• Published 10th May 2015
  • 17,577 Views, 299 Comments

Season Spike - Haoryu Changer

Spike and Twilight have an argument and Spike runs off. Meanwhile, Equestria is in danger, Celestia is aware of it, and contacts Twilight and her friends.

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The Final Battle

Fight Theme:

Spike and Armak shot a blast at each other. The two magic attacks collided and made a wave of force.

Soon after, Spike and Armak flew over to each other and started their assault.

Spike tried two punches and a magic blast, but Armak dodged. Armak attempted a buck, but Spike blocked.

They continued on like this, delivering and receiving attacks. Neither one landed a direct hit.

"How do you like eighty percent?" Armak asked smiling.

"I'm still getting used to this magic thing. But eh, could be better." Spike shrugged.

Spike and Armak both flew back, stopping their barrage.

"Here Spike!" Scootaloo said as she tossed her scooter towards Spike.

"Huh?" Spike caught the scooter. "Good idea Scoots!"

Spike proceeded to jump on the scooter and used his wings to ride fast like Scootaloo does.

"Um...? Scootaloo? Where did you get that scooter from?" Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo shrugged.

Apple Bloom tilted her head in confusion.

Spike rode fast on the scooter, heading towards Armak with great speed.

Armak squinted his eyes. "Huh...? What's Spike on...?" Armak inspected some more and he soon widened his eyes, noticing Spike coming closer to him. "Uh-Oh."

Spike approached Armak, he flew up and used the scooter to hit Armak.

Armak screamed in pain. "You never said anything about weapons!"

"You still think this is a game? I'm trying to save Equestria!" Spike repeatedly kicked and hit Armak while in the air.

Armak grunted and blew Spike back with his magic, destroying the scooter in the process. "No more games! I will go full-out, and I WILL destroy you!" He shot a blast at Spike. It hit dead on his stomach which blasted him away.

Spike got blasted into Ponyville. He hit the ground hard and shaved the dirt. Miraculously, he didn't get injured badly.

When he stood up, he saw that he was in what was left of Sugarcube Corner. Some of the walls were destroyed, the furniture was ruined, and the food was all spilled.

A tear escaped his eye when he remembered what happened to the place. "I-I'm sorry Pinkie..."

Crystal World

"Spike..." Pinkie Pie didn't know what to say. Even though she forgot to invite him to her super-duper fun parties, he still cared about her.

Pony world

Spike noticed some spilled ingredients on the floor. He got an idea and used his magic to teleport some apples from the apple farm to him.

Crystal World

"Hey, those are our apples!" Granny Smith stated.

"Why's he using our apples?" Applejack said.

Pony World

Armak flew in front of the sugary building. "Spike, I know you're in there! Stop hiding and fight!"

In the bakery, Spike used his magic to use the leftover ingredients and apples to make some pies. The way he made them was in a conveyor belt type of way. The pie plates he grabbed moved across the room picking up the required ingredients. Once it reached him, he would bake the pies with his fire breath. It was faster and the oven was destroyed.

When several pies were made, Spike flew out Sugarcube Corner, bringing the pies with him using his magic, and met contact with Armak, who was standing in front of the entrance to the building.

"Here, eat this Armak!" Spike said as he threw the pies at Armak.

"What the-" Surprised, Armak didn't react fast enough and got hit by the pies. He was covered with the dessert. The whipped cream blinded his sight.

Spike charged a big magic blast in the air and shot it directly to Armak who couldn't dodge because he was blinded by the pies he was covered in. When the blast hit, it exploded on impact and Armak was sent tumbling backward. That had to hurt.

After Armak got up from the recent attack, he dissolved most of the pie on his body with his magic but some were still left on his cheeks.

He licked the pie off his face. "I have to admit Spike, you are an excellent cook, too bad your skills will be worth nothing once I obliterate you!" Armak teleported in front of Spike and knocked him away with his hoof. Spike was sent flying back.

He landed in a place very familiar to him, it was none other than the Carousel Boutique.

Spike sobbed and got up from his crash. He used his magic to bring some materials towards one of Rarity's mannequins. He started to design a dress with a teal blue skirt and an ice white collar. Spike then brought many gems towards the outfit. He covered the skirt completely with shiny ocean blue gems. Lastly, he put a specific, heart-shaped, fire ruby right below the collar. His dress was done.

"You learn from the best," Spike said to himself.


"Why is he hiding in there? He knows that I'm here." Armak started to charge his horn.

Crystal World

"Spikey..." Rarity was tearing up.

Many celebrities and ponies from Canterlot looked at the dress with astonishment. They were surprised to see a dragon making something so 'unique... fabulous... magnificent!' Most ponies were complimenting the dress, others were jealous.

Pony World

Spike flew out of Carousel Boutique, holding the dress with his magic. He met up with Armak once again.

He formed a bright green energy ball in his palm. The threw it upwards hitting the dress, but instead of being destroyed, the dress glowed the same green light.

The glow blinded Armak which stopped him from charging his horn, and Spike once again rushed him and attacked, sending a punch and magic blasts at Armak.

Armak waited for the right time, and when Spike stopped attacking he held him with his magic and threw him away.

Spike was tossed to Fluttershy's cottage. He landed in front of the doorstep.

Spike could hear Armak charging up an attack but suddenly the noise stopped. Spike looked up and saw all of his friend's pets trying to hold Armak back.

Gummy was attempting to bite Armak's head, of course, this proofed ineffective as he had no teeth. Opalescence was scratching his right front hoof. Tank was flying into Armak's head. Winona was holding his back hoofs, Angel was kicking his left hoof, and Owlowiscious was pecking his head.

"Guys..." Spike looked at his animal friends. "Y-You came... even after I traumatized you all?"

Crystal World

Twilight and the others all shouted their pet's names in shock.

Pony World

Armak blew the animals back with his magic, chuckling evilly. He then proceeded to fire at Owlowiscious who was flying in the air. The owl got hit and landed to the ground badly injured.

"No!" Spike teleported to the Owl and picked him up. He waved his claw over him. Green magic mist escaped Spike's claw and it healed the owl.

Owlowiscious opened his eyes slowly and looked up at Spike. He wrapped his wings around him, embracing him in a hug.

"Aww, don't worry about it. Now leave. All of you. I don't want you getting hurt."

Owlowiscious and the other pets went to take cover inside Fluttershy's Cottage.

Spike turned to Armak with a serious face and charged at him. He charged a blast in his palm and threw it at Armak.

Armak put up a barrier and blocked the attack. The blast made a smokescreen. "What a foolish attempt," Armak said, smiling.

Spike teleported behind Armak and knocked him back with his claw. Armak was sent flying through buildings.

When Armak recovered from the collision. He began to fire beams at Spike.

Spike flew fast and dodged the beams. He then approached Rainbow Dash's cloud, which didn't look anything like a home anymore.

"Ohhh, I'm so sorry Rainbow," Spike said shutting his eyes tight.

Spike had an idea, he flew around the cloud fast as Rainbow would, he transformed the cloud into a tall skyscraper. With a flick of his finger, he tilted the building and it was falling in Armak's direction.

Armak looked up and started screaming as the tall cloud fell on top of him.

As Armak was occupied, Spike flew away as Armak would continue firing beams when he got back up.

Spike landed, and in front of him was the Golden Oaks Library, his home.

Spike walked inside and tears started flowing down his cheeks when he saw the big mess. Books were everywhere, and the kitchen was a big mess. "I'm sorry Twilight." Spike sobbed. "I wasn't here for you when you needed me."

Crystal World

"Oh, Spike... I've put you through so much, and you still want to..." Twilight couldn't finish her sentence as she started to cry. Fluttershy helped her stay up. "I-I'm sorry Spike..."

Pony World

Spike used his magic and started to put the books back on the shelves, in order of course. It was a lot easier to do with magic. This took no more than twenty seconds, and once he was done, he went to the kitchen and started to wash the dishes. Again, it was easier, and faster with magic.

Spike noticed something across the library when he was done. There was something on the ground near the fireplace. Spike walked up to it and picked up the object.

It was a picture of Twilight and her friends.

Spike gripped the picture harder. "I'm doing this for all of you..." Spike put the picture back on top of the fireplace and teleported out the library. He met with Armak once again.

"Alright, Armak! This is it!"

"Yes! ...but one question?"

"I'm listening."

"I want to ask why? ...Why do you fight for them? After all they have done to you? You still care about them?" Armak looked at Spike straight in his emerald eyes. "I just don't get it. I've seen most of your memories Spike. I know what you've been through."

Spike stared back at Armak's black eyes. "Even if they don't care... Even if they don't appreciate... Even if they don't even love me! I'll still fight for them! It doesn't matter what happens to me. All that matters to me is my friends, and I won't give up until they're saved!"

Crystal World

"Oh Spike, we do! We do care and love you!" Twilight sobbed.

Pony World

Spike and Armak flew over to the wastelands and charged up. They were producing aura, Spike had green aura, and Armak had black.

They charged at each other. They were both attacking. Their claws and hoofs were colliding. With each collision, you could feel the energy in the air. It was a powerful force.

"This is for Fluttershy, the kindest pony I know!" Spike yelled as he punched Armak across the cheek, sending him flying.

Crystal World


Pony World

Spike teleported to where Armak was flying towards. "This is for Pinkie Pie, the pony who always makes me smile!" Spike knocked Armak towards the ground with a kick.

Crystal World

Pinkie Pie gasped. "I do?!"

Pony World

Spike teleported again to Armak's path. "This is for Rainbow Dash, the most loyal pony I've ever known!" Spike kicked Armak into the air once again.

Crystal World

"I'm not very loyal. Not to you Spike." Rainbow said to herself.

Pony World

Armak stopped himself and looked around, he couldn't see Spike anywhere.

All Armak heard was, "This is for Applejack, the most honest pony out there!" Before he got knocked down to the ground again with a blast to the back.

Crystal World

"Sure ah was honest, but not always..." Applejack said.

Pony World

Spike charged a blast in his palm. "This is for Rarity, the most generous pony I know!" Spike said as he threw the blast towards Armak. The blast made a direct hit.

Crystal World

"Oh Spikey, you've been more generous to me than I've ever been to you..." Rarity mumbled.

Pony World

Spike charged another blast in his palm and rushed Armak. "And this one's for Twilight, my sister!" Spike screamed as he put his claw to Armak's chest and fired.

Armak got sent flying back. "Okay, enough!" He charged his horn, and Spike started to inhale.

Armak then fired a big beam, and Spike replied by blowing his fire breath.

The dark magic beam and the dragon's fire collided. Armak proved strong but Spike did not let up.

"This is the end!" Armak said as he released some more magic.

Spike made one big inhale and blew some more fire to add to the flame. Armak's magic was losing.

"I won't let you!" Armak pushed Spike's fire back, they were even again.

Crystal World

"Hey, that's the same flame that saved us from that huge ice block at the Equestria Games!" One Crystal pony mentioned.

"Yeah! It is!" Another said.

The Crystal Ponies started chanting their hero's name once again, the other ponies followed.

Cadence Smiled.

"Spike, everypony is watching, they all love and care for you. You are fighting for what you love, and you will not stop until you win. That is what makes you special." Celestia said.

"Indeed." Luna agreed.

The Mane Six smiled.

"Go, Spike," Fluttershy whispered.

"You can do it!" Rarity said.

"We know you can!" Applejack said.

"Win this!" Rainbow Dash said.

"For us!" Pinkie Pie said.

"And all of Equestria!" Twilight finished.

Pony World

"GOOOO SPIKE!" The CMC said together.

Spike inhaled one last time, and blew his fire, pushing back Armak's beam. The fire then proceeded to make its way to Armak.

Armak grunted. "No! This can't happen to me! I hold all the Dark Magic! No being should be able to surpass me!" He looked at the fire heading towards him. "I hate irony! The monster I created came back to bite me."

"NOOOOOO!" Armak yelled as he got hit with the mass of fire.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Stay tuned!

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