• Published 3rd May 2015
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Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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M: Cold Hearted

The mecha was large and bulky, but still able to move quite fast in a charge. Thankfully, it took some time after each charge before it could reorient for another charge. The engine block was mounted on the back, so after Samus evaded the first charge, she was able to fire several charged Diffusion/Ice blasts to the engine, inflicting damage and eventually freezing the joint of the right manipulator arm. One missile shattered the joint, letting the limb fall to the ground and break apart. The mech attempted to fight back with laser blasts and other weapons, but Samus had too much practice against mechas to fail so easily. It wasn't long before she was able to take out the second manipulator arm.

At that point, the mecha deployed buzzsaw blades around its treads, attempting to shred Samus as it charged back and forth. Spike, watching from a safe distance, rolled his eyes. "This is getting ridiculous," he grumbled, gathering energy into his mouth. "Stay behind me!"

Nodding fearfully, the woman he was ordered to guard clung to his back near the base of his tail, below his wings. This nailed down to her even further that they were, in fact, clinging upside down to the ceiling, and it was only when his tail wrapped protectively around her that she felt safe again.

Watching carefully, Spike chose his moment...then unleashed a fully charged blast of electric breath, which slammed full force into the side of the mecha and sending it - and its pilot - flipping end over end to slam into the far wall as the top burst into flames.

"Spike!" Samus snapped. "I said not to assist me!"

"And Adam ordered me to hit any suspicious figure with my electric breath!" Spike called back innocently. "I'd say a mech designed for transporting crates equipped with lasers and buzzsaws is pretty suspicious!"

A clang echoed up to Spike, letting him know Samus had smacked her faceplate with her armored hand. He smirked as he heard the woman wrapped in his tail giggle girlishly.

"Ugh!" Twilight groaned as she brought her hoof to her face, despite the laughter around her. "Did you ever learn to turn your 'Swag' off, whatever that is? Am I going to have to watch out for that woman, whoever she is, showing up as a rival for Gandrayda?"

"Wait, what?" Gandrayda demanded, stunned.

"Mom, seriously, Melissa didn't see me that way!" Spike insisted.

"Just keep telling yourself that," Anthony offered with a wide smirk.

Samus rolled her eyes. "At any rate, Adam sent orders to change our priority to taking down the creature we know now was Ridley, since the wavelength of its cry was driving all creatures around it into a frenzy. If left unchecked, the creatures within the Bottleship would take down us and survivors."

"I told the woman we'd just saved - we didn't get her name just there, since we were in such a rush - to find somewhere safe and secure to hide, and to only open the door if it was me on the other side," Spike explained. "Since the Deleter android was humanoid, it was logical to assume it could only mimic humans or those with a humanoid structure."

"Logical and accurate," Adam agreed.

"So after that, we set course for Sector 3, in pursuit of 'the creature'," Samus continued. "Unfortunately, we found our way to a dead end based on the path Adam gave us. When we tried to backtrack us, we found ourselves trapped by more upgraded Zebesians in a glass cage. Our beams bounced off, and the glass was too thick for Spike to smash through without disabling his armor's limiter-"

"Which would have been a bad idea," Spike insisted, "since I'd have been able to smash through the walls of the station then, which wouldn't have been safe."

"-and the Zebesians had Wave Beams, which shot right through the clear walls," Samus finished.

"As soon as I got that information, I authorized Samus' own Wave Beam," Adam continued.

"In addition to letting my beam penetrate transparent or semi-transparent substances, it made it much more powerful," Samus explained. "It also opened the path forward, allowing us to actually make our way to Sector 3."

"If only it were so easy," Spike muttered.

Samus activated the elevator controls somewhat dubiously as Spike settled himself on the platform. The elevator immediately started shooting up the long lift towards the central elevator. Despite the seeming quiet, Spike paced the platform, his instincts and senses on high alert. Taking that as a cue, Samus scanned their surrounding, ready to fight at a moment's notice.

Both turned out to be right, as Wave Beam equipped enhanced Zebesians dropped onto the platform from above, immediately lunging for the attack. Samus focused on the first of the attacking trio while Spike took the second, knocking the third off the platform behind them with his tail, where it fell far behind them.

More Wave Beam Zebesians continued to drop down as the elevator platform rose, but Spike's strategy of knocking any beyond the two he and Samus were actively focusing on off the elevator - whether down to fall behind or up to be run over as the platform raced up the sloping shaft - continued to prove effective.

As the last of the Zebesians were dealt with, another creature swooped down. This creature somewhat resembled an oversize stag beetle with its giant horns, with a narrow body lined with spikes that were either teeth or flight assist fins, it was difficult to determine. It had two long arms ending in red claws, two small legs, and a large eye where its head should have been. It quickly proved to be cybernetic as it unleashed a wave of missiles that locked onto the pair as they dodged around them.

As soon as it landed on the platform, Spike closed to clash with the creature, clenching his teeth as he discovered it could match his present level of physical strength. He dug his hind claws into the platform to keep from being pushed back while Samus raced around, taking pot shots at the creature's eye as they became clear, not charging her beam to keep the Diffusion effect from injuring Spike.

After a time, the creature broke free of the grapple, its eye becoming a red hole as it began drawing in energy for some sort of attack. Samus quickly countered this by firing a missile into the hole, causing the creature to fall back, allowing Spike to charge in and knock it for a loop before Samus jammed her charged arm cannon into the eye and fired.

Despite the amassed assault, the creature recovered readily and continued the attack until the platform reached the end of the elevator shaft. It then unleashed a few more attacks to make the pair back off a bit before taking flight, diving down the shaft and away from the pair.

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