• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 7,911 Views, 355 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 1 Becoming Popular - kitsy-chan

He went into the Everfree to prove himself a brave stallion. He would be a stallion amongst colts. He would be respected. He would be cursed and miserable. Welcome to Snails 1/2, a Ranma 1/2 spoof.

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Part 5: The Type of Pony.

Part 5

“You will be treated to a day at Celestia’s favorite spa, including the very best hot bath treatments, access to the hot tub, mane washings, hoof treatments and more.”

“H…h…hot baths…” Escargot whimpered.

“Yes, with Celestia herself. Food and drinks will be available.”

Escargot gulped. This wasn’t happening; this couldn’t be happening. He had to escape.

“The train will be leaving at 8 AM. Don’t be late- we don’t want to have to send the royal guard searching for you.” Raven said, and cheerfully trotted back to the station.

Snails ½ The type of Pony

“Princess Escargot, is there anyone you want to invite on your tour of the castle?” Twilight asked, smiling down at the filly.

“Can the Cutie Mark Crusaders join me? And why not bring Noi, Dinky, and Diamond Tiara? They worked every bit as hard as I did, if not harder.”

“I will not take handouts.” Diamond Tiara said, storming off to see her father.

“Well, just Noi and Dinky then.” Escargot said.

Smiling brightly, Twilight nodded, “Well, if you want to share your special time with all of them, let’s go.”

Dinky and Noi hugged Escargot, tightly crying against her.

“I did it again didn’t I? I said something wrong.”

“I think you just made friends.” Twilight said as she walked into the castle.

Looking back at the clock, Escargot gulped nervously. His mom was going to kill him if he was late for dinner. What else could go wrong?

“This is my new library. My friends and I moved what books could be salvaged from the Golden Oaks here, but, sadly, we had to make do with some replacements.” Twilight said, “Here you can find anything from history books to cures for curses.”

“Cures?” Both of Escargot’s ears shot up.

“Yes Princess, but you have to know exactly what curse is affecting the person. The wrong cure can do more harm than good.” Twilight said as she led them to the dining room.

Gulping once again, Escargot wondered just how much more damage could be caused.

“This is the throne room where the Elements meet.” Twilight said.

“EEE! That’s my sister’s chair!” Sweetie Belle said, scampering onto the throne.

“Oh cool, Dash sits there!” Scootaloo zipped across and sat down pretending to be Dash.

Apple Bloom laughed and hopped into Apple Jack’s chair, “Look’et me, I’m the element of honesty.”

Dinky and Noi sat and watched the CMC’s sit in their hero’s thrones.

Scuffing her hoof, Escargot sighed, then gently pushed Dinky towards Pinkie Pie’s throne. “For the joy and laughter you bring your mom, I think you should sit there.” Then looking at Noi he nosed her once to Fluttershy’s. “Kindness and caring is in your heart.”

The two girls squeed and took their seats, looking proud.

Escargot felt herself lifted by magic and placed in Twilight’s chair. “Well, since you demonstrate the magic of friendship, you sit there. SPIKE! OH SPIKE!”

A moment later, Spike came in, wheeling a large cart with an array of nachos, cakes, and other assorted treats on it.

While the girls talked about the contest and Diamond Tiara’s striking resemblance to an ogre, Escargot simply sat quietly.

“What is on your mind, Princess?” Twilight asked gently.

“I’m not really a princess, and I’m worried my mom’s going to be mad at me for being late.” He said.

“Oh, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind knowing you were here with me. Who’s your mom? I’ll talk to her.”

Opening her mouth, Escargot blinked, closing it again. He couldn’t give her mom’s name and get away with it. He supposed he’d just have to deal with it when he got home.

“It’s ok, I can explain it.” He said smiling.

Spike tripped, dropping a cream cake against Escargot’s side, leaving a big splotch on her coat.

“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry Princess! Here, let me get some hot water to wash it off.”

“NO!” Escargot looked panicked. “I mean- no, I can do it myself. Where’s your bathroom?”

“I’ll show you.” Spike said, leading the way.

Walking into the bathroom, Escargot was amazed at how big it was. It was the size of their living room and kitchen combined. He quickly found the sink: a large water basin with 2 long knobs. Leaning over, he turned on the hot water.

There was an explosion, and hot water went everywhere! On the plus side, his coat was now clean, on the other hoof, it was his coat, not Escargot’s. He desperately tried to turn it off, but the knob was stuck.

“Princess, are you ok in there?”

“Umm, I’m fine!” Snails said, desperately trying to shut it off.

“Is there something wrong with your voice?”

“Come on, come on, turn off, Celestia please turn off.” Snails said.

“Hang on a sec, I’m getting Twilight.”

“Oh no, oh no, oh no…” Looking around terrified, Snails was in full panic mode. If she walked in and saw him like this… He’d end up in a cage in the dungeon. Or worse, banished. He couldn’t get banished, he was too young for that.

Looking around again, he dove into the shower, turning on the cold water just as the door opened.

Walking in, Twilight blinked and quickly shut off the sink. Searching a bit, she found Escargot sitting in the shower shivering. Turning off the water quickly, she wrapped a towel round Escargot. “Oh I’m sorry, what happened?”

“The hot water broke and it was so hot, I couldn’t turn it off, and I didn’t want to get burned so I hid in here.” He looked up at Twilight sadly. He didn’t want to lie, and it was mostly true anyways.

“Well, I guess you girls have had enough excitement for one day. Remember Princess, 8 AM, bright and early.”

Nodding slowly, Escargot made a break for it as soon as he was out of the castle. He had to get away from the girls if he was going to find a safe place to change. Skidding to a stop in town, he realized something: cold water was easy, but where was he going to get hot water? Hot water, hot water…

Looking around, he saw Sugarcube Corner. A light bulb went on above his head, a sure sign it was getting late in the evening. He ran into Sugarcube Corner, skidding to a stop at the counter.

“Oh hello there, little Princess.” Mrs. Cake said happily. “What can I get you?”

“I need an extra extra-large tea to go please, for my mom.”

“That will be 2 bits please.”

Realizing he didn’t have any money as Escargot, he sighed. “Sorry, I left it at home.”

“Oh don’t worry about it hon. Here you go.”

Smiling brightly, he took the tea and headed out. Finally, something was working right for a change. Just before he was home, he dumped the tea on his head, hoping it was enough to change.

Looking down he saw his coat color shift back to normal and sighed. Stashing the crown in the bushes and giving one last shake to be dry. He opened the door calling out, “I’m home mo….”

Looking sternly at him his mother slowly held up the dress. “You have some explaining to do little colt.”

Gulping Snails looked at the dress with growing realization. He was doomed. His mom knew it now… what was he going to do…

“You stole this from the pageant didn’t you?” She scowled. “I saw the filly wearing this.”

Blinking Snails opened his mouth to defend himself, but how? There was just nothing he could say.

“Go to your room. I’ll contact the princess and have this dress returned tomorrow.” She said firmly. “And you are NOT to leave your room for any reason.”

Walking into his bedroom, he sat in shock. And now he was grounded… that means the town guard would be after him. This was chaos incarnate.