• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 16,141 Views, 288 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight - PurpleProse

Magical Girls With Wave-Motion Cannons Meets My Little Pony! What if Twilight became Nanoha?

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Chapter 4: A Terrible Foe Appears. Her Name is Testarossa!

Fate yawned softly as she woke up, daylight creeping in from the entrance of the cavern she was using as her home base. Birds chirped softly in the sunlight, greeting each other with song.

The slender pony slowly pushed herself up off of the crude cot she laid on, stretching her legs and testing her balance. It was surprising how easily she had adapted to her new body. Mother had been correct that the transmuting barrier around this dimensional area had been harmless; it’d simply been a change of species. Strange and disorienting, but nothing to be too worried about.

“Oh, you’re up.”

Fate turned towards the voice. Arf was lounging on one of the cave’s shallow outcroppings, once again in human form. Linith, her mother’s old familiar, often chided Arf about being so scantily dressed, but then again the orange-haired wolf-woman didn‘t mind showing off her well-formed body. She was mostly human, save for a few hints of her real nature: the eye-shaped jewel on her forehead, her slightly elongated canines, and her wolf-ears and tail.

“I took the liberty of getting you some food while you slept, Master.” Arf climbed down from her perch, producing a clump of bright orange carrots. “I figured that you wouldn’t mind produce, considering you’re a horse right now. Don‘t worry. I‘ve already eaten” She grinned playfully as she crouched beside Fate.

“It must be nearly noon. Why didn’t you wake me sooner?” The golden pony grumbled. She was used to Arf always being taller than her. Now her familiar simply towered over her.

“You looked like you needed the rest, Master.” The wolf girl offered a carrot to her mouth. “You have to keep your strength up, remember? After all, we have a lot of work ahead of us.”

Fate didn’t reply, wordlessly munching on the carrot.

“I also took the liberty of checking out that town while I was getting food.” Arf continued. “And before you ask, I wasn’t spotted. I was careful to hide my tracks.”


“It looks like that human’s staying at the town library. He‘s made friends with the other horses in town. Then there’s the one he’s living with. She has a Device.”

Fate frowned. “Do you think he’s from the Bureau?”

“Not sure. He doesn’t seem to be wearing their uniform. Probably civilian.” Arf tapped a finger against her lips. “Cute though.”

“He could still have ties with them.” Fate shook herself, swallowing the last bit of carrot. “We’ll need to work quickly to find the Seeds before things get out of hand.”

“I know.”

Fate shook out her mane, the golden hair falling around her face as she mentally called her Barrier Jacket into existence, black ribbons tying her hair back out of her face as she looked down. Her horn lit up as a familiar yellow triangle floated from under her cloak, the equally yellow gem in its center glinting in the sunlight. “Are you ready, Bardiche?”

“YES, SIR.” A masculine, mechanical voice answered, the Device chiming softly.


“Well, we’re all here Yuuno.” Rainbow Dash fluttered in mid air, glancing at the other ponies before turning back to the human. “So what’s the deal? Where’s Twilight?”

“Twilight’s having a meeting with the Mayor right now, so she asked me to fill you in on the events of last night.” Yuuno sighed and stretched. “We have something of a problem.”

“Ah problem?” Applejack frowned. “What sorta problem are ya’ll talkin’ about?”

“Is it another monster?” Fluttershy whispered softly.

“Of a sort. It seems that we’re not the only ones who're hunting the Jewel Seeds.” Yuuno frowned. “Someone else is after them. A pony. Specifically, a pony that knows my system of magic.”

“Wait,” Rainbow raised a hoof, “you’re telling us there’s somepony in Equestria that knows your kind of magic? How’s that even possible?”

“It shouldn’t. The only pony familiar with Mid-Childan magic that I know of is Twilight. Which means that something very suspicious is going on.”

“Oooh! Oooh!” Pinkie’s hoof shot up. “Could it be an alien pony? Like from another planet or something?”

“I suppose, though that does seem to be a bit far fetched.”

“Oh, please be serious.” Rarity sniffed softly. “There’s a much more reasonable explanation than an alien pony.”

“There is?”

“Of course. Nopony knows Yuuno’s type of magic, right? Which means it wasn’t really a pony. It was probably some human using illusion magic to just look like a pony. A distraction, if you will.”

“That,“ Yuuno paused, then nodded. “actually makes a good deal of sense. How did you come up with that?”

“I’m familiar with illusions myself dear.” Rarity smiled, her elegantly coiffed mane bouncing as she preened. “It’s not hard to set something like that up if you want to impress somepony. I’m sure everypony here remembers the fashion show I put on for Hoity Toity?”

There was a general mumble of agreement.

“Exactly.“ Rarity nodded. “So it shouldn’t be too hard to use an illusion to make oneself look different.”

“But this ‘ere person that’s illusioning themselves to look like a pony’s looking for the Seeds, then why ain’t they comin’ tah help?”

“Well, it’s likely they want the Seeds for some other purpose. What, I don’t know, but it can’t be good.” Yuuno sighed. “It’s also obvious that this is no rookie mage. He or she was able to defeat and seal a Jewel Seed so quickly.”

“What I want to know is, why didn’t you go after them?” Rainbow floated closer to Yuuno, tapping him on the forehead. “I mean, you’re a mage too, right? Between you and Twilight they should‘ve had no chance!”

“We don’t know anything about this mystery person, Rainbow Dash.” Yuuno reached up and gently pushed her back. “Besides, it was dark and raining. We could have fallen into an ambush.”

“Yeah Rainbow. We ain’t all hotheaded like you.” Applejack teased.

“I am not hotheaded, I’m proactive!” Rainbow snorted, eliciting a laugh from the others.

The door of the library chimed as it swung open, letting Twilight and Spike in. “Oh, everypony’s here! Good.”

“Hey Twilight. How’d the meeting with the Mayor go?”

Twilight glanced at her assistant. “Spike, mind getting me some tea?”

“Sure, no problem. Anypony else want some?”

There was a chorus of yeses as Spike trotted off to the kitchen. Twilight had a seat with a soft groan. “After I convinced the Mayor that, no, I didn’t blow up the very important statue, and yes, it had gotten up and moved on its own, I had to help her draft up a request for funding from the Princess for a replacement. The Mayor’s still a bit grumpy about it. That and there was somepony harassing her about pests getting into her carrot garden.”

“Sorry to hear about that.”

“Right now, we have more important things to worry about.” Twilight interrupted, glancing at her friends. “Has Yuuno filled everypony in on what happened last night?”

“Sure did sugarcube.” Applejack replied as the others nodded.

“Good. Because I’m going to need everypony’s help with this.” Twilight flicked her hair.

“With what?”

“We’re going to go looking for Jewel Seeds.”

“Oooh! SCAVENGER HUNT!” Pinkie squealed happily. “This is going to be so much fun!”

“Well, I suppose you could call it that,” Yuuno face-palmed.

“Tea, anypony?” Spike hefted the tray along atop his head, keeping it carefully balanced.

“Thank you Spike.” Twilight levitated her cup over to her as the others picked up their own cups. “Now, as I was saying, we need to start actively looking for the Jewel Seeds, hopefully before they activate. We’ve been pretty lucky so far with the attacks, but now we have someone after the Jewel Seeds as well. We need to step up our game.”

“So what yer sayin’ is that we’re gonna go lookin’ for tha Jewel Seeds instead of waitin’ for them to come to us?” Applejack nodded approvingly. “Now that’s tha kinda thinkin’ I like.”

“Um…I hate to interrupt, but how are we going to find the Seeds?” Fluttershy leaned out from behind Rarity. “I mean, they’re really small, and they could be anywhere.”

“Actually, I have an idea for that.” Twilight smiled. “Rarity, remember that gem finding spell of yours?”

“Of course.”

“Well, we’re going to use that. Except this time, instead of hunting gems, we’re going to be hunting Jewel Seeds. With Raising Heart, I should be able to amplify the range of the spell to cover a wider area.”

“I can probably help with that.” Yuuno pointed out. “I know a few search spells myself.”

“So between me, Rarity and Yuuno, we should be able to design a spell that will lead us to where the Jewel Seeds are. After that, we can retrieve them, hopefully before this mysterious pony does.”

“And that’s where the rest of us come in?” Rainbow landed. “I’m cool with this. Teamwork and all that.”

“Exactly.” Twilight nodded with a smile. “If we all work together, we’ll be able to get more done. And the quicker we find all the Seeds, the quicker Ponyville will be out of danger.”


“Ugh. Why couldn’t the Jewel Seed have landed someplace nice, like outside a hot spring spa or something?”

Fate quietly ignored Arf as the pair floated above a large bog, the brackish water barely hiding the fallen trees and moss. The seed had to be somewhere nearby. Bardiche’s tracking spell had narrowed the seed’s presence to this small plot of swampy land.

“I just hope it’s not underwater.” Arf groused softly.

“I don’t think it is.” Fate interrupted quietly. “Why don’t you wait up here to see if anyone’s approaching? I‘ll go down and check.”

“Sure.” Fate floated down towards the ground, carefully alighting on one of the thin trees poking out of the bog.

Bardiche, how close am I to the Seed? She send out her thought to her Device.

You are within thirty meters, sir. Turn fifteen degrees left and twenty degrees downwards from your current position.

Thank you. Fate smiled faintly and floated in that direction. In a way, Bardiche’s mechanical presence was always comforting. Outside of her mother and Arf, the Device was her only real relationship. Bardiche was her Device, Arf was her Familiar, and Mother was…well, her mother. Even if she had a very odd way of showing her love. The three of them were all she needed in the world.

Ah, there it is. She floated downwards. The Jewel Seed was nestled in a tree hollow just above the water line, the blue jewel almost covered with bits of debris. “Bardiche, Sealing Mode.”


There was a loud crackle as Bardiche assembled itself from raw mana, taking its traditional shape: a long white staff tipped with a broad, angular black axe-head, its golden core glinting in the center where the haft met the middle of the head. The head extended, releasing a set of golden, dragonfly-like wings as it rotated one hundred and eighty degrees, energy sparking around it as she held the Device in her telekinetic grip.

There was a soft glimmer as a set of runes formed on the surface of the Seed, reading XVII.

“Jewel Seed, Serial Number Seventeen, Seal.” Fate’s voice was hushed as golden bands of magic wrapped around the jewel, quickly rendering it harmless before it was pulled into Bardiche’s core.

“RECEIPT NUMBER SEVENTEEN, CONFIRMED.” Bardiche vocally confirmed before rotated back into its normal shape.

“That’s two captured.” Fate exhaled as she turned in mid-air. “Arf, it’s time to move onto the next-.”

Fate paused, looking upwards quietly noting the four very large heads glaring down at her. Four very large, scaly, and vaguely draconic heads with bright green eyes, each one attached to a long, thick neck, all dripping with water.

Fate was unimpressed. “…Arf?” She called out as the creature hissed. “Would you mind-”

A loud roar was quickly cut short as chains of brilliant orange light wrapped around the four heads, yanking them back from the small pony.

“Thank you.”

“Sorry about that Master.” Arf called over the beast’s thrashing, the chains leading back to a brightly glowing orange spell circle..

“That’s alright, Arf.” Fate frowned at the beast. “Though I’m surprised someone hasn’t dealt with this creature. Oh well.” She telekinetically brandished Bardiche at the monster.

“PHOTON LANCER, GET SET.” There was a soft hum as several spheres of golden light formed around Fate, purple lightning crackling along their surfaces.

“This shouldn’t take too long.”


“Alright, is everyone ready?” Twilight paced back and forth in front of her assembled friends, Raising Heart floating beside her as she walked.

“I think so,” Yuuno glanced down the light at the other ponies and the baby dragon. “It might help if we had a few more ponies to help, though.”

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow laughed. “Most of the other ponies in town are used to running away if something big goes down. Trust me Yuuno, when you need something done, we’re the best option.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Sadly, I have to agree with Rainbow’s assessment. Besides, the seven of us are used to dealing with things like this.”


“Now, just to review, you’re all divided into two teams; Team One consists of me, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, while Team Two has Yuuno, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike. Each team will follow the Area Search spell I send out. Hopefully, the spell will lead us to a Jewel Seed.” Twilight paused and turned to face the group. “Once you’ve found a Seed, either Yuuno or I will seal it. Nobody else touches it unless necessary. We don’t know what triggers a Seed to activate, so it’s best not to interact with it. Understood?”

“Got it!” The group responded.

“Good. Now, since everypony seems to be ready, I’ll send out the spell.” Twilight turned away from the group and concentrated. “Alright Raising Heart, launch the spell.”

The staff‘s core glowed as the spell‘s name played across its surface. “AREA SEARCH,” Raising Heart announced as two glowing spheres of light appeared, flanking Twilight before floating off in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

“Alright everypony, let’s go. And for the love of everything be careful!”


“You know Yuuno, you really should let me design you a new outfit.” Rarity carefully hopped over a fallen tree as the team made their way through the forest, following the glowing orb of Twilight’s search spell. “Not to disregard your current outfit, but cream and khaki are just so… drab. You really could use a bit of color, darling. Perhaps some turquoise or a nice forest green, since you’re really more of an autumn coloration than a spring…”

Yuuno blushed faintly. “You don’t really need to, Miss Rarity. My barrier jacket is more for practicality than anything else. Besides, I‘m not much for formal wear.”

“Oh, but I insist. It doesn’t even need to be formal, maybe just something light and fun. I’ve never made clothing for a human before, but I always relish a new challenge!”

“Um… I don’t want to interrupt,” Fluttershy floated down closer to the group, “but I think we’re getting close to Froggy Bottom Bog.”

“Is that bad?” Yuuno frowned.

“Sort of.” Spike chimed in from his spot on Rarity’s back. “It’s a pretty large swamp, and it’s home to a really huge hydra.”

“Ugh, the last thing I need is to go wading through a nasty, mucky old swamp, getting all dirty and muddy.” Rarity sniffed.

“I’d be more worried about the hydra. Fluttershy,” Yuuno glanced at the pale yellow pegasus, “why don’t you fly up above the tree line and see if there’s anything roaming around?”

“Oh! Sure…” Fluttershy flapped her wings and floated higher into the air.

“Besides,” Yuuno continued, “if we have to cross the swamp, I could probably just levitate us across with a flight spell. Or just generate platforms over the water.”

“You really must show me how to cast such useful spells, Yuuno dear.” Rarity pouted, then froze as a scream rang out in the air.

“Fluttershy!” Spike shouted.

“It sounds like she’s up ahead!” Yuuno dashed towards the sound of the scream, closely followed by the unicorn and her rider.

It didn’t take long for the group to arrive. Fluttershy was seated on a sandy bank near the bog proper, sniffling as she stroked one of the limp necks of a massive, draconic creature. Yuuno floated over towards Fluttershy, landing beside her. “Fluttershy? Are you alright?”

“Oh you poor, poor thing…” Fluttershy sniffled, looking up at Yuuno. “Who could have done something so horrible?”


“No, it’s just unconscious, but just look at it…” Fluttershy pointed with her hoof. The four necks were marked with a series of abraded bands along the scales, and a dozen scorch marks dotted the creature’s throats.

“These look fresh…” Yuuno frowned, touching one of the abrasions. “Some sort of binding spell, followed by a shooting attack is my guess.”

“S-so someone tied it down, and then shot it?!” Fluttershy whispered in a horrified voice. “How cruel…”

“Um, Fluttershy?” Spike raised a hand nervously. “I don’t want to sound mean, but it was probably trying to eat whoever was here…”

“So?! That doesn‘t excuse what they did!” Fluttershy snapped, leveling a glare at Spike. The young dragon recoiled, hiding his face with an arm. Fluttershy then turned to Yuuno, grabbing his cheeks with her hooves. “We’ve got to find whoever did this! This is unacceptable!”

Yuuno felt a sense of overwhelming fear well up in his stomach as Fluttershy glared into his eyes, the sort of fear reserved for life-or-death situations. “We…will…” Yuuno managed to croak out, sweat dripping down his forehead.

Fluttershy nodded, then blushed and let go. “S-sorry,” she mumbled, flapping her wings. “I’m going to go look around a little, see if there’s anything I can learn, okay?”

Yuuno nodded weakly, still frozen until he felt something poke his thigh. He glanced down at Rarity.

“Don’t worry darling. You’re not the first to feel the full force of The Stare.”

“The Stare?”

“Indeed.” Rarity looked over at the fluttering pegasus as she talked to one of the croaking frogs. ”Whenever Fluttershy gets protective or angry, she turns on The Stare. I’m reasonably sure that there isn’t a living creature in Equestria that can resist that glare of hers. I’ve seen her make a fully grown dragon cry with it.”

“I can believe that.” Yuuno swallowed, trying to quell the butterflies in his stomach. Could that be considered a Rare Skill? He felt his eyes follow Rarity’s gaze. Twilight can teleport at will, Fluttershy has the Stare and… is she talking to those frogs?

Yuuno blinked as Fluttershy floated back over. “The frogs said that there was a strange pony and a really strange creature here about half an hour or so ago. They picked up something that looked like a Jewel Seed, then… did something bad to the hydra. Then they went that way.” She pointed a hoof towards the cliffs overlooking the bog.

“Are you sure about this, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course.”

“So you can talk with animals too?”

“Of course. My special talent is dealing with animals after all. Does that seem odd?” Fluttershy frowned.

“No, it’s just surprising. Being able to speak to animals is a pretty rare skill.”


“I hate to interrupt, but we should hurry and follow the tracking spell.” Rarity pointed at the hovering sphere of light that was floating towards the cliffs.

“Oh, you’re right, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. At least we know where this mysterious other mage is going…” Yuuno began to walk after the sphere, frowning as he heard Fluttershy apologize to the unconscious hydra.

A pony and a strange creature, huh? I should let Twilight know that we have something else to worry about


“…and then I’d be like ‘WHAM! BOOM!’ and they’d be out like a light!” Rainbow shouted, slapping her hooves together for emphasis.

“Uh-huh.” Twilight muttered, only half paying attention to Rainbow’s rambling, her focus on the floating sphere that hovered just before the group.

“Which is why you won’t have to worry about anything Twilight. If we run into that wizard or mage or whatever, you can count on me to deal with them.”

“That’s nice.” Twilight replied, wondering how much longer Rainbow would keep talking.

“Ooh! Ooh! Don’t forget to do the sonic rainboom too!” Pinkie Pie cheered, her saddlebags rustling as she bounced along.

“Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that. How else am I going to kick their flank in style if I don’t pull off my signature stunt?”

“Are ya just gonna keep goin’ on like this tha entire time?” Applejack interjected, looking just about as weary of the line of conversation as Twilight was. “We don’t even know what this here person or pony looks like, and yer already makin’ plans.”

“It’s called battle strategy, duh!” Rainbow snarked, rolling her eyes. “It’s not exactly something you’d appreciate, Applejack.”

“Psh-shaw! Remind me, sugarcube, which of us had to be yanked outta tha sky an’ away from a heapin’ mess ah black parasprites that were about tah‘ chomp down on ‘er like Sunday brunch?”

Pinkie Pie spoke up as Rainbow opened her mouth. “Ooh! Ooh! I know! It was Dashie!”

“Yeah yeah,” Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively. “You’re just jealous because I have my plan of attack all planned out and you don’t.”

“’Charge at ‘em an kick ‘em in tha teeth’ ain’t a strategy, RD. It’s what you do every single time we get inna fight with somethin‘,” Applejack deadpanned.

“Well, it’s worked before.”

Applejack‘s eyebrow arched. “When?”

“Uh…” Rainbow frowned, rubbing her cheek. “Lemme think…”

“You do that. Ah’ll wait.” Applejack replied a little smugly.

“Um, girls? Stop!” Twilight came to a halt, the others skidding around her.

“What’s the pr- oh.” Rainbow Dash stared ahead at the field of blue, long-stamened flowers that sat before them. Hundreds of the flowers, so thick that the ground was completely covered.

Pinkie Pie let out a low whistle. “Hokey-smokey, that’s a lot of poison jokey.”

“I guess we’ll have to go around.” Twilight paused as the sphere floated into the middle of the field and hovered. “Or not.”

“Twilight, are ya sure that Search spell’s accurate?” Applejack gave the bright blue flowers a nervous glance.

“Positive. The Search spell’s been programmed to seek out the unique crystalline structure and magical signature of the Jewel Seeds. There’s got to be one in this field.”

“How’re we supposed to get tah Seed out from that there field of Poison Joke?!” Applejack pounded a hoof on the ground in irritation. “Ah kin tell ya’ll right now, ah ain’t touchin’ it. Ah don’t wanna end up all Apple-Teeny again.”

“And I’m not touching it either. I crash enough as it is.” Rainbow Dash grumbled, front hooves on her hips. “No way.”

“Don’t fret girls!” Pinkie Pie turned her head and flipped open her saddlebags. “I’ve planned for just such an occasion.”

“You planned for a giant field of poison joke?” Applejack stared at Pinkie incredulously.

“Yup! Give me a bit of help with this.”

Twilight? A familiar voice whispered in Twilight’s mind, drawing her attention away from the others.

Yuuno? Twilight closed her eyes. You’re doing this telepathically, aren’t you?

Yes. I have an update for you. I think our rivals are on the move.

What’s the matter?

We came across the hydra at Froggy Bottom Bog. It was knocked unconscious by magic. I think there was a Seed here, but it was taken.

Oh dear. Twilight winced, remembering who she’d paired him with. How did Fluttershy react?

Not well. We’re moving on, but be careful. The last thing we need is to fall into an ambush. How is your team holding up?

We’ve located another Seed, but it’s in the middle of a field of poison joke.

Poison joke? Yuuno sounded confused.

It’s a magical plant. Its toxin causes extreme, but non-harmful afflictions, like shrinking Applejack to the size of a doll.

Ew. Good luck with that.

You and the others stay safe, alright?

“How in the hay did you pack an entire crane?!”

Twilight blinked, looking over towards the others. Somehow, Pinkie Pie had assembled a long-armed crane from the contents of her saddlebags, and was in the process of swinging it towards the Area Search beacon, a four-fingered scoop swinging from the end.

“It was easy!” Pinkie grinned, adjusting her hard hat as she slowly turned the crank. “I put it into my pack one piece at a time. You act like it’s hard Dashie.”

“I…but…” Rainbow Dash sighed and face-hoofed with a groan.

“Annnd there we go!” Pinkie giggled as the crane lowered down, the gripper mechanism closing as it slowly lifted a familiar-looking blue gem out of the patch of blue flowers.

“Pinkie, I don’t know how you did it, but I’m impressed.” Twilight leveled Raising Heart at the gem as it began to glow.

“Raising Heart, sealing mode!”

“SEALING MODE, SET UP!” There was a heavy ka-chunk as the head extended a set of pink, feathered energy wings bloomed from the shaft. A set of red letters glowed on the surface of the Seed, reading XIII.

“Jewel Seed, Serial Number Thirteen,” Twilight recited the spell’s trigger words from memory, “seal!”

There was a bloom of light as the Seed was quickly wrapped in glowing ribbons of light and rendered harmless. The seed itself floated over to Raising Hearts core and promptly disappeared inside it.

“RECEIPT NUMBER THIRTEEN CONFIRMED.” Raising Heart replied, the staff returning to its normal proportions with a soft hiss.

“Well, that’s one less problem to worry about.” Rainbow landed beside Twilight.

“Tell me about it.” Twilight exhaled. “I’d hate to think what sort of monster would have popped up if this Seed had activated in this field of poison joke.”

There was a brief, awkward pause as the ponies looked at each other. It was pretty clear the others shared Twilight’s sentiment.

“No use in stoppin’ yet ya’ll.” Applejack noted as Pinkie Pie dismantled her contraption. “We’ve still got plenty of daylight out here.”

I agree.” Twilight glanced at the Area Search sphere as it began to float off. “Let’s see where the next gem is.”


“And that’s number three.” Fate quietly noted as she walked out of the cavern, a Seed hovering in her telekinetic grip. It was a wonder how the Jewel Seeds managed to wind up in the strangest of places. The depths of a high mountain cavern wasn’t her first pick, especially considering the place stank faintly of smoke. All in all, however, they were making good progress.

Fate paused, noting Arf’s unusual position; the wolf-woman was halfway hanging off the cliff, her rump high in the air and her fluffy, fox-like tail stiff. “Arf, what are you doing?”

Arf pulled herself up, her expression serious. “Master, we’re being followed.”

“Followed?” Fate frowned.

“Mhmm. It’s the human boy. I can smell him. He’s coming up the mountain with several others.”

“I shouldn’t be surprised.” Fate pressed the Jewel Seed into Bardiche’s core, letting her Device absorb it. “Do you think they’ve detected us?”

“I can’t be sure.” Arf crossed her arms and frowned down at Fate. “Master, why don’t you fly on ahead to the next Seed? I’ll keep them busy and divert attention from you.”

“Are you sure you can handle the situation, Arf?”

“Of course!” Arf grinned, extending a V-for-Victory sign at Fate. “I’m your familiar after all! If I‘m helping you, then there‘s nothing that can stop me.”

Fate nodded solemnly. “Then I’ll leave this in your hands. Be safe.”

“You too.” Arf smiled as Fate flew off, disappearing off the side of the mountain.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve had a real fight. Arf thought to herself as she cracked her knuckles.


“My, this certainly makes climbing a mountain easier.” Rarity nudged the green circle under her hooves as Yuuno held the spell, the quartet floating up along the mountainside.

“No kidding.” Spike peered over the edge of the magical platform, then pulled back quickly. “I’m just glad it’s nice and solid.”

“You won’t have to worry about that.” Yuuno noted. “Just so long as you don’t try to jump off the edge or something, you’ll be fine.”

“Um, Rarity? Doesn’t this place look familiar?” Fluttershy looked upwards as they floated along.

“Now that you mention it, it does look familiar.” Rarity frowned, then perked up. “Ah! This was where the dragon was napping!”

“Would this be the same dragon Fluttershy made cry?” Yuuno ventured, eliciting a bright blush from the pegasus.

“You…told him about that?” She glanced over at Rarity.

“Well, you did give him The Stare, so I had to explain…” Rarity blushed and looked away. “Sorry.”

“I don’t see why you have to be embarrassed Fluttershy. That Stare of yours is rather impressive.”

The pegasus mumbled something that could have been a thank you, her hoof scuffing the surface of the magical platform. Yuuno glanced around as the platform crested the lip of a ledge. The ledge was huge, with several large outcroppings ringing the open space. A huge cavern flanked with partially-broken columns stood before them like an open maw, silent and foreboding.

“This looks like the place.” Yuuno glanced around as the ponies and Spike climbed off the platform, the spell disappearing as he stepped off as well. “All we need to do now is find the Jewel Seed…”

“If you’re looking for the Seed, then you’re a bit late for that.” A female voice echoed out from the cavern. Yuuno stepped back as someone a good deal taller than him emerged from the shadows, eyes faintly glowing as she emerged

“Y-yuuno? Who in Equestria is that?!” Rarity stared.

“I think this is the ‘strange creature’ Fluttershy’s friends were talking about.” Yuuno replied cautiously.

“’Strange creature?’ Hmph!” The woman flicked her hair and raised her chin dismissively. “Really? Now that’s a little rude.”

“That’s beside the point.” Yuuno interrupted. “Who are you? What do you want with the Jewel Seeds?!”

“Such an assertive young man,” the woman cooed playfully, crossing her arms under her breasts. “I’m Arf. And if you really must know, I’m not the one looking for the Seeds. That would be my master.”

“Your master?” Spike asked, ignoring Yuuno’s blush.

“Mhmm. My wonderfully brilliant and adorable master. Of course, she’s not here right now, so you’re left with me to deal with. I‘d be willing to overlook your intrusion, ” Arf grinned, showing her sharp canines as her pupils shrank and warped into something more inhuman, “if it wasn’t nearly dinner time. So be good little intruders and run on home, or the big bad wolf’s going to gobble you all up.”

“Is that supposed to scare us?” Rarity snorted. “It’s hard to take you seriously with that getup you’re wearing. Honestly, peach, maroon and black? Those shorts with heeled shoes? Did you even look in the mirror when you got dressed?”

“Well, if you don’t like my clothes, why don’t I slip into something a bit more natural?” Arf’s eyes glowed as she snarled. Fur violently sprouted from her skin, her head of hair exploded outwards as her limbs warped, her face pushing out as she landed on all fours. In a few brief seconds the woman was replaced by a massive, thickly furred orange wolf, easily as tall as Yuuno was.

“Eeek!” Rarity pulled back, cringing as the canine creature howled. “What is that thing?!”

“She’s a familiar, a magical beast tied to another mage.” Yuuno stepped forwards protectively.

“Got it in one.” The beast snarled, crouching low to the ground. “And I’m not about to let you foil my master’s plans with your interference.” A spell circle appeared under the wolf’s feet as a set of large, brilliant orange spheres of energy sprang into existence around her. “Now, prepare yourself!”

“Everyone, get behind me!” Yuuno shouted, his shield springing into existence in a burst of green light.


“Figures that a Seed would be in a place like Ghastly Gorge.” Rainbow fluttered along the edge as the others walked, the pegasus peering down into the bottom of the canyon.

“Given the fact that the Seeds seem to be scattered rather haphazardly, it was a matter of probability that one would show up here.” Twilight noted.

“Yeah, but at one of my fave practice spots? Not cool.”

“Oh it’s alright Dashie. Once we find it, you’ll have your practice area all to yourself again!” Pinkie smiled, bouncing along behind the others.

“Let’s just hope that we’ve gotten here before the other grou-” Twilight blinked as a flash of light exploded from further ahead, a blue beam of light streaking up into the sky.

“Oooh! Pretty!” Pinkie followed the beam upwards

“Ah don’t like tha look of that, nosiree.” Applejack stared up at the beam of light as it slowly dissipated.

“We need to hurry!” And with that, Rainbow streaked down into the canyon, leaving behind her distinctive rainbow-colored trail.

“Rainbow! Wait!” Twilight shouted as she flew off.

“That numbskull! Come on ya’ll, we gotta catch up to ‘er before she bites off more than she can chew!” Applejack shouted as she ran, closely followed by Pinkie Pie.


That was close. Fate thought to herself as Bardiche announced the receipt of Jewel Seed Serial Twenty. If I had been any later the Seed might have fully activated. I just hope Arf isn’t having any trouble.

“Hey! You!”

Fate turned, only to find herself sprawling violently on the ground, a larger blue pegasus straddling her, a set of angry magenta eyes meeting hers.

“I got you!” The pegasus growled, glaring down at her. “Now, miss mysterious magic pants, you’re going to stay right here until my friend-”


The pegasus toppled sideways as Bardiche’s butt end smacked across her side, pulled along by Fate’s telekinetic field. Fate rose to her hooves as her attacker got up as well, shaking her head.

“Oh, you wanna do this the hard way? Well, we can-”


“Wha?!” The pegasus struggled as a set of square-shaped loops locked around her legs. “Hey! That’s not fair! Lemme go! Get these things offa me!”

“I don’t think so.” Fate replied coolly. “You’re going to stay right where you are for now. I‘ve got more important things to worry about.”

“You’re just too chicken to fight me for real. I could whup you with one hoof tied behind-”

The pegasus stopped mid-sentence as Fate brought Bardiche’s head to bear, the edge of the axe gleaming slightly a few inches away from her nose.

“If I was to fight you for real, you’d already be dead.” Fate replied, pulling Bardiche back and resting him against her shoulder. “The bind should wear off in a while. If you have any sense in your head, you’ll stay out of the way.”


More interference. Fate sighed, turning around as she heard a loud popping noise. The purple unicorn from last night was standing there, her own Device hovering before her.

“I was wondering when you’d show up.” Fate met Twilight’s eyes, the two of them holding their ground.


Twilight stood there, face-to-face with the mysterious mare as a small breeze whistled through the gorge.

She looks smaller than I expected, Twilight thought to herself, almost like those old pictures of Fluttershy when she was at flight camp.

“So, you’re the boy’s partner.” Twilight’s jerked slightly, focusing on the other pony. The filly was eying Raising Heart, her own staff leaning against her side. Her gaze was cold and almost emotionless, like her eyes were made out of glass. “I was expecting this would happen sooner or later.”

“Twilight, what’re you waiting for?! Blast her!” Rainbow shouted as she struggled against her bindings.

“Dash, be quiet.” Twilight frowned, her eyes not leaving the other pony’s face. “Look, I’m sorry if Rainbow Dash attacked you. Could you please let her go?”

“The binding will wear off shortly. However, I’m more concerned with you at the moment.” The golden pony began to slowly walk around Twilight, her long golden pigtails flowing behind her. Twilight followed suit, the two ponies slowly circling each other.

“I think we might have gotten off on the wrong hoof. Maybe we should introduce ourselves. My name’s Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight tried to sound friendly. “What’s yours?”

“Fate. Fate Testarossa.”

“That’s a pretty name.” Twilight smiled.

“Thank you.” Fate’s face was neutral.

“Look, Fate… I’m sure you have good reason to go looking for the Jewel Seeds. And you seem to be quite capable for someone not from here.” Twilight’s eyes glanced over to the massive axe floating beside Fate. “But it’s really dangerous to do this sort of thing on your own.”

“I’m not worried about that, Twilight Sparkle.” Fate replied coolly.

“Okay,” Twilight conceded, “but maybe if we work together, I’m sure we can-”

“What makes you think we can work together?” Fate interrupted, pointing her staff at Twilight, causing her to jump. “You have your reasons for finding the Jewel Seeds, and I have mine. We’re both after the same thing for different reasons.”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t work together. Maybe even be friends.”
“I don’t need friends, Twilight Sparkle.” Fate’s eyes narrowed. “I need the Jewel Seeds. That‘s all.”

“I used to think like that too, but I was wrong.“ Twilight lowered her staff, speaking gently. “Everypony needs friends. Come on… put down your Device and let’s just talk about this.”

Fate closed her eyes, then swung her staff around, the black head leveled at Twilight, “You can talk all you like, but words alone won’t change anything.” Her eyes opened, her ruby gaze determined. “Put yourself on the line, show me how determined you are to achieve your goal, and then I might listen.”

“Are we going to fight? Really?”

“As long as you’re between me and my goal, then we’re rivals. I won’t stop until I’ve captured the Jewel Seeds, not for anything or anyone.”

Twilight swallowed, floating Raising Heart into a defensive position. “I don’t want to have to fight you if-”

“You don’t have a choice in the matter.” Fate seemed to blur out in front of her.

“Twilight, behind you!” Rainbow shouted

Twilight spun, bringing Raising Heart up just in time to catch its haft on Fate’s axe blade. Energy crackled as the two telekinetic fields collided.

She’s fast. I didn’t even see her move! Twilight grimaced, pushing back with her field until Fate broke the lock, the smaller pony sliding backwards.


There was a loud explosion as party favors and confetti rained down on Fate, right as a pair of Earth ponies leapt down into the gorge, flanking the purple unicorn.

“Applejack! Pinkie! I was wondering when you two would show up.”

“Ain’t like we can teleport or fly like ya’ll can.” Applejack pushed her hat forwards as she stomped the ground. “So, this here’s the filly that’s been huntin’ after the Seeds?”

Fate swung her staff around, clearing a path in the cloud of confetti. “What did you expect that to accomplish?”

“Duh! You can’t have a surprise party without confetti and streamers!” Pinkie Pie grinned. The grin quickly switched to a more serious face. “And we saw everything. That’s cheating, trying to hit Twilight from behind like that.”

Fate raised her staff forwards, her eyes narrowing. “So this is your plan? Gang up on me?”

“If ya think for one second we’re gonna stand by an’ let you hurt one of our friends, ya’ll got another thing comin’. I don’t care what kinda fancy-schmancy magic you got.” Applejack lowered her head and scuffed the ground, preparing to charge.

“Friends stick together, no matter what!” Pinkie Pie followed suit, a dog-like growl coming from her throat.

“Uh, guys? Still kinda tied up over here.” Rainbow noted, still flapping her wings.

“Very well.” Fate spread her cape up and began to fly into the air, the air around her crackling.

“Uh…is she supposed tah be able to do that?” Applejack blinked.

“Oh come ON! She can fly without wings?! That’s CHEATING!” Rainbow shouted.

“Girls, get back! Stay with Rainbow Dash while I keep her distracted!” Twilight ran forwards, Raising Heart swinging to bear.

“But Twilight!” Pinkie Pie shouted as an unfamiliar mechanical voice rang out. Golden spheres of light rimed with purple lightning flashed into existence around Fate’s body.


“Do it! Raising Heart!” Twilight shouted, aiming her staff upwards.



Both ponies voices mingled together as bolts of energy sprang from their positions, the air filling with flashes of light and explosions of sound.


Residual energy crashed against stone, leaving small craters as Yuuno’s shield broke the bolts fired at him. He tried to ignore the panicked screaming of the two mares hiding behind him, his focus entirely locked on the very large, very aggressive wolf attacking him from all angles.

“Why’re you doing this?!” Yuuno shouted over the roar of energy as he blocked another volley of shots. “What does your Master want with the Jewel Seeds? What does she know about them?!”

“Why should I tell you?!” The wolf snarled, pouncing on the shield once again, her claws scraping against its surface. “All you should be worried about is me eating the lot of you, starting with the fancy pony with the purple mane!”

“Don’t you DARE hurt Rarity!”

A gout of green fire connected with Arf’s stomach, causing her to yelp and fall back. Spike hissed in reply, smoke fluttering from his nostrils as her stood behind Yuuno’s shield.

“Ow-ow-ow-ow-OW! On second thought,” Arf growled, her blue eyes locked on the small dragon, “I’ll start with the lizard as an appetizer!”

“Bring it! I ain’t scared of an overgrown fleabag like you!” Spike hissed, his snake-like tongue flicking out.


Yuuno winced at the telepathic shout. Twilight?

I need help! Now!

On our way. Yuuno inhaled. “Everyone hang on. This is going to be a bit disorienting.”

“Oh no you don’t!” Arf snarled, charging towards the shield, only to hop back as another gout of Spike’s dragon breath nearly connected. Yuuno, meanwhile, raised his hands upwards, energy spilling around the four of them. For a brief moment, a series of empty squares fired up into the air, right before they four of them vanished in a flash of green light.

“Oooh, clever. He can transport.” Arf snorted, then paused. “Fate! I have to get to Fate!”

The massive wolf leapt off the side of the mountain, dashing swiftly towards a large canyon, where brilliant pink and yellow explosions decorated the air.


“Come on you guys, there’s gotta be something you can do!” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings violently as Applejack kicked at her brilliant shackles.

“Ahm’ tryin’ sugarcube, but these things ain’t budgin’!” Applejack snarled back.

Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, was watching the exchange between the mystery pony and Twilight. The mystery pony had the advantage of flight, and was firing shots down at Twilight in rapid succession. However, Twilight was keeping up, winking from place to place and intercepting shots with her own blasts. Neither pony was gaining any ground.

Pinkie paused, shielding her eyes as a green flash filled her vision, the other girls, Spike and Yuuno appearing with them.

“Girls!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

“Pinkie! Dash! Applejack!” Fluttershy dashed over to them. “Are you alright!? What’s going on!”

“If the fireworks over there are any indication, it looks like Twilight’s fighting somepony!” Spike winced as a stray bolt collided with the ground nearby.

““That’s the one you were talking about Yuuno! The other wizard! Now help me out of these things so I can help Twilight!” Rainbow Dash struggled with the binds, her wingbeats kicking up dirt around her.

“Okay, okay, just give me a second.” Yuuno crouched down. “This is a pretty good binding. It’s elementally aligned with lightning, so-”

“Stop nerding over it and hurry!” The rainbow-maned pegasus snorted.

“Now hold yer horses RD, we need at least some kinda strategy before we just rush in an’ get all blasted to bits.”

“That’s assuming you’re going anywhere!”

The ponies looked upwards as Arf leapt down into the canyon, landing between them and the battle. “You’re not going anywhere near my Master.”

“Landsakes, that’s a big doggie.” Applejack stared as Arf growled threateningly, then blinked as Fluttershy stepped forwards, her wings spreading. "Shy? What're you-"

“You threatened to eat me and my friends.” Fluttershy’s voice was low and ominous, her hair hidng her face as she approached the giant wolf. “And you and your master hurt Mr. Hydra.”

“Oh, so the fluffy pony wants-” Arf’s voice died in her throat as Fluttershy met her eyes. They were like deep blue pits of fire and rage in the small, pastel yellow pegasus’s face.

“YOU. DO. NOT. HURT. MY. FRIENDS!” Fluttershy shouted, each word like a hammer-blow as she turned the full force of the Stare on the wolf. “BAD DOG! BAD, BAD, BAD DOG!”

The familiar gave a panicked whine, her tail tucking between her legs as she stepped back. “I…”


Arf’s rump hit the ground with a thud.

Yuuno swallowed. “Remind me never to make Fluttershy mad.”

“Focus Yuuno!”

“Right, right!” He reached down, green light blasting over the binding. “Just give me a few seconds, and the binding should be dispelled.”

“Ah don’t think we have a few seconds.” Applejack glanced over towards the pitched battle. “Twilight’s startin’ to look a mite wobbly out there. Ah don’t think I’ve seen ‘er do this much magic at once before.”

“Girls, I’ve got an idea.” Rarity flicked her mane.


“Yes. We need to do this while Fluttershy’s keeping the dog distracted. Just follow my lead. Applejack, I assume you brought your rope…”


The world seemed to flicker each time Twilight winked, several bolts crashing and smashing the ground where she used to be. Teleporting so much was disorienting, even for her. It didn’t help that she also had to concentrate on aiming her own shots. Fate had her on the defensive; most of her fire was concentrated on intercepting Fate’s much faster blasts with only a few shots left to retaliate. And even then, Twilight couldn’t seem to manage a clear shot. Anything other than Divine Shooter and teleporting was out of the question; they would take too long to cast and Fate didn’t seem to be willing to give her any breathing room.

Mana output is stable. Reserves at approximately fifty-six percent and declining. Raising Heart’s mechanical voice updated.

We can’t keep this up forever. I’m starting to get light-headed, and Fate’s shots are too fast! Twilight’s mind raced, trying to think up some way to turn the tide. She stumbled slightly as she came out of her teleport, staring up into the sky as Fate aimed her next volley directly at her.

“Hey Fate! Head’s up!”

A streak of rainbow color flew through the sky, knocking the unicorn filly sideways as Rainbow Dash’s punch connected.

“Rainbow?!” Twilight’s jaw dropped.

“Heck yeah! Did you really think I’d leave my best buddy hanging like that?”

“How did you-”

“Sorry, can’t chat. Got some little pipsqueak with a big stick that needs some lessons in manners.” Rainbow flicked her wings and darted off again, her rainbow contrail glowing as she flew.

A brilliant blueish glow caught her eye off to the side. Rarity stood in the center of the canyon, her teeth clenched in concentration and her horn glowing brightly.


Fate was used to fighting opponents in the air. That’s where she was most familiar. However, she wasn’t used to her opponents charging head-long at her at such speed. Her cape flared out as she recovered from the unexpected strike, the filly turning sharply as she heard the tell-tail rush of wind approaching.

“Alright pipsqueak, you ready for round two?!” Rainbow shouted, charging towards her.

“You should have stayed down. Bardiche!” Fate called out.

“PHOTON LANCER.” Bardiche replied, a volley of blasts launching towards her incoming opponent, only for the sky-blue pegasus to dart out of the way, zig-zagging through her barrage as if the shots were standing still.

Impossible. Is she using some sort of enhancement spell? Fate thought as she raised her staff up, her spell-circle shaped shield springing up just as Rainbow’s hooves connected, sparks flying from the impact.

“Rarity! Now!” Rainbow shouted as the world turned into a kaleidoscope of colorful light. Fate winced as the pegasus kicked off of her shield and vanished into the shifting, prismatic corona, right as something looped around her leg and yanked her out of the sky.

She exited the corona at speed, blinking furiously as she saw what she was rapidly approaching. The orange pony from earlier had her by a rope, and had turned away from her, hooves raised. She pulled up her hoof, calling another shield into existence just as the buck connected. But even the shield didn’t protect her from the sheer power behind those legs. The shield visibly buckled as she was catapulted backwards.

“Gol-durned fancy magic!” Applejack shouted as Fate recovered in mid-air… only for someone to tackle her from behind, a pair of sky-blue limbs wrapping around her stomach.

“You can fly with magic.” Rainbow grinned as she flapped her wings accelerating the two of them, “but around here, the pegasi rule the skies!”

The ground raced up to meet her. Fate cried out as Rainbow let go, darting off just before the ground. In desperation she rolled in mid-fall to land on her back, letting her Barrier Jacket take the impact, even as she felt a shock of pain shot up through her body.

“Aw yeah! Did you see that?” Fate heard as she rolled over and got to her feet, her breath coming in short and heavy. Twilight and her friends were gathered in a line in front of her, along with the human from the other night and a purple lizard thing. The only one absent was the yellow pegasus, and she could see her just beyond, locked in a staring match with Arf.

“I think you might have overdid it a bit Rainbow.” Twilight chided the pegasus.

“Are you kidding? I think I cracked my hoof when I punched that shield of hers.” Rainbow winced, shaking the offending appendage.

“Still doesn’t excuse ramming her into the ground like that.” Twilight turned back to Fate. “Fate! Are you alright?” She called out.

Fate growled softly, her teeth gritted as she glared at them. “It’s going to take a lot more than that to stop me.”

“Why don‘t you get it?! There‘s no need for us to fight like this!” Twilight extended a hoof, stepping forwards slightly. “Please, let’s just stop this before it goes any further than it already has.”

“Shut up.” A golden ring spread out from around her feet as she swung Bardiche upwards. Bardiche’s axe head flipped upwards, four golden dragonfly wings springing from the shaft as bolts of lightning danced around her feet. “It’s already too late for that!”

“Everyone, get down!” Yuuno cried, raising his arms as a wide ring spread out underneath the group.

“Yuuno! Wait! We’re not all here! Where’s Fluttershy?!” Twilight looked around quickly, then froze, her eyes locked on Fluttershy, who was still staring down Arf.

“Fluttershy! Run!”

“THUNDER…” Fate intoned, arching Bardiche upwards as rays of light launched into the sky.

For a brief moment, Fluttershy broke her gaze with Arf. Arf’s fur bristled.

“RAGE!” There was a loud crack of thunder as Fate struck the circle beneath her. Bolts of lightning cascaded down from the sky, colliding with Yuuno’s defensive barrier, filling the gorge with blinding light. The ponies ducked, covering themselves the spell furiously beat against Yuuno's shield.

And unlike her targets, Fate was moving.

“FLASH MOVE. SCYTHE SLASH.” Bardiche intoned ominously.


Twilight groaned, rubbing her eyes as she coughed. The air stank of ozone, and her vision was filled with bursts of color. Even covering her eyes hadn’t been enough to keep all the light out.

“Is everyone alright?” Yuuno’s voice. Twilight kept blinking as her vision cleared.

“She can fly…and shoot lightning. This is just unfair.” Rainbow winced, lifting herself up with her uninjured hoof.

“Everything smells like my morning breath.” Spike winced.

“That was one impressive light show…” Pinkie Pie winced, rubbing her eyes…before gasping. “Fluttershy!”

The other ponies turned. Fate was quietly standing beside the yellow Pegasus, her coat slicked with sweat and her breathing heavy. A long, curving yellow beam of energy looped around her neck, extending from the Device‘s head. Fluttershy was frozen solid, her eyes wide with fear as Arf held her still, her now-human arms pinning her wings. The wolf-woman looked distinctly uncomfortable.

“I wouldn’t move, if I were you. Any of you.” Fate noted calmly, addressing the entire group. Her eyes, however, were focused entirely on Twilight.

“Fate! Stop! Let her go!” Twilight shouted as the other ponies got up, a chorus of similar shouts coming from the others.

“Release her this instant you harridan!”

“Let Fluttershy go, you meanie!”

“Let’er go pipsqueak!”

“Get yer hooves offa-”

“Enough!” Fate interrupted. “This is entirely up to Twilight Sparkle.”

“Me?” Twilight gaped.

“Yes. You’re the one who keeps asking to be my friend. Let me ask you, though. Which is more important; friendship, or the mission?” The scythe didn’t move from Fluttershy’s neck.

There was a long silence.

“T…Twilight?” Fluttershy whimpered.

Twilight Sparkle grimaced, then extended Raising Heart. “Raising Heart, Release Jewel Seeds.”

There was a soft chime as four seeds emerged from Raising Heart’s core, hovering gently.

“Twilight, what-” Yuuno whispered softly.

“You want them?” Twilight gave the seeds a telekinetic push, sending them floating over to the other pony. “Here. Take them and let Fluttershy go.”

Fate nodded slowly, turning her Device slightly to absorb the four gems, the scythe blade dissipating as the axe-head swung back to its normal position. “And that’s what makes us different, Twilight Sparkle.” The gold pony turned away, walking away.

“Wait!” Twilight froze as Fate turned to look at her, her red-eyed gaze cold.

“This is my only warning. The next time you or your friends interfere with my mission, I might not have mercy. Remember that. Let her go, Arf.” And without another word, she dashed off, her blurry form disappearing over the edge of the canyon and into the lengthening shadows.

The wolf-woman looked down at the pegasus, whispering something softly before she released her, disappearing just as quickly as her master.

Twilight was the first to break ranks, rushing towards Fluttershy. The others quickly followed suit. Her Barrier Jacket dissolved into motes of energy as Raising Heart returned to its Standby form, the jewel gently bouncing against Twilight’s chest.

“Fluttershy, are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“I‘m fine…a-as soon as my heart c-calms down.” Fluttershy folded her wings, looking down. “I…I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay. I didn’t expect she’d try to pull such a dirty-”

“No…” Fluttershy quietly interjected. “I mean… I’m sorry that I messed up…but that… that’s what she said too, when she let me go. ‘I’m sorry.’”

“Well, if I ever get my hooves on that dog or her pipsqueak master, I’ll give them something to be sorry for, that’s for sure.” Rainbow growled, punching the air demonstratively.

There was a quiet mumble of agreement, but Twilight didn’t join in. They’d lost. They’d lost all of the Jewel Seeds they’d gotten so far, and Fluttershy had almost gotten hurt. Her head sank slowly as the weight of what had just happened became apparent.

What would the Princess think?


All images (c) their creators