• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 7,912 Views, 355 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 1 Becoming Popular - kitsy-chan

He went into the Everfree to prove himself a brave stallion. He would be a stallion amongst colts. He would be respected. He would be cursed and miserable. Welcome to Snails 1/2, a Ranma 1/2 spoof.

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Editor's Note

With this, ends the opening arc of Snails 1/2. How Escargot was born, and how Snails got into this situation.

With the closing of the first song, Becoming Popular, we now move on to book 2. Snails 1/2: The Perfect Stallion.

I hope you enjoy and have fun.

Comments ( 52 )

A Snails story without a Snips tag?

*briefly searches it* Basically without Snips at all?


6161503 Yeh it bugs snails too.. he keeps wanting to go play with snips but... the girls keep grabbing him.

Well I see that there are sequels so... hopefully eventually it will feature Snips.

Seems like it'd be missing some potential otherwise.

This is the first time I've actually seen anyone owning up to watching Ranma 1/2.
This is gonna be fun!

6161645 Huh, the more you know. And I love this shenanigan filled story.

6161689 yep, i finished the song becoming popular. all the rest of the lines are repeats... so on to the next song. The Perfect Stallion.

Yes each chapter title is a line form the song :)

Knowing the story sources, it may be better for his sanity to stay on the sidelines. Since otherwise he may end up as Escargot's groom.
Or Diamond Tiara's pet rhinoceros. :pinkiecrazy:

6168660 yeh, cuz we know no pony or human could ever make it through the cloud storage drive.

You might want to fix the description of the story it says sequel instead of prequel :twilightsmile:

6170153 Yeh that was a glitch in the way things show up.

prequel/sequel defaults to the same thing. Fixed it now.

As a fan of both MLP-FiM and Ranma, I applaud this effort. You don't try to make this story a mere pony version of the manga -- you give it some really unique elements.

If this were a clone story, there'd be a love dodecahedron and some even crazier hijinks involved, but you don't need it. Looking very much forward to future installments of the sequel.

If I have any criticism, it would be about the deer by the cursed pool. The stag really doesn't have to talk like the Jusenkyo guide for it to be funny, but that's your choice.

One question: How does Snips fit into all this? :trixieshiftright:


How does Snips fit into all this?

He's a dream, don't you see? Unreachable dream of perfect normal life. :raritystarry:
Wow, how <censored> Snails' life have to be in order for Snips to be a dream, eh? :raritycry:

6218350 She's also normally very good in putting herself above the sun. And generally fails at understanding what proper nobility is (can't blame her for that if she's looking at Canterlot nobles for an example).

I'll give it a shot. I'm a sucker for anything ranma 1/2, as it's what dragged me into fanfiction in the first place. I still don't know if I should kiss or kill the guy who told me about fanfiction.net... so many nights of lost sleep. :ajsleepy:

6407110 Spike does get a Whoa I ne... out... wo ai ne :).

6420957 There are different curses in Ranma's case. Some curses do have exact templates, the others represent only some trait/traits. For instance, Ranma's own curse is described only as "young girl" and only turns the cursed into a human female (also, probaly, about Ranma's age, but that's never specified since the only ones to have that curse is Ranma and Herb, who are of that age naturally). Spring of Drowned Man only turns the cursed into a human male and nothing else. Others may be more specific - like the curse of the black piglet turns the victim into a pig of certain color and age, or even more vague (Taro doesn't turn into literal assortments of animals drowned).
Also, why Celestia will know of a certain drowned filly? There are thousands, if not millions, of ponies in Equestria, and she's more than two thousand years old, so she won't remember every single one.

6422900 Unless she keeps records of certain incidents archived


Actually, it's kind of funny, Season 5 episode 18. Diamond T acts EXACTLY like she does in my story. She oversteps and figures she will automatically win because she's her and its her cutie mark.

6515756 I've actually never seen that.if that's the case, a ton of fanfictions are ignoring that.

Actually, they may be right in doing so. Wasn't Herb's female form different from Ranma's? In that case the author just contradicted herself.

6515045 You are psychic. We have established that long ago.

6515756 Rumiko's life goal is :trollestia:

6515781 Of course it was part of the curse - it won't be a curse otherwise. Any kind of water - remember that sneaky old lady with a ladle?

6516433 Ranma never was big on consistency. If we'll start to list all the times there's inconsistency in there here in comments, this site will collapse. :pinkiecrazy:

6517897 Yea, ranma tended to go by the "Status quo is god" thing from TV tropes.

Though not entirely bound to the trope, Ranma ½'s only means of advancing its story appear to have been introducing new characters, or having an existing character learn a new combat technique. Two of the story's main features, the relationships of the characters and the curses that some of them carried, remained set in stone despite the characters' many attempts to alter them one way or another. In fact, when the story got to the point where it had nowhere to go but to change, the series ended.

This story started with a single realization. The voice actor for both Snails and Ranma happened to be the same person.

The title caught me attention, this definitely caught my interest.

6683242 Hey, its 1/2 close calls and such are common.

OMG!!! BOOK 2, BOOK 2 BOOK 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6791683 Yep, was in the Manga. It was how Herb got his/her curse. He wanted to learn how to interact with a female, so he ducked a Monkey in the Girl spring. The Monkey paid him back by jumping out of the spring and kicking him in the back of the head, knocking him into the spring. The Monkey's cursed body looked Exactly like Ranma-chan.

6791726 my guess is with this without a human female version to look like, it chose the last form it had transformed someone into

6840635 There are several types of leather that might or could be used in Equestria. Most likely Fish leathers and snake leathers. Alligator leather might also be used.

Huh, thank you for showcasing a neat little fact I had no idea about with the VA's. And with that, to base a very neat premise on the whole idea of it? Sounds interesting, and one more to add to the read pile haha.

7084403 Taking bets, and laughing his tail off. "Oh this is to good, i didn't have to do a thing for this one."

Something I wanted to ask- Why wouldn't Celestia help the poor colt out? He's got the rough of it for sure.

7090597 very simply

Because he didn't ask for help.

he explained things, kinda, but didn't ask for the curse to be lifted. So she wasn't going to intercede past having her student keep an eye on him/her and help if he asked for it.

Of course this doesn't stop her from having a laugh at the whole situation. come on, we are talking about the princess who invited the mane 6 and discord to a formal ball... just for giggles.

Loved this story it is hilarious I'm a big fan of the Ranma 1/2 series and gave this a shot and I was right it was a great story, constantly loved how Snail's had to deal with all the unique troubles his curse provided.

6515854 Ahh, Nabiki Vs the King of Debt... Classic.

7292516 I hope your having fun with this slice of insanity :)

7292410 well if ranma 1/2 is anything to go by....nothing, if memory serves


darn squeekiebelle.

7403710 vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/1/1d/Raven_id_S3E1.png/revision/latest?cb=20140312045033
Raven, she's the pony that follows Celestia around with paperwork. We see her several times in the show as well as in the opening credits.

her card says she is one of celestia's most trusted aids.

7602941 I'm talking about screws. Doesn't his dad work in hardware?

7970758 Or was it. Snails its a powerful Telekinetic, trained and skilled well before seasons 6. LOL, Season 6, his barrel trick is just demonstrating his "Fundamentals training". Just wait till the snowball fight coming up :)

I have reviewed your work. Thank you for the effort you have put forth in writing this piece. :twilightsmile:


That was a very abrupt stop.

picture? sure, its the cover art for book 2 LOL

OK, my overall verdict... this is not a complete story arc. It's a first act. Therefore, for prose writing, you shouldn't have started a new volume here.

Your story arc is defined by your driving conflict and you end your volume when it's resolved... which also made me realize why this feels so frustrating, pacing-wise.

Initial impressions aside, by the time Volume 1 ended, my intuition was expecting Volume 1 to wrap up with his parents and Twilight finding out about the curse and his worries being assuaged. (Thus, making Volume 1's conflict a "Snails vs. the world" secret-keeping conflict.) Then, Volume 2's conflict would be touched off by his parents deciding that, cursed or not, an invitation to Celestia's school is the kind of thing only a fool turns down. (Thus, making Volume 2 a "Snails vs. schoolmates" conflict about finding a comfort zone.)

Yeah. While I still had fun reading, this is what I was expecting/hoping for (especially with Celestia finding out pretty early and her inviting her to the school.)

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