• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,824 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

  • ...

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Tallon IV: Nomnoms

Once everyone stopped laughing, Twilight managed to get herself under control. "So what happened next?" she asked curiously. "I have a feeling we've a long way to go."

Samus nodded. "Five more missions beyond this one, which isn't even half over."

Applejack's eyes widened. "We're gonna be here for a while..."

"Then we'd best keep going," Spike replied, before continuing the tale.

With the Wave Beam acquired, the pair continued to explore the Phendrana Drifts, seeking out paths made available by the weapon and Samus' Space Jump Boots. On the way, Spike got his first taste of Scarabs - small beetles that traveled in swarms, detonating themselves to protect the rest of the swarm - which he said, "Taste exactly like a potato chip," before proceeding to eat the entire swarm.

Reaching a wide open area with several Boost Switches - spinning switches that had to be activated by the Boost Ball - Morph Ball slots, and low levels of water, Samus sighed. "I've got some puzzles to solve."

"Alternatively, I could carry you up," Spike suggested.


Smirking, Spike gripped the snow covered wall and ascended with his claws, arching his tail so the spade tip formed a cradle.

Samus chuckled. "Good thinking," she replied, entering Morph Ball. Hopping into the cradle, she let him carry them up to the upper level. On the way up, he managed to eat a Flickerbat that came too close. He wound up spitting it out. "Ick! Tastes like cold medicine."

Once on the upper level, they entered a door shielded against all but the electrical energy of the Wave Beam, entering a Space Pirate research facility. Right inside the door, they came under attack by a Space Pirate - a Shadow Pirate to be exact, one equipped with a stealth field - which Spike promptly tried to eat.

He just as promptly spit it out. "Eeyuck!" he complained. "Tastes like those candies with all the artificial colors and sweeteners you wouldn't let me eat! Disgusting! It's like a mouthful of chemicals!"

"Then don't eat them," Samus offered as she stared at the headless corpse and the half chewed head.

"That's for sure," Spike growled, rubbing his slowly lengthening muzzle.

Curious, Samus scanned him again.

Spike has reached another stage of his growth. His muzzle is lengthening into a pointed beak for greater biting power and to act as a pointed weapon to stab enemies with. Claws are also lengthening, both for combat and more efficient climbing.

Interesting, Samus mused to herself, continuing further inward.

Seeing plenty of Phazon in sealed canisters along the walls being processed for energy, Spike demonstrated the penetrative power of his new beak as he washed the taste of the Pirate from his mouth. Chuckling, Samus let him drink his fill before continuing onward.

In the next chamber, they encountered some normal Space Pirates without the stealth tech. Spike, ever game, gave these a try as well, only to find the taste unchanged. He cleansed his mouth this time with his fire breath, torching the attacking pirates.

Scanning various display screens, Samus was able to determine that this facility served two purposes for the Pirates. The first was as a research facility to study Phazon and its possible uses. The second was as a Metroid power station.

"Metroid?" Fluttershy asked.

"Power station?" Twilight added.

Samus scanned through her log book, finally revealing an image that resembled a green jellyfish with red nodes inside of it, and claw like fangs instead of tendrils.

"Metroids are a predatory race that feed by draining the life force from other creatures," Samus explained. "The exact feeding method is unknown, but once they latch onto you, there's little you can do to break free. They were...designed to be super predators."

"Designed?" Rainbow inquired.

"By the Chozo."

Everypony gasped. "Why?" Luna demanded. "Why would the Chozo do such a thing?"

Samus pointed to Pinkie's sign.

"...I see," Luna replied, rather put out.

"At any rate, while the Metroid energy metabolism process isn't completely understood, it can be taken advantage of," Samus continued, turning to face Twilight. "The Space Pirates trapped Metroids in capsules and continuously fed and drained them, using them as an easily replenishable power source."

"H...how horrible," Fluttershy whimpered.

Samus was silent for a time, her arm stroking the spikes on the arm of her power suit. "...yeah..." she agreed softly.

Fluttershy's eyes widened in shock and realization.

"Moving on," Spike said quickly. "After Samus downloaded the map of the facility from a Map Station, we explored around for a while. Found a few upgrades for Samus and another Chozo Artifact."

"Oh?" Pinkie asked eagerly.

"Yes," Samus replied. "In an Astrodome - a holographic planetarium for storing and displaying astronomical data - I reacquired my Super Missile as a Charge Combo - a combination of charging a Beam Weapon and missile attack - and scan data for other planets of interest to the space pirates."

"Afterwards, we went up to the Control Tower," Spike explained. "I felt the presence of another Chozo Artifact - Elder - and climbed over the wall to retrieve it before we continued onward."

"It was past there that we first encountered a Metroid..." Samus explained.

As they entered the new lab, they saw a Metroid contained inside a glass stasis chamber. However, the chamber shattered as it smashed against the glass, and promptly charge - mouth first - straight at Spike.

"Spike, watch out!" Samus shouted, charging her power beam to prepare for a Super Missile.

Spike raised his head, staring right at the Metroid as it rushed him.

The Metroid wrapped around his beak, and Samus saw his jaws open as the tip entered the gelatinous interior. Spike's jaws then snapped closed on the nucleus, instantly killing the Metroid and letting him slurp it up. He licked his lips and grinned widely. "Blueberry jelly!" he said happily. "These are delicious! Do they always charge like that?"

Completely stumped, Samus nodded.

Spike grinned widely. "Wonderful!"

The ponies stared at Samus and Spike. "...really?" Applejack asked. "Ya were building up those Metroids like they were a huge threat, the worst thing ya ever faced...and Spike beats 'em just by biting first?"

Samus could only shrug helplessly.

Author's Note:

To help me and you keep track:

Artifact Checklist:
1 - Truth
2 - Strength
3 - Elder
4 - Wild
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -

Names filled in as they are acquired.

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