• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 7,911 Views, 355 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 1 Becoming Popular - kitsy-chan

He went into the Everfree to prove himself a brave stallion. He would be a stallion amongst colts. He would be respected. He would be cursed and miserable. Welcome to Snails 1/2, a Ranma 1/2 spoof.

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Part 2: The Girl on the Go

Part 2

Running from tymberwolves seemed easy now in comparison. Snails made his way to the edge of town. It was already getting dark, so he had a chance. He could slip home unnoticed easily. There wouldn’t be an issue then; he’d be safe.

With just his muzzle showing, he looked towards the town. Just one hoof in front of the other. He thought, it shouldn’t be hard. No pony is around, and if they see me, they probably won’t think about it.

Snails ½ The Girl on the Go

“Hi there!” Scootaloo chirped happily, startling him and sending him jumping right out into the open, shivering.

“Aww, you scared her.” Sweetie Belle said. “And I told you the shortcut would work.”

“Yeh, I almost got my tail chewed off.” Scoots picked up the rear and wiggled her tail, looking back at it.

“I told you two, don’t use the Everfree this week. It’s zap apple week.” Apple Bloom said trotting up to the 3 girls. Apparently Scoots and Belle found somepony else in the Everfree.

“Yeh, but it’s the fastest way to your farm.” Scoots said. “And at least we got the pink paint for Granny.”

“Yer new around here.” Looking back to the new filly, Apple Bloom tilted her head. “Wow, you’re a blank flank too!”

“I… I guess.” Snails said, looking at his flank and gulping.

“Cool! We have a new member for the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

“It’ll be so great! We can do all sort of things!” Sweetie Belle said.

Looking around quick Snails make break for it, “I’ve gotta go. It’s getting late.”

“Wait!” Scoots said.

Watching her run, the 3 girls looked at each other, then started chasing her. They couldn’t let a young filly wander around alone. It wasn’t safe.

As Snails ducked around the corner of the Apple’s Farmhouse, he was broadsided by a huge gout of hot water gushing from their kitchen. The shock and impact made him tumble to the ground as he heard Granny inside.

“Dag Nabit, the water needs to be sung to longer. It just doesn’t smell right.”

He looked at his forelegs, and saw he was a colt again. Standing up quickly, he ran in a circle trying to make sure he was all there.

Scootaloo skidded to a stop and blinked. “Where’d she go?”

Apple Bloom sat down grumbling, “We didn’t get her name.”

Snails blinked and looked at the girls.

“Did you see where she went to?” Scootaloo asked Snails.

“Umm, who?” Snails tried to play innocent.

“The pretty peach colored filly.” Apple Bloom said.

“She looked like a princess, just without wings.” Scoots said.

“I really liked her mane.” Everypony just looked at Sweetie Belle when she said that.

“It’s late and mom wants me home early.” Snails said.

“Are you going to help with the zap apples tomorrow?” Apple Bloom asked tilting her head.

Zap apples, the bet, he lost his zap apple. With a full facehoof Snails groaned. “Maybe, if mom says I have time.”

Turning, he headed towards the town. It wasn’t a problem now. He was safe: no monsters, no tymberwolves. He found himself relaxing as he entered Ponyville.

Trotting down the streets, he finally saw his house. Everything was easy from here on in, just walk in the front door. Nothing out of the ordinary. Everything was normal. His parents would never find out.

Cold water covered him as the sound of the sprinklers went off. Looking down at his forelegs he groaned and saw the peach fur return. Well, the front door was off limits now. He needed to find another way in.

Groaning, Snails opened his bedroom window and dove inside. It was a little work to get through, but once in, he tumbled to the floor.

“Snails, is that you? Are you done playing with Snips?”

Opening his door he looked around and gulped once, “Umm, yes mom.”

“Snails, is something wrong with your voice?”

Diving into the bathroom he quickly turned on the shower to hot and got in the water. It was a touch too hot, but it seemed to work: the new colors washed out, and his old color washed back in. Finally he was back to male, and safe.

“How was your day Snails?”

“It was ok mom.”

“Did anything interesting happen?”

Thinking back Snails shook his head as he dried off. “Nope, boring day.”

How could he tell his mom? It was horrible.

Heading to his room he looked at some of his old story books fairy tales.

Sitting down, he found one other story of a pony cursed to change forms. He lay down and began to read about it…

“And for her safety, she was locked away in the highest tower in the farthest keep, protected by a giant dragon.” Shivering snails wondered if that would be his face if his parents or other adults found out… would he be locked away?

He curled up and fell asleep.


“Derpy, we are going to need every pegasi this summer for help with weather work.”

The mailmare saluted, “Yes ma’am. What do you need me to do?”

“Practice rain making on a small scale: little clouds at first.”

“I’ll get started right away. Don’t worry, I won’t mess this up.” Derpy said with pride.

“Just don’t do it during the festival. Whatever you do Derpy, don’t dump a cloud on the princess.”

“You can count on me.” Turning, the mare flew out, filled with pride. They needed her, and she wouldn’t fail them.


“Snails, oh Snails, wake up!”

Snails rolled out of bed. Maybe last night was just a bad memory. Looking down at his foreleg he sighed. Yep, still orange. Standing, he trotted out into the hall and down to the dining room.

Looking down, his mom shook her head. “Have breakfast first, but afterwards I want you to get dressed up. Remember, the Princess is coming for the celebration today.”

“But mom, I didn’t have to get dressed for the last few celebrations.”

“Well the princess wasn’t there for those.” His mom said firmly. It wasn’t actually possible for Princess Celestia to show up to every single celebration in Ponyville. As it was, there was probably one every week and twice as many on special occasions.

After his cereal and toast, he headed back into his room. Dressed up meant, of course, his white shirt and dark blue jacket. He hated getting dressed up. The hardest part was making sure the buttons all lined up properly. Finally, he trotted down and sat for his mother to inspect him.

Walking around him 3 times, his mother made sure his jacket was lint free, not wrinkled, and, of course, on properly before nodding. “Perfect. Now head to the town hall, I will meet you there in about 10 minutes. And no playing along the way.”

“Yes mom.”

Trotting out, he looked around. Ponies were already gathering. There were balloons, and the main street was a mess. His best option at this point was one of the side streets. Turning, he started following one of the curving streets.

He was just passing Carousel Boutique when he noticed it getting dark. Glancing up, he saw the rain coming down fast. In less than a second, he was drenched. His forelegs had turned back to a peach color again. Shaking himself out, he groaned and looked up. Over the rim of the cloud, Derpy looked down, “Oops, my bad. Sorry, I was moving the cloud and… hit it a little too hard.”

He still had more than enough time to get home, have a hot shower and get back in time for the celebration. Turning he went to run when he felt himself get wrapped in magic.

“Oh dear, you poor, poor thing. Look at you, you look absolutely atrocious. Derpy, you really need to be more careful.” Rarity looked mournfully at Snails.

Oh no, not Rarity. Any pony but Rarity. Wiggling his forehooves, he tried to run, but was stuck. She was not letting go, and was looking at him in a weird way.

“And that outfit, it is just not proper for such a pretty young filly. Come inside, I’ll fix you up, free of charge.” Turning she trotted inside the boutique.

Had it been any other town, this might have looked suspicious, or got the attention of the town guard, but this was Ponyville; the weirdness capital of all of Equestria. So the drag marks leading into the front door of a shop was not the strangest thing to see.

Once inside, Rarity’s magic was shockingly fast. Before he could even protest, she had his mane and tail dried, brushed, and styled. The pink and purple mane flowed and sparkled around his neck. Next was the dress.

It took several tries before she settled on a very light grey (or was that light blue?) dress. Snails never could tell colors very well, and this one was extremely tough. It was soft and light, with a heavier, dark blue sash that went down either side of the flank and came up to meet in a bow over his back. The dress also had matching blue sleeves and collar. A series of pale white fabric roses under the neck, and a silver rose clasp in the mane behind her ear finished off the look.

“Oh there you go, perfect! You will definitely be the belle of the ball.” She stated, proud of her work.

“But…” Snails tried to protest.

“No buts about it. Don’t worry, its free. Just remember: if anyone asks, it’s an original, call it Rarity's Belle Princesse.”

Nosing the young filly out the door Rarity looked on with pride.

Snails found himself looking at the crowds. There was no time now. He was doomed.