted, her eyes sliding over to Twilight.

“It’s me, Twilight Sparkle.”


“I…thought you might like to talk to somepony.”

More silence. Twilight shifted uncomfortably.

“Um… I’m sure you remember me…”

“I do.” Presea whispered softly. “Why are you here?”

“I wanted to talk to you. See if I could help-”


“Why help?”

Presea nodded. “I don’t deserve help. I deserve to die. Can you help me with that?”

Twilight’s blood ran cold at those words. There was a sense of absolute certainty in Presea’s voice. She truly wanted to die.

“No. I-” Twilight’s voice died as Presea rolled over, facing away from her. She started to reach out to her, then lowered her hoof and got to her feet, stepping out of the room.

“At least you tried,” Chrono noted as the door shut behind her.

“How long has she been like that?”

“A while now. She just lays there. We’ve had to clean her up every time she messes herself. It’s a small blessing that the floor is hydrophobic.” Chrono shook his head. “I know she’s a criminal, but she’s so utterly pathetic that I can’t help but pity her. What in the heck did you do to her to make her like this?”

“I…think we healed her.”


…I can’t help but feel responsible for Presea’s state.

We arrived at the Time-Space Administration Bureau’s Headquarters soon after, and received a rather warm welcome. I think everyone there was surprised by us, particularly with Princess Luna. Everyone was rather friendly, even if they seemed to spend every waking moment studying us.

We spent most of the time there talking with people about what had happened with the Jewel Seeds. Everyone got involved in the interviews. I only learned about the reason for all the scrutiny when Presea’s trial began. According to the medical staff, Presea was cognizant enough to stand trial.

It didn’t take long.


The gavel rapped sharply as the judges took their seats under the Bureau‘s banner. The courtroom was silent, and almost uniformly filled with blue-and-white uniformed members of the Bureau.

“Presea Testarossa,” the head judge spoke loudly and clearly, so that his voice carried throughout the chambers, “you have plead guilty to the following charges; two counts of Attacking a Bureau Vessel During a Time of Peace, one count of Invading a Non-Administered World with Malicious Intent, three counts of Possession of Illegal Magical Technology, one count Conspiracy to Commit Dimensional Atrocity…”

The list continued on and on, each crime at least as damning as the last. Presea stood there silently, her head bowed.

“Do you have anything to say before your sentencing, Miss Testarossa?”

Presea nodded weakly and lifted her head slowly, as though it took everything she had to move it.

“I ask that the court show no mercy. I accept everything I’ve done. I don’t deserve your kindness or your sympathy.”

“Duly noted.” The judge glanced to his fellows before turning back to Presea. “Are you ready to hear your sentence, Miss Testarossa?”

The un-horned unicorn nodded mutely.

“The sentence is thus; first, a permanent limiter will be placed on your Linker Core, rendering you incapable of using magic for the remainder of your sentence.”

There was another striking of the gavel to quell the quiet murmuring of the observers. “Furthermore, given the severity of your crimes and your mental state, you will be placed under life imprisonment under maximum security, with mandatory psychiatric counseling.” The gavel came down a third time. “Bailiff, take the prisoner away. Court is adjourned.”


As bad as that sentence may seem, at least Presea is getting the help she needs. Also, Fate’s doing her best to show her support. I can’t say I agree with what Fate’s doing, but I’ll support her.

Speaking of which, Fate finally agreed to come live with my family! We still have to clear it legally, but I’m really excited to have a new sister. Princess Luna said that she’d speak with you about getting her a slot in the School for Gifted Unicorns. I think she’d do really well there. I think she deserves that, at least.


Fate sat quietly at the grave stone, clad only in the black cloak of her Barrier Jacket. The air was cool, the wind rustling through the trees of the graveyard, but she paid it little mind. The smooth white stone was a simple rectangle, engraved with a few words and numbers.

Alicia Testarossa

0034 - 0039

I Miss You


Fate glanced up as Twilight approached her, glancing down at the little gravestone. “Hey.”

“I…um…” Twilight shook her head. “I can leave if you like.”

“It’s okay. I don’t mind, Twilight.”

The purple unicorn nodded and took a seat beside Fate. “At least she’s at peace now.”


“It was nice of Lindy to pay for the burial. But why does the inscription…”

“Mother asked for it.”

Twilight started to say something, but closed her mouth and looked down.

“I think, even now, she wants Alicia to forgive her. Alicia… loved Mother, even for all her faults. They really did love each other. I think I got that from her as well.”


The golden pony sighed, closing her eyes. “I think, in a way, Alicia did forgive Mother through me. I just wish there was some way to bring her back.”

“Magic can’t bring back the dead. Not even the Princesses can do that.” Twilight sighed and shook her head. “I’m sorry.”

Twilight blinked as Fate leaned against her.

“Don’t be. Alicia will live on in my memories. But now, we’re free to move on: me, her and Mother.”

“I guess so.” Twilight nuzzled Fate’s mane. “The girls are waiting for us. Lindy’s cooking supper tonight.”

“I’ll be there in a while.”

“Take your time.” Twilight climbed to her feet and began walking off, glancing back for a few moments before she trotted off.


In closing, I’d like to offer the lesson I learned from all of this;

Everypony is deserving of friendship. They may be a stranger, or someone from a different world, but you can always find a common ground and learn to trust each other. Just because someone’s an enemy doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a chance or a hoof held out in acceptance.

Everypony deserves to have a friend.

Nopony deserves to be alone.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle


“So, I take it that the talks went well?”

Luna nodded as Celestia poured her some tea. “They did. Several members of the Bureau’s board of directors have shown a great interest in us, particularly a Miss Carim Gracia of the Saint Church.”

“I see.”

“Something on your mind, sister?”

Celestia nodded as she sipped her tea. “I wonder… if Presea knows just how close she got to Al-Hazard.”

That,” Luna noted warningly, setting down her teacup, “is a name best left to the shadowy annals of myth, sister mine. We left it long ago, at the fall of Scheherazade. Al-Hazard should stay lost, for more reasons than one.”

“I know Luna, I know.” Celestia glanced out of the window at the slowly setting sun, the light caressing the high mountains and deep valleys that Canterlot overlooked. “Though I wonder if it’ll stay lost. We can’t hide forever, after all.”

“Then it is best I resume my duties.” Luna stood up from the table. “There’s much for me to attend to.”

Celestia nodded absent-mindedly as Luna made her way out. A gentle press of her power set the sun on its way to make room for the coming night. The solar princess exhaled and closed her eyes as she drank her tea.

Indeed sister; there is so much to attend to.


And soon, the Eternal Blaze will be awakened.

Comments ( 69 )

I will post the relevant links once Chapter One is completed.

This is not the end. :twilightsmile:

Question: Background pony or OC?

Have to ask: barrier causes humans to turn into ponies, but what about vice-versa?

The Barrier turns humans into Ponies, not the other way around. Otherwise, Twilight and company would have become human the second they went up to the Arthra.

243967 who will use the

It'll be a canon pony. I'm not saying who yet. :trollestia:

General reaction to what I just read:
Reaction to that in specific...
Picture an infinitely alternating series of :pinkiegasp: and :yay: and you'll get a fraction of the idea.

A refreshing diversion from Canon Nanoha. I approve!

Of course, you got the Al-Hazard/Celestia&Luna link in.

Good Read!

BTW, is there a way to turn back into a human? Or are you stuck pony?

243980 Actually I didn't express my question properly, let me clarify: is there any means to go from Pony to Human?

*looks back at this comment 163913 *

Hmmm... looks like I was on the right track at least.

As for A's, and the comment by 244009 ... Scootaloo is the first one to come to mind, but there's enough uncertainty to not be confirmable at this time. Looking forward to how it turns out!

Calling it now: its going to be Derpy Hooves...

Given the existence of shapeshifters, familiars, and transformative magics in the Nanoha setting, it's quite possible.

Never seen the series. Was good enough for me to enjoy it without that background. Nice.:scootangel:

I did like the story.

I only think presea was defeated very easily. I do get why she was defeated so easily but it seemed a bit anti-climactic

That is my only complain on this story and only a minor one at that

I said when I first reviewed this story that it had great potential.
And I am glad to say that you have lived up to that potential gloriously.

Presea’s end is, ironically, a far worse fate than canon. There are few greater horrors for a sane mind than to know just how far you can fall.
Although I note they never said where she was to be imprisoned :trollestia:

The hints about Luna and Celestia’s past are fascinating.
By the way, have you read ‘Game Theory’ over on spacebattles.com? It is a Nanoha fic with a lot of high quality world building connected to it. MPLT would fit into that world rather well.

For the victim of A’s my bet is on Trixie.
Although if we get an even greater canon derailment than canon Fluttershy wouldn’t surprise me.

Think about how the Book of Darkness chooses its "victims" if you want to use that word. [SPOILER ALERT FOR NANOHA A!! DON'T READ THE REST OF THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE SHOW!]

Scootaloo doesn't have anything wrong with her, like Hayate did, though I will grant that the BoD caused Hayate's stuff in the first place. My money is on either Ditzy Doo, with it explaining her eyesight.. or Trixie, with her not having any "Real" magic, just show magic. Trixie also typically has the background pain and sadness in her life for it, plus she's on her own, unlike Ditzy who has Dinky as well. So we'll see. Enough speculation; I loved how this turned out, and I can't wait for part II!!!

Ah, good to see Fate with a loving family there. :twilightsmile: As for Fate... she's broken. Shattered completely. I almost pity here, but I don't think I really do. *Shrug* Great story and can't wait for more!

I think you mean Presea there.

presea's defeat was a bit anti-climactic. The battle against the fake fate was pretty good, just seemed like presea ended up rolling over and dying due to her injuries

She doesn't exactly put up much of a fight in canon either. She just berates Fate about how she's just a useless failure of a doll and that she and Alicia are going to Al-Hazard for five minutes before falling to her death.

If anything, she puts up a better fight in MPLT. At least in this story she's a bit more proactive and actually engages in combat herself. True, it's against the 'B-squad' of Yuuno/Chrono/Arf, but it's more than her anime counterpart did.

245705 ... Yes. I meant Presea. Just making sure you were paying attention. :pinkiehappy::pinkiesad2::raritywink:

Seth, Trixie DOES have real magic. She uses stage tricks to make herself seem more powerful and magical than she is, but she still has unicorn telekinesis. A talent at manipulating stage tools may very well be the magic that her Cutie Mark represents; Rarity's only magic besides telekinesis is Gem Finding.

Also, the second season, in Equestria? I was wondering if Purple Prose was going to do that! It's going to take a much bigger adjustment, but Prose has already demonstrated creative thoughtfulness and thoroughness -- this story has been better put-together and played-out than the original first season!

...I rather hope the Wolkenritter are immune to the transformative field. It's more than enough that Raising Heart and Bardiche are being wielded telekinetically; to see Laevantein and Graf Eisen used that way...

Prose, it seems like you skipped Fate's trials, probation and community service... Maybe even revoked her status as a citizen of the TSAB or Midchilda entirely to make her an Equestrian. Of course, she wasn't born on Midchilda and her birth was never registered with the state...

Still, it seems like Fate is going to be sticking around Twilight, whereas she wasn't around with Nanoha when Vita showed up. (It would be funny if the Second Movie does something similar, as we at AnimeSuki suspect it will.)

Is Yuuno going to stick around in Equestria, to learn more about its history and magic? Or is he going to try reuniting with his clan? There's no dimensional disturbance preventing travel to Midchilda this time, but even in the original story, he said they wouldn't be home and apparently thought that it wouldn't be possible to rejoin them until they returned from whatever expedition they were currently on.

Actually, Rarity shows a great deal of skill in Illusions (see also Suited for Success and the second fashion show), which she also used in the first fight with Fate.

The Wolkenritter will be a special case. You'll see.

As for Fate, that was mostly handled off screen. Chrono offered both Fate and Arf legal immunity to charges in exchange for assistance in the case, which was cleared by the Bureau (Chapter 8). Fate and Arf are material witnesses to Presea's shenanigans, thus she's not put on trial like in MGLN. Fate's situation will be elaborated on in A's. Same with Yuuno and his situation.

On the subject of Yuuno...

I'm fairly convinced that Nanoha was the first friend Yuuno ever made, let alone among his own age group. He didn't have parents, so he was raised communally by his extended family / clan, but despite being constantly surrounded by people, he tells Nanoha he always felt alone in the crowd. In the sound drama CDs, he privately regrets the idea of leaving Nanoha behind, and wonders if she would try to stay in touch with him the way she was doing with Fate. (By the next season, he's also apparently given up on reuniting with his essentially-nomadic clan, since he takes on a job with the Infinite Library; which probably had at least a little to do with how much closer it was to Earth and how often Nanoha and his other new friends would be visiting the main office space station.)

Since this crossover is, if anything, MORE focused on friendship than the original Nanoha story, I wonder about Yuuno leaving Equestria after he's actually be able to interact with more than one person, as a person -- since he didn't have to pretend to be a simple, non-talking ferret, he's been able to befriend all of Twilight Sparkle's friends and really connect to the citizens of Ponyville.

Chrono's also not going to call him aboard the Arthra to help with Fate's combat training or to serve as a material witness, since Fate's trial is apparently over already, and since she's staying on Equestria.

Something broke chapter 11. I had to download it to see it.

Weird, it works fine for me. Try refreshing?

Of course it decides to work several hours later...

Excellent job, eagerly looking forward to reading A's.

Pitty about Alicia. I had always thought that Precia put her in suspended animation at the brink of death, not past it. I still wish there was an adorable filly Alicia running around with the Cutie Mark Crusaders:rainbowlaugh:. On to A's!

Oi! Great story, looking forward to As.

The image at the bottom is borked though, it seems. :derpyderp2:

Ohmygod MLP-Nanoha YES!

Why I haven't found this earlier? Gotta go read now.

I need about a thousand more thumbs...


1590099 wow, i must ask, why the heck did you reply to that NOW? that was 37 weeks ago ._.

I finished reading this story, but I don't think I'll move on to the next. The divinities just took over the story too much - it removed too much plot tension to have Luna around capable of solving anything. The Elements were used too soon and for too little.

A correct ending would be e.g. for Precia to shock everyone by using her rip-in-reality to take down Luna and take Applejack hostage, apparently removing the ability to use the Elements, and start a hole in reality threatening to destroy at least several dimensions, whereupon it's revealed that Fate, who stood by Precia this whole time, can successfully use the element of Loyalty.

You're welcome to your opinion, but I stand by what I've written.

1590112 Because I hadn't even heard of this story until after it was finished! And this was me when I found it::pinkiehappy:

I guess the Elements of Harmony forced Presea to do this:


and the weight of her sins broke her like a twig.

I really enjoyed reading this, though it took me several late nights to do so. Thank you so much for not only writing this, but also giving Luna the chance to go out of the castle and get some proper exercise. :twilightsmile: I enjoyed that part immensely. I do however believe THIS would be a better link video for that occasion. Towards the end I was wondering if Twilight was going to get a look at the place Prescia was aiming at, and find it surprisingly familiar. But not so as it seems. This way is good too.

The one loose end I might want to see cleaned up is Prescia's supposed 'sole responsibility' for the reactor explosion that killed Alicia. Given she was authorized to build such a device in the middle of a city, and was given a one week deadline by obstructive abusive bureaucrats, I think there's more than enough blame to go round. As it stands faux-Japan's faux-nuclear regulatory body seems an unfortunately close match for real-Japan's nuclear faux-regulatory body.

Still, a definate +fav and Thumbs Up. Well done and thank you once again.

This is mostly Yuuno making a mistake about the nature of the Jewel Seeds.

245245 You probably already know this by now, but you're wrong.

It chose the Great and Powerful Trixie, and even though she didn't have a disability at first, what it did to her was leagues worse then what it did to Hayate in canon.

After all, Hayate wasn't in a coma for extended periods of time, and the only place she had to deal with muscle atrophy afterwards was in her legs. But due to how much time Trixie spent in a coma, she's barely able to walk in spite of there not being anything wrong with her legs before she got the Book.


The one loose end I might want to see cleaned up is Prescia's supposed 'sole responsibility' for the reactor explosion that killed Alicia. Given she was authorized to build such a device in the middle of a city, and was given a one week deadline by obstructive abusive bureaucrats, I think there's more than enough blame to go round. As it stands faux-Japan's faux-nuclear regulatory body seems an unfortunately close match for real-Japan's nuclear faux-regulatory body.

Sadly, they needed a scapegoat to blame the disaster on, and since she was the only survivor of that incident, she got that role by default.:ajbemused:

Believe me, I also feel like the morons who pushed the project ahead of schedule should have taken the fall for it,, but they weren't exactly able to take the blame. So she's a rather unfortunate case of sole survivor = sole responsibility, as far as the government and the public are concerned.

If it's any consolation, the author has said we can expect to see her again. We'll just have to wait until StrikerS.

Well, considering that Twilight and company are usually the ones sent out to handle things in the Princesses stead?

The House of Segbrecht, as in Olivie Segbrecht, the last Sankt Kaiser and object of worship by the Saint Church. It's a StrikerS reference.

3153528 it seems FIMFiction is on one of those days where you don't get notifications :twilightblush:
yeah five minutes after i posted the message i search for it and then i felt extremely silly for not searching the term first :twilightblush: not one of my brightest moments :facehoof:

interesting so Equestria was indeed Al-Hazard, since there is already the sequel out, i´m curious as to how far do you plan on getting this universe? i want to have my heart melted by a pony Vivio :pinkiehappy:

I can neither confirm nor deny your assertion that Equestria is Al-Hazard. And yes, I plan on progressing into the StrikerS season as well.

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