• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,862 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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M: Regulations

Once the nachos and other snack foods had been prepared and served, Samus and Spike wasted no time getting back to retelling the adventure.

As Adam's unit moved ahead, Samus followed, Spike close at her heels. The corridors were drab metal and exposed circuitry, typical of Federation 'function over form' design preferences. The lighting was poor, but that proved no problem for either Hunter. Samus' suit had its own built in lights, and Spike could see in the dark better than Samus could in the light. He proved this when his head snaked forward, snapping up a large insectoid creature that attempted to bumrush Samus off the platform bridge they were crossing.

Spike pulled his head back, crunching the creature up in his jaws before swallowing, licking his lips. "...slimy yet satisfying," he offered cheekily.

Samus frowned. "No more Disney movies for you," she chided with a roll of her eyes.

Samus paused in the retelling as she waited for Anthony to stop laughing. She felt sorry that few of the others around the table would get the joke. Once Anthony had calmed down - due to Adam giving a quiet cough and a glare - Samus continued the tale.

Other wild creatures they recognized - Zoomers and Shriekbats - attempted to waylay their path, but Spike readily recognized them as some of the tastier creatures he'd eaten, and decided to take a few snacks. Few continued to trouble them for long after he charged forward.

By that time, Adam's unit had moved far ahead of the pair, and they were in a rush to catch up. In the larger chambers, Samus leapt to Spike's back and let him fly her to the exit while she guarded his back. The oppressive atmosphere continued to weigh on Samus, though Spike seemed right at home.

Before long, they came across a Navigation Chamber, the newer models of Federation Communications Ports. In addition to restoring suit shield energy and sending log book data back to the ship, it also replenished ammunition and boosted communications channels so that coordination was possible in areas where constant communication with allies was impossible.

After taking a few moments to send the data, Samus led Spike past the chamber and across another hallway, catching up with Adam and the others. They found them standing around the dead body of a scientist, his flesh and clothing torn, and stained with something green. After a time, the body shook, and a pink creature resembling an overlarge rhinoceros beetle crawled out...whether from inside him or under him was uncertain.

"Get away from me!" one of the soldiers shouted as it got too close, getting ready to kick it away. Before he could, Spike zapped the insect with his ice breath, taking hold of the creature.

"Anyone know what this is?" he asked, holding the frozen specimen. "It's not in the ship databanks, as far as I can recall."

"I'll take it for analysis," Adam replied, holding out his hand. After a nod from Samus, Spike handed over the specimen.

At that moment, a swarm of the creatures began crawling out of the walls and up towards the ceiling of the massive chamber. Adam immediately ordered everyone to prepare for combat. The soldiers lowered their face plates as the creatures surrounded a large eyeball that lowered towards them before dropping to the floor amongst them, taking the shape of a large beast with two long tentacles for limbs.

"Open fire!" Adam ordered, and the entire group began firing. Samus utilized her power beam to aid, while Spike tried his flame breath. However, the assault wasn't proving very effective. The weapons discharge was bouncing off the creature amalgamation.

"This isn't working!" one of the troops shouted.

"Ice worked!" Anthony pointed out.

"Freeze guns authorized!" Adam ordered, and the entire group switched their auto-fire pistols out for hand held cryogenic pistols. "Samus, missiles authorized!"

Samus nodded as she reactivated her missiles, recognizing the strategy Adam wanted to use. Spike, meanwhile, joined in with his ice breath. While Adam's unit focused on freezing one part for Samus to shatter with a missile, Spike focused on a different part, as a focused discharge from him was enough to create the desired freeze effect, and a charging punch the shattering blow.

When the creature amalgamation finally fell over, the eyeball was revealed to be a much larger beetle like the others, which Spike was quick to smash, causing the other beetles to disperse.

"Everyone okay?" Anthony called out, getting affirmatives all around.

Once everyone had calmed down, Adam began a debriefing for everyone. "Exactly what transpired here on the BOTTLE SHIP is still uncertain. Here's what we do know: the equipment we thought had been destroyed is operational again, and we've seen casualties attributed to an unidentified and lethal creature. The situation is critical. We need to gather all the information we can, but priority one is to find any survivors and bring them to safety. Consider this site extremely dangerous. Be careful as you make your sweeps. And there's one problem."

"Just one?" Spike muttered as the troops raised their heads to listen. His snark earned him a glower from Samus.

"The wireless interference in this facility is all-pervasive," Adam continued, the slightest twitch of his mouth his only reaction to Spike's aside. "Your comm systems are useless. As a result, communication channels will be limited to the facility's Navigation Chambers."

He then proceeded to give each of the troops their orders. Anthony was sent to Sector 3, and given permission to use his heavy plasma cannon at his discretion. Samus and Spike were ordered to the System Management room, and to do everything they could to get the electrical systems up and running again. Apparently, Samus' comms were still functional for some reason, which would prove an advantage in directing her.

Adam also authorized the use of her Bombs, but not Power Bombs, as they were too dangerous when they were trying to find survivors. With one last caution to everyone to be careful, Adam declared the briefing over.

Samus felt somewhat ill at ease. Despite having her aid accepted, she felt like she was still somewhat excluded as the troops gave the traditional thumbs up. But then Adam turned to her.

"Any objections, Lady?"

Smiling under her helmet, she gave her usual thumbs down, before turning to follow the mission objective.

As Samus paused in her retelling, Celestia turned towards Adam. "Do you think...you might have been a little cold with her?" she asked softly.

"I knew Samus' story," Adam explained firmly. "If I'd ever approached her too openly or with too much friendliness as a superior officer, she'd have distrusted me or pushed me away. When she was first in my command, she wasn't ready to accept connection with others again, after what had happened in her past. At the Bottle Ship, returning to the way we'd related before was repairing a broken bridge. It may seem cold to you, but it was what Samus needed." He carefully sipped his tea. "I take it you yourself have frequently been in a position like that?"

"Yes," Celestia replied. "I've taken many personal students, and done my best to help them grow into whatever awaits them. Twilight is my most recent student, and the one I'm most proud of." Twilight couldn't help but blush at that.

"And do you use the same approach with every student?" Adam inquired further. "Or do you adjust it for each one?"

Celestia blinked in surprise. "Well, I do try to tend to each student's unique needs...but overall I try to maintain the same sort of relationship with each..."

"And has that ever resulted in things going wrong, and those students rejecting you?"

Celestia glanced away.

"I'll take that as a yes," Adam replied. "I mean this as no sinecure. Merely making a point. Not everyone responds the same in a situation. I took the approach my interpretation of events said Samus needed. From what happened, I can say I guessed right."

"I...see your point," Celestia allowed.

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