• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,862 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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BSL: Prelude to Awakening

If Starlight thought she'd had a difficult time wrapping her head around what everyone said Spike had been through and the otherworldly guests that came back with him, that was nothing compared to when she actually caught sight of him as he winged into the castle, the last rays of the sun glinting on his scales, the new Dragonlord at his side. Starlight had let out a startled "Woof!" and promptly fled to her room in embarrassment, both from her reaction and from the fact that she managed to find every other room in the castle on her way to finding her room, including three accidental returns to the main room where everyone had settled for dinner. Spike had commented that Twilight should get her a map and compass.

Despite having read much of what had happened to him from Spike's own mind via the Scepter, Ember had some difficulty adjusting to the reality of the off world visitors. At first Twilight had been afraid Ember would make a bad impression on the off world visitors, but her warrior mindset allowed her to click quite well with nearly all of them, while Ghor seemed more interested in studying her over interacting with her. He did, however, get the message the third time she gave him a sample of her fire to keep him from trying to get a horn, scale, or claw sample. Oddly, the one she most readily bonded with was Gandrayda, and they spent most of the evening talking together. Spike was quite relieved with this result...until he learned that the primary subject of their discussion was himself. The only real point of contention was between Ember and Anthony, as he refused to explain what he meant when he called her 'Tsundere'.

Around breakfast time the next morning, Starlight met everyone in the main dining hall - which now had enough seating for all the guests, since Twilight had made extra seating the previous night - just as Spike was serving everyone breakfast. When asked, she refused to answer if she'd actually made it to her room the previous night...though she did look somewhat sleep deprived.

As breakfast - Spike's waffles in various varieties tailored to each guest's dietary preference - concluded, Rainbow spoke up eagerly. "So what mission did you go on next?" she asked eagerly. "I mean, I know the end of the last one was a real downer...but the next one had to be better, right?" She glanced hopefully from Samus to Spike. The pair's silence answered Rainbow's inquiry, but even then she tried to be hopeful. "R-right?"

Samus eventually spoke up. "Our next mission took us back to SR388," she began calmly. "Biologic's research team was investigating new life forms discovered there, and Spike and I had been contracted as protection. We...weren't sure what would happen, but nothing could have prepared us for what did..."

Samus and Spike carefully led the scientists through the tunnels of SR388, guiding them through the various pathways they'd once walked. The memories brought back of their last visit were especially painful for Spike, and he'd grown snappy and waspish the deeper they went in. The scientists wisely kept their distance from him.

Before long, a hostile life form moved forward to attack. As it wasn't on Biologic's list of those they still needed to tag for study, Spike didn't hesitate to blast it with his flame breath, roasting the creature. However, instead of dropping for him to consume, the creature morphed, becoming a pair of strange yellow gelatinous...things. Samus and Spike both attempted to shoot the new creatures out of the air as they flew around, but their weaponry passed harmlessly through them, and the organisms seemed to splatter themselves against Samus and Spike before vanishing.

"We didn't know it at the time, but we had been attacked by the X Parasite," Samus explained. "A rather...voracious organism, and incredibly deadly. We didn't know anything about it at the time, but they were the reason the Chozo created the Metroids...specifically to keep the X in check and ensure they never left SR388."

"Seriously?" Twilight gasped out, stunned. "They're so dangerous that the Chozo felt Metroids were a better option?"

"Believe me," Samus replied, "Metroids were a better option by far. If the Chozo hadn't been as pacifistic as they had been when they'd found SR388, the best option would have been blowing up the planet rather than risk the X ever escaping." She stared around at those native to Equestria stared at her, stunned at the very idea of an entire planet being dubbed a threat and destroyed. Nodding, she continued. "And while Spike's metroidal DNA enabled him to absorb and feed on the X as Metroids were designed to do...I was infected. And when it was finally noticed..."

Samus held the controls of her ship lightly in her hands, steering her ship alongside the BSL frigate as they made their way back to the station. She was looking forward to collecting her fee and getting out of there with Spike, heading somewhere they could just relax and let Spike unwind from what had happened on the Bottleship. Maybe they'd go back to Aether and just soar over Agon, or swim in Torvus, or scale the Sanctuary cliffs. Or maybe they'd see if they could find the last Shaman of Bryyo, and see if she had succeeded in her mission with the purging of Phazon. The clouds of Elysia could be good flying as well. Or maybe the Chozo temples of Tallon IV would be relaxing e-

In the middle of her thought, her whole body jerked, the X infection having reached her central nervous system and now attempting to override it. She slumped back into her seat, the ship listing dangerously towards an asteroid belt.

"Mom!" Spike screamed out, terrified. "Mom, what's wrong? Wake up!" He shook her, trying to get her to take control of the ship again, but she didn't respond. Grabbing hold of the controls, he pulled back, barely keeping the ship from crashing into a large asteroid. He then opened the comms. "Come in BSL Frigate! This is Spike Aran. Clear your docking bay for emergency uncontrolled docking, and prepare the medical lab for quarantine! I'm coming in, and Mom's suffering from an unknown contagion!" With that warning given, he got the ship into the docking bay the only way he could, by opening a wormhole there and letting the ship activate its automatic landing protocols. It came out a little dinged and a few bits of equipment got smashed, but overall the damage was minimal.

The med team responded quickly, arriving at the ship immediately under quarantine protocol to give Samus and Spike any medical attention they could, while keeping everyone else safe from whatever had felled the infamous Hunter.

"They didn't have the resources to treat Mom aboard the frigate and knew it," Spike continued as everyone listening for the first time gasped in terror. "So they kept the ship sealed off and transported us to Galactic Federation HQ. During that time...all I could do was watch as the X multiplied, infesting and corrupting both Mom and her suit. With how integrated her suit was with her body, it couldn't be removed while she was unconscious. In an attempt to save her, the Doctors surgically removed the more infected portions of her suit, drastically altering its appearance...but it didn't do any good. They still couldn't risk targeting the X in her central nervous system.

"Then one of the scientists had an idea."

Adam took over from there. "Someone pointed out that there had been no traces of the X when Samus and Spike had been on SR388 to exterminate the Metroids. On the assumption that Metroids fed on the X, the scientist suggested using the last Metroid cell culture taken from...Squishy...on Ceres to formulate a gene therapy for Samus, altering her physiology to become part Metroid, since that had made Spike immune to the X."

"But some questioned if that would have a viable result on Samus," Ghor added. "They said that Spike was unique, in that his genetic code was designed to incorporate new code as he grew. So, as I was there as well...I submitted that they use Spike's DNA as a basis for the gene therapy, bonding the original draconic code from when he first came to Ceres station with the Metroid DNA in the cell culture as the vaccine. The end result was injected into Samus, and everyone hoped for the best."

"It worked," Samus concluded. "The X parasites inside me were immediately and completely wiped out, my system absorbing them. After a time, the two genetic codes finished bonding to mine, and I underwent my own metamorphosis. In addition to the changes to my suit..." She gestured to how different her suit currently was as compared to the images she'd shown previously. "My skin cells had taken on a scale like pattern at the microscopic level, becoming much stronger. At the same time, I gained the ability to extend small blades from my arms, legs, and back as defensive weaponry, mimicking Spike's own." Turning to Rarity, she gestured to the spikes protruding from the arm of her Power Suit. "That's what I meant when I told you they were a part of me."

"Wait!" Ember interrupted. "Are you saying you're part dragon?" she demanded in disbelief.

Samus shrugged. "And part Chozo, human, and Metroid," she added. "What's your point?"

Ember smirked widely. "I guess that makes you one of my subjects, doesn't it?" she asked, raising the Bloodstone Scepter.

"Try that again when your symbol of power isn't bigger than you," Samus countered, startling laughter all around the table.

Much to Twilight's surprise, Ember's smirk didn't waver. She seemed to enjoy the telling rejoinder. As she took her seat again, though, her expression soured. "Where did they take the infected portions of your suit?" she asked worriedly.

Samus nodded. "To the BSL station, along with the samples from SR388. Despite my only recently recovering and still adapting to a new shape and abilities...when I heard that an unexplained explosion rocked the station..."

"We set out for the station immediately," Spike concluded. "While we'd be the only ones going in...we didn't go alone."

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