• Published 10th May 2015
  • 17,576 Views, 299 Comments

Season Spike - Haoryu Changer

Spike and Twilight have an argument and Spike runs off. Meanwhile, Equestria is in danger, Celestia is aware of it, and contacts Twilight and her friends.

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Little More Data Acquired

Author's Note:

This chapter has some graphic stuff near the middle-end ish, nothing too extreme, just giving you a heads up.

Also we hit 200 likes! :yay:

Spike jumped from roof to roof on top of the many buildings in Ponyville, looking around for anything suspicious or anything that would look like to be important information. After leaping on top of buildings for a few minutes, he found a large pony he knew very well heading down a dirt road with a large cart in tow.

He felt bad for the big guy. Not only in this timeline but his own as well. He just... hasn't had the time to give Big Mac the attention he deserved after he became a prince, the last time they hung out was months ago. Spike decided that when he got home he would try his best to hang out with his old buddy.

Big Mac was hauling a large cart full of stacked barrels towards Sweet Apple Acres, and he suddenly stopped when he heard something behind him. He turned around and caught a glimpse of bright green before it dimmed down and a small creature in a black cloak was standing there staring at him. It couldn't be a pony, Big Mac thought, even if it were a foal.

"How can I help you?" Big Mac asked.

Spike was shaken a little when he heard Big Mac's more stern and harsh loud voice rather than the more gentle and quiet voice he knew back in his timeline. The accent made it more intimidating. "Uh... Hey, Big Mac! I just wanted to-"

"Only my close friends and family call me by that nickname. You, stranger, can call me Big McIntosh." The red earth pony said staring down at Spike.

Spike was utterly shocked at the way Big Mac was acting. Did he really change this much because of the Grand Emperor? The drake cleared his throat and said. "Uh... yes, I should be more... formal..." After Big Mac gave him a weird look, Spike continued. "Big McIntosh, could I ask you some questions involving the Grand Emperor?"

Big mac raised a brow and stared at Spike with piercing eyes. "And to whom am I answering to?"

"My friends and I have come from a very far place. And we intend to restore peace to Equestria. In order to do that, we need some answers so we can come up with a plan to take down the Grand Emperor."

Big McIntosh looked... sad for a moment, but he shook his head and gave Spike a glare. "I wouldn't be lookin' for trouble if I were you. Nothing will s-" He stopped himself, sighing and staying silent for a few seconds to calm down. "Nothing will stop him..."

"Please, Big McIntosh! Just a few questions?"

Big Mac gave an aggravated sigh and finally said. "Eeyup. But make it quick..."

"I kind of need to, given the situation," Spike said. "Is there anything you know about the Grand Emperor?"

"Nothing I want to talk about."

"Do you know where the Elements of Harmony are?" Spike asked.

Big Mac gave a sad sigh. "M-...my sister, Applejack, went off and disappeared. Rumor has it that ponies started an underground group, dedicated to standing against the Grand Emperor. If she hasn't been caught by him yet, then that's the only place I can think of where she'll be."

Spike nodded. "Anyone else you know about?"

Big Mac stared at Spike and shook his head in sadness. "Twilight Sparkle and Rarity were missing for weeks. Rainbow Dash is part of the weather crew. And Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy never come out to the streets anymore."

"Do you... know what could have happened to them?"

"I don't. Rumors and lies don't help either."

Spike nodded with understanding and sadness. "There's a lot of hidden secrets involving The Grand Emperor. I don't blame you."

Spike and Big Mac stared at each other for a while, before Spike asked one final question. "Big Mac... do you know where the Cutie Mark Crusaders are?" The small dragon's voice sounded nervous.

Big Mac didn't get angry at Spike for using his nickname because the question really got to him. "I-I gotta go... I have to get this cart back to the barn."

Spike look at Big Mac wide-eyed. "W-wait-"

"I don't think I can answer any more of your questions stranger. Please... leave me alone and run. Run far away from this place. There's no hope left in Equestria..." With that, Big Mac walked off, pulling the big cart towards his home.

The drake didn't know what to think. What could have possibly happened to make Big Mac act like that? It was so frightening seeing the usually calm red earth pony give out powerful emotions.

After he stared at Big Mac's shrinking form for a few minutes, Spike finally gave out a long sigh as he thought to himself. "I have to find out what happened... I have to dig deeper. You probably don't have hope Big Mac, but I can create hope for the ponies and other beings of Equestria." Spike turned and narrowed his eyes at Ponyville.

A couple of minutes later, Spike could be seen walking towards Carousel Boutique with his claws turned into tight fists. He stepped past two changelings who ignored him and came face to face with the purple door at the front. He didn't waste any time and forced the door open with a kick.

Inside, the shop was relatively organized. Spike had the layout of the shop basically plastered in his memories, working with a mare you loved did that to you, and he could tell no difference.

The drake rushed to the other rooms on the first floor with determination and concern, including the massive workroom. He found no pony and nothing out of the ordinary. He then went upstairs and checked the bedrooms, finding no signs of Rarity or Sweetie Belle. And finally, he left the most important room in the building for last, Rarity's inspiration room.

The room was a mess, like it always was, but Spike still made sure to check every corner and inch in the room. Sadly, he found nothing but a white cat.

"Wait a second..." Spike kneeled down and inspected the cat. "O-... Opal?"

The cat gave a small meow in response, and Spike couldn't believe it.

He barely recognized her. Her fur was a mess and had lost it's bright color, she looked tired and sick, and her body was a lot smaller than Spike remembered.

"You're starving!" Spike said in shock. He stared at Opal for a few seconds in terror, the cat's meows snapping him out of his trance. He immediately picked her up gently and activated his wings. He knew one place that could help. It looked like he was going to meet up with the Element of Kindness sooner than he thought. He extended his wings and prepared to take flight, but right before he took off, he opened a window with his magic.

Minutes later, Spike landed in front of Fluttershy's cottage. He stared at the front door for a few seconds nervously, dreading what has become of Fluttershy. Starlight and Shining were broken, snd Big Mac lost all hope. Spike didn't want to think about what he was going to see in mere minutes.

He didn't knock, as the door was unlocked. To be more precise, the door didn't have a lock anymore. It was blasted off.

His first steps inside were the most terrifying. It was silent for a cottage with dozens, maybe hundreds of animals living inside.

But the thing was Spike couldn't see any animals. Even if the room was dark Spike's dragon eyes were capable of seeing in low light. The room was empty, save for the all the furniture.

"It's going to be alright Opal, we'll get you some food very soon." Spike said in response to Opal's barely audible meow. The drake began his way towards the kitchen, only to be stopped by a little white bunny Spike recognized hopping around the corner.

"Angel?" Spike said in surprise. "Thank goodness, can you take me to Flutt-"


Spike took a step back, sweat dropping down his forehead.

Angel drew out a knife and aimed it at Spike, bloodlust in his eyes.

"A-Angel calm down! I'm not here to hurt you!"

Angel grit his teeth and glared at Spike, who still was in his cloak.

"Or Fluttershy! I swear! Believe me!"

The drake saw he had little time before things got dirty, Angel was about to jump towards him. He then remembered the weak cat in his arms. "Angel, please! You remember Opal, right?" Spike gestured to the cat he was holding.

Angel looked at the cat for a second with a raised eyebrow. After staring for a few seconds he returned his gaze to Spike with a, "Do you think I'm stupid?", look before steadying the knife at Spike again.

"Angel... Opal's starving. Guessing by how you're acting right now, you know how bad it is in Equestria. Rarity's been missing and Opal wasn't properly fed for who knows how long!" Spike said, soon changing his expression to a serious frown. "It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, this pet cat is dying and Fluttershy's the only pony I know that can handle this. Please take me to her."

Angel faltered a bit, gaining concern for the cat in the cloaked person's arms. He looked conflicted for a moment before looking at Spike and nodding his head towards the stairs that lead to the upper floor.

Relieved that Angel finally trusted him, Spike followed the bunny hopping up the stairs one by one, down the hallway and to Fluttershy's bedroom.

Angel knocked the door in a pattern; one knock, a pause, then three quick knocks.

The door opened a second later, revealing a big bear.

Harry the bear was confused at first, seeing a cloaked person carrying a white cat, but when Angel pointed to the bed with a serious look Harry let them pass.

There were animals everywhere inside the room, from mice to squirrels and even birds, all looking sad.

Then Spike looked to the bed. And sitting there in the shadows with her mane blocking her eyes, was Fluttershy.

Spike couldn't make a sound. He's seen Fluttershy scared before, everypony has. And they all knew she hid inside her cottage every Nightmare Night. But this was different.

Fluttershy was... empty. When Spike walked up to her and got a look, to his utter horror, at her hollow eyes, he took notice that they lacked any sign of life in them... lost nearly all of its color.

"F-Fluttershy..." Spike managed to breathe out in a low whisper.

Fluttershy's eyes snapped, looking directly at the cloaked figure now in front of her.

Spike visibly flinched back with wide eyes.

The two stared at each other for a minute, Spike getting more uncomfortable with each second passing.

The Prince gulped and knew he had to say something. He knew Fluttershy didn't have any drive to do anything, even something as simple as talking. What did the Grand Emperor do to her?

"H-hey Fluttershy." Spike finally greeted. "I'm happy you're okay."

Fluttershy didn't respond, instead she kept staring at Spike.

"I..." Spike realized he really didn't know what to say.

"Hey Fluttershy! I know you've experienced traumatic events, but can you stop sulking and come help me with a quick favour?" That definitely wasn't going to do anything good.

Spike gently walked over to the bed and set Opal on the soft mattress, if he wanted to help her then he would have to help Fluttershy first.

He then hopped onto the bed himself and sat next to Fluttershy. She either didn't notice, or just ignored him. Spike assumed the former.

Spike sat there with her for minutes, maybe an hour, maybe two, he couldn't tell. All the while trying to come up with something to say. He would have to be delicate.

He sighed. "Fluttershy, I know it hasn't been great for you... and I can't even imagine how you feel right now, but can we at least try to talk?"

Fluttershy just sat beside Spike quietly, not even paying him any attention.

"I can help you! I can help all of you and your friends! But I can't do that if you won't at least speak to me..." Spike said.

Wind blew from an open window, making Fluttershy's mane flow a for a moment. Spike waited about twenty seconds for any response.


Then, Fluttershy said something in a quiet voice. "Those poor fillies."

"Fillies?" Spike asked with a little shock. "What in Equestria... Does... this have anything to do with anypony I know?! S-Sweetie Belle?!

"They didn't deserve it... nor did he..."

"He? Who is he? Is it a stallion? A colt their age?"

"It's all our fault... we caused this..."


"If it wasn't for our stupidity..."

"Help me understand!"

"No one would be suffering..."


"Especially him... and her..."


"..." Fluttershy stopped talking, still staring at nothing in particular.

Spike stared at Fluttershy for a few seconds in the eyes, her hollow, dead eyes... before jumping up and wrapping her in a tight hug. "It's okay..." He said with a sob.

For the first time ever since Spike arrived, Fluttershy moved more than just her eyes and mouth. She wrapped her hooves around Spike and gently sobbed.

"It was all our fault... everyone suffered..." She said.

"Fluttershy, listen. I know you and your friends. Whatever occurred, I know for a fact you didn't want this to happen."

"Y-you don't understand-"

"Maybe I don't. But instead of looking at the past I'm looking towards the future... a better future."

They sat there on the bed, holding each other in a hug.

Eventually, however, the two separated and looked at each other. Spike took notice that Fluttershy's watery eyes had a little bit more life in them than before. A big improvement, Spike thought.

"T-... Thank you..." Fluttershy said quietly.

"I can't stand seeing someone like you so... broken."

Fluttershy nodded. "Who are you?" She said towards Spike in the cloak.

"I... can't tell you. I have to keep it a secret."

"Well, I know you're not the Grand Emperor at least. He wouldn't do anything like that..." She said with sadness.

Spike sighed, then gasped in worry when he remembered Opal. He turned around and reached over to pick up Rarity's pet. When Opal came into Fluttershy's view, all of sadness was deleted, replaced by concern.

She gasped. "Oh my! You poor thing!"

Spike smiled, seeing his friend acting normal, but it disappeared because there were more important matters. "Fluttershy, you have to help Opal! I found her in Carousel Boutique!"

"That's Opalescence? Oh dear, what happened to her?" Fluttershy said, nearly in tears.

"Given the... circumstances, no one was able to feed her while Rarity was missing. I was hoping you could get her back to normal health."

"Of course I will! She needs food this instant!" Fluttershy took the cat from Spike and dashed out of the room. The dragon ran after her and followed her to the kitchen.

"It should be right... here!"

After getting Opal some proper food, Fluttershy and Spike sat in the living room.

"I really don't think Fluttershy's the one to question. I don't want her to return to that depressed state ever again."

"So what are you going to do now?" Fluttershy asked.

"My friends and I are going to fix this world, we came from far away lands."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "You're going to take on the Grand Emperor?!"

"We have to. It's the only way to bring peace back to Equestria."

Fluttershy looked conflicted for a moment, before saying, "I see... Do what you have to do. And... save everyone." Save him.

Spike nodded. "Just stay here Fluttershy. If I come across any other hurt animals I'll bring them straight to you. If it's too much, I could get others to help. Can you do that for me?" He asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Of course. Just leave Opal and all the other animals to me!"

Spike smiled. "Thank you, Flutters."

Spike was walking back to Ponyville. Behind him, Fluttershy and several animals were watching him in the distance. "Whoever you are... good luck..."

One thing Fluttershy said repeated itself in Spike's mind. "Those poor fillies." He had to make sure... He had to.

He had to find out what happened...

And who suffered.

Fluttershy thought back to the past sadly as she watched the cloaked figure nearing the center of Ponyville.

It was like she was there again...

Fluttershy stood silently in the rain, she was in absolute horror as she stared at a filly.

A filly who had a claw pierced through her chest.

"N-no..." Someone beside her whimpered.

Fluttershy heard another mare scream in devastation, but all her focus was on the innocent young pony who was stabbed. Who was... dead.

The monster who did this stood behind her, under the rain and dark clouds. Its sharp and deadly claw was dripping with the filly's blood, the red liquid dripping to the floor off the tip of its claw making multiple small splats when it hit the dirt ground. Slowly, it took out its claw and grabbed the filly before she fell to the floor.

"This is what happens! Do you now realize you can't defeat me? Now I'd advise you to surrender before this happens again!" A stallion's voice echoed in Fluttershy's ears.

Fluttershy couldn't run, couldn't hide. She dropped to the ground and whimpered.

"Tell me... please tell me this is a dream... A horrible nightmare... Anypony... please..."

Fluttershy found tears falling down her cheeks as she stood in front of her house, the cloaked figure long gone. She quickly wiped them and said, "I can't cry now. I have to do my part..." With that, she went back inside with her animals.

Spike snapped his eyes open in shock. He was still walking straight, he walked past buildings hoping to find anyone else that he could possibly question.

"W-what was that? A dream? A vision? What did I just see, and why?" Spike asked himself with a horrified expression. "That was from Fluttershy's point of view, I'm sure of it. But the... the vision wasn't clear. And that monster! Who kills a filly?! Just who am I dealing with here?!" The drake found himself breathing heavily with sweat dropping from his forehead.

He knew that almost nobody had the information of who the Grand Emperor actually was. But Starlight Glimmer told him something very important, "There's only a few who know his identity, most of them vanished or is too broken to speak. We even question his gender sometimes even if he has a stallion's voice. He's a mystery that's hard to solve in every pony's minds."

Spike had to find the ones who knew. Twilight and Rarity vanished, along with the princesses and Discord, seeing as he never found them anywhere. Could this mean that the other Elements knew who the Grand Emperor was? If so, he had to find them.

But then Spike thought about his original theory. Starlight did say that many questioned the Grand Emperor's gender, as it was such a mystery of who he was... or as Spike thought, the Grand Emperor could be female. It could only mean one thing.


The Grand Emperor is strong, no doubt about that. But if she were female and could use magic, that means she could use spells. Voice changing spells have to exist.

Either that, or it was a changeling.


Spike growled. If it was her, he was going to kick her flank and make her wish she never became Queen of the Changelings, make her pay for what she's done.

And right when that came to his mind, Spike spotted a suspicious looking changeling standing beside a shop. Suspicious meaning the changeling was looking around anxiously as if someone was possibly watching him.

Little did the changeling know, Spike was above him on a rooftop in mere seconds thanks to a teleport spell. Because of this lack of information, the changeling began to run down a street. Spike followed closely.

Spike followed the changeling until the bug stopped in front of a shaddy-looking building, old and deserted with no door and just an empty doorframe. And Spike was about to head down and follow him inside but the changeling didn't go in. Instead, the changeling looked up directly at Spike with wide eyes.

"Horseapples!" Spike thought. "How did he notice me?!" The dragon stepped to the edge of the roof, jumping off in the air using his right leg and landing a bit closer to the changeling.

The magical bug yelped and started to run, Spike knew why.

"Stupid scary looking cloak!"

Spike chased after the changeling, and the sprint led them to the outskirts of Original Ponyville, the grasslands.

While sprinting, the changeling looked behind itself and gasped in shock when it noticed Spike right behind him. He made a sharp left and entered a small cave. Again, Spike followed him inside.

When Spike entered, the area was lit up from light in a hole at the back of the cave. It was... warm. He looked around but didn't see the changeling anywhere. "Odd... he had nowhere to run. He's probably in the-"

"Help!" A voice shouted, a male voice. "Please!"

Spike sprinted towards the voice and came to a stop right before the hole, which turned out to be a pit of lava. The changeling he was chasing was dangling from the edge, holding himself up using a rock sticking out of the ledge.

"Please help me, I can't pull myself up! I don't want to fall!"

Spike frowned and looked at him. "Do you think I'm that dumb? You have wings, fly out of there!"

"N-no, I can't! I can't use my wings-"

"Oh, I get it. You're trying to lead me to a trap so Chrysalis can get me. Not happening changeling!"

"What?! I'm serious! I'm going to fall if you don't help me!" The changeling said, genuine fear on his face and in his voice.

Spike glared at the changeling with cold eyes. "Then I'm sorry, I'm not falling for your tricks. That's how you almost took over Canterlot..."

The changeling watched with wide eyes and tears as Spike disappeared from the cliff. A second later, the rock he held onto broke off the ledge and sent him falling. "Goodbye cruel world..." He whispered to himself... only to be lifted up by green magic from the tail.

The changeling was brought up and was tossed to the cave entrance. He picked himself up and sat on his haunches, his heart beating rapidly. He stared at the cloaked figure before him. "You changed your mind? Why?"

Spike looked at the bug. "I don't know... maybe because if all the changelings are broken and depressed on the streets they wouldn't be here ambushing me?"

"True..." The changeling said with a nod.

"So you really can't fly?" Spike asked with a softer voice.

"No... I can't."


"Because I'm not permitted to. Only the weather management are, and even then it's only for a couple of hours."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

The changeling developed a miserable expression. "The Grand Emperor, he... he has a spell on all the flying creatures. It tells him when they fly and where they are... in any part of the world."

Spike's eyes widened. "Really!?"

The changeling nodded. "Yeah. He uses it so no one can escape by flying, even though I doubt anyone will try. They lost all hope." He shook his head. "It's also used for combat, where if the opponent tries to stealthily attack him in the air he'll know where they are. I... I didn't want to fly. I don't want to face him again..."

"So... this wasn't a trap? Chrysalis isn't here?"

"You really think Chrysalis is the Grand Emperor?"

"Well..." Spike said hesitantly, scratching the back of his head underneath the cloak. "She's a suspect in my head."

"Well, she's not. In fact, the Grand Emperor has her captured."

Spike looked at the changeling in shock. "What?"

The changeling nodded with sadness. "It's the reason all the changelings are so broken... We all relied on her, we were never really that independent. Without her or any leader, queen or king, we... the hive... the hive is nothing."

"R-right..." Spike began to feel sympathetic for the changeling. But was Chrysalis really a victim like the rest? For all he knew, she brought this on herself and all the changelings. The Prince could get some answers from this changeling in front of him, surely. "So... uh, what's your name?" Spike asked.

The changeling stared at Spike. "I'm Thorax." He stuck a hoof out and smiled. "Nice to meet you."

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