• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,862 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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Corruption: Investigations and Infiltrations

"So after you got the Nova Beam, you went after the Leviathan, right?" Twilight asked eagerly.

Samus smirked. "Nope. I decided to backtrack and get a few more expansions and other things."

Twilight blinked, tilting her head in confusion. "Umm...while I understand being fully prepared...weren't the Federation getting ready to assault the Pirate Homeworld?"

"Yes," Spike confirmed. "And they were constantly bugging us about getting the shield down! It was really annoying!"

"So I made a unilateral decision to be as prepared as possible before going in," Samus explained. "After all, we'd be fighting Ridley, and I wanted to see if there were any upgrades available for Spike before he faced off against him again."

"There weren't," Spike admitted, "but the excuse got the feds off our back for a time."

While Twilight looked completely flabbergasted, she was the only one not laughing or at least giggling.

"Beyond that," Samus continued, "when I'd found all the Energy Cells I could, we were able to fully explore the Valhalla. There was...some significant information there."

"Which I got left out of finding," Spike grumbled, pouting. "Just cause it was in a vacuum and I couldn't breathe in space yet."

"Why didn't you just shrink to human size and put on an oxygen unit?" Rundus asked.

Spike stared at him for several moments before slamming his face into the table. Laughter erupted.

Once the laughter subsided, Samus continued. "It turned out that Dark Samus had ordered the Space Pirates to attack the Valhalla to steal the Aurora Unit...specifically to install it on Phaaze, the planet of living Phazon. Doing so gave her complete control of the planet, and the ability to produce the Leviathans at an accelerated rate and determine where to aim them."

"What purpose did the Leviathans serve Phaaze?" Luna asked curiously.

Samus was dead silent.

"Reproduction," Spike explained. "The Leviathans were seeds. Planted in other worlds, they slowly converted those worlds into more like Phaaze, worlds of living Phazon. Phaaze was a living planet...and a blight on all life as we knew it by its very existence."

Deciding to move past that quickly, Samus continued the story. "I also found a Space Pirate control code that we later discovered was for controlling Leviathan based battleships, one of which was actually in orbit around the Pirate Homeworld. That came in useful later."

"After that, we returned to the Pirate Homeworld, and headed for the shield generator..." Spike began.

Entering the shield control center, Samus and Spike moved carefully, investigating how best to shut it down. After destroying a few enemies and turrets, they determined that the shield generator itself was the central pillar. At three points along the pillar were Phazite armor plates, guarding the structural weak points of the mechanism. Samus' X-Ray visor let her see through the Phazite armor, and her Nova Beam could shoot through them. From what she could determine, the only entrances to the shield control tower was on the bottom floor. However, the control panel to expose the Phazite panels was on the top floor.

"Here's the plan," Samus explained. "You get down to the ground floor and guard the entrances. As soon as you're in position, I'll activate the controls. You keep the hostiles off my back while I disable the shield generator."

"Got it," Spike agreed, leaping down to the bottom of the tower.

As soon as she heard the thump of his landing, Samus activated the control panel. Much to Samus' surprise, several enemies warped in near the top, and she had to open fire immediately. Since they were equipped with special jamming tech, she wasn't able to use the X-ray visor/Nova Beam combo for instant kills, and was forced to rely on Hypermode until Spike was able to get back up and cover her back. He dealt with the enemies by the simple expedient of grabbing them and hurling them out the window.

Each time a new segment of the generator pillar was disabled, more enemies appeared. While they immediately attacked Samus, they hesitated when turning on Spike. Apparently, they still couldn't quite convince themselves that he wasn't actually Ridley.

I wonder if the fall out the upper window helps them make up their minds, Samus thought idly as she went after the last panel.

With the final one disabled, Samus rode Spike back to the top of the tower, letting him grab hold of her in Morph Ball and slam her into the final slot. Detonating a bomb, the entire shield generator shut down. The shield dropped, and the defense turrets activated, trying to protect the base, but the Federation assaulted full force, with high speed fighter craft, heavy bombers, and full carriers. The Pirate Homeworld was not prepared for such a full force assault.

"Whoa..." Rainbow gasped out, plainly excited at the mere idea of such a heavy assault.

"Yeah, the Federation went all out there," Samus admitted. "Admittedly, that was only the one fleet."

"Only one fleet?" Luna asked nervously. "Pray tell, how many fleets of such size doth this Federation have?"

"About 10," Samus replied with a shrug. "I didn't bother to keep an exact count."

"If they have ten fleets that size," Celestia asked, more than a bit odd, "why do they need you?"

"Because, Celestia," Discord pointed out logically, "it doesn't matter how many sledgehammers you have in your shed if what you need is a scalpel. The fleets are obviously for pitched wars and the like, and not just with the Space Pirates. But for infiltration missions and things like that, Hunters like her are obviously the preferred choice. And it's cheaper to hire her on a case by case basis than to train your own on payroll getting bored between jobs."

Celestia groaned. "Don't remind me," she mumbled to herself, pointedly not meeting Twilight's eyes as she turned to her in confusion.

"After that," Spike continued, "all that was left was the assault on the path to the Seed..."

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