• Published 10th May 2015
  • 17,576 Views, 299 Comments

Season Spike - Haoryu Changer

Spike and Twilight have an argument and Spike runs off. Meanwhile, Equestria is in danger, Celestia is aware of it, and contacts Twilight and her friends.

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[Dark Magic Arc: Part 1] The Argument

Celestia's glorious bright sun was beginning to rise as the residents of Equestria start waking from their sleep. Well... most of them were.

1:00 pm - Golden Oak Library

"Twilight, you up yet?" A voice called out from the first floor of the Golden Oaks Library.

Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's great student, slept in for nearly six hours today, and the night before she left a big pile of books waiting for Spike when he woke up. Of course, he had to put them all back on the shelves in their respective places, and without magic, it was really difficult, especially for the heavier books, and what's worse is that Twilight didn't even wake up for the hot delicious breakfast that Spike made just for her. That's just to say, he's really grumpy at the moment.

After a few moments of waiting, Spike heard some steps coming from the floor above.

"Spike?" A voice said back, the speaker revealing herself seconds later. "Oh, good morning!" She yawned. "Gosh, I had a great sleep."

"Good morning Twi, I made some breakfast for you, some waffles, your favorite!" Spike said happily, oblivious to what time did to the waffles he made and hiding his grumpiness.

Twilight stepped into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. Spike stood beside her seat. She noticed the waffles, thanked Spike and took a bite.

Spike could tell she didn't like it just by looking at the confused expression on her face and the lack of chewing. He also knew that it wasn't his fault. He made the waffles at 7 o' clock, usually when Twilight wakes up. And because she slept in for hours after her usual wake up time it got cold. She really shouldn't be complaining. She even told Spike to leave her be when he tried to wake her up earlier when the waffles were still warm.

"Spike?" She looked at her assistant with a troubled look. "Um... the waffles are kinda cold and soggy."

Spike frowned. "You woke up late, not me."

"Well, you did wake up late..." He muttered to her in a frustrated tone.

She stared at him with furrowed brows and blinked. She didn't look mad, but upset.

He sighed. "I guess I can go make some more."

So the dragon began to make his way to the kitchen, with a mission to make some more waffles for his friend.

Twilight smiled in delight and trotted off to the library. And started to take many books off the shelves and of course, started to read—or in her case—study. She started to make the pile of books she had left yesterday, this might even break the record.

1:20 pm

Twilight was still reading when Spike called out from the kitchen. "Twilight! I'm done making the waffles!"

"Okay, coming!" Twilight closed the book she was currently on and went to the kitchen. When she entered and spotted Spike with an apron on and a spoon held in his claw, she inhaled deeply with her nostrils. "Ah..." She started, drunk off the smell in the room. "These do smell delicious. Thanks, Spike!"

The Baker felt proud but then noticed something. "Hey, Twi? Don't you have to go to Sweet Apple Acres to meet our friends? Shouldn't you get ready?"

Twilight looked at the time and almost choked on her food when she saw it was almost 1:30 pm.

"Oh sweet Celestia! I forgot!" She yelled when she swallowed her food.

Spike had seen Twilight rush through her food before, but not nearly as fast as this. He watched with his mouth agape as Twilight used her magic to cut down and eat her waffles, close to three bites a second. As soon as she finished eating, she ran upstairs to pack some things. Seconds later she was finished and was on her way to the front door.

"Thanks, Spike, can you clean up the library before I get back thanks!" She said too quickly for Spike's taste.

She exited and slammed the door shut, leaving a big mess and an irritated Spike behind.

11:00 pm

It was one hour from midnight, Spike was finally finished cleaning up the mess that Twilight made and was done his everyday chores. He was supposed to go out and have some fun today. He had plans. But now it was much too late to go out and have fun.

The front door of the library opened and Twilight stepped in. "Spike? Hello? I'm back!"

Spike appeared from upstairs. He had an angry expression on his face, his anger pointed to Twilight

Twilight was blind to his expression, started speaking to him. "Oh Spike, I had the best day ever!" She said, starting to pace around and look everywhere but at him, as if she was watching a replay of her day. "First, we went to Applejack's farm and had a picnic."

"Picnic, huh? Must have been fun." Spike thought bitterly.

"Then we went to the park and saw all our other friends like the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Snips and Snails, the Apple family, Ms. Cheerilee and the rest of her class, the Cakes..."

She paused for a moment, and for some reason, Spike had a hopeful expression behind her, still at the stairs. "Most of Ponyville actually," She said, Spike changing his expression to shock. "And we had a party out in the Town Square!"

"Wait... a party?"

"Courtesy of Pinkie, she is a fast party planner. You should have been there. Oh, it was so-"

"You had a party? I-I should have been there?!" Spike said in disbelief.

"Well yeah, that's what I said silly," Twilight said while smiling innocently.

"How could you say that? You're the one who made me stay here."

"What do you mean Spike? You could've come if you wanted. You said you had plans for today and I'm sure if you were around you could have joined the party."

"How could you say that?!" Spike yelled in anger, shocking the purple alicorn. "You left me here, with a mess that you made. Yes, I had plans today, but you had to make a really big mess like you did last night, and if I hadn't cleaned it up you would have gotten angry at me! Now, here you are, telling me that I should have been there?! My day was ruined thanks to you!"

Twilight looked confused as she stared at her assistant on the stairs. "What are you talking about, Spike?"

"Like I just said, I was stuck here after you left me to clean up your mess!" He explained with fury.

"You're my number one assistant remember? You have to do these type of things." Twilight told.

"I assist you Twi, not pick up after you." Spike tried to tell. "I shouldn't have to do all these things anyway! I choose to do these things because I love you."

"Oh, come on Spike, this is your job."

"A-a Job?" He said with wide eyes. "Is that... all I am to you? Your assistant? I thought of you as my older sister and... that's all you think I am? An assistant!"

Twilight realed back in surprise towards Spike's outburst.

Spike's voice began to get louder as he went on with his rant. "How is this a job? I don't get paid, I work more than I should, I'm a kid, or "baby" for Celestia's sake!"

"I live with you, we're supposed to be equals. I always try my best to take care of you and keep you well. But you get to have all the fun with your friends while I'm here picking up after you. What am I, a... a slave?"

Twilight was shocked at hearing those words coming out of her friend's mouth, 'slave' being one of the winners. "Spike, I'm sorry can we just-"

"No!" Spike cut her off. "You always say you're sorry, and it always comes back to this. This always happens Twilight, and when I do come with you to go somewhere, I just get abused!"

"You don't get abus-"

"You've never even noticed, have you?!"

"Spike you're being ridiculous. We have never done something as horrible as abusing you!"

"Oh really?" Spike said questionably. "Remember that time when you didn't know how to help out with the winter wrap up? When you found out that you were good at organizing, and I helped you organize with the winter wrap up? I got tired from all the WORK, and I fell asleep on a melting ice block above freezing water! You of all ponies should know that I'm cold blooded; I can't survive in cold temperatures. One of you girls could have got me off of it, you could have used your magic to levitate me off of it, but no, neither of you cared!"

"That was just one little joke. I didn't know that really hurt you, we were kidding around." Twilight said, trying to be understanding.

"Kidding around? Kidding around?! You girls just laughed and left me there, I got a cold that could have been prevented, I could have gotten seriously hurt! How is that a JOKE?"

Twilight noticed that Spike was right. It was freezing water after all.

"That's not all, remember when you moved your birthday party to Canterlot because of Rarity, I didn't know until you came back to Ponyville and told me yourself. I guess I don't count as a friend, I guess I am just your assistant? Do you know how I felt when I noticed I wasn't invited to my best friend's birthday party! We knew each other for so long, but you never invited me to your own birthday party?!"

Twilight sounded shocked at hearing that, had she really forgotten to invite Spike to her birthday party in Canterlot? How didn't she noticed? Spike is her friend, her very best friend.

"Remember Pinkie's birthday? You had a party for her, but you didn't invite me! What? Am I not her friend either? Just another worker?"

"What about Pinkie's sister? You've never even introduced me to her!"

Twilight tried to remember if she ever introduced Maud to Spike. Maybe Spike just forgot they met? Twilight couldn't remember Spike being there, though.

"Rainbow Dash always makes fun of me for not being a 'real, strong, tough' dragon! How come you never stand up for me? I'd expect the pony who I think as my SISTER to stand up for me, but she doesn't!"

Twilight thought. "Spike thought of me as a... a sister? I mean we're close, but I didn't know that he thought of me in such a way?"

"Remember the Grand Galloping Gala? I thought it would be best if we could spend time together, but all of you did your own things!"

Spike was right. If Twilight and her friends just listened to Spike and partied together as friends, they would have had a great time.

"Guess what? You all ended up realizing that the best thing we could do was spending time with each other, the thing that I thought of beforehoof! I had the worst time at that party because I was so lonely. I-I've always been so lonely..." Spike began to be teary-eyed.

"Spike's been lonely this whole time? H-How couldn't I have noticed?" Twilight thought.

"Spike I-I didn't know. You could have told me how you felt." Twilight said.

"I tried... I tried to tell you, I tried, but you wouldn't listen. You would just go off with your friends and leave me behind. When you do listen, you just say sorry and then it goes back to me being neglected."

"Fine, I will listen this time. I'm sorr-"

"No, you'll never listen! Ever since we came to Ponyville you spent time with your new friends and forgot about me!"

"That's silly Spike, I never forgot about you."

"So what's the last thing we did together Twilight? What's the last thing we did together for fun?"

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "We... uh..."

"That's right, you can't remember. I remember the last time we had fun... When we were little, you and I would play together. You would read stories to me, we would bond together as friends. Now you have these new friends, and now I'm just an assistant."

"Spike, I thought of you no less from then 'till now."

"Then why don't we do things together anymore? Why do you use me? I lived with you in Canterlot for so long, and now that we are in Ponyville, I just work and get hurt."

"Okay Spike enough, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. You seem just the same to me. Maybe you need to see the doctor?"

"Did you even hear what just I said?!"

"Spike, this conversation is going to end now!" Twilight said sternly.

"I was right... You're not going to listen. You're just going to make me your slave!" A tear ran down Spike's cheek.

"Spike, why are you crying?" Twilight said annoyed.

"Fine, I'll just never come back, I'm not going to be your slave!" Spike sobbed.

Spike opened the door, and ran out of the library crying, as Twilight watched him.

"Oh, he'll come back to his senses later."

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