• Published 10th May 2015
  • 17,577 Views, 299 Comments

Season Spike - Haoryu Changer

Spike and Twilight have an argument and Spike runs off. Meanwhile, Equestria is in danger, Celestia is aware of it, and contacts Twilight and her friends.

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Where's the Little Drake?

Author's Note:

Here's the 3rd chapter! Hope you enjoy, and comment to give me your opinion of the story.

3:00 pm - Near The Ocean

Not far from Ponyville, a drake was resting on a lone tree, on top of a hill. He gazed at the beautiful sight, the blue ocean waters. Waves and splashes made it look elegant, and the blue sky above it contrasted it perfectly.

The drake was thinking about what they have done. If this could be fixed, have they even realized, or will they even care? Maybe Twilight already got a new assistant? Maybe they already forgot about him. Who knows, maybe they're glad he's gone. Never the less, he was relaxed, watching the beautiful sight in front of him.

The little drake didn't have a comfortable sleep. He found shelter in a cave last night. Thankfully, this time, there was no dragon, or any other being occupying the area. So technically, he slept under a roof last night which was good, but where will he go now he wondered. He couldn't go to Celestia, she would send him back to Twilight. He couldn't go to the dragons, they would bully him again. He thought if he would be on the run forever, if someone would find him and keep them under their hoof, or wing, or claw, or... you get the idea.

Spike felt funny, he knew this feeling too well, that same feeling every time Celestia sent Twilight a letter. Spike burped up the letter and thought as he opened the letter: Was it for him? Did Twilight inform Celestia of what happened? Will Celestia torture him by sending needless letters until he returns?

Spike started to read the letter:

My faithful student,

A great and powerful pony has risen, and Equestria is in danger. We need you to come along with your friends to Canterlot for royal duties. This needs to be attended now, so whatever you are doing needs to stop as this is urgent. I will explain everything when you and your friends arrive. I need to go now. Please hurry.

Your Teacher, Celestia

When Spike read through the letter he thought of a lot of things: Should he just throw away the letter and let Equestria rot? Should he risk going back to Ponyville, to deliver the letter to Twilight, just so they forgive each other and for Spike to get abused again. No. Neither will happen.

"Sure I hate what they have done, but I still love and care for all of them. But maybe there is another way around this? Hm... if I give the letter to Twilight myself, things might go crazy, but if I don't, Equestria will be in the need of help while Twilight is doing something else. Maybe if I send a letter back to Celestia explaining that I'm not with Twilight anymore, she'll probably go fetch Twilight herself. ...but then she might send somepony to come get me. Urg! I don't know how I can do this! It's either the fate of Equestria, or my life!..." Suddenly, something popped in Spike's head. "Wait... that's it! I'll go give the letter to somepony else that doesn't know what's going on, and then they will give Twilight the letter instead of me. Then Twilight will ask them where they got the letter from, realize it was me, but I'll be long gone by then, ha ha!

Spike started his way back to Ponyville.

3:20 pm - Ponyville

All around, you could hear Spike's name being called out, the news had spread really quickly and EVERYPONY was feeling guilty. It was mostly Pinkie Pie and Rarity spreading the news. Pinkie was just a big load mouth, and Rarity loves to gossip. Twilight was mad at them at first but then shrugged it off when realizing they could find him faster when all of Ponyville was looking for the only dragon in all of Ponyville or even all of Equestria for the matter of fact.

With a lot of ponies looking for Spike, Twilight's friends brought her back to the library to help her relax. They all sat in Twilight's bedroom, the only pony not being there was Rainbow Dash as she didn't like being cooped up without any action for so long. Her excuse was that she could fly the fastest, therefore, catching Spike more easily.

It was silent, no pony spoke a word. They just waited for a report coming in that they have found Spike.

Twilight was thinking. She was not only worried about Spike but also, the ponies searching for him. Would they ever go to sleep if they never found him? Are they mad at Twilight for what she caused? Only time will tell as they wait for the next act.

"Twilight? Ya alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Twilight didn't turn to Applejack when she said that.

Applejack knew better. "Oh come on Twilight. It's so obvious that you're not alright. Ah doubt any of us are alright for what's happening right now."

"You know me well Applejack." Twilight gave a light chuckle. "I was just thinking of how Spike was always there for me. Like when all of our cutie marks got switched up, he was the one who snapped me back to reality. Remember when Discord was evil and he made all of you heartless and cruel? Well if Spike wasn't there Discord would've won. He always knew how to make me more confident. He was always there for me, but where was I all those times he needed me the most? Do you want to know what he told me? He told me that he thought of me as a big sister, well, I'm the worst big sister in Equestria."

Everypony looked down in shame. Twilight was right, not that they wanted to be rude, but not only her, all of them were the worst "big sisters" in Equestria.

4:00 pm - Near the edge of the Apple Farm

Spike was almost at Ponyville, he could already see the buildings that Ponyville endured. All he needed to do was find somepony who could give this letter to Twilight, somepony he could trust. He had to be careful, though, Applejack could be anywhere, she most likely knew that Spike ran off, she would tie him up with one of the ropes she has. She's an expert and it would be impossible to get away from her if she saw him.

Spike exited the Apple Farm and was about to approach Ponyville when he heard somepony calling out for him. Then he started to hear more voices calling out his name. Spike realized Twilight must have been telling all of Ponyville about his "escape" from her.

"How could she?!?" Spike thought. She wants him to be her slave that badly? To get the whole town so worked up to make him work for Twilight and cause him some more pain to come. No, that's not going to happen! Spike turned around and started to run back through the Apple Farm until he remembered the letter in his claw. He couldn't just ignore the fact that Equestria was in danger and Twilight needs to know about it.

Then Spike saw a tree house. It was the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse. Maybe they were there. Maybe they can deliver the letter to Twilight! Spike ran up to the clubhouse hoping that there were three little fillies there. He could tell them it could be for their "Letter Delivery Cutie Mark" or something like that, but who cares, he had the ticket to save Equestria and to be free from Twilight.

4:10 pm - CMC Treehouse

"Hey, if we find Spike maybe we'll get a "Dragon finders Cutie Mark"! Sweetie Belle said in excitement.

"How about something not so... specific, or dangerous, how about something like "Finding A Lost Friend Cutie Mark"? Scootaloo said also excited.

"No, the name is too long. How about we don't name our cutie marks until we see it?"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both nodded agreeing to Apple Bloom's idea.

Just then, something opened the door to the clubhouse. "Hello? Are you girls in here?"

Apple Bloom turned around to see Spike, and she got really excited.

"Look girls! Spike's here!" Apple Bloom Pointed to the confused drake.

The three fillies got excited and checked their behinds, to their unfortunate there was no cutie mark on either of them. They all looked disappointed.

"Oh man, I was really hoping to see a cool cutie mark," Scootaloo said in disappointment. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both agreed, but then realized what was more important. They have found Spike and they needed to bring him to Twilight.

"Spike! Where have ya been? Everypony's lookin' for ya."

"Uh, well I was hoping for you three not to have been informed on what has happened between me and Twilight, but I guess you already know," Spike said sadly.

"Well anyways, we need to go see Twilight, she's really upset and ah think you can help her out."

"She needs my help? She couldn't live without me for an entire day, can't she take care of herself?!" Spike said angrily.

"Spike, ah don't mean it like that, it's just-"

"No! How could you be on her side! I don't want to go back! She ruined my life!"

Spike's shouting scared the three fillies. Spike noticed and just decided to do what he came here for. "(sigh) I-I'm sorry for yelling. You see I don't want to go back, and I would appreciate if you didn't tell her where I am. Well, I guess you can tell her I gave you this letter, but that's it."

"Letter?" The three fillies thought.

"Oh yeah! Here, can you give this to Twilight? You have to, very quickly, as it's important to Equestria. I would give it to her myself, but I don't want her to see me at the moment."

"Oh, ah? Okay? Ah guess we could give her this letter." Apple Bloom took the letter and put it in her saddle bag.

"Go! Hurry! You must bring the letter to Twilight as fast as you can, as the fate of Equestria depends on it."

The three fillies just stood there.

Spike slapped his forehead. "NOW!"

The CMC panicked and ran outside. Scootaloo got on her scooter, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom got on the wagon attached to it. They all put on their helmets and went off to the Golden Oaks Library.

Spike watched them leave and then turned to walk away from Ponyville. Thinking to himself what's he going to do, where's he going to go, and what's going to happen next in his journey.

4:30 pm - Golden Oaks Library

There was still silence in Twilight's room. Rainbow Dash returned after searching for an hour. No pony dared to say a word, scared to cause something, a fight or misdirection.

They were sitting there waiting for a report when suddenly there was a call from downstairs. "Twilight!"

As soon as Twilight heard that, she bolted downstairs to see none other than the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Curious, the others came downstairs to meet whoever was calling out.

Twilight drew in concern as Apple Bloom took out the letter that Spike gave her. Twilight read the letter and the look on her face expressed shock and confusion.

"Um, girls? Where did you get this?" The three fillies were scared to say Spike's name but then remembered that he said that it was okay as long as they didn't tell Twilight where he was.

Sweetie Belle spoke up. "Um, Spike gave it to us."

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