• Published 10th May 2015
  • 17,577 Views, 299 Comments

Season Spike - Haoryu Changer

Spike and Twilight have an argument and Spike runs off. Meanwhile, Equestria is in danger, Celestia is aware of it, and contacts Twilight and her friends.

  • ...

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An Unreachable Power

Spike and Trixie charged at each other.

Trixie fired a spell at Spike, but he deflected it and fired his own.

She used her teleportation spell to dodge and teleported above Spike, and landed a direct magic blast to the head, creating a cloud of smoke.

She landed back down beside the smoke readying herself for another attack.

With a shout of fury, Spike burst out the smoke and tried to attack Trixie. She, however, had different plans and teleported out of the way before Spike could land a hit.

When she reappeared from the teleportation she immediately fired a blast from her horn.

Spike turned and couldn't react fast enough to dodge the magic attack.

After the blast hit its target, Trixie began to rapidly fire more blasts from her horn.

Spike tried to withstand his ground.

"Pure strength doesn't always win a fight. If I use strategy I could win. At least, until that other pony comes in and intervenes- No! Trixie must win. Trixie must end this madness."

After some more blasts and more smoke, Trixie stopped her barrage. She was breathing heavily.

After the smoke cleared, you could see that Spike was dazed for a second. He soon recovered and looked at where Trixie once was.

She pounced on him from behind and tried to hold him down. After Spike struggled a bit, Trixie lit up her horn and levitated him up off the ground just to slam him back down.

"This," Slam! "is for," Slam! "Equestria!" Slam! Slam! Slam!

She continued to do this for awhile until she thought Spike had enough.

She looked at the crater in front of her satisfied. "The Great and Powerful Trixie won't be done in by some weak dragon," She said in between breaths.

Soon, however, Spike picked himself back up.

Trixie reacted quickly and forced him back with her magic.

Spike got knocked back into a large rock. It looked like he was getting weaker. Trixie charged up her horn and fired a blast. Spike tried to repel the blast with his own, but it proved ineffective. Spike got sent flying back once again.

"This is for all of the destruction you have caused." Trixie ran up to Spike and punched his stomach with a magic encased hoof. Spike was holding his stomach in pain, he tried to hit Trixie, but she teleported behind him and knocked him down once again.

"See? Like I said before, you're weak."

"Hehe... Ha ha ha ha... Ha ha HA HA HA HA..." Spike and Armak started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Didn't you notice?" Spike asked.

"Notice what?"

"These scales are pretty cool armor."

"Wha... What?"

"Hehe, I was playing around with you this whole time. Heck, I didn't feel any of that just now."

Trixie was shocked to see that he was right. His body looked perfectly fine, not even a scratch.

Trixie was annoyed. "You were playing around?"

"You will now see, my power that you cannot reach." Spike moved so fast that it looked like he disappeared.

"What, where did he go?"

"I would look above you!" Armak shouted out.

Trixie looked above, and Spike was about to drop on her. Trixie teleported out of the way just in time to avoid Spike's hard drop.

"Well, if Armak never told you where I was, then I guess you'd be on the ground in pain. But at least, I get to have some more fun."

Trixie was still breathing heavily from the past magic usage. "Why? Why are you doing this? You were never like this!"

"Why? I'm doing this for my ultimate revenge against the ponies I once called my family and friends. They used me, and mistreated me."

"Then why all this? Don't you think I heard about the other main cities? You've destroyed them all!"

Spike started to chuckle.

"You don't care, you're a monster!" Trixie explained.

Trixie rushed up to Spike and started to deliver a lot of punches. Spike, however, blocked them and caught her hoofs. Spike then kneed her in the stomach and threw her away.

Trixie was on the ground in pain. She struggled to get up.

"I would stay on the ground if I were you."

"What? So you could terrorize Equestria some more?"

"Even though I dislike you, I don't want to waste my time."

"Then why waste time destroying everything."

Spike raised his claw and pointed his finger at Trixie. "I told you not to get up." Spike fired a beam at Trixie, and it blew up on impact.

Trixie collapsed but got back up eventually.

"You're so insistent, just give up, you lost."

"No, I won't just sit here and let you do whatever you want."

"Fine, just remember that I will show you the pain I will deal to Twilight later."

Trixie started to charge her horn. She was getting ready for a big attack. Trixie took a while to charge, and Spike just stood there and let her. After a minute, she pointed her horn at Spike. "This is for all of the ponies in Equestria! Take it!" Trixie fired her blast. It was really large compared to the other blasts so far. The blast was as big as Ponyville, luckily, she pointed away from Ponyville when she fired, to avoid destroying it. After the blast was over, there was smoke everywhere.

"D-Did I win?"

She gasped when she heard the laughter of the same drake she fired at. The smoke cleared and it revealed an unharmed Spike.

"B-but how? I put everything into that!" Trixie questioned herself.

"That was nothing compared to the pain I suffered. No one will understand, the pain I went through cannot be reached."

"I-I failed, my full power did nothing to him," Trixie said while falling unconscious.

"Hmph! Well, that didn't last that long." Spike said.

Armak walked over to Spike. "Well, her power is high above the average Unicorn. There is a possibility that she could become a threat later if we leave her here." Armak used his magic to summon a red crystal. Trixie turned into a dark mist entered the crystal like Discord and the others.

"Spike!" Somepony shouted in the distance.

Spike looked over and saw that it was Twilight, the rest of the Mane Six, and Princesses running towards him. Spike smiled.

Rainbow Dash was shocked. "S-So he doesn't have wings! How in Equestria did he get on Cloudsdale?!"

"Armak! We have come to stop you!" Twilight said as they stopped in their tracks.

Armak couldn't hold a laugh. "Do you know how many times I've heard that same sentence? And all the times they've failed!"

"Not this time! We won't fail, Equestria counts on it."

"Well Spike, I might have to step in on this one."

"Just leave them to me." Spike said referring to the Mane Six.

"I know, I will take on the Princesses."

Spike stood in front of the Mane Six, and Armak stood in front of the three Princesses and Shining Armor.

"We have to help Twily and the others," Shining said.

"I'm afraid not. They are the only ones capable of bringing the real Spike back." Celestia explained.

Spike grinned madly. "I've been waiting for this moment!" He began. "I will finally have my revenge!"

Twilight had to come up with a plan. "Girls! Distract Spike." She whispered.

"What? Why?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I need time to perform this spell. This "Original Reset" spell, makes the pony, or in this case, dragon, return to its original state. All spells are taken off of him, and I believe Spike will turn back to normal if I can hit him with it. So I need all of you to stall him because I need to concentrate a lot of magic to take off the powerful dark magic."

"If time's what you need, you got it." Rainbow Dash said.

The others nodded agreeing with Rainbow Dash.

"Let's go girls!" Applejack yelled out.

They all rushed Spike except Fluttershy who had the healing potion.

Once they were near, Spike blew them away with his magic.

Pinkie popped out from behind Spike. No pony could ever predict where she comes from, and Spike was no different. She pulled out a party cannon from Pinkie knows where, and fired it.

An actual canon ball came out of it instead of confetti and streamers.

Spike caught the ball, and thrashed it back at the cannon, destroying it. He then rushed to Pinkie Pie and punched her in the stomach. Pinkie was screaming and flying backwards high in the air.

Applejack twirled a rope from her tail and lassoed Spike, restricting his arms to his sides.

"Didn't you learn from last time?" Spike said, letting the rope tighten around him.

Applejack thought to herself. "If ah can hold down Spike, Twilight can hit him with that spell easily."

Spike took hold of the rope and pulled. This made Applejack hold the rope in her hooves and pull as well.

It was a game of tug-of-war.

Applejack was getting tugged slowly, grazing the dirt below her. He was too strong for her.

Soon enough, he made one big yank, and Applejack came flying towards him. Spike took hold of Applejack by the neck and kneed her in the stomach.

Rainbow Dash was coming from above. "I don't know about Cloudsdale, but you can't fly so being in the air is an advantage for me!"

"Oh really?" Flames appeared on Spike's back, and suddenly the flames formed dragon wings. They had the same design as his ears, but bigger.

Rainbow was shocked. "What!"

Spike dropped Applejack and flew up to kick Rainbow Dash in the gut. He then flew above the stunned pony and knocked her down to the surface with his elbow.

It was a hard impact, and it caused a little crater.

"How?! I never heard of a spell like this!" Rarity asked.

"Oh, this is not magic," Spike said while landing beside the hole the impact created. "These are my real wings, I can turn them on and off like a light bulb. It's great for strategies, on the ground I don't need them, they are basically in the way, so I turn them off, making me weigh less as well." Spike said as his wings disappeared in a flame.

"S-So that's how you were able to get to Cloudsdale," Rainbow said weakly.

"Yeah, it's pretty neat. Too bad. We could have raced." Spike picked up Rainbow with one claw by the neck and charged a blast in the other.

"Ah won't let ya." Applejack lassoed Spike's free claw.

"You don't learn." Spike pulled the rope and reeled Applejack in. He took hold of her as well.

"NO! Stop Spikey!" Rarity screamed as she ran towards Spike. She fired a magic blast at Spike through her horn.

Spike used his tail and gripped the blast with it. He squeezed the magic attack and it burst like a bubble.

"Heh, I didn't know you could fire blasts and beams as well, Rarity. You really can do anything to save your friends." If you were to look at Spike right now, you would see pure hatred. "Too bad you didn't do anything for me."

Spike dropped the two ponies he was holding and teleported. He appeared behind Rarity and elbowed her down to the ground, but before she landed on the ground he kicked her away. "Hmm? I wonder what Twilight and Fluttershy are doing."


"Um, Twilight are you done?" Fluttershy said as she was standing in front of Twilight as a pony shield.

"Just... a couple... more minutes." Twilight had a strained face and was sweating because of all the magic she was generating.

With Armak And The Princesses

Armak raised a dark shield and deleted another magic blast. "Looks like Spike's having fun over there," He said while chuckling.

"Pay attention to us, we're the ones you're facing," Luna replied.

Armak just simply laughed.

"Stop all of this Armak! Those ponies may be fighting for Equestria, but in reality, they are trying to save their closest friend." Celestia begged.

"Hmph, they brought this on themselves. They shouldn't have treated him the way they did."

Back To Spike And The Mane Three

Rainbow was on the ground injured. Applejack was beside Rainbow covering her. Pinkie was nowhere to be seen and Rarity was getting up from the last assault.

"So are we done yet? Come on! I want to play more." Spike said.

"I'll play with you!" Somepony said in their cheerful voice.

Spike turned around and saw Pinkie Pie coming from behind with a big cart full of pies and cakes. "Hope you don't mind Applejack, I borrowed some Apple Pies."

"P-Pinkie? Where did you get the cart, and how did you get all of that dessert so fast?" Rarity asked, bedaffled.

"Oh, thanks, Pinkie! I'll be sure to eat that after I'm done here. Is there any gems on those?" Spike said as a joke.

"Oops, sorry I forgot. Anyways, let's play the game!" Pinkie started to pick up and throw the pies and cakes. The first pie hit Spike's face and Pinkie started to laugh. Spike, however, got annoyed.

He dodged and blocked most of the desserts with his magic even taking some bites of it, but he was still covered in cake, cream, and icing.

"Oh, looks like you lost! I guess you're pretty mad huh?" Pinkie gave a nervous laugh knowing who Spike's next target is.

Spike used his magic and the dessert vanished.

As he was heading towards Pinkie Pie, Applejack looked over to Twilight. "Twi's still not ready. We need to buy a little more time." She then turned to Fluttershy. "Hey, Fluttershy! Get over here! Rainbow needs some of that potion!"

Spike had Pinkie in a head lock. "I'm going to break you," Spike squeezed Pinkie's neck. "like a chocolate bar."

"Mmmm, I like chocola-" Pinkie squeaked, and fell to the floor, eyes squinting shut in pain.

Spike looked over to the others and his eyes widened in shock when he saw that Rainbow was standing up. "She doesn't look damaged at all! But I saw her impact with the ground!"

Spike was, even more, frustrated. "It even looks like those two are feeling better as well. I'd better fix that." He said darkly.

"Thanks, Fluttershy," Rainbow said.

"You're welcome, but I think Spike is coming this way... WAIT? WHAT!" Fluttershy ran back to Twilight.

Spike growled and shook his fist in rage. "You just can't stay down! I don't know how all three of you recovered, but I know I won't go soft on you anymore! In the end, you'll all end up like Pinkie Pie." Spike pointed to Pinkie.

They all gasped.

"What did you do?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Heh, she's not getting up after that," Spike said satisfied.

The three huddled up.

"Okay, we need to get some of that potion to Pinkie Pie quickly! Rainbow and I will hold off Spike. Rarity, you go get some of the potion and give it to Pinkie, she only needs a drop of it to recover." Applejack planned.

Rarity and Rainbow nodded.

Rarity ran off to get the potion, and Rainbow took her stance next to Applejack.

"I don't know where you sent her, but whatever she does the result will be the same."

"And what's that?" Rainbow asked.

"All of you down on the ground pleading for forgiveness."

"We want your forgiveness, but not from who ya are now, Spike. We want the old Spike back." Applejack said.

"I am the 'old' Spike. I've always been Spike."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Not the Spike we know. The Spike we know would never do any of this." Rainbow Dash explained.

"But I am doing this. Right before your eyes. Or are you both blind?"

Rarity was with Fluttershy who had the potion, and they reached Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie, drink this, it's the potion," Fluttershy said as she poured a little bit of the potion in Pinkie's mouth. They both heard a gulp and Pinkie jumped up.

"Mmmmm! I don't know what that tasted like, but it was good!"

Spike rushed the two ponies who stood before him. He fake-punched and teleported behind the two.

He quickly used his tail to grab Rainbow by the neck and held her up. Applejack tried to hit Spike but failed when he dodged and grabbed her by the waist.

Spike slammed the ponies against one another and then on the ground. They were both in pain.

Spike looked behind him when he heard somepony yell. He was shocked to see Pinkie Pie perfectly fine hoping around. "W-WHAT?! How are they- Wait... When I saw Rainbow Dash mysteriously get up after her beatings I saw Fluttershy there for some reason... and now, I see Fluttershy right next to Pinkie... FLUTTERSHY!!!"

Fluttershy heard Spike yell her name out and she was terrified.

"Oh no! Spike must have seen Fluttershy with the potion! Pinkie, we have to protect Fluttershy!" Rarity said.

Spike teleported over to Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. "I don't know exactly what's happening, but now I'm going to focus on you, Fluttershy!"

"EEP!" Fluttershy was frightened.

"Stop Spike!" Pinkie and Rarity tried to say with hoofs out.

Spike quickly rushed up to Rarity and Pinkie and punched them in the stomach with a fire encased claw. With that one blow, they were both down. "Don't get in my way!"

It was only Fluttershy left. All of her friends were down, and Twilight was still occupied with the spell.

Armak The Princesses And The Prince

As Armak fired a beam at Celestia, who flew to the right to dodge, Cadence noticed the others' situation.

"We have to help her!" Cadence tried to run up to Fluttershy but was blocked by Armak's barrier. "Damn you!"

"'No one will interfere', remember? 'Only they can save Spike.'" Armak started laughing.

Cadence shot a beam at Armak, but he put a barrier over himself.

Back To Fluttershy

Fluttershy tried to run away, but Spike followed her. Every time she tried to hide Spike would find her. She hid behind rocks, but Spike would blast them away. There was no way out of this.

She couldn't feed the potion to any of her friends fast enough before Spike could get to her. She was by herself.

Soon enough, Fluttershy ran into the dreaded corner. Big rocks had cut her off from escaping.

"Nowhere to run huh, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy started to whimper under her hoofs.

Spike started to laugh. "It's over."

Spike was about to fire a blast, but then he saw Twilight behind him ready to fire her spell.

Twilight was glowing white. Sparks of what seemed magic encased her horn.

"Oh no! I totally forgot about Twilight!"

Twilight aimed her horn at Spike and fired the spell. Spike had nowhere to run, he was in the same corner as Fluttershy.

Spike stood wide-eyed, lost for words as he got hit with the Original Reset spell.

Author's Note:

Really enjoyed making this chapter, I loved the sad chapters too, but the action chapters are cool also.


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