• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 16,141 Views, 288 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight - PurpleProse

Magical Girls With Wave-Motion Cannons Meets My Little Pony! What if Twilight became Nanoha?

  • ...

Chapter 8: What Refuge Is There In Solitude?

An awkward, pained silence filled the library’s room that morning. It was the sort of silence that accompanied the utterance of uncomfortable revelations and unthinkable words. It wasn’t exactly something Twilight felt comfortable with.

The fact that she’d brought the silence about wasn’t helping matters. It had been about twelve hours since her meeting with the Time-Space Administration Bureau, and the weight of what she had heard and what had been revealed was still weighing on her. Yuuno seemed about as calm as could be expected, his face kept carefully neutral even after the revelation of Fate’s background.

Spike and the others, however, were not quite so calm.

Fluttershy looked utterly crushed, but that was to be expected. Spike was quietly comforting her as she sat there, eyes wide with horror. Rainbow Dash was silent, her eyes hard as she floated in the air.

Applejack’s teeth were set and clenched, her eyes narrowed, her green eyes like embers of emerald fire. “How…how could somepony do that kinda’ wrong to her own kin, her own flesh an’ blood?! That just ain‘t right! That‘s so ain‘t right that there ain‘t words for it!””

“Oh, I can think of a few, like inexcusable,” Rarity hissed through her own clenched teeth, “or unforgivable, or monstrous, or unnatural...”

“No wonder Fate looked so unhappy.” Pinkie’s lower lip wibbled softly, her ever-curly pink mane oscillating and threatening to lose its bounce.

I should have expected this to happen. Twilight thought to herself. I reacted much the same. For somepony to abuse their child…

“So Twilight, when’re we going to go and pound this lady Testarossa’s face into mush?” Rainbow Dash growled.

“I don’t know.” Twilight exhaled. “Captain Harlaown said they needed to check on the repairs before they could let us-”

“Rainbow Dash has the right idea.” Rarity interrupted harshly, dragging her hoof along the wooden floor, unmindful of her pedicure. “I’m usually not one to advocate violence, but there’s some things you just don’t do!”

Applejack glowered out from under the edge of her hat as she flexed her leg muscles. “An’ once Rainbow’s done, I’m gonna stomp on ‘er like I’m makin’ mash fer cider.” She gave a firm stomp to demonstrate. Twilight jumped slightly, pretty sure that her friend had bent the floorboards. “Rival or no, Fate don’t deserve that kinda treatment, not from kin.”

“Alright everypony, enough! Let’s try to calm down.” Twilight raised a hoof. “I know that this is a bit disturbing, but can we please try to at least stay civil?”

Fluttershy nodded with a squeak. “Please, everypony? Y-you’re scaring me a little.”

Applejack sighed, glancing from Rarity and over to Fluttershy. “Sorry sugarcube. Ah guess we got a little carried away.”

“Yes. I think we did.” Rarity agreed.

“It’s just…”

“I’m still gonna turn her face into mush.” Rainbow snorted.

“Right. I know everypony’s upset by this news, but let’s try to channel that anger to something more useful. That way, we can really help Fate. Deal?”

There was a quick chorus of agreement from the other ponies.

“Alright. Now, yesterday, I asked the Captain to meet with the Princesses to see what we can all do together.”

“When’s this Captain person supposed to show?” Applejack adjusted her hat back its normal position on her head, the brim no longer shadowing her eyes.

“She should probably arrive later today or tomorrow with a delegation to speak with the Princesses.” Yuuno replied. “After all, their ship was damaged, so they have to assess things up there before they arrive. I think it’d be best if we prepare to welcome them.”

“That might be best. Pinkie, why do- where’d she go?”

The other ponies glanced at the area where the party pony had been seated at. The space was currently occupied by a vague, cloudy silhouette of Pinkie that was steadily dissipating.

“Did…anyone else see Pinkie leave?” Yuuno blinked as the cartoonish sight-gag dissolved.

“No, but that doesn’t surprise me. I’m surprised you’re still questioning it.” Twilight noted.

“I know. There’s a lot of things about this place I don’t quite understand.” Yuuno glanced over the group of ponies again as he spoke. “I’m still amazed that you all welcomed me so easily, even after I showed you what I really looked like.”

“Well, everypony here knows better than ta judge somepony just ‘cause they look funny, no offense.”

“None taken.”

“I…I just hope these new people are nice like you, Yuuno.” Fluttershy shivered a little, her feathers fluffing up. “I mean… after what you and Twilight said about this Presea person…how could anyone be so cruel?”

Yuuno sighed. “Humans aren’t always nice. We do our best, but there’s always people out there who are… broken somehow.”

“And from what I’ve seen, Fluttershy,” Twilight broke in, “Captain Lindy is quite pleasant. You won’t have to worry, alright?”


“Alright. Now, why don’t we all break up for the time being? I’ll let everypony know when our guests will arrive.”

“That’s mighty kindly of ya, Twi.” Applejack turned towards the door. “I oughta get back to mah apple stand an’ relieve Big Macintosh.”

“And I need to hurry back to the Boutique. Dresses don’t make themselves after all.”

“Alright. What about you Rainbow?”

“Ehhh…” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I’ve got practicing I need to be doing. If you need me, you’ll know where to find me.”

“Okay. Fluttershy?”

“Um…I really should get back to my animals…”

“Do you want me to walk you home, Fluttershy?” Yuuno offered. “You do look a bit upset…”

“Oh, um… okay. If you don’t mind. I mean, if it’s not to much of a problem…”

“I don‘t mind at all.” Yuuno glanced over towards Twilight. “I’ll be back in a little while, alright?”

“Take your time Yuuno.” Twilight turned away as the pair followed the rest out, lifting her notes up from her desk. Raising Heart?

Yes Master?

Activate training simulation, please.



Captain Lindy Harlaown looked up from her chair as a holographic screen popped up before her. A young man with short-cut hair and naval blues peered out from the screen at her, a small smudge of soot under one eye. “Yes?”

“Engineering Ensign First Class Davidson, ma’am. Lieutenant Opal said you wanted an update on the engine repairs once we’ve gotten a look at the damage?”

“Oh, oh yes!” Lindy shifted, leaning forward. “Yes, please. Do you have good news?”

“Somewhat. Bad news first; the intersystem engine’s been hit pretty hard. The lightning must have gotten a lucky shot and overloaded the emergency dampener systems, because the external drive coil is cooked. We’ll have to work with a single engine until we can get back to headquarters.”

Lindy winced. The loss of an intersystem engine was bad, but not fatal. She didn’t plan on taking the Arthra on a spin inside Equestrian space, though. “And the dimensional drive?”

“That’s the good news.” The cadet smiled. “The wing’s mostly intact. It’s all a wiring issue. We’ll have to replace a couple dozen meters of cable to see where the main faults are, but we should get it functioning in a day or two, three tops.”

“Good. Can you do anything about the structural damage?”

“That’s a little trickier. We can fuse together what we can, but it won’t have the same structural integrity as a proper repair job.”

“I see. Do what you can, Ensign. Dismissed.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The window winked out as Lindy exhaled. At least that’s one less thing to worry about.


Lindy shut her eyes at the telepathic message. Chrono?

Would you please come down to the R-I room? Miss Limietta has some information I think you might like to see.

I’ll be down there shortly. Lindy stood up from her Captain’s chair, overlooking the bridge. “Notify me if anything out of the ordinary occurs.” She called down to the bridge crew. “I’ll be in the R-I room.”

Lindy nodded in reply to the calls of “Aye-aye ma’am” before stepping out of the bridge, making her way to the lift


Every ship in the TSAB’s fleet, save for those whose only purpose was for combat, had a room specifically dedicated to the analysis and research of information. These Research-Information rooms, or R-I rooms, were useful when one needed access to the Bureau’s extensive archives or when one needed to compile important data for strategy meetings.

Chrono stood by quietly as Amy’s fingers tapped away at the keys of the main computer, its large monitors and bulky console taking up most of the wall space. He was only paying partial attention to the images being brought up on screen.

There it is again, he thought to himself as he looked at Amy, his attention focused on a single, tiny tuft of hair that stood out from her head like an un-hammered nail. Part of him wanted to pull out a comb and a spray-bottle and make the darn thing stay down. It always drove him nuts. And it was always in the same place too. Why didn’t she fix it?

“What’d the Captain say?”

“Huh?” The question startled him out of his reverie.

“You did tell the Captain about what I’d found, right?” Amy blinked up at the shorter young man.

“Oh! Oh yes. She’ll be down soon.” Chrono blushed, glancing back up at the screen.

“Hehe… you were staring at my hair again, weren’t you?”

Chrono declined to comment, even as Amy’s grin grew a little wider. “Is that why you’re blushing, Enforcer Harlaown?”

“No. It’s just a little warm in here, that’s all.” Chrono inhaled and undid his Barrier Jacket’s collar, pulling the heavy black armor coat off with practiced ease.


No fraternizing Chrono, the young Enforcer reminded himself. Even if she’s cute. You don’t have time for puppy-dog crushes.

Chrono couldn’t help but be thankful when the door slid open with a hiss. He turned around and drew himself up to attention. “Captain.”

“At ease Chrono. You can lose the formality when it’s just us three.” Lindy walked over and stood beside Amy’s chair opposite Chrono. “What have you got for me, Amy?”

“Well Captain, I’ve combed the archives for any information on Presea Testarossa. It seems Miss Testarossa, or should I say Dr. Testarossa, is on file with the Bureau.” Amy reached over and tapped on the keyboard, bringing up the file.

Rows of text lined up beside a headshot of a woman in her twenties, with violet hair and bright purple eyes. Her white lab coat stood out even against her pale skin.

“Presea Testarossa, born in year 0011 of the New Calendar. Former fellow of the Mid-Childan Academy of Magical Studies, specializations include the study of Familiars and Dimensional Energy.”

“I thought that name sounded familiar.” Chrono crossed his arms.

“It should. Presea was involved in the Dimensional Reactor Incident in 0039.”

“I remember hearing about that when I was a cadet.” Lindy touched her chin in thought. “A group at the Academy were working on some sort of experimental magical reactor, but there was an accident and the thing blew up, taking the facility with it.”

“They still teach it in the Academy as an example of the neccessity of magical technology regulation.”

“Exactly.” Amy brought up the photos from the archive; a sprawling, perfectly smooth crater, with the surrounding area leveled to the ground. “Presea, being the lead designer on the reactor, was blamed for the accident by the Academy. She was stripped of her authority, relieved of her tenure and lost her Mage License. She was classed as a Rank SS-Conditional when she was still licensed, by the way.”

“What happened then? Where is she?” Lindy leaned forwards, pearing at the photo in the records.

“That’s the problem. After the incident in 0039 Presea vanished. My guess is she went underground, tried to leave everything behind. No-one’s heard from her or seen her… at least, theoretically, until now.”

“Twenty six years is a long time to be silent.” Lindy paused. “What about family? Relationships?”

“I checked.” Amy tapped on her keyboard. “Presea didn’t have a husband, and her parents were dead by the time she joined the Academy. No close friends, either. Her only family was her daughter, Alicia Testarossa.” Amy sighed softly. “And she’s been dead for a long time. Died in the Dimensional Reactor Incident. Presea’s apartment was on the outskirts of the blast zone.”

“So she must have had another daughter…” Chrono looked at the records. “Did you check the birth registries?”

“I did. I checked the records from the Bureau’s Administrated Hospital Index, and trust me, there’s a lot of hospitals on that list. Not a single birth record with the name Fate Testarossa. It‘s like she came out of nowhere.”

“Which means one of three things;” Chrono ticked off his fingers. “One, Presea had a child outside of TSAB time-space. Two, Presea had a child under an assumed identity or somehow disposed of the records of birth. Or three, Presea Testarossa adopted or kidnapped a child for her own purposes. Personally, I’m not sure what to think. All I know is that, if this is all correct, we have a rogue SS-rank Mage running around looking for a set of very powerful Lost Logia. But why?”

“That’s all I’ve managed to pull together since yesterday.” Amy rubbed her temples with her knuckles. “That’s assuming this is all accurate. We only have a name and Arf’s testimony to go on. I’d like to have some more information.”

“You’ve done well Amy.” Lindy smiled, petting her on the shoulder. “Why don’t you take a break and get yourself cleaned up. You’re going to be in my little away team to meet the rulers of Equestria, after all.”

“What?” Amy blinked.

“Well, you’re the closest I’ve got to an official second in command, Amy. Besides, as intelligence officer, it’s your duty to gather information from a newly re-discovered dimension.”

“Oh. If you say so ma’am.” Amy blushed. “Thanks.”

“No problem.”

“I still can’t believe this though.” Chrono sighed. “An entire race of sapient magical ponies. I don’t think this sort of thing was ever given much thought in the Enforcer Training Schools.”

“Are you a little overwhelmed, Enforcer Chrono?” Lindy teased, sticking her tongue out.

“I am not overwhelmed. I’m merely commenting on the absurdity of this situation.” Chrono rolled his eyes. “I swear Mother, sometimes I wonder about you. Show a little maturity.”

“Oh relax Chrono. She’s just teasing you a little.” Amy giggled, giving Chrono a nudge on the arm. “I for one think this is fascinating. It helps that the ones you brought on board were adorable.”

“Adorable and intelligent.” Lindy agreed.

Chrono sighed. “On a similar topic, do we know what’s with the barrier?”

“Not really. I’ve gotten the data from the ship’s sensors, but it’s unlike any spell I’ve seen before. However, the Hazard Shields seem to work to block out the barrier’s effects. I do have a theory on what it does, though.”


“It turns humans into ponies.”

“You don’t say.” Chrono frowned. “But if that’s so, then why isn’t Yuuno on four legs?”

“It might have something to do with his shape-shifting. His form must be too fluid for the barrier to affect him. The same goes for familiars such as Miss Arf. Fate, however, probably didn’t have any such natural defenses available, and her spell was overwhelmed by the barrier. Either that, or she wasn’t trained to shield from them in the first place.”

“If she was, then her schooling in magic is nowhere near as complete as we thought.” Chrono nodded, then glanced over to Lindy. “When do you wish to convene with the local government, Captain?”

“In a few hours. Why?”

“I wanted to speak with the familiar again before we went down. I think she might be useful for the investigation.”


Arf sat limply in the brig room. It was rather sparse: a blocky cot with a pillow and blanket, a cubby-hole with a toilet, and little else on the polished gray walls save for the slight crack of the doorway. Not that she slept. Nor did she have much interest in the tray of food sitting on the floor before her. She’d been there ever since Fate had escaped from the medical bay, ‘as a precautionary measure.’ She didn’t resist. She needed to be punished.

Go away.

That had been Fate’s command. Go away. Fate had never turned her away before, not like this. Her instincts and her mind were at war in her mind.

I did what I thought was right, whispered her human side.

Bad dog. Betrayed alpha. Betrayed Fate, snarled her instincts.

If I hadn’t, she would have died!

Betrayed master! Master mad! Bad dog!

I only did it because I loved her!


The door hissed open, and a hand picked up the tray she hadn’t touched. “You know, a hunger strike isn’t really going to impress anyone.”

Arf looked up through the tangles of her bangs at the young Enforcer. “What do you want?” Her voice came out in a half-wolven growl.

“I want to talk, if you don’t mind.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Yes, there is.” The Enforcer slid the tray through its disposal slot and turned back to her. “Your Master did escape, after all. We could use your help in finding her.”

“And you honestly think I’ll help you? Why?”

“I think you know why. The same reason you let us bring her here in the first place.” Chrono crossed his arms. “You want to protect her.”

“I do. I did. I was wrong to let you take her.”


“You’ll treat her like a criminal.” Arf pulled her legs up against her chest, leaning back on the cot with her back to the wall. “You’ll send her to jail. Why should I let you harm my Master like that? She doesn’t deserve that. I’m not a bad dog, even if she told me to go away.”

Chrono remained silent.

“Am I right, Enforcer? Are you going to lock her up forever?”

“Not exactly. She’s a criminal, in a loose sense. However, you and your Master are victims in the grander schemes of things.” Chrono reached into his coat and produced a folder. “As such, I’m willing to cut a deal with you and Fate. Immunity from all charges in exchange for information leading to Presea Testarossa’s arrest.”

“…You’re lying.”

“Am I?” Chrono held out the folder to her. “Here. Full documentation from the Bureau’s Justice department. The home office cleared it this morning.”

Arf stared at the folder, then snapped it out of his hands and flipped through it. “This applies to both me and my Master?”


“And it’s legitimate?” Arf glared at him untrustingly. “No tricks?”

“No tricks, no take-backsies. Believe it or not Miss Arf, we’re trying to help you.”

Arf closed the folder, letting out a soft sigh. “Alright. What do you want?”

“Information. Where is Presea Testarossa hiding?”

“It’s an area in upper D-Space. She calls it ‘The Garden of Time.’”

“Upper D-Space?”

“Yes. Coordinates 876C 4419 3312 D699 3583 A1460 779 F3125. I don’t know what’s in deeper, but the place was pretty much deserted round the clock.” Arf glanced to the side.

“I see.” Chrono nodded. “Can you describe her? Presea, I mean?”

“Purple hair, purple eyes, light skin, tall, late fifties maybe?” She shrugged. “Smelled bad. Probably sick.”

“I see.” Chrono produced a photo, copied from the file from earlier. “Like this?”

Arf glanced at it. “Yes. Exactly, just older.”

“I see.” Chrono returned the picture to his pocket. “What does she want the Jewel Seeds for?”

“I don’t know. All I know is she wants them. That’s the extent of it.”

“I see,” he repeated. “Can you contact your Master?”

Arf shook her head. “Tried. She’s blocking me out.”

“That must be hard.”

“You have no idea.”

“Mm…” Chrono looked her over. “If I were to ask you to assist us in our search for Fate, would you comply?”

Arf shifted uncomfortably. “I’m loyal to my Master.”

“So that’s a no?”

“I’m loyal to my Master. I can’t help you hunt her. I’ve already been…” She shrunk into herself a little further. “I’ve already done enough damage to our relationship. Please don’t ask me to fight her too.”

“I won’t.” Chrono sighed, glancing around the room. “I think it’s safe to say you’re not a threat to the ship or to the investigation. As such, I think your confinement is a bit unnecessary. I’d have you moved to someplace a bit more comfortable, but there’s not exactly room here on the ship for passengers. I’ll see what I can do about getting you a place during our stay here. Something more comfortable than a cell in the brig.”


Chrono looked at her in irritation. “Because I think you’ve already punished yourself enough. Self-pity doesn’t suit you, Arf.” He tilted his head slightly, obviously receiving a message, before nodding quietly and turning his attention back to her. “We’ll talk later.”

The young Enforcer turned and stepped out of the cell, leaving Arf to her own devices.


Twilight ‘paced’ quietly in her psychic workspace, the white field glittering in reaction with each ‘step’ she took.

Raising Heart, what’s the progress on the spells I’ve introduced?

There was a soft, echoing chime before the Device replied. Spell programming completion status as follows: Divine Shooter Alternative Modes - Winking Shot at 89%, Pulse Shot at 72%, Counter Shot at 69%. Motion Bind at 59%. Bind Break at 50%. ’Trump Card’ at 10%.

That last one seems to be giving you some trouble.

Correct, my Master. The necessary calculations to stabilize the area wide mana collection system are extremely complex.

I see. Twilight paused. Focus on the other spells for now. Once they’re completed, focus entirely on the Trump Card spell.

Yes, my Master.

Twilight nodded mentally. Though Yuuno had been impressed by her work, she wasn’t quite so enamored with it. Most of the spells she’d designed were derivatives based on Raising Heart’s existing arsenal. Even her trump-card spell was based on the same Bombardment system that Divine Buster used.

She still needed to give that spell a name. ‘Wide Area Collection and Bombardment Blast’ didn’t have a nice ring to it.

It’s strange, she thought to herself, Had I been asked to create combat-oriented spells before now, I would have been cautious about the request, maybe even dismissed it out of hoof. Now here I am, working on spells specifically designed for battle. Who would’ve guessed I’d be good at it? She paused, then face-hoofed. Aside from my special talent being magic and all.

Twilight paused as she felt something nudge her. She mentally left the training space, blinking rapidly as Spike waved a hand in front of her eyes.

“Yoo-hoo, Twilight? You there?”


“Jeez, warn somepony before you zone out like that. It’s kinda creepy.” Spike crossed his arms, tapping a scroll against his bicep.

“Sorry Spike.” Twilight glanced down at the scroll in his hand. “Is that from the Princess?”

“Yup. Just arrived a few minutes ago.” Spike flicked the seal open and unrolled the scroll. “Ahem, My faithful student Twilight,” he read aloud, “thank you for informing me about the current situation. I agree with your assessment of this ‘Bureau’s’ intentions. Please inform them that my sister and I will meet with them at the earliest opportunity tomorrow to open diplomatic channels with them. Please continue your work on searching for the Jewel Seeds in the meantime. With warmest regards, your teacher, Princess Celestia.”

“I wonder if they’ll be coming here again.” Twilight levitated the letter out of Spike’s hands and over to her.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. This is where all the trouble’s been going on. Funny thing, that.”

“Nothing strange about that.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “At any rate, has Yuuno come back yet?”

“No, I think he’s still at Fluttershy’s house.”

“Well, that’s nice, I guess.”


This is definitely different. Yuuno thought to himself as Fluttershy cuddled him. The pegasus was cuddling him in his ferret form, and she was being quite gentle about it. Still, Yuuno still felt like a tube-sock shaped teddy bear as she nuzzled him. It wasn’t unpleasant, it was just…odd. It didn’t help that there was an angry-looking bunny staring at him, its little arms crossed.

“T-thank you Yuuno.” Fluttershy blushed as she set him down. “I didn’t mean to keep you from anything important. I just needed something soft to hug. I usually use Angel, but he doesn’t like being snuggled.”

“That’s alright, Fluttershy.” Yuuno’s body lit up as he shifted back into his human form. “Do you feel better now?”

“A bit. It’s just after hearing about what happened to Fate… I got a bit upset.”

“So I noticed.”

“I think I can sympathize…at least a little.” Fluttershy shifted nervously. “When I was little, I got made fun of a lot because I wasn’t a good flier. I… I don’t do well with bullies on my own.”

“I have a hard time imagining anyone being mean to you, Fluttershy. It’d be like being mean to a kitten. Or a stuffed toy. I mean, you’re just…you know…sweet.” Yuuno blushed as Fluttershy glanced away bashfully.

“W-well… my friends have helped a lot with that. I’ve found that if I have my friends around, I can be a little more assertive…”

Yuuno’s thoughts snapped back to her staring down Arf in the gorge. Yeah… assertive is putting it lightly.

“I just…” Fluttershy nibbled her lip. “I think I could help if I could talk to her… Fate, I mean. If she just talked to somepony, then she might see…”

“We’ll see, Fluttershy. I’m sure that when the time comes, Fate will talk to somepony.”

“Maybe…maybe I should try thinking about what I should say to her?” She smiled. “I mean, I’m not good at counseling, but a bit of kindness can work wonders.”

“If you want to. Just don’t upset yourself too much, alright?” Yuuno smiled, petting Fluttershy’s hair, eliciting a small squeak from the winged pony. “I’m going to head back to the library. Are you sure you’ll be alright on your own?”

“Oh yes. Thank you, Yuuno.”

“It’s no problem.” Yuuno nodded before stepping out through the door, ducking under the low frame. The sky around Fluttershy’s cottage was abuzz with chirping and singing birds, as usual.

Yuuno? Twilight’s thought-voice echoed in his head.

Twilight? What’s up?

The TSAB just contacted me. They’ll be arriving within the hour. Where are you?

Just outside of Fluttershy’s cottage. Do you want me to get her?

I think it might be a good idea. They’ll be arriving at the Town Hall.

I’ll tell Fluttershy. We’ll be there shortly.


“Is everyone ready?”

Chrono checked his coat for what felt like the fifth time in ten minutes. Normally, Barrier Jackets didn’t need to be cleaned; considering they were nothing more than a woven layer of passive spells, it was easy for them to be kept clean. S2U, his device, was in its Standby form up his sleeve just in case. His mother and Amy were also in dress uniform, as was appropriate for a diplomatic event.

“I think so.” Amy glanced over at Chrono. “Do we have the coordinates down?”

“If the sensors got it right, yes. We’re to arrive inside of the town hall in a place called… Ponyville.”

Lindy tried to keep a straight face as Chrono deadpanned the name of their destination. Amy only barely managed to suppress a giggle.

Chrono sighed as he tapped a finger against the Hazard Shield collar he was wearing. “Everyone, have your Hazard Shields on,” he said as he sent a thought to the transit station.

There was a flash of blue-white light as the world dissolved into a haze during the teleportation. The Hazard Shield pulsed as it collided with the barrier, the shield’s effects warding off the magic surrounding the world they were entering. It was only a second or two later that the world returned to normal, only for Chrono to pause and gape.

The town hall was a large, roughly cylindrical building. It would have been nice and rustic were it not for the violent explosion of color that covered every surface. It looked like a dozen children’s birthday parties had been condensed into a single small area; colorful balloons and streamers bobbed from every protrusion, tables with brilliant cloth coverings filled the room, decorated with cakes and various other snacks and drinks. A large banner made of bright blue cloth bore the legend WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA in bright yellow block letters.

For once, Chrono was at a loss for words.

“Oooh! You’re early!”

Chrono blinked as a bright pink pony sprung from one of the overlooking balconies, landing lightly before him and the others. “I was almost done setting up the last few balloons, too! I mean, I wanted everything to be just perfect since you were very important humans and I was like ‘I have to be really really careful to get everything ready’ but then you showed up and I’ve completely forgotten to get the record player oh my gosh I’m so completely scatterbrained and-”

Chrono stared as the pony chattered away as it bounced, blue eyes alight with excitement. Captain, what exactly is going on?

Let me handle this. Lindy shook her head and crouched down in front of the pony. “Excuse me.”

“Yes?” The pink pony paused in mid-bounce, hovering for about five seconds before gravity took hold.

“We were actually expecting to meet Miss Twilight Sparkle here. Who might you be?” Lindy smiled cheerfully, resting her hands on her knees.

“I’m Pinkie Pie! I set up parties around town and do all sorts of other neat things. You must be the captain told us about. Hi!”

“I am. I’m Captain Lindy Harlaown. This is Enforcer Chrono Harlaown, and my intelligence officer Amy Limietta. It’s very nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too! Oh! I should go get the girls! One sec, be back in a jiffy! Help yourself to some punch and cake!”

There was a gust of wind as Pinkie Pie shot out the door, causing it to slam shut on the recoil. Chrono stared at the door for a few seconds before turning back to the others. “What just happened?”

“I think we just met the welcome party.” Lindy smiled, walking over to one of the low tables and cutting a slice of cake, the bright pink frosted flowers glittering on its surface. “I must admit, it’s a little unorthodox, but I’m not about to turn down such hospitality.” She mmmed as she forked a little cake into her mouth, shivering a little.

“It’s certainly…festive.” Chrono poked one of the balloons, causing it to bob on its string. Festive was one word for it. There were a few less charitable words he could have picked, but he didn’t feel like the situation warranted them.

“Oh cheer up Chrono.” Amy giggled, offering a glass cup of lavender punch to him. “Not everyone is as stern and serious as you are. You really need a little…um…”

“Whimsy?” Lindy supplied.

“Yeah! That! You need a little whimsy in your life.”

“I don‘t do whimsy,” Chrono deadpanned as he accepted the cup, taking a sip. He had to admit, the punch was quite nice, if a bit too sweet for his taste. “Besides, we’re supposed to be on a diplomatic mission. You don’t indulge in ‘whimsy’ on a diplomatic mission.”

“Speak for yourself.” Amy smirked as she sipped her drink. “I wonder if Pinkie will let me hug her. She looks so soft and adorable that I just want to squeeze her.”

Given the overall colorful nature of our surroundings, I wouldn’t be surprised if hugs and slumber parties were what passes for diplomatic exchanges here. Chrono tried to keep his grumpiness from showing as he drank from his glass of punch. I feel like I’ve wandered into a girl’s cartoon.

He was on his second glass of punch before the doors opened, a large group of ponies spilling into the room. At their head was the pony from the day before, Twilight Sparkle. Chrono recognized Pinkie Pie in the group, but the others were familiar.

“Sorry about that.” Twilight said as she approached them. “I had to gather the others here. One of my friends hasn’t arrived yet. She‘s currently with Yuuno.”

“Oh, it’s quite fine, Miss Sparkle.” Lindy smiled, setting her plate aside. “I do hope you don’t mind us helping ourselves to the refreshments. The cake is delicious, by the way.”

“I thought you’d like it!” Pinkie Pie giggled.

“Ahem.” A beige pony with a wavy gray mane stepped forwards from the group, a large green bowtie decorating her neck. “Excuse me, Captain Lindy was it? As mayor of Ponyville, I’d like to extend an official welcome to you and your staff. I hope you enjoy your stay here in our little town.”

“Why thank you, Mayor…”

“Mare. Mayor Mare, ma’am.”

“Mayor Mare. Thank you for your warm welcome.” Lindy put on her friendliest smile, crouching down again and extending a hand. “The ponies we’ve met so far are a fine reflection of your town.”

“Oh, thank you. We do pride ourselves on our hospitality.” Mayor Mare blushed. “If there’s any way we can help, simply let me know.”

“Thank you. Now, Miss Sparkle, why don’t you introduce us to your friends?”

Chrono remained quiet as he listened to the introductions, taking mental notes of the ponies and filing them away in the appropriate mental compartments. Names, faces, obvious characteristics both physical and behavioral, everything neatly catalogued in his memory for further use later. He nodded politely as he was introduced, taking a sip from his cup of punch.

Lindy, meanwhile, was busily making nice. Chrono had to admit, his mom was a bit more social than he was. She’d often told him he took after his father in temperament. He blushed faintly as he glanced at Amy, who was currently hugging Pinkie Pie. The pink pony was giggling, her forelegs wrapped around Amy’s waist to help balance her.


Chrono blinked as a hoof gently poked him on the shoulder. He turned to look at the blue, winged pony that had just pestered him.

“Not much of a talker, are you?” Rainbow Dash tilted her head, her wings flapping away as she hovered at eye level with him.

“Not exactly. I don’t do well at parties.” Chrono replied.

“Well, that’s lame.” Rainbow snorted. “So, you’re an Enforcer, eh? What’s that like?”

“It’s…well, I don’t know if you have them here, but we’re like militarized police. Enforcers like me work major cases and incidents when they pop up.”

“Oh, so you’re like a crime-fighter or something then?”

“I guess you could call me that.” Chrono conceded.

“Dude, are all kids from your world this skilled?”

“Actually, I’m one of the youngest to take the Enforcer exam and pass.”

“That’s cool. So, like, what do you have to do to be an Enforcer?”

“Well, you have to pass the Enforcer Certification exams to get licensed by the Bureau. It’s pretty difficult. The job has a lot of responsibility, so only the best end up qualifying. If I may ask…what do you do, exactly?”

“Oh, I’m weather manager here in Ponyville.”

“Weather…manager?” Chrono blinked.

“Yup! I’m in charge of making sure the weather runs on time, you know, moving clouds, making rain, clearing the sky, stuff like that. That’s what I do when I’m not practicing my awesome moves.”

“So you control the weather here?”

“Can’t you?” Rainbow grinned.

“Not exactly, no.”

“Yes!” Rainbow hoof-pumped in glee. “Finally, something that you guys can’t do. Sure, you can fly and do lightning, but I can move clouds, so ha! So, do you got any awesome stories? I mean, you‘ve gotta have something awesome, considering your job and everything…”

This is going to be a long mission. Chrono reached over and ladled more punch into his cup.


Fate’s head hurt. Not from any sickness or injury, but from the swirl of stress and emotion roiling about inside her. She had left the cover of the forest behind, exchanging it for the rolling hills just outside of the town. But the gentle green slopes held no comfort for her restless mind.

She was…conflicted. For the first time in a long while she was alone. Arf wasn’t trailing by her side, and even Bardiche was startlingly quiet. She was well and truly alone, able to contemplate her situation on her own. Not that she liked it. Arf had thrown her lot in with the Bureau. She had abandoned her, and Fate had done the same.

It was no matter. Fate didn’t need her.

She did it because she was worried and scared for you, a tiny voice whispered in the vaults of her mind.

She crushed that thought down quickly. It was easier to think that Arf had betrayed her than to admit, even for a moment, that what she had done was wrong. That what she was doing was wrong.

I can do this alone. That was the one thought that sustained her. I can do this alone. No friends, no allies, no one except Bardiche. I’ll get all of the Jewel Seeds, I’ll bring them back, and Mother will go back to the warm, caring woman in my memories. That‘s all that matters.

Her stomach growled softly, interrupting her thoughts. She sighed, contemplating nibbling on the grass before she noticed what looked like an orchard in the distance. Gleaming apples of all colors decorated the branches, glinting in the afternoon sun. Fate angled down the hill she was on, walking towards the fruit trees.

Nobody seemed to be around. It was likely private property, but at that point, Fate didn’t really care. She climbed clumsily over the fence that divided the field from the orchard and looked up at the fruit.

They likely won’t miss an apple or two, Fate hmmed, floating up towards the branches and pulling one fruit free with her teeth, landing on the ground with her prize held between her hooves. She slid down against the tree, sprawling ungracefully as she bit into the fruit. It wasn’t quite ripe, but at least it would put something in her growling stomach. She tried to focus on chewing, trying to put her thoughts out of her mind.

She paused as she heard a soft buzzing noise, like a large angry bee, coming in her direction. The source of the buzzing became quite apparent: a small, bright orange pegasus on a scooter, pulling a wagon carrying two other small ponies behind her. It was a rather strange sight, enough to even give Fate pause.

“Hey! Stop!”

Fate got to her feet as the scooter screeched to a halt, a light yellow pony with a red mane and a huge bow in her hair hopping out and trotting over to the fence she had climbed over. “What in tha’ hay are ya’ doin’ there?” Her young voice was quite loud and sharp.

“What’s the matter Apple Bloom?” A small white-ish unicorn with a pink and purple mane climbed out, coming up beside her.

“She’s tha’ matter Sweetie Belle! She eatin’ one-ah our apples!”

For the briefest of moments, Fate considered blasting the collection of little fillies. Mother’s dictum still rang in her head; if something gets in your way, crush it without a second thought. Show no mercy or kindness. It would be so easy. Bardiche needed to be tested, and a few missing children would show her opponents how dangerous crossing her would be.


I could do it. She clenched her eyes shut. I can… I am strong. I’m the daughter of Presea Testarossa. If my mission calls for it, I can… I can even…

Could she?

“Hey! Ah’m tryin’ ta’ talk to ya’, ya’ hear?”

Fate’s eyes popped open. The three fillies were looking up at her rather curiously, their little faces turned into frowns.

“Um… Apple Bloom? I… I think she’s upset,” the one named Sweetie Belle tried to whisper.

“I’m…sorry.” Fate managed. I’m sorry Mother. I’m not strong.

“Um…hey… it’s just an apple. I’m pretty sure you don’t need to cry about it,” the little pegasus removed her helmet, revealing a feathery tuft of magenta hair.

Fate blinked, reaching up and wiping under her eyes. Sure enough, she was crying.

“Hey…um… I’m sorry if mah’ yellin’ made ya upset. Are you alright?” Apple Bloom blinked up at her.

“I’m fine, I was just hungry…”

“Well, if ya’ll-er hungry, you coulda’ just come to the house an’ we coulda’ fed ya’.”

“Your house?”

“Uh-huh! Apple Bloom’s sister is really good at cooking.” Sweetie Belle giggled. “She always has plenty of left-over food too. Since our clubhouse is near there, we usually go there to get snacks and stuff.”

“Her sister?” Fate frowned, looking down at the filly “Who’s your sister?”

“Applejack, of course! You must not be from ‘round here if ya don‘t know that.”

“I’ll have to pass on your offer.” Fate felt herself stiffen. “Thank you though.”

“How come?” Apple Bloom pouted as her two friends flanked her.

“I…me and your sister wouldn’t get along, I don’t think.” Fate shifted nervously.

“Ooooh!” The pegasus grinned. “Why not? Is it because you‘re an apple thief?”

“Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom frowned at her friend.


“Be nice. She’s jus’ hungry. Hungry ponies sometimes do silly things ‘cause they’re hungry.”

“That makes no sense.” Scootaloo snorted. “Name one time that’s been true.”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Stale Baked Goods Disposers?” Sweetie Belle deadpanned.

“Oh…” Scootaloo scrunched up her face. “Yeah. But to be fair, Pinkie Pie did give them to us for free...”

“We were sick for three days. Nopony should be able to eat that many cupcakes.”

“Anyway!” Apple Bloom interrupted, turning back to Fate. “If you’re hungry, we could bring ya some food. We promise not to tell anypony, an’ Applejack ain’t here right now, so nopony’s gotta know.”

Fate opened her mouth to object, but her stomach growled in defiance. She paused, then exhaled. “Promise not to tell.”

“Yup! We promise,” the three fillies chorused.

Fate weighed her options; actual food versus the possibility of being discovered. In her condition, she could easily escape. And the three little ponies seemed to be willing to play along for now. But for how long?

Her growling stomach made her decision for her. “Alright. But you got to make sure to promise.”

“We promise, really!” Apple Bloom bounced as Scootaloo mounted her scooter.

“Come on, let’s take her to the club house!”


Afternoon turned to evening as the sun drifted towards the horizon. Yuuno looked out the window of the town hall as the purple-black veil of night descended, the stars starting to glitter in the inky twilight. The party was quietly winding down, the members of the TSAB having started quietly conversing with the ponies there.

“So, what’s it like living here?”

Yuuno blinked, turning his attention to the Enforcer. Chrono had popped a wedge of lemon from the punch bowl into his mouth, nibbling on it.

“What’s it like?”


“Well… compared to some of the places I’ve been to, it’s rather comfortable. The ponies are quite friendly and generally polite, though they were a bit skittish at first. What about you?” Yuuno smirked. “What’s your opinion of all this, Enforcer Chrono Harlaown? You looked rather uncomfortable.”

“Laugh it up, ferret boy,” the young man smirked, squeezing what was left of the lemon wedge into his punch glass. “I’m only uncomfortable because it’s my job to be naturally suspicious of things. I’m willing to play along with the pretty ponies, but I’m still in the process of properly assessing the situation.”

“What is there to assess?”

“Plenty. We still don’t know how the Seeds got loose mid-transit and ended up here on this world. Any idea how that might have happened?”

“Not really. I wasn’t present when the Seeds were sent out. After I discovered them, I submitted the discovery, and the Bureau sent a recovery team out to claim the Seeds. After that, I learned the Seeds had been lost mid-transit by the team.”

“Funny thing, that. The recovery team didn’t have any answers either…” Chrono sipped from his glass. “Mostly because they arrived unconscious and heavily injured in a crippled ship, without the Seeds.”

“So…you think something happened? Maybe they were attacked?” Yuuno blinked.

“It’s entirely possible. Given what happened with the Arthra, they were likely attacked by Presea while in D-Space.” Chrono peered out the window. “At least, that’s the current theory, given what I’ve seen.”

“How many glasses of that punch have you had, exactly?”

“Too many. I’m not a big fan of sweets, unlike my superior.” Chrono glanced over at Lindy, who was giggling as Pinkie Pie balanced a cupcake atop her nose. “Or cute things, for that matter.”

“You’ll get used to it. I swear, I might have gained ten pounds just from my stay here.” Yuuno chuckled. “Your mother seems to be a pretty easy-going person.”

“She is. Her lack of professionalism drives me mad sometimes. Sometimes I think they stuck me on the Arthra because she asked for it.”

“You think so?”

“Maybe. She’s competent, however. It’s just that she likes to tease me a lot.”

“Excuse me.” Twilight smiled as she approached. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“Oh no, not at all Twilight.” Yuuno smiled in return. “Is there something you wanted?”

“I just wanted to let Chrono know that his Captain asked that he remain here in Ponyville overnight while she and Miss Limietta return to the ship.”

Chrono froze. “Huh?”

“For observational purposes, she said. I do have an extra bed in the library upstairs, so I don’t think it should be too much of a problem.”

Chrono nodded slowly. “Comfortable, I assume?”

“Oh yes.” Yuuno grinned. “Very. I hope you don’t mind the pink sheets.”

“I see. Excuse me for a moment.” Chrono nodded politely and walked over towards Lindy.

“Is something the matter?” Twilight blinked as she watched Chrono.

“Don’t worry. He’s just having some difficulty getting into the spirit of things, that’s all.”


It was well into evening when Applejack trotted back towards her farm. Normally, she wouldn’t have gotten back so late, but she didn’t want Pinkie to feel bad about her leaving early.

Them fellers from the TSAB don’t seem to be all that bad, she mused as she trotted along, her long blonde tail swishing behind her. Nothin’ wrong with military an’ all that. Shoot, the Princess has her guards an’ such, so why shouldn’t tha humans have the same? Jus’ wonder what they’re gonna talk to tha Princess about.

Applejack shook her head. Whatever it is, probly important stuff, all dip-lo-matic and fancy. Probly none of my business. Bes’ jus’ tah leave that kinda stuff tah Twilight.

She trotted along a little faster as she crested the hill leading to her farm. The barn lights were all aglow in the gloom of the evening, the yellow light clashing with the pale light of Luna’s moon.

I’ll check tha figures from today’s sales and have me a bite tha eat, then turn in for tha nigh- Now hol’ on there. Applejack’s thoughts paused as the barn door swung open, Apple Bloom trotting out with a plate in her mouth at a quick pace. Now where in tha hay does she think she’s goin?

“Apple Bloom!”

The little filly jumped visibly as Applejack called out to her, the taller mare looming out of the shadows slightly. She set the plate down and smiled. “Oh, hi Applejack. I didn’t know ya’ll were out here.”

“Just got back from that party. Guess I musta missed dinner. What’s that ya got there?”

“Oh…um…just some leftovers. You know, from dinner.”

“Uh huh. And what’re you doin’ sneakin’ out into tha night with it?”

“Um…well.” Apple Bloom paused, “I’m…uh…takin’ it out to the girls!”

“The girls?”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom plowed on, her face lighting up. “Me an’ tha otha Cutie Mark Crusaders, we’re havin’ a sleep-over! At tha’ clubhouse!”

“That ain’t a lotta food for two fillies.” Applejack lifted an eyebrow. “And you’re havin’ a sleep-over? On a school night?”

“Uh…it’s a midnight snack.” Applebloom grinned. “It’s a study-sleepover. Ya’ know, studyin’ and stuff.”

“Studyin’?” Applejack’s voice went flat. “Studyin’ what?”

“Uh…um…math?” Apple Bloom’s smile turned into a nervous grin.

“Apple Bloom, what’re ya hidin’?”

“N-nothing sis, honest.”

“Honest mah hoof. You best be straight with me missy, an’ you best be straight with me righ’ now.”

“I-I can’t tell you. I promised her-” Apple Bloom stuck her hoof in her mouth mid-sentence, eyes wide.

“Her who?”


“Oh consarn it,” Applejack reached over and gently yanked the hoof out. “Now Apple Bloom, you best ‘splain right now, ya here?”

“But…but I promised I wouldn’t tell anypony.” Apple Bloom pouted and scuffed the dirt.

“Not even yer own sister?”

“Uh-huh… she said that you an’ her don’ get ‘long real well.”

“Her who?”

“I dunno. She wouldn’t tell us her name.”

“Is it a pony?”

Apple Bloom nodded.

“What’s she look like?”

“She’s all yellow with ah gold mane. An’ she’s wearin’ all black. An’ she’s got red eyes… Applejack, why‘re you lookin‘ all funny?”

A chill ran down Applejack’s skin, like someone had dunked her in a cold lake. “Apple Bloom, why don’t yah let me take tha’ plate to her?” She managed in as gentle a voice as she could. “You go back inside an’ tell Big Macintosh to go get Twilight an‘ her human buddies. Tell her it‘s about Fate.”


“Apple Bloom,” Applejack interrupted, “this is very important. Now do what yer’ big sister tells you, an’ do it now.”

Apple Bloom nodded and walked back inside. Applejack leaned down and picked up the plate, turning resolutely towards the forest and began walking.


Fate was in the apartment she shared with her mother. It was a nice apartment, big enough for just her and Mother on their own. Everything was in soft, muted colors like brown and grayish-green, except for her room, where the walls were the brightest yellow.

It was a weekend. She didn’t have school that day, so she had woken up late. Mother wasn’t there, sadly. She’d left her breakfast ready when she woke up, with a little note.

‘Dear Alicia,’ the note had read, ‘Mother has to work today. Something very important has come up, and I’m going to be very busy. If all goes well, then we’ll have another picnic to celebrate. I know that I’ve been really busy, but it’ll all be worth it, I promise. One the project’s completed, your mother will be famous throughout Mid-Childa, and I’ll be able to spend so much more time with you. Don’t forget I always love you. Mother.’

That was okay, because Fate knew how to take care of herself. Mother was always so busy, so she learned how to cook little things like cereal and toast. Mother was quite proud of her for that.

Who is Alicia? A part of her mind wondered.

Fate was busy playing with her coloring books, rubbing the colorful markers against pictures of horses, painting them all sorts of bright colors; pink, purple, orange, blue. In the distance, there was a rumble that sounded like thunder. For some reason, her attention was drawn to the window.

She climbed up from the carpeted floor and peered out of the window. In the distance, a bright blue pillar of light leapt up into the sky.

And then…


Fate’s eyes snapped open. She felt a chill in her gut as the dream whisked away into the ether.

That…was a new dream.

Her eyes rolled around her surroundings. The club house was quiet and dim, a lantern providing the only light for her. The fillies that had ‘captured’ her had led her here, chattering all the way about how they were the ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders’ and their plans to find their Cutie Marks, whatever those were. They’d been quite surprised to find that her flank was bare of any symbol, just like theirs.

They had provided her with food, which she appreciated. And when they left, she had simply laid down, warily watching her surroundings. When no-one swept in in an ambush, she had dozed off.

Fate’s ears pulled back as she heard a plate get set down behind her. Then she froze as she heard a familiar voice.

“Well, I din’ ‘spect you to show up ‘round these parts.”

Fate slowly rose up and turned to face the speaker. Applejack stood in the doorway, silhouetted slightly in the moonlight.

“Now don’t you get all frantic an’ such. Ahm’ jus’ here to talk. Ain’t gonna start ah fight in mah sister’s club house, that‘s fer darn sure.” The farmer pony stepped inside and sat down on the floor between her and the door.

The two of them sat there for a moment, the dim lamp light casting faint shadows on the wall. Fate licked her lips slowly to get some moisture on them.

“Ah’ appreciate ya not hurtin’ mah sister an’ her friends.” Applejack said quietly, pushing the plate over Fate. “Means ah lot. She ain’t involved in this kinda stuff.”

“I’m not that cruel.” Fate glowered at Applejack, glancing down at the plate of food.

“Ah’ know. Ya’ll ain’t had the easiest life…”

“Are you here to lecture me?” Fate interrupted. “Because I really don’t want to hear it. Don’t pretend to know anything about me or my life, because you don’t.”

“I reckon’ ah don’t, not completely.” Applejack agreed, quietly pulling off her hat and setting it aside. “Ain’t gonna stop me from sym-pah-thizin’ with ya sugarcube. Ya’ll wanna talk about it?”


“You know…“ The farm pony deeply inhaled, closing her eyes as she did so. “your mother?”

“…” Fate said nothing, leaning down and nibbling at her dinner.

“It’s okay if ya’ll don’t wanna talk. Ah cain understand that.”


Applejack shifted nervously. “Ah mean…”

“Just be quiet…” Fate snapped softly.

Applejack’s mouth clicked as it shut. She sat there quietly, watching Fate eat. She must have looked ridiculous. She was so skinny, barely heavier than Apple Bloom dispite her height. She could feel those green eyes looking her over.

It didn’t take long for Fate to clear the plate, pushing it back towards Applejack. “Why did you come here?”

“I figured ya’ll could use the company. If nothin’ else, maybe ah could talk to yah, maybe try to unnerstand you.”

“Have you told anyone I’m here?”

Applejack winced. “Yes,” she replied truthfully.

“Twilight? And the other humans?”

Applejack nodded, then rose as Fate did.

“Sugar, just stop. Ya’ll don’t need to run. We’re tryin’ tah help-”

“I don’t need your help.” Fate rolled up her bedroll roughly. “Not yours, not Twilights, and definitely not the Bureau’s. I will complete my mission on my own. And if any of you get in my way, I’ll remove you from my path permanently.”

“Sugarcube, listen. Goldarnit!” Applejack stepped forwards and stomped a hoof onto Fate’s bedroll. “Listen tah me! What’s so important about tha lady who beats ya and treats yah that badly, huh? Why you gotta get tha’ Seeds for her?!”

“Shut up. Just shut up!” Fate pushed against the bulkier pony’s chest, trying to heave her away, only for Applejack to pull her into a hug.

“Answer me, Fate. What do ya hope to accomplish?” Applejack held Fate tightly.

“I’m trying to make Mother happy!” Fate shouted into her chest.


“Yes! Because if I get the Jewel Seeds, she’ll go back to the way she was!” Fate pulled herself out of Applejack’s grip, her cheeks wet with tears.

“You think I don’t know what’s going on?! You think I’m just some naïve girl who doesn’t know her situation?! I’m not! My entire life, Mother has hurt me, caused me nothing but pain and tears! But I remember… I remember a time when she was nice, and kind, and warm, and gentle, and…and…and I know if I just get the Seeds back, I can make Mother better! I can make her smile again! I can get her back to the woman that’s in my memories!”

There was a thunderclap as Bardiche emerged, shifting into its Device form as it emerged from its holster. Fate swung it around, the black axe-head pointing at Applejack now. “And if you get in the way of that goal, I will kill you,” Fate hissed. “I have nothing left to lose now. My only companion betrayed me to the TSAB, and I know what‘ll happen to me if I fail. So don‘t you dare pity me. And don‘t you dare try to stop me.”

Applejack stood there, staring down at Fate, even as the smaller pony’s horn glowed. There was a crackle of static in the air, enough to make Applejack’s mane bristle. The farm pony exhaled slowly, then stepped aside. “If ya ever wanna talk…ya’ll know where to find me.”

Fate snorted softly and walked towards the door, pushing it open with Bardiche’s tip. She paused for a moment and glanced back at Applejack. “Tell Apple Bloom and her friends thank you for me…” She mumbled, then darted up into the dark sky.


Twilight rushed along at full gallop, Yuuno and Chrono just behind her. The full moon glowed in the dark sky, providing enough light to see by as the trio rushed towards Applejack’s farm/ Raising Heart tapped against her chest with each movement, her nostrils flaring as she breathed.

If Fate’s at Applejack’s farm… what if something’s happened? What if there’s been an attack… Twilight’s thoughts were scattered as she crested the hill, looking out over the orchard and the farm proper.

“Remember everyone,” Chrono said as he came to a halt, “Fate has likely recovered fully from her wounds. Without her familiar, she’s likely going to be desperate, so she’ll probably get aggressive.”

“I don’t suppose you have a plan, Enforcer?” Yuuno inhaled, peering out into the moonlight night.

“We need to bind her. Preferibly, we’ll want to get her Device away from her as quickly as possible. Once we’ve done that, it shouldn’t be too hard.”

“Easier said than done.” Twilight noted. “Unicorn telekinesis can be difficult to pry something out of. I just hope Applejack is alright.”

“Miss Sparkle, you might want to activate your Device.” Chrono snapped his arm out, a black, card-sized piece of metal sliding out of his sleeve and into his waiting hand.

“Right.” Twilight levitated Raising Heart up from her chest. “Raising Heart, let’s go!”


“Come on, S2U!” Chrono snapped the card up above his head.

“YES, BOSS.” S2U responded in a mechanical, masculine voice. “DEVICE FORM.”

Blue and pink light flared outwards as the Devices assembled themselves from the ether. Chrono’s black Barrier Jacket folded into existence as Twilight’s body was wrapped in layers of magic, coalescing into her white and purple dress-like Barrier Jacket.

”You’ve got an Intelligent Device too?” Yuuno blinked.

“No. S2U is just equipped with a basic vocal response system. It’s an enhanced Storage-type device. What it lacks in intelligence, it makes up for in calculation speed and control systems.”

“Um, I hate to interrupt, but I think I see her!” Twilight pointed as a dark shape darted up through the trees.

“That looks like her alright. Let’s move to intercept.” Chrono crouched, then launched into the air with a whoosh of air.

“Wait up! Raising Heart, Flier Fin!”


Twilight crouched down as well, then took the air as well as the spell took hold, the wings flapping sharply as she gained altitude. Yuuno closed in behind her, arms spread as his cloak fluttered in the rushing air.

“Fate! Stop!”

The shape paused and spun in midair, Fate’s cloak fluttering as she did so. Her eyes seemed to glint gold in the darkness as she brought Bardiche around and into a combat grip in her telekinesis.

“Fate Testarossa, I am Enforcer Chrono Harlaown of the Time-Space Administration Bureau.” Chrono’s shout echoed hollowly in the clear night as he held his staff at the ready “Please lower your Device. We don’t want to fight you.”

“Why should I believe you? Here you are, facing me three on one.”

“Fate, please.” Twilight floated just ahead of the group. “Just listen to what he has to say. We’re-”

“Stop. Trying. To help. Me!” Fate all but screamed, the air around her crackling. “I don’t want your help! I just want you to leave me alone!”

“Miss Sparkle, I don’t think she’s interested in coming willingly.” Chrono noted sardonically.

“You think?” Twilight pulled back. Raising Heart, are those new spells loaded?

Yes, my master. All except Trump Card are completed. Initialize at will.

Miss Twilight? An unfamiliar thought leaked into her head.


Correct. It would be wise if you engage Fate directly. Yuuno and I will attempt to corral her with binding spells. Try to keep her off-balance.

That seems to work. I do hope your Enforcer training’s not for show.

“THUNDER SMASHER!” A familiar voice shouted as a beam of golden light and lighting shot through the air towards them. Yuuno rushed forwards and raised his shield, the Bombardment spell splashing against his defenses.

“Right, enough talk.” Twilight shot upwards as the blast faded against the shield. “Divine Shooter, Alternative Mode Two!”

“DIVINE SHOOTER: PULSE SHOT!” Raising Heart replied, producing a single large glowing sphere of light before Twilight. The sphere pulsed for a moment, before it began to collapse, Divine Shots firing out at a lightning pace like bullets from a machine gun.

The shots collided with Fate’s own shield, exploding into sprays of harmless sparks. The golden pony darted upwards, barely dodging a swing from Chrono’s staff as she spiraled upwards towards the stars. Twilight’s wings flapped as she gave chase, flying straight upwards

“Fate! Stop! Just listen to me!” Twilight swung her staff upwards even as Fate whipped around, brandishing Bardiche.



Bolts of yellow energy volleyed downwards, rapidly intercepted by equally quick blasts of pink light as the two ponies flew higher, starting to circle each other as Twilight began to gain on Fate. The wind whipped through Twilight’s mane and dress as the air grew cooler.

There was a whoosh as Fate blurred out.

Any second now, she’s going to reappear right behind me, isn’t she?

Twilight spun Raising Heart around, sparks spraying as Bardiche’s axe head met Raising Heart’s shaft, the sharp blade scant inches from Twilight’s head. Twilight swallowed and spun, pulling Raising Heart’s shaft underneath the hook of Bardiche’s blade, locking the two Devices together.

Miss Sparkle! Chrono’s telepathic voice was sharp. Try to break away! We can’t get a clear shot to bind her!

I can’t! She’s not playing around this time! Twilight’s eyes met Fate’s. There was anger in those red eyes. Anger and something far sadder.

“Why? Why do you have to interfere?” Fate shouted as she yanked Bardiche upwards, colorful sparks spraying as the telekinetic fields clashed. “Why can’t you just go away!?”

“Because I want to help you! If you’d just listen and think, you could see that!” Twilight cried out in reply.

“Shut up!” Fate pulled back, Bardiche’s head folding upwards as the beam scythe bloomed into existence. “Why don’t you get that I don’t want any help!?” Fate rushed towards Twilight, swinging the scythe like a pick axe. The blade connected against Twilight’s shield, the spell-circle shaped barrier blazing against the crackling blade of electricity.

“Because you’re hurting! And you’re scared! And you’re miserable!” Twilight shouted right back, her horn burning brighter as she swung Raising Heart back, winking and reappearing ten feet away, the barrier disappearing. “Because what you’re doing isn’t healthy at all!”

“Shut up!” Fate swung Bardiche around. The laser blade launched from the axe, forming into a wide hoop as Bardiche announced the spell’s name, “ARC SABER.”

Twilight’s shield sprang into existence once again. The hoop of lightning bit into the shield, grinding away at it like a circular saw. Twilight’s eyes widened as she darted downwards, the shield shattering and the blade sheering off a few millimeters of tail hair.

“You don’t know anything about me!” Fate slashed one hoof, several Photon Lancers darting out. Twilight darted away, her Counter Shots launching as she flew and rolled through the night sky.

“I would if you just let me in!” Twilight spun around, her wings spreading as she braked in mid-air, her teeth gritted tight as Raising Heart’s head dissolved, re-forming into the tuning-fork shape of Shooting Mode. The head pushed forwards, wings of light spreading as firing loops sprang into existence.

“I’d rather die!” Fate snarled, Bardiche’s head rotating as golden dragonfly wings bloomed into existence.

There was a brief moment as the two spells gathered their charges, golden and rose-colored light sparkling around the two unicorns before the pair shouted in unison.



There was a tremendous roar as a torrent of lightning and light met a river of energy and magic. The two spells collided, a small sonic boom splitting the air at the place where the two spells met. Both mages held firm, pouring energy into their respective spells.

We’ve got her! Twilight squinted her eyes, sweat pouring down her muzzle. Break through, Raising Heart! Full power!

Be advised, Master, that such an attack will likely drain usable mana reserves at an unmanageable pace, and leave us open for counter-attack.

The golden beam began to push forwards, pushing back the Divine Buster.

We need to increase the power, or we’re going to be the ones cooked! Full power, now!

Yes, my Master.

Twilight let out a battle cry as her Divine Buster bloomed wider, the beam growing thicker as it pressed back against the Thunder Smasher. It pressed back…back…back…until in a loud crack of thunder the beam smashed through, dissolving the point of origin. The pink laser seemed to split the sky, lighting the surrounding landscape below in a slight pink haze as it dissipated.

Fate, however, was nowhere to be seen.

She’s behind me, isn’t she? Twilight clenched her eyes. If you’re going to bind her, do it now!

There was a loud crackling noise…

And then a much louder, steely rattle, like chains. Twilight turned, facing Fate again. The filly’s Device was wrapped in blue and green chains, the beam scythe shorting out as the axe-head rotated back into place.

Fate’s eyes were wide. “B-Bardiche!? LET HIM GO!” She snorted, yanking her head sharply as she tried to pull her Device free. The chains, however, held firm.

Yuuno pulled gently on his chain as he floated up level with the ponies. “Fate, we don’t want to do this.”

“The ferret boy is correct.” Chrono floated up as well, S2U linked to the binding chain holding the Device. “Stop this. You’re only making things worse.”

“No…” Fate looked between the three of them. "I’m…I’m not…”

“Please Fate, just-” Twilight reached out her hoof.


“Look out!”


The three mages shielded as Photon Lancers lashed out, colliding with them in a brilliant explosion of color. Twilight blinked, slowly lowering her shield as Chrono pulled Bardiche over to him.

“Where…where did she go?”

“Clever girl. She used our natural reaction to shield ourselves to distract us and made her escape.” Chrono held the black axe carefully, inspecting it. “Though she’s loosing ground rapidly. We have her Device now.”

“But where is she?” Twilight looked around, blinking to get the lights out of her eyes.


Fate landed heavily on the ground. She was back in the encapsulating depths of the Everfree Forest. The Flash Move had used up what little mana she had remaining. She could hardly stand as it was.

She flopped onto her side in the bushes, panting heavily as she curled up on her side. They had Bardiche. It had been foolish of her to abandon her Device like that, but compared to the importance of her mission, it was an acceptable sacrifice.

Maybe if she kept telling herself that, it might make sense. She had to keep believing in that. She needed to believe it. Otherwise…

She didn’t even want to contemplate that. With a shudder, she exhaled and closed her eyes.


There was a soft growl as a cockatrice slowly rose from the bushes, its long green tail waving sinuously, its wings spreading. It blinked its beady little red eyes at the sleeping pony and clucked, anticipating an easy meal.

At least until a shadow swept over the golden filly’s form. “Flee swiftly, wretched beast,” a measured, calm voice whispered with an air of menace. “Flee, for this one is under our protection.”

The cocaktrice clucked in panic, fleeing back into the underbrush as a long, starry mane caressed over Fate’s prone form, pushing under her sides and lifting her gently.

“Our sister may prefer to machinate and watch from afar,” Luna whispered softly, wrapping the pony in a veil of starlight, “but we do not have such compunctions. Rest well, child of lightning, for the moon herself watches over you.”

There was a rustle of wind, and the two vanished in a swirl of darkness.