• Published 10th May 2015
  • 17,577 Views, 299 Comments

Season Spike - Haoryu Changer

Spike and Twilight have an argument and Spike runs off. Meanwhile, Equestria is in danger, Celestia is aware of it, and contacts Twilight and her friends.

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"He's already gone?!"

"Yup, long gone." Sweetie Belle said with a frown.

Armak and the CMC went down to the throne room where Twilight and the others were transported. Celestia called off the guards, and now it was only the CMC, Mane Six, Armak, Shining Armor, and princesses in the throne room.

"Where is he?" Twilight asked.

"Why should I tell you? Just so you can treat him wrong again? For you to banish him for destroying more than half of Equestria! It wasn't his fault!"

"Sweetie Belle, it's not like that, we just need to-"

"No! I don't want to hear any more of your lies!"

While the others were talking, Armak approached Celestia and bowed. "You may... banish me to Tartarus now. I surrender."

Celestia started to chuckle. "Oh Armak, there's no need for that now."

"What do you mean?"

"We saw everything in the Crystal World. We saw your battle with Spike, and how you two became friends."


"Yes, and just like Spike, I will forgive you," Celestia said with a smile.

"I too as well will forgive you," Luna said.

"Thank you... so much."

"Your dark magic might be useful. Just as how Discord's magic is. Speaking of which, where is he?"

"He originally got trapped in Cloudsdale, he got transported back there."

"Yes but... he should have come back by now."

8:30 pm - High Above The Grassy Plains

Spike was flying to the volcano that was his new home.

"I guess this is goodbye... I lived with ponies my whole life, even as a different creature. They took me in, and now... this is what it comes to..." Spike was about to cry. "No, I shouldn't be sad, it wasn't MY fault this happened. Who knows? Maybe I'll be happier this way!" Spike had an angry expression on his face, but he looked down in sadness. "Who am I kidding? I'll miss all of them..."

"Why the sad face?"

"You know well why, Discord."

Discord appeared in a flash of light in front of Spike, who stopped flying forward.

"Did Celestia send you to get me?"

"No, I came here on my own free will."

"What do you want?"

"I came to ask you if you're coming back."

"Why? Everypony hates me..." Spike looked down. "Hey! That's why you're here isn't it? To take me back to Celestia to lock me up!"

"Why would we lock you up? You are the her-"

"Maybe I deserve to get locked up, I caused havoc across Equestria."

"Spike, we know it wasn't your-"

"Maybe I deserve to get banished, or exiled," He said with widened eyes.


Spike looked up at Discord.

"Come, take a walk with me, Spike."

Spike and Discord both flew down and started to walk down a trail. Spike turned off his wings.

"Spike, we all know everything. From when you got controlled to when you saved all of Equestria. You're Equestria's hero."

"B-But then Twilight, and the others-"

"Yes, they all know everything that happened. They aren't mad."

"So then... everypony knows it wasn't my fault!"

"I'm afraid not every pony knows about how you got controlled, but they do know that you saved Equestria from Armak."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes!" Discord snapped his fingers, and in a flash of light, a shirt that read 'Equestrian's Hero' appeared on Spike.

Discord started explaining what happened after Spike got taken over by Armak. How they saw everything from the Crystal World and that ponies saw him as a hero.

"So everypony knows that it wasn't my fault. But... that doesn't change the fact that I feel terrible."

"So are you coming back?" Discord put his fingers together and started winking with long eyelashes.

"I-I'm sorry... but no." Spike used his magic and the shirt disappeared in a flame.

"Huh? Why not?"

"Don't you remember? I originally ran away because I got abused and neglected." Spike explained.

"Oh, Celestia never told me this." Discord put a claw to his chin.

Spike started to explain the past.

He started to explain how Twilight made him do work. He was happy to help, at first, but soon he noticed that Twilight would make him do ninety percent of the work rather than assisting without getting paid.

He then explained how he was never brought with them on their adventures. And when he was brought along, he would get hurt emotionally or physically and no pony would come to see if he was alright. He even told how he thought they just completely ignored him when they saw he was hurt or in trouble.

He told how he would barely get "thank you"s and if he made one little mistake he would get scolded.

In sadness, the drake also said how he would try to talk with Twilight but she would always just shrug it off as a "phase", or say sorry and then the next day Spike would be neglected again.

The final thing he told Discord was in a sad tone, "I... even thought of her as a sister. I thought... that we were equals. But she just thought of me as a... assistant."

Discord felt pity for the little dragon. "I-I'm sorry Spike... I didn't know..."

"It's alright, no need to be sorry."

"So where are you going to go?"

"Up ahead, there's a volcano. I'm going to live on the top of it. It's the perfect place for a dragon like me."

"Very well. I bid you farewell Spike. I hope for the best." Discord put out his paw.

Spike put out his claw, and they shook paw and claw.

"Thanks." Spike activated his wings and started to fly forwards, but then turned back. "Oh, Discord? I want to say sorry... for all the damage I caused."

Discord started to chuckle. "Oh Spike, that wasn't you. 'No need to be sorry' remember?" He said.

Spike smiled. "Right. See ya later!"

"Goodbye... Friend." Discord said as he disappeared in a flash of light.

12:00 am - Canterlot Castle - Throne Room

"All I wanted to do this whole time... was to apologize to Spike. But I couldn't..." Twilight looked down. "The thing I wanted to do the most, I didn't."

"It's okay Twilight, I'm sure we'll find Spike now that this is all over," Fluttershy said.

"Yeah... I just wish I knew where he was."

Twilight and the rest were in the throne room. Celestia and Luna sat on their thrones, Shining Armor left for his duties, Cadence wished Twilight good luck and headed off back to the Crystal Empire, the CMC left angrily, and Armak stood there feeling guilty for the first time in his life.

Suddenly, Discord appeared with a flash above all of them.

"So where have you been?" Celestia asked.

"Oh, I was just chatting with Spike." Discord said as he landed.

Twilight's eyes widened and she looked at Discord. "Y-You saw him? Where is he?"

Discord looked away from Twilight and crossed his arms. "I suppose Spike's neglect isn't important information."

"H-He told you?"

"Yes, and I'm ashamed of all of you, the ones who taught me about friendship, even you Celestia, and you Fluttershy."

Everypony looked down in guilt.

"Why didn't anypony tell me? When Spike told me himself, I felt so sorry for him. My heart was broken. ME! MY heart was broken! And after you treat him like the way you did, you ask me where he is?!"

"We know, w-we... just want to say sorry. I want his forgiveness."

Discord sighed. "He's... headed for the volcano past the Everfree Forest, and even if he doesn't want to come back I'm sure he'll still forgive you all. But don't wait forever to ask for his forgiveness."

"We know, thanks."

The Mane Six ran out of the throne room, and Celestia walked up to Discord.

"Spike's done so much for others. He deserves much better than this."

"I know." Discord snapped his fingers and a sign pointing to Celestia that said 'worst princess' appeared.

Celestia frowned.

4:00 am - Top Of Volcano

Spike flew down to the volcano. He deactivated his wings and looked around the area.

"Hmm, that's the opening of the volcano, I could take lava baths in there." He turned to one of the few flat areas. "And that looks like good ground to make a home. I could build my home easily now because of my magic, so I guess I can relax a little bit."

Spike walked to the opening of the volcano and jumped in, making a splash of lava. Spike swam up and relaxed in the pool of lava. "Ahhh, the only other time I swam in lava was when the Dragon Migration happened." He glared at nothing in particular. "I remember when Rainbow made fun of me, and that made me want to go to it, to prove myself as a 'dragon'." He looked at the pool of lava. "I could never do this in Ponyville, it's too dangerous for ponies." He sat back a bit. "Ahhh, I could get used to this."

After a couple of minutes, Spike came out of the lava pool and laid down on a rock. He put his claws on the back of his head, closed his eyes, and rested.

An hour passed, Twilight and the others were approaching the volcano.

The Mane Six stopped at the bottom of the volcano.

"This is it girls, Spike's at the top of this volcano." Twilight and the rest looked up.

"Do we have to climb this thing?" Rarity whined.

"Do you want to apologize to Spike?"

"...Yes." Rarity said.

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's go!" Pinkie said.

5:20 am - Top Of Volcano

It was dark in the sky. Luna's moon and stars were the only things brightening up Equestria.

Spike was gathering stones with his magic, not paying attention to his surroundings.

Twilight and her friends finally arrived at the top of the volcano. They looked around and saw Spike doing something in the far distance.

"Spike?" She finally found him. "...Spike!" Twilight started to run towards him.

Spike turned around hearing his name being called, and what was more surprising than his name being called out, out of nowhere, was seeing Twilight running up to him. "T-Twilight?"

Twilight stopped a couple meters away from him, the others soon caught up.

"All of you, are here?"

"Yeah, we are. We know all about how you got controlled Spike, you don't need to fear us!"

"I know, Discord told me... But forget all about that, the real reason you're here is because you want to apologize!"

"Y-Yeah, we do." The Mane Six were surprised at Spike's angry tone.

"You think you can just say sorry, and then everything will go back to normal?! No! I will not be your slave anymore!" Some lava erupted behind Spike as he said that.

"N-No, Spike. We won't make the same mistake again."

"I don't believe you!" A hint of darkness appeared in Spike's eyes.

"We will Spikey! We promise!" Rarity said.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, didn't you already learned that?!"

"We'll keep this one, we've learned from the past!" Applejack said.

"Yeah, we'll even make it up to you," Rainbow said.

"No... stop lying!" Spike's voice grew darker.

"Spike?" Twilight looked at Spike. He was changing, he started to turn back into his dark form.

"What's happening? Why is Spike turning back into that monster?" Fluttershy asked.

"I-I don't know, maybe the spell hasn't been broken! Maybe it was only blocked my Sweetie Belle's love!" Twilight explained. "And now the spell has powered up again because of his sudden hate!"

Suddenly, a big explosion happened where Spike was standing.

The Mane Six coughed from the smoke that quickly surrounded the area, and when the smoke settled down, they could see... him.

Spike was now in his dark form, he had an insane expression on his face. He looked towards Twilight and the others with a big smile and fired.

Like before, the blast completely missed the Mane Six.

"No, the last time this happened he was out of control..."

She remembered how dangerous Spike was. "Girls! Over here! We have to take cover!" Twilight ran to take cover behind the rock and the others quickly followed.

Spike ignored them and continued to blast everywhere around him while laughing maniacally.

"What have we done?! Now he's in this state again!" Rarity said.

"There's gotta be a way to stop him!" Rainbow said as she flared her wings.

"Ya can't be thinking of pursuing him!" Applejack said.

"Well, if we have no choice, then yeah!"

"This is my fault, I released his anger." Twilight thought to herself. "I've got to fix this."

Twilight stood up and made her way to Spike.

"Twilight!" The others yelled.

Spike noticed Twilight, "Hello there!" and he started to blow his dragon fire at her.

Twilight used her magic and created a barrier blocking his fire. She slowly made her way to Spike.

Twilight started to talk out loud. "I've made many mistakes in the past, but they were nothing compared to this one. I've treated you wrong, I used you for my own needs. I always made you work for me, and I gave you nothing in return. I kept you working while I had fun, You got abused, but you still showed a happy face every day. When I did take you out, you would just get neglected even more. You looked up to me, you thought of me as a sister, and I never acted like one." Twilight was a few meters away from Spike, and he stopped blowing his fire. "Spike, I'm sorry." Twilight with teary eyes pulled Spike into a big hug.

Spike smiled. "Are you really sorry?"

This made Twilight release her grip a little, but she still held on to Spike. "W-What?" She asked in disbelief.

"Hmph. I would never believe that "you're sorry."" He started to gently push Twilight's hooves off of him.

Unfortunately for Twilight, Spike's "gentle" was pretty strong for her standards. She used all of her might, however, and never let go.

"You're not Spike..." She started. "Spike wouldn't attack us after we would try to apologize. In the worst case, he would shrug us off, wouldn't care, and break our hearts. But he wouldn't even do that!" She stated.

"Spike", raised an eyebrow while grinning. "I am Spike. Can't you see?"

"Spike, listen to me. You can't let yourself be taken over by Armak's spell. You're strong enough to overcome it."

"I'm not in anypony's spell!"

Twilight narrowed her eyes. "I'm not talking to you." She glared at the imposter in front of her. "I'm talking to Spike!"

"Spike" glared back.

"Spike, please."

"Spike" grinned. "I'll never let your Spike be released. I, the rightful Spike, will be in control-" His eyes widened as he started to flash, he started to turn back into his regular self. "No! You fool!"

In Spike's Mind

"What are you doing?!" Dark Spike asked.

"I defeated you last time. I can do it again!" Spike replied. "I won't let you hurt my friends."


Dark Spike seemed like he was evaporating. Like the last time Spike defeated him.

He grinned. "Fine. Have this win..."

Spike raised an eyebrow.

"But I tell you this, you cannot get rid of me. I am a part of you!"

"You're not a part of me! I'm nothing like you! You're just a spell that uses my rage. But no matter how much rage I produce the real me wouldn't hurt others."

"...Hmph, so be it." Dark Spike smiled as he disappeared. That smile soon turned into chuckling, then into straight evil laughter.

Even after he disappeared his laughter echoed within Spike's mind for a few moments, before fading away.


The scales on the belly started to turn back into the brighter shade of green, the darkness was removed from his eyes.

Spike looked up and saw Twilight looking at him with tears running down her cheeks. "T-Twilight..."

"Spike, I hope you can forgive me," Twilight said as she released him from her embrace.

Spike frowned. "You're not my friend."

Twilight's eyes widened. She turned around and started to walk away sadly, just for Spike to hop on her back and hug her neck a second later.

"You're my sister."

Twilight looked back. "Spike?"

"I forgive you, Twilight." He said with tears running down his face and a big smile plastered on.

Twilight grew a smile on her face as well and tightly hugged Spike back.

"Not so... Tight!"

Twilight noticed what she was doing and stepped back blushing. "Oops, sorry."

"You and Sweetie Belle aren't so different," He muttered.

The rest of the Mane Six approached Spike and Twilight. "Can ya forgive us too?"

Spike gave them all a warm smile. "Of course, I can."

They all ran towards Spike and they performed a group hug.

Just then, Sweetie Belle peeked up from behind a rock. "Finally!"

"Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie Belle ran up to Spike. She kissed him on the cheek and hugged him.

Everypony but Rainbow Dash 'awwed', and Scootaloo and Apple Bloom also peeked out from the rock.

"Everything turned out alright after all just like Sweetie Belle said it would." Apple Bloom stated.

Spike, the CMC, and Mane Six, all looked at the sunrise from atop the volcano.

"Incredible view," Applejack said.

"It's simply fabulous!" Rarity said.

They all stood there, watching the view until Spike and Twilight finally decided to get on home.

With a massive flash of purple and green, the big group of ponies teleported away.

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