• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 16,129 Views, 288 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight - PurpleProse

Magical Girls With Wave-Motion Cannons Meets My Little Pony! What if Twilight became Nanoha?

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Chapter 2: Revelations! The Mysterious Yuuno Scrya!

“I can’t believe I missed all of that!”

Twilight winced as Rainbow Dash shouted, her voice echoing off the walls of the library. Her head was still pounding after the last night’s battle with the monster, and the purple unicorn hadn’t gotten the best night’s sleep. Her friends had arrived early, almost as soon as she had woken up. At least Pinkie Pie had the consideration to bring her a box of fresh muffins from Sugarcube Corner.

“And ah cain’t believe that somethin’ like that would jus attack outta tha blue.” Applejack adjusted her hat to peer at Twilight. “Tain’t natural, somethin like that.”

Fluttershy quickly nodded. “I’ve never seen a monster like that. I mean, I’ve seen a lot of big, mean, scary things in the Everfree Forest, but nothing like that. I’m just lucky Twilight and Mr. Ferret managed to chase it away.”

“Well, I didn’t exactly chase it away…” Twilight began.

“Speakin’ of Twilight, where is that fuzzy little friend of yours anyhow?”

“Spike’s keeping an eye on him for me. He sort of collapsed when the Princess appeared…”


The assembled ponies were cheering and stomping their hooves in glee as Twilight stood there, grinning nervously with a ferret on her back and a magic staff leaning against her neck. She wouldn’t be surprised if the entire town was there.

Not that it wouldn’t surprise me all that much. Twilight thought. If the fight hadn’t woken them up, the light show definitely did. I wouldn’t be surprised if they saw it all the way in Canterlot…

Twilight paused as she noticed her shadow lengthening, rapidly becoming aware of the brilliant white light behind her. She turned just in time for Celestia to appear out of her warp, flanked by a squadron of unicorn guardsponies in full armor

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” The princess’s voice boomed in the Royal Canterlot Voice, echoing through the air as the citizens of Ponyville knelt. Twilight had only heard Celestia use that voice once or twice before, and only then when she had gotten truly enraged. This time, however, the Princess didn’t sound angry.

She sounded concerned.

“Princess? What’re you doing here?”

The aura of daylight receded as the Princess approached, inspecting her critically. “There was a massive explosion of energy. I thought there had been an incident here in Ponyville…”

Oh no, did she think I lost control or something? Twilight swallowed nervously. “Well, there was an incident Princess, but it’s been handled. E-everything’s fine, I think.”

Celestia frowned slightly. “And your current appearance?”

“I can explain that too.”

“I see.” Celestia exhaled slowly, then glanced at the citizenry. “Mayor.”

“Yes, your majesty?” The gray-maned mayor stood quickly and trotted over to Twilight’s side.

“My sister and I will be paying a brief royal visit tomorrow afternoon in order to speak with my student and her friends. I don’t plan on interrupting your work for too long, but would you please attend as well?”

“Of course, certainly your majesty!”

“Thank you. And Twilight?”

“Yes, Princess?”

Twilight shivered lightly as the tall white alicorn nuzzled her gently. “I’m glad you’re alright. Good night.”

“Good night, Princess.”

Celestia and her attending guards winked out in a flash of golden light, leaving a faint cloud of dust where they were standing. Twilight shook herself slightly, the paused as she heard a soft thud. She glanced downwards, sighing heavily as the ferret laid there, twitching, his eyes dizzy and glazed over.

“What have I gotten myself into?” She moaned softly, levitating the unconscious and fluffy creature into the air along with her staff, walking back towards the library as the Mayor shooed everypony else back to their houses.


“So he just fainted?” Rainbow Dash grumped and crossed her forelimbs. ”Lame.”

“To be fair, this is the Princess we’re talking about. She does tend to have an effect on ponies when she‘s in one of her moods.” Twilight noted.

“That still doesn’t explain where the staff and dress appeared from.” Rarity interrupted from her cushion, pointing over at the aforementioned items. The dress was hung up neatly, while the staff rested on one of Twilight’s numerous desks, the apple-sized red gem glowing softly.

“I’m still not sure of that myself Rarity. I do know it has something to do with that jewel the ferret had. I was in such a rush last night, I didn’t really stop to ask too many questions.”

“Considerin’ that there staff of yours made quick work of that monster, I suppose it cain’t be that bad.” Applejack peered at the device, giving it a gentle nudge with a hoof. “Looks awfully fancy though.”

“Well duh.” Pinkie managed around a mouth full of muffin. “It’s a wizard’s staff. Of course it’s fancy and shiny!”

“Pinkie.” Twilight grumbled. “There’s no such thing as wizard’s staffs. Unicorns don’t use tools like that. That‘s only in fantasy stories and such.”

“Why not? You used it last night!” The pink party pony countered.

“That…” Twilight stopped.

“The staff that you’re, um, ‘carrying’ is a device that channels magic power…”

“Never mind, you’re right.”

“I am?” Pinkie paused, then giggled. “Yay! I’m right!”

Twilight shook her head and glanced back towards Raising Heart. “So it’s a wizard’s staff. It’s some kind of device for channeling magic power. Somehow, though, I don’t think that somepony made this.”

“Hey, girls?” Spike poked his head downstairs. “He’s up.”

“Good,” Twilight called up to her assistant. “Have him come on down.”

There was a soft pitter-patter of little feet as the golden-furred and green-eyed ferret climbed down the steps like a fuzzy slinky before he trotted over to the collected ponies. “Um…hello.”

“Oh my STARS, isn’t he just precious?” Rarity gushed, sitting up from her cushion. “And such lovely fur…”

Twilight facehoofed as the little ferret’s muzzle grew red. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s alright, Miss Sparkle, I’m just not used to having talking horses gush about how cute this form is.”


Yuuno squeaked. “My apologies. Sorry. I hope I didn’t offend.”

“It’s alright.” Twilight cleared her throat. “It might be best if I introduce everypony else. Fluttershy, you already know.”

“Hi Mister Ferret.”

The little mustelid nodded. “Thank you for caring for me, Miss Shy.”

“Oh, it’s no problem…”

“The white unicorn on the cushion is Rarity...”

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, darling.”

“The earth pony sitting next to her in the hat is Applejack.”

“Howdy.” AJ tilted her had politely.

“The blue pegasus hovering right over Applejack’s head is Rainbow Dash.”


“And next to Applejack is Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie was frowning curiously at the ferret, tapping her hoof against her lips.

“Um…Pinkie?” Twilight tilted her head slightly. “Aren’t you going to say hello?”



“Oh! Sorry! Hehe, I was just trying to remember if ferrets like cake.”

“Cake?” Said ferret looked over towards Twilight. “Is…she always like this?”

“Yep!” Pinkie interjected.

The ferret shivered again. “At any rate, it’s a pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Yuuno Scrya.”

“You know?” Pinkie blinked. “I know what?”

“No no, Yuuno.”

“That’s wha-”

“Pinkie, please,” Twilight interrupted. “Can we hold off on the jokes for right now?”

“Aw, fine,” Pinkie pouted and crossed her forelimbs in disappointment.

“Thank you. Now, Mister Scrya, there’s a few things I want to know before the Princesses arrive.” Twilight reached out with her telekinesis and lifted the staff from its place on the table. “First of all, what is this?”

Yuuno blinked. “That’s Raising Heart. Strange, I didn’t expect her to still be in Device mode.”

“So this thing’s called Raising Heart?”

“That’s correct. That‘s her name.”

“Hold on a second fuzzy,” Rainbow Dash floated down and tapped the staff with a hoof. “You keep calling this thing a she. How can a staff be a she?”

“Technically, Raising Heart’s AI is considered to be female. Or, if you want, you could just ask her yourself.”

Twilight paused, turning the staff so that the jewel faced her. ”I was wondering about that, considering the staff was talking some last night.”


“Ahh!” Twilight scrambled back, the staff dropping from her telekinetic field.

“It talked!” Rainbow scooted back as well.

“Well, yes. Raising Heart is what is called an Intelligent Device.” Yuuno sounded like he was giving a lecture as he trotted over to the fallen staff. “And it appears she’s chosen you to be her master.”

“Me? I thought she was yours! I mean, I did find her with you.”

Yuuno frowned and gently tapped the golden ring that held Raising Heart’s core. “She was mine, in theory. You see, I found Raising Heart while on an excavation a year or so back. However, for some reason she never responded to me, not like she did for you. You heard her. She considers you her master now.”

“As if this day couldn’t get any weirder. Now I have a talking magic staff.” Twilight lifted the staff up again. “You said she’s still in Device mode. What did you mean?”

“Well, most Devices have a standby and active mode…”

“Oh Celestia, they’re both eggheads.” Rainbow Dash muttered as she landed beside Applejack, listening to Twilight and Yuuno talk.

“Rainbow Dash, y’all best behave.” The earth pony snorted. “”Ain’t like she’s got ponies like her to talk to. I ain‘t gonna begrudge her somepony all magic-nerdy to talk too.”

“I, for one, am still curious as to where the little darling came from.” Rarity was eying Yuuno specutively. “I sincerely doubt that he’s from Equestria, unless there’s a race of intelligent magic-using stoats that I wasn’t aware of.”

“Ferret.” Fluttershy corrected quietly. “Stoats are larger than ferrets…”

“Hey Fluttershy, do you know if ferrets like cake?”

“Um…no, they’re usually meat-eaters…”

A knock at the door interrupted the conversation.

“I’ll get it!” Spike trotted over to the door and swung it open, then paused at the pair of pegasi standing in the doorway, their polished golden armor glinting in the sunlight. “Uh…can I help you?”

“Their Majesties request the presence of the Elements of Harmony at the town hall.” One replied brusquely.

“Immediately, if possible. And with the ferret as well.” The other continued.

“Alright.” Spike turned back. “Hey, Twilight! Everypony! The Princesses are here!”

“Oh,” Twilight frowned, then levitated Raising Heart up and onto her back, along with Yuuno. “Come on everypony, we can’t keep them waiting.”

“Miss Twilight, the princesses,” Yuuno whispered nervously, holding onto the purple unicorn’s mane as she walked, “they’re also magic users as well, correct?”

“Uh-huh. Celestia and Luna are two of the most powerful magic users in Equestria. They raise the sun and moon every morning and evening.”

“They…” Yuuno shivered violently. “No wonder I collapsed. I could feel the power radiating off of her. What are they like, if I may ask?”

“What’re they like?” Twilight frowned slightly. “Well, Princess Celestia is kind and understanding and polite. She always has what’s best for everypony in mind, but she can be a bit… playful when she wants to be. Princess Luna’s a lot more serious and formal, but that’s because she’s been away for a very long time. I’m sure there won’t be a problem.”

“You seem quite familiar with them.”

“Well, I am Princess Celestia’s personal student. And me and my friends did turn Princess Luna back to normal when she returned from the moon…”

Twilight blinked as Yuuno made an odd strangling noise. “Is something the matter?”

“No…” Yuuno’s voice was strained. “No, nothing at all…”


The wooden floor of the town hall gleamed slightly in the sunlight as Twilight and her friends entered, passing by the alert pegasi guards that flanked the door outside.. The great hall seemed larger without any decorations filling the vaulted ceiling or hanging from the balconies.

However, the place was still “filled,” so to speak. Not with gaudy ribbons or tapestry, but by the sheer presence of the two sisters that were waiting inside. Celestia and Luna were seated patiently, a half-circle of cushions placed before them. Sunlight glittered on the sun princess’s golden regalia, while Luna’s dark crown and barding seemed to swallow the light. Mayor Mare, meanwhile was shifting nervously at her seat, a few beads of sweat being the only indicator of her nervousness.

“Welcome, everypony.” Celestia smiled politely as the ponies and dragon bowed. “Please, have a seat. We have much to cover today. Twilight, I assume your new friend is here as well?”

“Um, yes Princess.” There was a squeak as Twilight levitated Yuuno off her back as she seated herself on the provided cushion. The ferret twitched, looking at the Princesses with something quite close to religious awe.

“Have no fear, you’re among friends.” Celestia smiled benevolently, lowering herself down to meet the ferret’s eye level. Luna’s gaze, however, was a bit more intense, her lips creased in a thoughtful frown.

“D-do forgive me, your majesties.” Yuuno started nervously, a tiny flush creeping up his furry cheeks. “But I’m unused to being in the presence of such power and glory. Looking upon the two of you… the feeling is indescribable.”

Celestia raised a hoof to her lips, failing to suppress a faint giggle. “I didn’t expect you to be a flatterer. I think this is the first time I‘ve seen such a talkative ferret.”

“Sister, contain your mirth.” Luna chided gently, looking back to Yuuno. “Do forgive our sister, she is often amused by new things. We do, however have questions which must be answered.”

“Sorry.” Celestia drew herself up and regained her poise. “My sister is right, however. Your presence and the events of last night require a good deal of explanation. I ask that you be as truthful as you can.”

“Alright… um, it’d be better if I just explained everything.”

“Yes, please do.” Luna noted.

The ferret inhaled deeply. “My name is Yuuno Scrya, and as you have probably guessed by now, I’m not from your land. I’m actually from outside your world, from a place called Mid-Childa.”

Celestia raised a hoof as the others began to speak up. “Let him finish, my little ponies, Spike.” she turned her attention back to Yuuno. “Please, continue.”

“Thank you… As I said, I’m not actually from your world. And had events been different, I would have probably never come here. However, that brings us to the reason why I’m here. Miss Twilight, could you ask Raising Heart to release the Jewel Seeds currently stored within it?”

“Huh?” Twilight blinked, then glanced down at her staff. “Um.. Release Jewel Seeds?” She asked curiously.

There was a soft hum as a pair of blue diamonds slid out of the central core, the gems quietly hovering above Twilight’s head.

“Oh my…” a soft whisper escaped Rarity’s lips.

“These are the reason why I’m here,” Yuuno continued. “While I was on an excavation in another realm, I came across these Jewel Seeds. The Jewel Seeds are what are referred to as “Lost Logia,” ancient magical artifacts of great and dangerous power. The Seeds are only one example of them. Naturally, I informed the authorities at Mid-Childa, and a transport was dispatched to collect them.”

Yuuno sighed as the seeds sank back into Raising Heart’s core. “However, something happened during transport. The Jewel Seeds were lost mid-transit and landed here in your world. Being the one who discovered them, I was chosen to act as the recovery agent. I managed to recover one before my…encounter yesterday.”

“Encounter?” Luna arched an eyebrow.

“Originally, the Jewel Seeds were inert. However, something inside them activated after they landed here, activating their defense programs. I was injured during my encounter with one such Seed, which was when Miss Twilight found me. However, there are still nineteen of those gems out there, and they could activate at any time.”


There was a soft rustle as a lone parasprite fluttered its wings. Like most parasprites, it cared little about anything except its next meal and maybe a place to sleep once it got tired. Flying low to the ground, its tiny feet alighted on a blue, diamond-shaped pebble. The parasprite nibbled quietly at a few dangling berries on a low, grizzled bush, unaware of the faint blue glow emanating from beneath its body.

As it chirped and flew away, the blue glow grew stronger, a set of brilliant red letters forming on the surface of the stone.


“This is certainly a serious matter.” Luna noted gravely. “Our realm is threatened by a force we have not expected. We must take action immediately, before any harm comes to our subjects.”

“I see we’re in agreement, sister.” Celestia replied, tapping her slippered hoof against her muzzle as she thought.

“I’m sorry. I would have warned you, but I didn’t know that this realm was inhabited…” Yuuno slumped slightly.

“Should we order the guards dispatched, sister?” Luna glanced at Celestia curiously.

“Mmm… I don’t think that will be necessary. I’m assuming, young Scrya, that the Jewel Seeds are difficult to defeat.”

“They are, sort of. It would require a special spell to seal away the Seeds and render them harmless. The device that I’ve given to Miss Sparkle has the spell within it.”

“I see. Mayor, Spike, please take a note.”

Spike sat up quickly, seemingly producing a piece of parchment and a quill from nowhere. The Mayor was just as quick on the draw.

The sun princess cleared her throat quietly before speaking. “I, Princess Celestia, hereby order Twilight Sparkle and her associates to temporarily suspend their study of the magic of friendship. They are now tasked with the acquisition of the Jewel Seeds, and are to be given any help required until this task is complete.”

“Got it!” Spike replied.

Luna frowned, but nodded in agreement as her older sister quickly signed the notes presented.

“Now, unless there’s any other business to be done…” Celestia stopped as the noise level in the hall began to rise. “What in the world?”

“That don’t sound good.” Applejack winced as the noise became progressively louder. Shouting. Lots of shouting.

Twilight, however, felt a chill run down her spine, her eyes widening a bit.

“Twilight?” Yuuno turned towards the purple unicorn. “Did you feel that?”

“That weird kind of chill?”

“Uh-huh…” Yuuno scrambled quickly running towards the front doors. Twilight quickly stood, following the small ferret with her staff gliding behind her.

Twilight pushed her way through the doors, the pegasi guards outside stepping out of the way. Outside, the town was in a panic, ponies dashing for their doors and slamming them shut.

“What the hay is going on? Why’s everypony panicking?” Rainbow Dash fluttered overhead as the others joined Twilight on the outside deck.

“It may have somethin’ to do with that weird-lookin black cloud over thataway.” Applejack pointed out. A large black cloud was slowly drifting up from the Everfree Forest, slowly moving against the wind towards Ponyville.

“That’s…not a cloud.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes narrowed. “Clouds don’t just move against the wind like that. And they definitely don’t move on their own.”

A loud gasp turned the groups attention towards Pinkie Pie. The pink party pony was almost stock still before looking back at the group.

“Need a trombone. Need a trombone now!” The pink pony dashed off so quickly, all that was left behind was a faint puff of dust and a pink-hued trail in her wake.

“Trombone? What in the h- oh” Applejack’s body went stiff as she turned to look back at the looming black cloud. “Don’t tell me those’re what I think they are.”

Almost in response to Applejack’s words, the cloud began to glitter, as hundreds of tiny red eyes popped open. The soft sound of buzzing wings filled the air as the black cloud hovered in mid air, slowly coalescing into a roughly ovoid shape.

“I’ve never seen black parasprites before.” Fluttershy whispered nervously, looking up at the glittering collection.

“Those aren’t natural. I can feel it.” Yuuno’s fur bristled as he gripped Twilight’s mane. “It’s a defense projection from one of the Jewel Seeds. It must have made contact with a…what did you call them, parasprites?”

“Parasprites.” Twilight said, nervously bringing her staff around to bear on the black cloud. “I don’t suppose you have any suggestions on how to fight this thing, Raising Heart?”

“YES, MY MASTER.“ The core chimed softly as it spoke. “BARRIER JACKET, SET UP.”

“Barrier wha-woah!” Twilight reared slightly as light formed around her body, rapidly resolving itself into the purple and white dress she had worn the night before. “What just happened?”

“Raising Heart provided you with your armor again. But we have more important things to worry about.” Yuuno pointed up as the black cloud began to buzz angrily, t hen swept down towards the group.

“It’s comin’ right at us!” Applejack shouted.

“Everypony get behind me!” Twilight ordered, standing her ground. A spike of fear ran up her spine as she concentrated. “Raising Heart, please!”


There was a loud clash as the cloud slammed into the shield, numerous black parasprites flying in every direction. Twilight gritted her teeth, funneling energy into Raising Heart as her horn blazed with light.

“We can’t just hide behind this shield Twilight!” Yuuno shouted over the din, shielding his eyes as best he could from the brilliant light show.

“What do I do?!” Twilight shouted back, staring down the swarm.


“Why didn’t you just say so?!” There was a sound of charging hoof beats behind Twilight.

Please don’t tell me she’s going to do what I think she is…

Twilight’s eyes went wide as Rainbow Dash shot over her shield, busting through the cloud of parasprites like a sky-colored bullet. The cloud of parasprites dispersed with a loud hum and rapidly re-formed, hundreds of tiny red eyes turning towards the pegasus.

“Come on you big pile of copy-cats,” Rainbow shouted at the buzzing mass. “Let‘s see if you can keep up with me!”

There was a noise like a thousand knives being sharpened as the parasprites grinned, revealing glinting rows of needle-like teeth. The buzzing grew louder as the swarm rushed towards Rainbow, sounding less like a thousand insects and more like a thousand chainsaws.

“Uh…” Rainbow Dash swallowed. “Uh oh…”

Rainbow Dash shot off, her iconic rainbow streak trailing behind her as the defense system gave chase, buzzing loudly as it flew.

“Rainbow’s not going to keep them occupied for long…” Yuuno watched as the pegasus led the defense program on a merry chase through the air, the swarm keeping pace with her as she banked and darted through the sky. “We’re going to need to find a way to get them down to our level so we can seal the Seed.”


“We need to attack the swarm, weaken it. You’re a magic user, right? Do you know any attack spells?” Yuuno ventured

“No! I’ve never studied combat magic! I’ve never needed any!”

“Oh…” Yuuno blinked.

“Are you guys going to just stand there, or are you going to give me some help?!” Rainbow shouted as she dashed by, the swarm in hot pursuit. Applejack leapt off the porch, running out after the blue pegasus.

“…You’ve got to be kidding me, those things are GAINING on her!?” Twilight gaped as the swarm buzzed louder, slowly closing the gap as it spread out, taking on an almost maw-like shape.

SNAP! The great maw closed angrily, as though biting at the blue pegasus.

“Okay, now that’s just unfair!” Rainbow shouted as she pushed, the tiny piranha-like jaws nipping dangerously close to her tail. “Any time now guys! ANY TIME NOW!”

“Hol’ on RD, I gotcha!”

A lariat whipped around Rainbow’s tail as the maw began to snap down, yanking her down towards ground-level just in the nick of time. The pegasus spread her wings like air breaks, landing beside Applejack and sliding to a halt.

“Nice save.” Rainbow grinned as she kicked the rope free from her tail.

“Ain’t nothin‘.”


“Uh, I think we might’ve spoke to soon.” Rainbow backed up as the swarm descended, surrounding the pair in a wide, black ring. The buzzing grew angrier as the ring began to close in. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings, crouching low as she stomped the ground.

“You might want to hang onto something, AJ.”

Applejack went to the ground Rainbow took off, the pegasus rapidly turning into a blur as she swung in a tight arc, the winds picking up behind her until a tornado began to form, pulling the fake parasprites up into the vortex as it began to rise off the ground. Applejack planted her hooves as best she could, only to be slowly dragged back towards the whirlwind until the rope rose up from its place in the dirt, looping around her as the free end floated towards Rarity, tying itself in a neat little bow around one of the posts

“Keep going Rainbow!” Rarity shouted as she and Fluttershy pulled on the line, dragging Applejack away from the vortex. “You’ve gotten all of them!”

“Dash! Try to get them closer to the ground!” Twilight shouted over the rushing wind, Raising Heart’s shield blocking the sheer force of the wind.

A shriek-like cry was the only reply as Rainbow shot out of the vortex and crashed into the ground, a few blue pinions floating down slowly from one of her now bare wings.

“Rainbow!” The shield dropped as the other three ponies raced out to meet her, Twilight’s wide eyes still focused on the swirling tornado.

No… Twilight’s thoughts felt distant, as something welled up within her, pushing against her fear and indecision.

“Stars above, all her feathers’re gone!” Applejack did her best to lift the groaning Pegasus off the ground. “We need to get’er inside, pronto!”


Twilight’s warning came too late as the vortex exploded, the black swarm slashing downwards towards her friends. Time seemed to slow to a crawl and her heartbeat pounded in her ears.

I won’t…

The other ponies managed to get out of the way of the swarm, but black cloud sprang up again, thousands of jaws snapping as it lunged towards the quartet..

…let you hurt…

“Twilight! Help!” Fluttershy screamed

“I WON’T LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS!” Twilight roared, bringing her staff forwards as she felt something connect with her anger.


Yuuno recoiled as the unicorn gave a scream of defance, the staff’s head changing from a three-quarters ring into a tuning-fork design. A familiar looking ring of sigils formed under Twilight’s hooves, rotating slowly as further loops formed around the butt and tip of Raising Heart’s shaft. A set of purple-red wings spread from where the neck of the shaft met the core.

She triggered a mode change in the device. She’s had it for less than a day and it’s already switching forms at her will. Yuuno stared as a ball of energy formed before Raising Heart’s head, lighting the area around it with a purple-red glow. And I don’t think that’s an ordinary attack spell.

“DIVINE BUSTER.” Raising Heart’s voice was calm as it pronounced the spell.

There was a roar as the ball exploded into a river of light, blasting through the swarm like a spear. The swarm as a whole recoiled along the blast, a huge chunk of the swarm disappearing in a few seconds. Another chunk vanished as a second Divine Buster blasted from Raising Heart, Twilight’s eyes blazing white.

The last few artificial parasprites melted away under a final blast, leaving a small blue gem hovering in mid air.

There was a ringing silence as Twilight gasped for breath, the Jewel Seed slowly levitating into the air as the symbols IV appeared on its surface in bright red letters.

“Um… Twilight?” Yuuno whispered. “You need to seal it?”

“Oh…” Twilight nodded slowly. “Raising Heart?”

Raising Heart responded, shifting back into its normal configuration. “SEALING MODE, SET UP. STANDBY READY.”

“Jewel Seed… Serial Four.” Twilight managed to say. “Seal.”

There was a soft hum as the Seed drifted towards Twilight, a purple glow surrounding it as the Seed’s energy was locked. The jewel phased into Raising Heart’s core with a soft humming sound. There was a loud ka-chunk as the nozzles on the staff opened to reveal cylindrical vents, thick plumes of steam rising from the holes before the golden covers slid back flush with the central ring.


“Is…everypony alright?” Twilight blinked at the other four girls, who stood there slack-jawed and wide-eyed.

“”Oh… that’s good…” Twilight felt herself tumble onto the ground slowly with a slump as the energy left her. She could hear shouts as she blacked out.


Twilight groaned softly as she rolled onto her side. Her head was pounding in time to her heartbeat as she cracked her eyes open. Spike was leaning over her, a worried expression on his face.


“Spike?” She sat up with a grunt. “What happened?”

“Plenty! I mean, you kinda went down after that big light show and everything.”

Light show?

It clicked and Twilight began to struggle with the sheets. Her sheets, on her bed, a less panicked part of her brain noted “Rainbow Dash! Is she alright? Is everypony-”

“Calm down Twilight, jeeze. Everypony’s fine. They’re downstairs waiting for you.” Spike reached over, helping to untangle her from her struggling.

Twilight exhaled and climbed out of bed, shaking her head to clear the cobwebs as she climbed down the stairs. Her friends were indeed waiting for her. Even Pinkie, who was still fully dressed in her one-pony-polka band suit.

“Well lookie here, it’s tha mare of tha hour!” Applejack grinned as Rarity moved to hug Twilight. “You feelin’ better after that there four-hour nap you took?”

“A bit…my head’s still pounding through. Where’s Rainbow Dash?”

“Up here Twi!” Rainbow swooped down and flared her wings as she landed.

“Rainbow, your wings…”

“Hey, don’t worry about ‘em. Your furry friend did some kind of mojo and fixed my feathers up good as new!”

“I know, but…”

“Aw heck, you’re not gonna go an’ start blaimin’ yourself for that, are ya sugarcube?” Applejack frowned sternly and poked Twilight with one hoof. “Well, we ain’t hearin’ none of that, ‘specially after you blowin’ away that big ol’ bug swarm.”

Twilight blinked. She remembered the surge of anger at the idea of her friends being hurt. “I didn’t really plan on it, honestly. I just…”

“Did something AWESOME, that’s what.” Rainbow grinned. “I mean, I knew you were an egghead Twilight, but you can be scary when you put your mind to it! They probably saw that thing all the way in Hoofington, much less Canterlot.”

“I knew I saw it! It was like ‘WHADOOOOM’,” Pinkie Pie punched a hoof into the air. “And it was all magenta-ish purple and really bright!”

“What about the Princesses?”

“The Princesses left after you collapsed. They said that you had everything ‘well in hoof.’” Spike replied, trotting over to her with something in his hands; a familiar red jewel on a slender chain.

“”Is that…?” Twilight blinked as Spike slid the chain around her neck.

“Yup. Apparently Raising Heart deactivated once everything was done with. At least, that’s what Yuuno said.” Spike shrugged.

“Speaking of which, where exactly is Yuuno?” Twilight blinked as the door opened.

A new creature walked into the library, ducking only slightly under the doorway. It was a bit taller than the ponies, maybe about a foot taller, and walked on its hind legs. It lacked a coat, but had a short mane of dark blonde hair and large green eyes. It was dressed in a cream-colored tunic and shorts with dark green designs, with a light brown cape and what looked like coverings on his upper and lower extremities.

“Oh, hey Twilight!” A familiar voice came from the creature.

“Y…Yuuno?!” Twilight squeeked as she stared.

“Uh…yeah.” He ran a hand through his mane of hair, his cheeks growing red. “I…guess I should have waited until you woke up. I mean, I already showed the others… I can explain, though.”

Twilight groaned and sank onto the ground. As if my head didn’t hurt enough already.



“Hmm?” Celestia looked at Luna as they made their way through the halls of Canterlot. “Yes?”

The night princess looked pensive, more so than usual. “This Yuuno Scrya. Do you perhaps think that he knows about us? About who and what we are? He did say he was from Mid-Childa after all.”

Celestia frowned, then flicked her mane. “I doubt it. We haven’t given him reason to question our natures. If anything, he’s a bit awe-struck as far as I can tell.”

“But if he suspects…”

“If he suspects, then I’m sure Twilight will assure him. And if it continues, we’ll see from there.”

Luna stopped, eyeing her older sibling cautiously. “I do not believe this light-touch, hooves-off approach you are taking, sister, not one jot. What is it that you are scheming?”

Celestia simply smiled and walked on, not saying anything.


All images (c) their respective creators