• Published 4th Jun 2015
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Snails 1/2: Vol 1 Becoming Popular - kitsy-chan

He went into the Everfree to prove himself a brave stallion. He would be a stallion amongst colts. He would be respected. He would be cursed and miserable. Welcome to Snails 1/2, a Ranma 1/2 spoof.

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Part 8: My Approving Glance

Part 8

“My store!” The store clerk said.

“The horror!” A customer yelled as she ran out into the street.

“Who is going to pay for all of this!?” The manager said, sitting in shock.

“It’s all ruined!”

Snails ½ My Approving Glance

“First off in Canterlot; a stop at the exclusive La Licorne. Founded nearly 300 years ago, this store has been at the forefront of Canterlot fashion and the go-to place for the upper crust for countless years.”

Rarity couldn’t help but squee in excitement: this was the BEST shop in the city. All too often you needed to book an appointment months ahead simply to visit.

“Oh, you are just going to love this place darling.” Rarity said, pulling Escargot along.

“But you made my dress.” Escargot said.

“Yes, and it’s perfect, but you need more than one outfit! I simply cannot allow you to walk around in the same ensemble for the next few days, and besides, this is a chance for both of us to see the best fashions this season.”

“Aren’t yours the best fashions?”

“‘Are yours not’, or ‘are not yours’ would be better way of wording that, dear. While mine are featured across Equestria, it is always nice to see what customers in other cities want.” Rarity said with pride.

The store was much larger than Rarity’s, but it had to be. Inside, there were massive rows of stock: clothing for mares and stallions, colts and fillies, all lined up with basic demonstration ponykins.

“Each outfit is custom made, and fit for the pony in question. Every measurement is taken so the dresses can fit exquisitely.” The store clerk welcomed them in with pride.

“All of our stock is haute couture, of course.” The store manager said, adjusting his monocle.

Looking to Rarity for help, but finding none, Escargot realized he was in the worst place ever: Rarity’s Fashion Boot Camp, and Rarity herself was the drill sergeant.

Quickly, Escargot found himself dragged around the store, being told one thing after another. He was quizzed on clothing parts and accessories, shown different types of shoes and boots, and measured in ways and places he didn’t think a tape measure belonged.

Raven smiled, “This is Princess Escargot, the Harvest Princess from Ponyville. She will be attending Celestia tonight.”

“Oh I see. Would the little miss like a new gown that goes with her crown?”

Gulping, Escargot looked up at Rarity for help. Hopefully Rarity would take offense and not-

“Oh, that would be simply fabulous! Perhaps two dresses: one for walking around the castle, and another for the event itself?” Rarity said, “One can never have too many dresses.”

“Or not.” Snails mumbled and sighed.

The staff worked at a whirlwind pace: they quickly extricated Escargot from Rarity’s dress and hung it up for a light cleaning. Next came the trying on of dresses, and it began with several different day dresses and hats.

Escargot looked around for some escape, but there was none. Sun dresses, day dresses, spring and summer styles. An array of accents to her colors were tried before the staff settled on the perfect combination for her excursion dress.

Breathing anxiously, Escargot looked up at Rarity, “Are we done?”

“Oh heavens no, we still need your gown dear!”

It all began again, with different combinations and colors. Several times, dresses were pulled so tight Snails couldn’t breathe. At long last, the final choices were made, with Rarity’s firm nod of approval. “Perfect! Now we can rest a moment and chat.”

Sitting down, Rarity quickly explained how they were producing the dresses for Escargot. “That large kettle is a steamer. It’s used in some cases to loosen fabrics or clean fabrics, but it can also be used with leather products.”

Escargot was beginning to think he was developing a phobia of hot water. As quickly as equinely possible, he put as much distance between him and the kettle as he could.

A jingle at the door signaled the entrance of a new customer. Glancing curiously, Escargot saw Diamond Tiara enter. Her head was held high, and her father walked besides her, flaunting his bulging money pouch.

“What is SHE doing here?” Diamond sneered. “She’s a common pony.”

Smiling, Raven looked down, “As the winner of the crown, she is getting 2 new dresses made for her, courtesy of the Princess.”

Stomping over to Escargot, Diamond glowered at her, “You should NOT have won that contest. It was mine, and I WILL make you pay.”

Flinching, Escargot lowered her head submissively. He didn’t want Diamond mad at him. None of this was his fault “I’m sorry Diamond Tiara, I didn’t mean to. It’s not my fault I’m prettier than you.”

Diamond Tiara flushed a fiery red and stormed back to her father.

“Daddy, I want 3, no 4 of the best dresses they can make. A proper lady can NEVER have too many dresses.”

“Yes, dear.” He said, and waited for the staff to serve them. The problem was, with the 2 dresses for the Princess taking priority, there were no staff currently available to make Diamond one.

The staff continued at their frenetic pace, and when the first was done, they presented it to Escargot. It was both simple and elegant: a light dress with matching hat designed for walking around Canterlot, with a pair of low boots for her front legs and a tail ribbon.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Escargot just kept asking herself: When will it end, what has become of me? I went into the forest to prove I was a stallion, and now look at me.

“Perfect.” Rarity said, smiling.

“That dress is some of our best work.” The manager said proudly, and hung the dress up.

“Um, why am I not wearing that?” Escargot asked looking to Rarity.

“Because they still need you for the fittings on the gown, silly.”

Sitting down once again, Escargot gazed into the middle distance as Rarity went on about fashion. Time and time again, she would quiz Escargot on things, but his poor little brain was never meant for this sort of thing.

Finally, they brought out the second dress: a pure ball dress fit for the Grand Galloping Gala. It was sophisticated, yet it allowed a range of motion suitable for dancing. The gown fit perfectly on her and accented her mane. A set of golden hoof boots, much like Celestia’s, were also prepared.

Watching himself in the mirror, he really did look like a princess now. (Minus the wings, of course.) It was hopeless: there wasn’t a shred of stallionly dignity left that he could think of. The only thought that echoed through his head was the sound of Snips keeling over in peals of laughter.

Speaking of dying, Diamond Tiara was dying of impatience. Things were taking far too long by her standards. Pacing, she stormed back and forth.

“Daddy, make them hurry up.” Diamond seethed.

“I’m sorry dear, but they are busy. You must wait your turn."

Snarling, Diamond lashed out. She’d had ENOUGH. With a swift kick of her hind leg, she knocked over one of the larger ponykins.

Escargot had just finished getting out of the gown and hanging it up, when the ponykin hit the stove and burst into flames.

Somepony screamed as the kettle hit the ground and sent a shower of hot water flying through the air.

In pure horror, Snails felt the water hit, covering him completely. A terrible, end of the world feeling washed over him, filling him with dread and despair.

Rarity acted quickly: using her magic, she picked up and popped open 2 umbrellas, holding one over where she sat, and the second over the clothing.

Only a fraction of a second after the hot water hit him, the sprinklers went off, drenching him in cold water, and the store with him. Well, all except for Rarity, and of course the dresses she had shielded. Rarity had to save the dresses after all.

Standing up, she picked up the dresses, holding them close under the umbrella to protect all 3 of them, then cheerfully trotted out of the store. “Come on Escargot, the dresses are safe, we can dry you off outside.” Then louder, to the manager, “Thank you! And good luck!”

“It’s all ruined! All of it!” The manager said, sitting, stunned, in the downpour of the sprinklers.