• Published 3rd May 2015
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Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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M: Fishing for Answers

Once the laughter started to die down, Samus took pity on Anthony's embarrassment and quickly continued the tale. "After Anthony headed off on his mission, Spike and I made our way into a new part of the Pyrosphere, the Blast Furnace area. We figured starting somewhere new was better than retreading old ground, as Adam would have informed us if the creature was somewhere we'd already explored."

"Of course, the actual passage through the Blast Furnace itself wasn't exactly smooth," Spike explained. "Even as we were making our way in, activating grapple points to hover so Mom could make her own way through, a giant magma fish leapt out and tried to eat one."

"Which meant we had to fight it once we made it into the main part of the Blast Furnace," Samus explained.

After opening the path into the Blast Furnace, Samus used one of the Grapple Points to swing out over the lava, only to have to leap free as the massive magma fish creature leapt out of the lava to try and eat her. She managed to barely leap clear, coming in for a landing on a stone platform after spotting the grapple point it had previously eaten lodged in the back of its throat.

Spike quickly joined her on the stone platform. "The thermals are too strong for me to fly safely," he grunted, "and the fish is too heavily armored for me to meet it in the lava. The only weak point I saw were some engorged nodules on its underbelly, but we'll need to make it expose those."

Samus quickly rolled to the side as the fish splashed into the lava, launching a sphere of flame towards them. "I think I have an idea," she muttered. "We just need to get it to open its mouth wide near us."

Spike grinned, having seen the grapple point as well. "I like fishing," he agreed.

Samus kept her grapple beam ready, letting Spike fire at the engorged nodules whenever the fish exposed them in its leaping. Eventually, the fish reared near the edge of the paltform with its mouth wide open. Samus locked on and dragged it onto the rocks with her Grapple Beam. She and Spike then leapt to the attack, Samus using her beam and missiles and Spike digging in with claws and fangs.

The gigantic fish, for its part, flopped around madly until it was able to get back into the lava, but it had already taken heavy damage. As it struggled in the magma, Spike dove in after it, going low before coming up underneath it, delivering a heavy strike to its vulnerable underbelly with his tail, making it once more rear out of the lava, roaring. Samus once more grappled it out of the magma, letting the pair inflict even more damage.

When it came back out of the lava again, it had managed to swallow the grapple point completely, meaning Samus could no longer fish it out, but it had taken enough damage that it didn't take much longer to finish it off, letting the grapple point float back where it belonged as the lava drained out of the chamber.

"...huh," Applejack muttered. "Never thought o' fishin' as an extreme sport before."

"Guess it all depends on how you do it!" Rainbow snickered as the others tittered.

Samus chuckled softly, but continued the tale. "Not long after, Adam contacted me, informing us that the creature we were after was heading for the Geothermal Electric Power Generator," she explained. "Since that was where Anthony was headed, we didn't need to be told twice to get after it fast."

"Even with the map coordinates, it was going to take a while to get there, though," Spike added. "Was rather worrisome for us. We didn't want to think about what it would mean if Anthony got there first."

"And of course, there was always the chance it would be the Deleter android pretending to be Anthony when we got there," Samus continued. "Plenty of worries for that trip. Thankfully, the path was mostly straightforward, making it easy for us to make it through rapidly."

"Did you have any trouble along the way?" Shining asked curiously.

"You could say that," Samus confirmed.

After a long, winding path upward, Spike and Samus charged into a new chamber, only to have to instantly dive to either side to evade the bio-mech from before trying to catch them off guard by smashing through a small tower. It immediately moved in to try and take them down, lashing with its arms and firing its missiles. Samus noticed in passing that either it had grown its horns back, or there was more than one of these creatures.

Some concentrated fire from Samus and Spike's Ice Breath froze the base of its horns again...at which point it took to the air. Unlike before, the chamber was big enough for Spike to pursue it in the air, and despite its seeming ability to float, Spike had more aerial combat experience. Before long, a heavy blow knocked it out the open roof of the chamber, sending it tumbling down into the pit below.

Spike moved to pursue it, but Samus quickly called out to him. "That thing's not our priority!" she barked out. "Come on!"

Spike grumbled, but turned back. "I don't like leaving it alive to chase us," he complained.

"We'll get it eventually," Samus assured him. "But if we delay too long now, Anthony might pay the price."

"Right," Spike agreed, his head hanging, feeling ashamed he'd forgotten about that.

Samus stroked his muzzle comfortingly. "Come on," she ordered. "We'd better hurry."

"We didn't encounter any other major hurdles," Samus admitted. "Unfortunately...what was waiting for us..."

Samus and Spike both fell silent.

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